Process: Resurfae Buried Biomass (P 26)
This process specifies the degree to which buried residue are brought back to the surface. There are "re-surfacing coefficients" specified for each type of "residue," on the basis of its "toughness/size." The five types of residue classes are specified under Flatten Standing Biomass. Its parameters are:
- Mass Resurfaced (Fragile Residue)
- Fraction of Fragile Residue resurfaced.
- Mass Resurfaced (Moderately Tough Residue)
- Fraction of Moderately Tough Residue resurfaced.
- Mass Resurfaced (Non-Fragile/Large Residue)
- Fraction of Non-Fragile/Large Residue resurfaced.
- Mass Resurfaced (Woody Residue)
- Fraction of Woody Residue resurfaced.
- Mass Resurfaced (Small Stones/Gravel)
- Fraction of Small Stones/Gravel resurfaced.