Add Non-Crop Mulch O 004 op_notes4 Adjusted mulch values to match the wood chips on the surface. 1-5-11 MAS oenergyarea 9.353924E-8 ostir 0 op_devnotes4 Enter dev notes here. G 003 gcropname wood chips P 065 numst 0.0 rstandht 0.0 rstandmass 0.0 rflatmass 0.22417001 rbc 4 rburiedmass 0.0 rburieddepth 0.0 rrootmass 0.0 rrootdepth 0.0 standdk 1.0E-4 surfdk 1.0E-4 burieddk 1.0E-4 rootdk 1.0E-4 stemnodk 0.99 stemdia 0.002540031 thrddys 1 covfact 1.97163 resevapa -0.65 resevapb 0.1 crop_notes This is a default notes text string.