! !$Author: jhudd@weru.ksu.edu $ !$Date: 2008-08-27 09:26:46 -0500 (Wed, 27 Aug 2008) $ !$Revision: 2009-7-24 by Jin Gao !$HeadURL: https://svn.weru.ksu.edu/weru/weps1/trunk/weps.src/main/getwin.for $ ! subroutine getwin(cwd,cwm,cwy) ! ***************************************************************** wjr ! reads wingen file into common blocks and supplies wingen data to main ! ! Edit History ! 09-Mar-99 wjr created include 'p1werm.inc' include 'file.fi' include 'w1wind.inc' include 'm1flag.inc' include 'command.inc' ! + + + LOCAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'main/w1win.inc' ! + + + Arguments + + + integer cwd,cwm,cwy ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer dayidx integer maxday character header*80 logical wrnflg integer ioc integer i !local loop index integer, dimension(1) :: tmp_hrmax ! tmp array real tmp_array(24) ! tmp array for hrly ws character winfil *128 ! + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + logical isleap integer dayear, lstday data dayidx /0/ data wrnflg /.true./ winfil = 'c:/usr/test_erosion/test1/win_gen.win' call fopenk(luiwin, winfil, 'old') ! open wingen file ! This code added to re-initialize the reading of a windgen file ! following the "initialization" phase. It is triggered if the ! day (cwd) passed to the subroutine is set to zero - LEW if (cwd == 0) then dayidx = 0 rewind luiwin return endif ! skip header if (dayidx.ne.0) goto 40 rewind luiwin 10 do 20 dayidx=1,7 read(luiwin,*,err=9000) header ! 1010 format (a80) 20 continue ! read data from win_gen.win file ! Check wind_gen_fmt_flag (determine input data file format) 40 if (wind_gen_fmt_flag == 1) then ! original wind_gen file format read(luiwin, *, iostat=ioc) wwd(dayidx), wwm(dayidx), & & wwy(dayidx), wwadir(dayidx), wwudmx(dayidx), & & wwudmn(dayidx), wwhrmx(dayidx) ! write(6,*) wwd(dayidx), wwm(dayidx), ! & wwy(dayidx), wwadir(dayidx), wwudmx(dayidx), ! & wwudmn(dayidx), wwhrmx(dayidx) else ! wind_gen2 file format read(luiwin, *, iostat=ioc) wwd(dayidx), wwm(dayidx), & & wwy(dayidx), wwadir(dayidx), & & (wawu(i,dayidx), i=1,24) end if ! write(6,*) wwd(dayidx), wwm(dayidx), & ! & wwy(dayidx), wwadir(dayidx), & ! & (wawu(i,dayidx), i=1,24) ! reading line by line to check the matched date if ((wwd(dayidx) .ne. cwd) .or. (wwm(dayidx) .ne. cwm) .or. & & (wwy(dayidx) .ne. cwy)) then goto 40 else if (wind_gen_fmt_flag .ne. 1) then if (wind_max_flag == 1) then ! Cap winds greater than specified maximum do i = 1, 24 if (wawu(i,dayidx) > wind_max_value) then wawu(i,dayidx) = wind_max_value end if end do end if !compute the total wind energy for the day twe(dayidx) = 0.0 do i = 1, 24 twe(dayidx) = twe(dayidx) + & & 0.5*(wawu(i,dayidx)**3.0)*3600.0/1000.0 end do !compute the average wind speed to generate ! the total wind energy for the day ! (this is not the same as daily average wind speed) wewudav(dayidx) = (twe(dayidx)/24.0) * 2.0 * 1000.0/3600.0 wewudav(dayidx) = (wewudav(dayidx))**(1.0/3.0) ! write(6,*) 'ave wind speed (for twe):', wewudav(dayidx) !populate the global subdaily (hrly for now) wind speed array do i = 1, 24 awu(i) = wawu(i,dayidx) end do ! Determine the "old" variable values needed within the model ! Some of these may not be 100% correct, but they are the best ! have come up with for the time being. do i = 1, 24 tmp_array(i) = wawu(i,dayidx) end do ! write(6,*) 'tmp_array() array: ',(tmp_array(i), i=1,24) tmp_hrmax = maxloc(tmp_array) wwhrmx(dayidx) = tmp_hrmax(1) wawudav(dayidx) = sum(tmp_array)/24 wwudmx(dayidx) = maxval(tmp_array) wwudmn(dayidx) = wwudmx(dayidx) - sum(tmp_array)/24 end if ioc=0 ! Check wind_gen_fmt_flag (determine input