Burrowing, light, Prairie dog O 03 oenergyarea 9.353924E-8 ostir 3.51 ospeed 0.44702727 odirect 0.0 ostdspeed 0.44702727 ominspeed 0.44702727 omaxspeed 0.44702727 op_notes3 Tillage operation-process, low soil disturbance, Prairie dog burrowing light infestation. ofuel op_devnotes3 R2 Notes: 6/20/06 MPR Manually till small fields with hoe or similary hand tool at lower intensity (50% disturbance) than existing Cultivate, manually" and "Cultivate, manually, moderate intensity" files. Use this operation before planting, as all veg. killed. Added to the DB 4-17-12. G1 Tillage parameter "area affected" corrected value to 0.5 from old value 100 Operation does not include a kill crop process, use in growing crop like row cultivation in season without killing growing crop. Edit Notes: 2/14/2013 JKP LMOD and WEPS update correlation; new WEPS operation record, clone cultivate manual low intensity, 160410 jkp G 01 gtdepth 76.20015 gtilint 0.9 gtilArea 0.15 gtstddepth 76.20015 gtmindepth 25.400051 gtmaxdepth 152.4003 P 01 P 02 rroughflag 1 rrough 20.320042 P 05 rdgflag 1 rdghit 76.20015 rdgspac 127.00025 rdgwidth 0.0 dkhit 0.0 dkspac 0.0 P 11 asdf 3.0 crif 1.0 P 12 soilos 0.75 P 13 laymix 0.35 P 24 fbioflagvt 14 massflatvt1 0.9 massflatvt2 0.8 massflatvt3 0.7 massflatvt4 0.1 massflatvt5 1.0 P 25 burydist 1 massburyvt1 0.5 massburyvt2 0.3 massburyvt3 0.25 massburyvt4 0.1 massburyvt5 0.3 P 26 massresurvt1 0.02 massresurvt2 0.02 massresurvt3 0.02 massresurvt4 0.02 massresurvt5 0.04 P 34 frselpool 4 ratemultvt1 3.0 ratemultvt2 2.5 ratemultvt3 2.0 ratemultvt4 1.5 ratemultvt5 1.0 threshmultvt1 0.5 threshmultvt2 0.6 threshmultvt3 0.7 threshmultvt4 0.8 threshmultvt5 1.0