Sprayer, kill strips O 04 op_notes4 Herbicide application, spray operation in strips within field, generally preplant or post emerge between growing crop rows, no growing crop is killed, user input: type of weed residue and amount lbs/acre dry matter added. oenergyarea 1.2160101 ostir .15 ofuel op_devnotes4 Spray pest control chemicals on growing crop. Crop is not killed. In the MCREW management screen the user must select the kind of weeds killed in the growing crop as external residue. 080404 DTL Cloned from Defoliate (spray) crop.oprn, Changed the P31 to No crop kill and added G4 to add material to field MAS 9-28-06 LMOD and WEPS DB correlation, existing WEPS operation record, 160410 jp G 03 gcropname weed residue; 0-3 mo P 65 numst 0.0 rstandht 0.0 rstandmass 0.0 rflatmass 0.028021252 rbc 1 rburiedmass 0 rburieddepth 0 rrootmass 0.0056042504 rrootdepth 152.4003 standdk 0.05 surfdk 0.05 burieddk 0.05 rootdk 0.05 stemnodk 0.2 stemdia 0.0050 thrddys 20 covfact 5.227942 resevapa -1.20379 resevapb 0.604887 crop_notes This file was created from the red clover WEPS file and the decomp values and names were set to match RUSLE 2 values. MAS and DL 9/15/06 This file can be used to show a fallow condition where three months growth of the weeds could be the 500 lbs DM listed. If it is used after planting a crop as a post emergance weed spray 50-100 lbs/ac is a better DM number. MAS 3/28/07.