!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ ! module m_fsm ! use m_buffer use m_dictionary use m_charset use m_entities use m_elstack private type, public :: fsm_t ! ! Contains information about the "finite state machine" ! Some of the components (marked *) could at this point be made into ! saved module variables. ! ! integer :: state integer :: context integer :: nbrackets !* integer :: nlts !* character(len=1) :: quote_char !* type(buffer_t) :: buffer !* type(buffer_t) :: element_name type(dictionary_t) :: attributes type(buffer_t) :: pcdata type(elstack_t) :: element_stack logical :: root_element_seen type(buffer_t) :: root_element_name character(len=150) :: action logical :: debug end type fsm_t public :: init_fsm, reset_fsm, evolve_fsm ! ! State parameters ! integer, parameter, public :: ERROR = -1 integer, parameter, public :: INIT = 1 integer, parameter, private :: START_TAG_MARKER = 2 integer, parameter, private :: END_TAG_MARKER = 3 integer, parameter, private :: IN_NAME = 4 integer, parameter, private :: WHITESPACE_IN_TAG = 5 integer, parameter, private :: IN_PCDATA = 6 integer, parameter, private :: SINGLETAG_MARKER = 7 integer, parameter, private :: CLOSINGTAG_MARKER = 8 integer, parameter, private :: IN_COMMENT = 9 integer, parameter, private :: IN_ATT_NAME = 10 integer, parameter, private :: IN_ATT_VALUE = 11 integer, parameter, private :: EQUAL = 12 integer, parameter, private :: SPACE_AFTER_EQUAL = 13 integer, parameter, private :: SPACE_BEFORE_EQUAL = 14 integer, parameter, private :: START_QUOTE = 15 integer, parameter, private :: END_QUOTE = 16 integer, parameter, private :: BANG = 17 integer, parameter, private :: BANG_HYPHEN = 18 integer, parameter, private :: ONE_HYPHEN = 19 integer, parameter, private :: TWO_HYPHEN = 20 integer, parameter, private :: QUESTION_MARK = 21 integer, parameter, private :: START_XML_DECLARATION = 22 integer, parameter, private :: IN_SGML_DECLARATION = 23 integer, parameter, private :: IN_CDATA_SECTION = 24 integer, parameter, private :: ONE_BRACKET = 25 integer, parameter, private :: TWO_BRACKET = 26 integer, parameter, private :: CDATA_PREAMBLE = 27 integer, parameter, private :: IN_PCDATA_AT_EOL = 30 ! ! Context parameters ! integer, parameter, public :: OPENING_TAG = 100 integer, parameter, public :: CLOSING_TAG = 110 integer, parameter, public :: SINGLE_TAG = 120 integer, parameter, public :: COMMENT_TAG = 130 integer, parameter, public :: XML_DECLARATION_TAG = 140 integer, parameter, public :: SGML_DECLARATION_TAG = 150 integer, parameter, public :: CDATA_SECTION_TAG = 160 integer, parameter, public :: NULL_CONTEXT = 200 ! ! Signal parameters ! integer, parameter, public :: QUIET = 1000 integer, parameter, public :: END_OF_TAG = 1100 integer, parameter, public :: CHUNK_OF_PCDATA = 1200 integer, parameter, public :: EXCEPTION = 1500 CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------ ! Initialize once and for all the derived types (Fortran90 restriction) ! subroutine init_fsm(fx) type(fsm_t), intent(inout) :: fx fx%state = INIT call setup_xml_charsets() fx%context = NULL_CONTEXT call init_elstack(fx%element_stack) fx%root_element_seen = .false. fx%debug = .false. fx%action = "" call init_buffer(fx%buffer) call init_buffer(fx%element_name) call init_buffer(fx%pcdata) call init_buffer(fx%root_element_name) call init_dict(fx%attributes) end subroutine init_fsm !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine reset_fsm(fx) type(fsm_t), intent(inout) :: fx fx%state = INIT call setup_xml_charsets() fx%context = NULL_CONTEXT call reset_elstack(fx%element_stack) fx%action = "" fx%root_element_seen = .false. call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) call reset_buffer(fx%element_name) call reset_buffer(fx%pcdata) call reset_buffer(fx%root_element_name) call reset_dict(fx%attributes) end subroutine reset_fsm !------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine evolve_fsm(fx,c,signal) ! ! Finite-state machine evolution rules for XML parsing. ! type(fsm_t), intent(inout) :: fx ! Internal state character(len=1), intent(in) :: c integer, intent(out) :: signal ! ! Reset signal ! signal = QUIET ! if (.not. (c .in. valid_chars)) then ! ! Let it pass (in case the underlying encoding is UTF-8) ! But this chars in a name will cause havoc ! ! signal = EXCEPTION ! fx%state = ERROR ! fx%action = trim("Not a valid character in simple encoding: "//c) ! RETURN endif select case(fx%state) case (INIT) if (c == "<") then fx%state = START_TAG_MARKER if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Starting tag") else if (c == ">") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Ending tag without being in one!") else if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Reading garbage chars") endif case (START_TAG_MARKER) if (c == ">") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Tag empty!") else if (c == "<") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Double opening of tag!!") else if (c == "/") then fx%state = CLOSINGTAG_MARKER if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Starting endtag: ") fx%context = CLOSING_TAG else if (c == "?") then fx%state = START_XML_DECLARATION if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Starting XML declaration ") fx%context = XML_DECLARATION_TAG else if (c == "!") then fx%state = BANG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Saw ! -- comment or SGML declaration expected...") else if (c .in. whitespace) then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Cannot