Harvest Template (pick and remove) O 04 oenergyarea -1 ostir -1 op_notes4 ARS template record - filename is: Harvest Template (pick and remove).oprn This operation record is designed to represent harvesting operations that remove the specified "yield" of a crop without cutting the crop stalks. However, it may flatten and/or disturb the remaining stalks (i.e., causing a change in the rate standing stalks decay and go flat). Eamples of harvesting operations that can be represented with this operation template are: hand harvesting corn, hand picking of vegetable crops like peas, beans, etc. and also harvesting of leaf crops like tobacco (with appropriate parameter value settings). Another example would be the use of a combine stripper header harvesting wheat. This harvesting operation record defaults to removing all the reproductive component of a crop (typically this is specified as the "yield" component in the crop record) and to kill the crop. This would be acceptable as defined for representing hand harvesting of corn for example. However, it may not be acceptable for a crop that is "hand picked" several times during the year (like peas or beans). The default parameter values need to be changed to meet this type of harvest operation requirements. Likewise for a harvest operation which woud remove some of the leaves instead of a "grain" yield, such as harvesting of tobacco leaves (yet this is the template that will often be used for developing such "leaf harvesting" operations). See the "Detailed info regarding this operation record:" section for more specific information regarding the use of non-default process parameter values for this harvest operation template. 200x Created - Fred Fox Oct 31, 2005 Updated notes - Larry Wagner Detailed info regarding this operation record: The default "Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop" parameter is set to kill all crops. If one doesn't want the operation to kill the crop or only annuals, then they need to change this value. Examples might be where multiple harvest operations are necessary to remove the "yield" such as hand picking peas or beans. Also, the crop plant component that is harvested can be changed to be something other than the reproductive component (grain or fruit). For example, a fraction of the leaves only could be specified, leaving the rest of the crop alone, e.g. harvesting of tobacco leaves. Some standing crop stalks could be flattened during the harvesting process, e.g. by the harvester's tire tracks. Therefore, a flattening process is also a part of this operation record. The default values are set to zero, assuming no flattening of standing stalks are occuring. However, these can be set as necessary for the specific harvesting device used in the operation. The harvesting operation could also have an effect on the "standing stalk" fall rate and fall threshold values. The default "biomass pool" flag parameter is set to "No adjustments applied" so that no "stalk disturbance" will occur. However, this flag value can be changed along with the default parameter values to change the "stalk residue decay processes". An example where one might want to apply this effect is when simulating a "combine stripper header" where the physical action of pulling the wheat heads would apply a stress to the wheat straw such that it would be weakened enough to increase the threshold and fall rate values. If a harvest operation is expected to "cut" the crop to a prescribed height (or depth from the top of the canopy), then one of the "cut and remove" harvest templates should probably be used instead of this one. op_devnotes4 Enter dev notes here. G 02 gbioarea 1.0 P 31 kilflag 2 P 62 harv_report_flg 1 harv_calib_flg 1 harv_unit_flg 0 mature_warn_flg 1 selpos 1 selpool 3 rstore 1.0 rleaf 0.0 rstem 0.0 rrootstore 0.0 rrootfiber 0.0 selagepool 0 P 34 frselpool 3 ratemultvt1 1.0 ratemultvt2 1.0 ratemultvt3 1.0 ratemultvt4 1.0 ratemultvt5 1.0 threshmultvt1 1.0 threshmultvt2 1.0 threshmultvt3 1.0 threshmultvt4 1.0 threshmultvt5 1.0 P 40 P 24 fbioflagvt 0 massflatvt1 0.0 massflatvt2 0.0 massflatvt3 0.0 massflatvt4 0.0 massflatvt5 0.0