Sod installation O 00 op_notes0 Enter Operation notes here op_devnotes0 Enter dev notes here. G 03 gcropname no crop P 51 rowflag 1 rowspac 0.0 rowridge 0 plantpop 0.0 dmaxshoot 1.0 cbaflag 0 tgtyield 1 cbafact 1.00 cyrafact 1.00 hyldflag 1 hyldunits unknown hyldwater 0.0 hyconfact 1 idc -1 grf 0.00 ck 0.00 hui0 0.00 hmx 0.0 growdepth 0.000 rdmx 0.0 tbas 0.0 topt 0.0 thudf 0 dtm 1 thum 0.0 frsx1 0.0 frsx2 0.0 frsy1 0.00 frsy2 0.00 verndel 0.000 bceff 0.0 a_lf 0.0000 b_lf 0.0000 c_lf 0.0000 d_lf 0.0000 a_rp 0.0000 b_rp 0.0000 c_rp 0.0000 d_rp 0.0000 a_ht 0.0000 b_ht 0.0000 ssaa 0.00 ssab 0.00 sla 0.0 huie 0.00 transf 0 diammax 1.000 storeinit 0.0 mshoot 0.0 leafstem 0.0 fshoot 0.00 leaf2stor 0.00 stem2stor 0.00 stor2stor 0.00 rbc 5 standdk 0.0133 surfdk 0.0133 burieddk 0.0133 rootdk 0.0133 stemnodk 0.169 stemdia 0.005 thrddys 17.1 covfact 6.5 resevapa 0.0 resevapb 1.0 yield_coefficient 0.0 residue_intercept 0.0 regrow_location 0.0 noparam3 0.0 noparam2 0.0 noparam1 0.0 crop_notes This operation is used in an established perennial grass pasture to initialize growth. It is NOT to be used to for establishing a new crop. It will call in a crop, select only a pernnial. It can be placed in the dormant period just before the first season of growth. Fred Fox, ARS added some hard code to WEPS to limit how much root growth perennial grass accumulates. 6-23-11 MAS