have whitespace after <") else if (c .in. initial_name_chars) then fx%context = OPENING_TAG fx%state = IN_NAME call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Starting to read name in tag") else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Illegal initial character for name") endif case (BANG) if (c == "-") then fx%state = BANG_HYPHEN if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Almost ready to start comment ") else if (c .in. uppercase_chars) then fx%state = IN_SGML_DECLARATION fx%nlts = 0 fx%nbrackets = 0 if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("SGML declaration ") fx%context = SGML_DECLARATION_TAG call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) else if (c == "[") then fx%state = CDATA_PREAMBLE if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Declaration with [ ") fx%context = CDATA_SECTION_TAG else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Wrong character after ! ") endif case (CDATA_PREAMBLE) ! We assume a CDATA[ is forthcoming, we do not check if (c == "[") then fx%state = IN_CDATA_SECTION if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("About to start reading CDATA contents") else if (c == "]") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Unexpected ] in CDATA preamble") else if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Reading CDATA preamble") endif case (IN_CDATA_SECTION) if (c == "]") then fx%state = ONE_BRACKET if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Saw a ] in CDATA section") else call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Reading contents of CDATA section") endif case (ONE_BRACKET) if (c == "]") then fx%state = TWO_BRACKET if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Maybe finish a CDATA section") else fx%state = IN_CDATA_SECTION call add_to_buffer("]",fx%buffer) if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Continue reading contents of CDATA section") endif case (TWO_BRACKET) if (c == ">") then fx%state = END_TAG_MARKER signal = END_OF_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("End of CDATA section") fx%pcdata = fx%buffer ! Not quite the same behavior ! as pcdata... (not filtered) call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) else fx%state = IN_CDATA_SECTION call add_to_buffer("]",fx%buffer) if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Continue reading contents of CDATA section") endif case (IN_SGML_DECLARATION) if (c == "<") then fx%nlts = fx%nlts + 1 call add_to_buffer("<",fx%buffer) fx%action = "Read an intermediate < in SGML declaration" else if (c == "[") then fx%nbrackets = fx%nbrackets + 1 call add_to_buffer("[",fx%buffer) fx%action = "Read a [ in SGML declaration" else if (c == "]") then fx%nbrackets = fx%nbrackets - 1 call add_to_buffer("]",fx%buffer) fx%action = "Read a ] in SGML declaration" else if (c == ">") then if (fx%nlts == 0) then if (fx%nbrackets == 0) then fx%state = END_TAG_MARKER signal = END_OF_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Ending SGML declaration tag") fx%pcdata = fx%buffer ! Same behavior as pcdata call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Unmatched ] in SGML declaration") endif else fx%nlts = fx%nlts -1 call add_to_buffer(">",fx%buffer) fx%action = "Read an intermediate > in SGML declaration" endif else if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Keep reading SGML declaration") call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) endif case (BANG_HYPHEN) if (c == "-") then fx%state = IN_COMMENT fx%context = COMMENT_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("In comment ") else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Wrong character after ") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Closing tag empty!") else if (c == "<") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Double opening of closing tag!!") else if (c == "/") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Syntax error (") then fx%state = END_TAG_MARKER signal = END_OF_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Ending tag") ! call set_element_name(fx%buffer,fx%element) fx%element_name = fx%buffer call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) call reset_dict(fx%attributes) else if (c == "/") then if (fx%context /= OPENING_TAG) then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Single tag did not open as start tag") else fx%state = SINGLETAG_MARKER fx%context = SINGLE_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Almost ending single tag") ! call set_element_name(fx%buffer,fx%element) fx%element_name = fx%buffer call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) call reset_dict(fx%attributes) endif else if (c .in. whitespace) then fx%state = WHITESPACE_IN_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Ending name chars") ! call set_element_name(fx%buffer,fx%element) fx%element_name = fx%buffer call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) call reset_dict(fx%attributes) else if (c .in. name_chars) then if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Reading name chars in tag") call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Illegal character for name") endif case (IN_ATT_NAME) if (c == "<") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Starting tag within tag") else if (c == ">") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Ending tag in the middle of an attribute") else if (c == "/") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Ending tag in the middle of an