Harvest Template (undercut, windrow and combine) O 003 oenergyarea -1 ostir -1 ospeed 2.2351363 odirect 0.0 ostdspeed 2.2351363 ominspeed 1.5645955 omaxspeed 2.9056773 op_notes3 ARS template record - filename is: Harvest Template (undercut, windrow and combine).oprn This is a special harvesting operation developed to work around a deficiency within WEPS. It is designed to simulate multiple pre-harvest operations followed by the actual harvesting operation. The actual field operations simulated as a single harvesting operation record are: a. Undercutting the crop (e.g. dry beans) b. Windrowing the newly cut crop into rows c. Harvesting the crop with a combine using a pickup header attachment This harvesting operation record converts all above ground crop biomass to flat residue and removes all the "grain" component of the crop from the field. The field is left in a very smooth state with no ridges and little random roughness. Note that this template specifies the "area fraction" tilled as 0.75 (G1: Tillage) and the "area fraction" where residue is flattened as 1.0 (G2: Biomass Manipulation) Jun 15, 2005 Created - Fred Fox Nov 01, 2005 Updated notes - Larry Wagner Detailed info regarding this operation template record: A special harvesting operation record was created originally to harvest dry beans by undercutting, windrowing and then "harvesting" ,combining with a pickup header, as a single operation. This was done because we were not successful in developing individual operation records for each of these separate operations due to how WEPS keeps track of "residue" biomass in the model. WEPS keeps track of specific harvestable crop biomass components as long as it is is maintained in the "crop" pool. Once a "crop" is converted to "residue" within WEPS, some of the "crop specific" components are no longer maintained and tracked individually in the "residue" pool. For example, the "grain" component is maintained separately in the "crop" pool, but not in the "residue" pool. Thus, if we "undercut" a crop, as a single operation, we convert all of the above ground "crop" biomass to "residue". Therefore, we can no longer specify the specific material, "grain" in this case, to be the biomass component we want to remove, or "harvest", from the field in another operation because the biomass has been previously moved from the "crop" pool to the "residue" pool, where the "grain" component is no longer maintained separately from the other biomass components like it is in the "crop" pool. op_devnotes3 Enter dev notes here. G 001 gtdepth 25.400051 gtilint 0.5 gtilArea .75 gtstddepth 25.400051 gtmindepth 12.700026 gtmaxdepth 50.800102 P 001 P 002 rroughflag 1 rrough 5.0 P 005 rdgflag 1 rdghit 0.0 rdgspac 0.0 rdgwidth 0.0 dkhit 0.0 dkspac 0.0 P 011 asdf 2.4 crif -2.0 P 012 soilos 0.8 P 013 laymix 0.3 P 025 burydist 4 massburyvt1 0.0 massburyvt2 0.0 massburyvt3 0.0 massburyvt4 0.0 massburyvt5 0.0 P 026 massresurvt1 0.0 massresurvt2 0.0 massresurvt3 0.0 massresurvt4 0.0 massresurvt5 0.0 G 002 gbioarea 1.0 P 024 fbioflagvt 0 massflatvt1 1.0 massflatvt2 1.0 massflatvt3 1.0 massflatvt4 1.0 massflatvt5 1.0 P 031 kilflag 2 P 062 harv_report_flg 1 harv_calib_flg 1 harv_unit_flg 0 mature_warn_flg 1 selpos 2 selpool 3 rstore 1.0 rleaf 0.0 rstem 0.0 rrootstore 0.0 rrootfiber 0.0 selagepool 0 P 040