manure, mod. bedding plantpop 0.0 dmaxshoot 1.0 cbaflag 0 tgtyield 0.0 cbafact 1.0 cyrafact 1.0 hyldflag 0 hyldunits lbs/ac hyldwater 0.0 hyconfact 1.0 idc 0 grf 0.0 ck 0.0 hui0 0.0 hmx 0.0 growdepth 0.0 rdmx 0.0 tbas 0.0 topt 0.0 thudf 0 dtm 0 thum 0.0 frsx1 0.0 frsx2 0.0 frsy1 0.0 frsy2 0.0 verndel 0.0 bceff 0.0 a_lf 0.0 b_lf 0.0 c_lf 0.0 d_lf 0.0 a_rp 0.0 b_rp 0.0 c_rp 0.0 d_rp 0.0 a_ht 0.0 b_ht 0.0 ssaa 0.0 ssab 0.0 sla 0.0 huie 0.0 transf 0 diammax 1.0 storeinit 0.0 mshoot 0.0 leafstem 0.0 fshoot 0.0 leaf2stor 0.0 stem2stor 0.0 stor2stor 0.0 rbc 1 standdk .034 surfdk .034 burieddk .034 rootdk .034 stemnodk 0.169 stemdia 0.0050 thrddys 1 covfact 3.3 resevapa -2.08165 resevapb 0.548606 yield_coefficient 0.0 residue_intercept 0.0 regrow_location 0.0 noparam3 0.0 noparam2 0.0 noparam1 0.0 crop_notes Solid manure types with a moderate level of bedding such as straw or sawdust. MJK 8-2-19 crop_devnotes Based originally upon "wheat, winter, hard" crop record. Original single manure record was named: manure (residue).crop Original record had a "covfact" value of 6.084397. Now have 6 variations of manure crop records. There is a wide variety of manure covfact values now in the six records. Not sure if the manure record covfact values set by NRCS are all correct now or not. Original record had decomposition values (standdk/surfdk/burieddk/rootdk) set to 0.17 Residue decomposition values have also been modified from the original record, which was probably necessary. The data/publication mentioned below probably corresponds closest to the "manure, semi-solid.crop" record now. Thu Apr 25 17:43:16 MDT 2019 - LEW Reference: "Using Cattle Feedlot Manure to Control Wind Erosion" N.P. Woodruff, Leon Lyles, J.D. Dickerson and D.V. Armbrust Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Vol. 29, No. 3, May-June 1974 15 tons wet (66% wc) manure (5 tons dry wt.), surface applied approx. equal to 500 lbs of anchored surface wheat straw. 23 tons wet (66% wc) manure (9 tons dry wt.), incorporated approx. equal to 500 lbs of anchored surface wheat straw. Adjusted the "mass to cover" value to reflect the difference in wind erosion effectiveness between wheat straw and manure on a mass basis. Changed the residue type to "Fragile, very small residue" to reflect the significant decline of the manure's effectiveness at controlling wind erosion if incorporated into the soil. July 7, 2005 - LEW Changed mass to cover ratio to a 3.3 to match WEPP MJK 4-26-19