Edit Menu
A WEPS 1.5 rotation file is simply a date-ordered list of management operations. MCREW provides basic editing functionality to insert, delete, modify, and change dates for those operations. In WEPS, each operation is defined by a list of physical processes, such as residue burial, soil inversion, flattening standing residue, creation of ridges, planting a crop, etc., which are described to the model via one or more parameter values.
In it's most basic form then, one can "see" a WEPS management rotation file within MCREW via the table view.
The primary editing functions available are accessible via the 'Edit' menu option. The table view editing functions are:
Cut Row(s): Remove the currently selected operation row(s) from the rotation and store them in a temporary buffer for possible pasting back into the rotation later. (Ctrl-X)
Copy Row(s): Copy the selected operation row(s) from the rotation and store in a temporary buffer for possible future pasting back into the rotation. (Ctrl-C)
Paste Row(s): Paste the previously cut or copied operation row(s) above the selected operation (or top one if more than one is selected). (Ctrl-V)
Delete Row(s): Delete the selected operation row(s) (Ctrl-D)
Undo Delete: Undoes the last delete operation done on the table. (Ctrl-Z)
Sort by Date: Sort the operations in ascending order by date. (Ctrl-R)
Insert Row: Insert a blank row above the selected row. (Ctrl-I)
Cycle Forward: Causes the last year in the rotation to become the first year in the rotation, while the other rotation years are incremented by one year. (Ctrl-F)
Cycle Backward: Causes the first year in the rotation to become the last year in the rotation, while the other rotation years are decremented by one year. (Ctrl-B)
Notes: Displays the Management Field Notes, where the user may enter notes regarding the management file. These notes are saved with the management file. (Ctrl-M)