attribute") else if (c .in. whitespace) then fx%state = SPACE_BEFORE_EQUAL if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Whitespace after attr. name (specs?)") call add_key_to_dict(fx%buffer,fx%attributes) call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) else if ( c == "=" ) then fx%state = EQUAL if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("End of attr. name") call add_key_to_dict(fx%buffer,fx%attributes) call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) else if (c .in. name_chars) then if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Reading attribute name chars") call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Illegal character for attribute name") endif case (EQUAL) if ( (c == """") .or. (c == "'") ) then fx%state = START_QUOTE if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Found beginning quote") fx%quote_char = c else if (c .in. whitespace) then fx%state = SPACE_AFTER_EQUAL if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Whitespace after equal sign...") else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Must use quotes for attribute values") endif case (SPACE_BEFORE_EQUAL) if ( c == "=" ) then fx%state = EQUAL if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Equal sign") else if (c .in. whitespace) then if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("More whitespace before equal sign...") else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Must use equal sign for attribute values") endif case (SPACE_AFTER_EQUAL) if ( c == "=" ) then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Duplicate Equal sign") else if (c .in. whitespace) then if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("More whitespace after equal sign...") else if ( (c == """") .or. (c == "'") ) then fx%state = START_QUOTE fx%quote_char = c if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Found beginning quote") else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Must use quotes for attribute values") endif case (START_QUOTE) if (c == fx%quote_char) then fx%state = END_QUOTE if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Emtpy attribute value...") call add_value_to_dict(fx%buffer,fx%attributes) call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) else if (c == "<") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Attribute value cannot contain <") else ! actually allowed chars in att values... Specs: No "<" fx%state = IN_ATT_VALUE if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Starting to read attribute value") call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) endif case (IN_ATT_VALUE) if (c == fx%quote_char) then fx%state = END_QUOTE if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("End of attribute value") call add_value_to_dict(fx%buffer,fx%attributes) call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) else if (c == "<") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Attribute value cannot contain <") else if ( (c == char(10)) ) then fx%state = ERROR ! ! Aparently other whitespace is allowed... ! fx%action = ("No newline allowed in attr. value (specs?)") else ! all other chars allowed in attr value if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Reading attribute value chars") call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) endif case (END_QUOTE) if ((c == """") .or. (c == "'")) then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Duplicate end quote") else if (c .in. whitespace) then fx%state = WHITESPACE_IN_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Space in between attributes or to end of tag") else if (c == "<") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Starting tag within tag") else if (c == ">") then if (fx%context == XML_DECLARATION_TAG) then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = "End of XML declaration without ?" else fx%state = END_TAG_MARKER signal = END_OF_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Ending tag after some attributes") endif else if (c == "/") then if (fx%context /= OPENING_TAG) then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Single tag did not open as start tag") else fx%state = SINGLETAG_MARKER fx%context = SINGLE_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Almost ending single tag after some attributes") endif else if (c == "?") then if (fx%context /= XML_DECLARATION_TAG) then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = "Wrong lone ? in tag" else fx%state = QUESTION_MARK if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("About to end XML declaration") endif else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Must have some whitespace after att. value") endif case (WHITESPACE_IN_TAG) if ( c .in. whitespace) then if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Reading whitespace in tag") else if (c == "<") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Starting tag within tag") else if (c == ">") then if (fx%context == XML_DECLARATION_TAG) then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = "End of XML declaration without ?" else fx%state = END_TAG_MARKER signal = END_OF_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("End whitespace in tag") endif else if (c == "/") then if (fx%context /= OPENING_TAG) then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Single tag did not open as start tag") else fx%state = SINGLETAG_MARKER fx%context = SINGLE_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("End whitespace in single