#$Header: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/crop/test/makefile,v 1999-03-12 17:05:19 wagner Exp $ # # Makefile for crop test routines # basename of library routines tested LIB = crop WEPS_DIR = ../.. # relative path to WEPS project dir .INCLUDE : $(WEPS_DIR)/prologue.mk # include project master prologue file #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # additional libs required to link in .IF $(OS) == DOS LDLIBS += main$(MDL) date$(MDL) math$(MDL) .ELSE LDLIBS += -lmain$(MDL) -ldate$(MDL) -lmath$(MDL) .END TST = $(LIB) TST_SRC = tst$(TST).for TST_OBJ = ${TST_SRC:.for=$(O)} all .PHONY : modules tst modules .PHONY : +cd ..; $(MAKE) +cd ../../util/math; $(MAKE) +cd ../../util/date; $(MAKE) # +cd ../../crop; $(MAKE) +cd ../../main; $(MAKE) lib tst .PHONY : ${TST_SRC:.for=$(E)} tst$(TST)$E: # SRC file include dependencies (can't deal with imbedded include files) tstcrop$O: $(INC_DIR)/{p1werm.inc p1const.inc p1unconv.inc } \ $(INC_DIR)/{m1sim.inc m1flag.inc m1subr.inc m1dbug.inc} \ $(INC_DIR)/{c1info.inc c1db1.inc c1db2.inc c1db3.inc w1clig.inc} \ $(INC_DIR)/crop/{csoil.inc chumus.inc cfert.inc cgrow.inc cenvr.inc} \ $(INC_DIR)/crop/{cparm.inc p1crop.inc} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- .INCLUDE : $(WEPS_DIR)/epilogue.mk # include project master epilogue file