!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ ! This common block contains the variables used in the MANAGEMENT ! process subprograms. ! Parameter include files required: p1werm.inc ! + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer prcode character*30 prname real ospeed, odir, ostdspeed, ominspeed, omaxspeed real tdepth, ti, tstddepth, tmindepth, tmaxdepth integer tlayer, trdflg real imprs real fracarea integer bioflg integer cropno character*80 cropname character*80 amdname common / till / ospeed, odir, ostdspeed, ominspeed, omaxspeed, & & tdepth, tlayer, ti, & & tstddepth, tmindepth, tmaxdepth, & & trdflg, imprs common / bio / bioflg, fracarea common / mproc / cropno, cropname common / mproc1 / prcode, prname common / mproc2 / amdname ! + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! cropno - number that identifies the crop to be grown ! fracarea - fraction of area tilled (not implement but field?) (m*m) ! tdepth - tillage depth (mm) ! trdflg - tillage ridge flag ! imprs - implement ridge spacing (can be used to set row spacing) ! ospeed - operation speed (m/s) ! odir - operation direction (degrees from NORTH)