tag") endif else if (c .in. initial_name_chars) then fx%state = IN_ATT_NAME if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Starting Attribute name in tag") call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) else if (c == "?") then if (fx%context /= XML_DECLARATION_TAG) then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = "Wrong lone ? in tag" else fx%state = QUESTION_MARK if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("About to end XML declaration after whitespace") endif else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Illegal initial character for attribute") endif case (QUESTION_MARK) if (c == ">") then fx%state = END_TAG_MARKER signal = END_OF_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("End of XML declaration tag") else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = "No > after ? in XML declaration tag" endif case (IN_COMMENT) ! ! End of comment is "-->", and ">" can appear inside comments ! if (c == "-") then fx%state = ONE_HYPHEN if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Saw - in Comment") else if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Reading comment") call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) endif case (ONE_HYPHEN) if (c == "-") then fx%state = TWO_HYPHEN if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("About to end comment") else fx%state = IN_COMMENT if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Keep reading comment after -: ") call add_to_buffer("-",fx%buffer) call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) endif case (TWO_HYPHEN) if (c == ">") then fx%state = END_TAG_MARKER signal = END_OF_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("End of Comment") fx%pcdata = fx%buffer ! Same behavior as pcdata call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Cannot have -- in comment") endif case (SINGLETAG_MARKER) if (c == ">") then fx%state = END_TAG_MARKER signal = END_OF_TAG if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Ending tag") ! We have to call begin_element AND end_element else fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Wrong ending of single tag") endif case (IN_PCDATA) if (c == "<") then fx%state = START_TAG_MARKER signal = CHUNK_OF_PCDATA if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("End of pcdata -- Starting tag") fx%pcdata = fx%buffer call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) else if (c == ">") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Ending tag without starting it!") else if (c == char(10)) then fx%state = IN_PCDATA_AT_EOL signal = CHUNK_OF_PCDATA if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Resetting PCDATA buffer at newline") call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) fx%pcdata = fx%buffer call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) else call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Reading chars outside tags") ! ! Check whether we are close to the end of the buffer. ! If so, make a chunk and reset the buffer if (c .in. whitespace) then if (buffer_nearly_full(fx%buffer)) then signal = CHUNK_OF_PCDATA if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Resetting almost full PCDATA buffer") fx%pcdata = fx%buffer call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) endif endif endif case (IN_PCDATA_AT_EOL) ! ! Avoid triggering an extra pcdata event ! if (c == "<") then fx%state = START_TAG_MARKER if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("No more pcdata after eol-- Starting tag") else if (c == ">") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Ending tag without starting it!") else if (c == char(10)) then fx%state = IN_PCDATA_AT_EOL signal = CHUNK_OF_PCDATA if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Resetting PCDATA buffer at repeated newline") call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) fx%pcdata = fx%buffer call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) else fx%state = IN_PCDATA call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Reading chars outside tags") ! ! Check whether we are close to the end of the buffer. ! If so, make a chunk and reset the buffer if (c .in. whitespace) then if (buffer_nearly_full(fx%buffer)) then signal = CHUNK_OF_PCDATA if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Resetting almost full PCDATA buffer") fx%pcdata = fx%buffer call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) endif endif endif case (END_TAG_MARKER) ! if (c == "<") then fx%state = START_TAG_MARKER if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("Starting tag") else if (c == ">") then fx%state = ERROR fx%action = ("Double ending of tag!") ! ! We should make this whitespace in general (maybe not? ! how about indentation in text chunks?) ! See specs. ! else if (c == char(10)) then ! Ignoring LF after end of tag is probably non standard... if (fx%debug) & fx%action = ("---------Discarding newline after end of tag") !!! New code for full compliance ! fx%state = IN_PCDATA_AT_EOL ! call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) ! if (fx%debug) & ! fx%action = ("Found LF after end of tag. Emitting PCDATA event") ! signal = CHUNK_OF_PCDATA ! fx%pcdata = fx%buffer ! call reset_buffer(fx%buffer) else fx%state = IN_PCDATA call add_to_buffer(c,fx%buffer) if (fx%debug) fx%action = ("End of Tag. Starting to read PCDATA") endif case (ERROR) stop "Cannot continue after parsing errors!" end select if (fx%state == ERROR) signal = EXCEPTION end subroutine evolve_fsm end module m_fsm