Shredder, rotary mower O 003 oenergyarea 6.828365 ostir .15 ospeed 2.2351363 odirect 0.0 ostdspeed 2.2351363 ominspeed 1.7881091 omaxspeed 2.6821637 op_notes3 Rusle Note: Rotary mower or flail shredder used to defoliate root crops such as sugarbeets before harvest or on cotton or other crop residue where crop has been previously harvested and residue is shredded and spread flat.. 10/3/01 DTL 11/15/01 P42 is used to set a height of cut and removed the flattening P24. The 0.90 fraction used in RUSLE is by mass. WEPS fraction is by height. It is not the same as RUSLE and cannot be used. Set the height to 2 inches per the conversation the Dave Lightle. He said that most corn shredders are set to 2 inches. Cotton shredding is much higher, use the 6 in shredder. A new operation was also created for root crop defoliation where all of the green tops are flatten to residue without killing the crop, "Shredder, beet topper". Kill crop was removed because of the interference with most harvest operations if used before harvest. MAS 1-5-11 LMOD and WEPS update correlation; new WEPS operation record, as previous translate, Shredder, rotary mower|rename|Shredder, flail or rotary, 160410 jkp op_devnotes3 Rusle Note: Rotary mower or flail shredder used to defoliate root crops such as sugarbeets before harvest or on cotton or other crop residue where crop has been previously harvested and residue is shredded and spread flat.. 10/3/01 DTL 11/15/01 P42 is used to set a height of cut and removed the flattening P24. The 0.90 fraction used in RUSLE is by mass. WEPS fraction is by height. It is not the same as RUSLE and cannot be used. Set the height to 2 inches per the conversation the Dave Lightle. He said that most corn shredders are set to 2 inches. Cotton shredding is much higher, use the 6 in shredder. A new operation was also created for root crop defoliation where all of the green tops are flatten to residue without killing the crop, "Shredder, beet topper". Kill crop was removed because of the interference with most harvest operations if used before harvest. MAS 1-5-11 LMOD and WEPS update correlation; new WEPS operation record, as previous translate, Shredder, rotary mower|rename|Shredder, flail or rotary, 160410 jkp G 002 gbioarea 1.0 P 042 harv_report_flg 0 harv_calib_flg 0 harv_unit_flg 1 mature_warn_flg 0 cutflag 0 cutvalh 50.800102 cyldrmh 0 cplrmh 0 cstrmh 0.0 P 040