data file format) ! write(6,*) wwd(dayidx), wwm(dayidx), & ! & wwy(dayidx), wwadir(dayidx), & ! & (wawu(i,dayidx), i=1,24) if (wind_max_flag == 1) then ! Cap winds greater than specified maximum do i = 1, 24 if (wawu(i,dayidx) > wind_max_value) then wawu(i,dayidx) = wind_max_value end if end do end if !compute the total wind energy for the day twe(dayidx) = 0.0 do i = 1, 24 twe(dayidx) = twe(dayidx) + & & 0.5*(wawu(i,dayidx)**3.0)*3600.0/1000.0 end do !compute the average wind speed to generate ! the total wind energy for the day ! (this is not the same as daily average wind speed) wewudav(dayidx) = (twe(dayidx)/24.0) * 2.0 * 1000.0/3600.0 wewudav(dayidx) = (wewudav(dayidx))**(1.0/3.0) ! write(6,*) 'ave wind speed (for twe):', wewudav(dayidx) !populate the global subdaily (hrly for now) wind speed array do i = 1, 24 awu(i) = wawu(i,dayidx) end do ! Determine the "old" variable values needed within the model ! Some of these may not be 100% correct, but they are the best ! have come up with for the time being. do i = 1, 24 tmp_array(i) = wawu(i,dayidx) end do dayidx = 1 end if ! write(6,*) 'tmp_array() array: ',(tmp_array(i), i=1,24) tmp_hrmax = maxloc(tmp_array) wwhrmx(dayidx) = tmp_hrmax(1) wawudav(dayidx) = sum(tmp_array)/24 wwudmx(dayidx) = maxval(tmp_array) wwudmn(dayidx) = wwudmx(dayidx) - sum(tmp_array)/24 if (ioc .eq. -1) then !We have a failure reading the file !check if only one 365 day year in wind_gen file, etc. if (dayidx == 366) then !Since we are short, we will set the 366th day values !to the last day values read in wwd(dayidx) = wwd(dayidx-1) !This should let us know what we did wwm(dayidx) = wwm(dayidx-1) wwy(dayidx) = wwy(dayidx-1) wwadir(dayidx) = wwadir(dayidx-1) wwudmx(dayidx) = wwudmx(dayidx-1) wwudmn(dayidx) = wwudmn(dayidx-1) wwhrmx(dayidx) = wwhrmx(dayidx-1) write(6,*) & & 'WEPS thinks it is a leap year and Windgen does not.' write(6,*) & & 'So we just reuse day 365 out of the Windgen file.' ! write(6,2030) !print heading ! write(6,2040) !print added Windgen day ! & dayidx, wmd(dayidx), wmm(dayidx), wmy(dayidx) ! write(6,2050) !print WEPS date ! & dayear(lstday(ccm,ccy),12,ccy),lstday(ccm,ccy),12,ccy else if ((cwd .eq. 1) .and. (cwm .eq. 1)) then rewind luiwin write(6,2030) !print heading !print added Windgen day write(6,2040) & & dayidx, wwd(dayidx), wwm(dayidx), wwy(dayidx) goto 10 else goto 9001 endif endif 30 continue ! dayidx = 1 if (wrnflg) then if ((wwd(dayidx) .ne. cwd) .or. (wwm(dayidx) .ne. cwm) .or. & & (wwy(dayidx) .ne. cwy)) then write (*,2010) 2010 format (' warning !',28x,' day month year') write (6,2020) cwd, cwm, cwy, & & wwd(dayidx), wwm(dayidx), wwy(dayidx) 2020 format (' current simulation date - ',i2,9x,i2, & & 8x,i4,/,' does not match current WINDGEN date - ',i2,9x, & & i2,8x,i4,/) wrnflg = .false. endif endif 2030 format (' warning !',12x, & & ' day-of-year day month year') 2040 format (' current WINDGEN date - ', & & i3,9x,i2,9x,i2,8x,i4) 2050 format (' current WEPS date - ', & & i3,9x,i2,9x,i2,8x,i4) 2060 format ( ' is beyond the end of file - ', & & 'rewinding to top of WINDGEN file',/) awadir = wwadir(dayidx) awudmx = wwudmx(dayidx) awudmn = wwudmn(dayidx) awhrmx = wwhrmx(dayidx) if (wind_gen_fmt_flag == 1) then ! original wind_gen file format awudav = (awudmx + awudmn) / 2. else ! wind_gen2 file format awudav = wawudav(dayidx) do i = 1,24 awu(i) = wawu(i,dayidx) end do endif dayidx = dayidx + 1 write(*,*)'Wind info', awadir,awudmx,awudmn,awhrmx,awudav return ! ! error returns and stops ! 9000 write(0,*) 'Unexpected error in wingen header' call exit(1) 9001 write(0,*) 'Unexpected error reading wingen file day ', dayidx call exit(1) end