! file: decout.for subroutine decout() ! + + + PURPOSE + + + + ! This subroutine writes decomposition output ! + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'file.fi' include 'p1werm.inc' include 'm1subr.inc' include 'm1flag.inc' include 'd1glob.inc' include 's1layr.inc' include 'decomp/decomp.inc' ! + + + DECLARE VARIABLES + + + ! integer outday(13) integer cd, cm, cy ! + + + FORMATS + + + 2000 format (i2,2x,i2,'/',i2,'/',i4,' 1',1x,f5.0,1x,f7.2,1x,f7.2,1x, & & f7.2,1x,f7.2,2x,f6.2,3x,f6.2,3x,2(f6.2,3x),1x,3(f6.2,3x), & & /,15x,' 2',1x,f5.0,1x,f7.2,1x,f7.2,1x,f7.2,1x,f7.2,/, & & 15x,' 3',23x,f7.2,1x,f7.2) 2001 format (i2,2x,i2,'/',i2,'/',i4,' 1',1x,f5.0,1x,f7.2,1x,f7.2,1x, & & f7.2,1x,f7.2,2x,f6.2,3x,2(f6.2,3x),1x,f6.2,3x, & & /,15x,' 2',1x,f5.0,1x,f7.2,1x,f7.2,1x,f7.2,1x,f7.2,/, & & 15x,' 3',23x,f7.2,1x,f7.2) 2005 format (1x,'subr',2x,i2,'/',i2,'/',i4,4x,'cumddg',13x,'admbgz', & & 13x,'admrtz',/,1x,i2,3x,'layer',7x,3(' 1',6x,' 2',8x)) 2010 format (6x,i3,4x,3(f7.2,1x,f7.2,3x)) ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + call caldatw(cd, cm, cy) ! write output for subregion 1 only ! standing and surface residues ! test code use goto to get output for specific days only ! and remove 'c' for lines following 25 and 'end if' at 2025 ! buried = goto 10 ! stemcts = goto 15 ! sir residues = goto 20 ! no outdays = goto 25 ! goto 25 ! Buried residue South Section experiment outdays !10 outday(1)=1 ! outday(2)=34 ! outday(3)=65 ! outday(4)=99 ! outday(5)=126 ! outday(6)=161 ! outday(7)=191 ! outday(8)=216 ! ! goto 25 ! STEMCT experiment OUTDAYS !15 outday(1)=18 ! outday(2)=98 ! outday(3)=158 ! outday(4)=223 ! outday(5)=289 ! outday(6)=379 ! ! goto 25 ! !c surface sir residues output days ! !20 outday(1)=1 ! outday(2)=34 ! outday(3)=65 ! outday(4)=99 ! outday(5)=126 ! outday(6)=161 ! outday(7)=191 ! outday(8)=216 ! outday(9)=251 ! outday(10)=279 ! outday(11)=307 ! outday(12)=336 ! outday(13)=370 !25 continue ! if(daysim.eq.outday(1)) i=1 ! if(daysim.eq.outday(i)) then ! output above ground data on a daily basis if ((am0dfl .eq. 1) .or. (am0dfl .eq. 3)) then write (luod_above,2001) am0csr, cd, cm, cy, & & addstm(1,am0csr), cumdds(1,am0csr), admst(1,am0csr), & & cumddf(1,am0csr), admf(1,am0csr), adfscv(1,am0csr), & & adffcv(1,am0csr), adrsai(1,am0csr), & & adrsaz(1,1,am0csr), & & addstm(2,am0csr), cumdds(2,am0csr), admst(2,am0csr), & & cumddf(2,am0csr), admf(2,am0csr), cumddf(3,am0csr), & & admf(3,am0csr) end if ! output below ground residues if ((am0dfl .eq. 2) .or. (am0dfl .eq. 3)) then write(luod_below,2005) cd, cm, cy, am0csr do 100 isz = 1, nslay(am0csr) write (luod_below,2010) & & isz,cumddg(isz,1,am0csr),cumddg(isz,2,am0csr), & & admbgz(isz,1,am0csr),admbgz(isz,2,am0csr), & & admrtz(isz,1,am0csr),admrtz(isz,2,am0csr) 100 continue end if ! root residues ! write (43,2020) daysim, ! &(cumddg(isz,1,1), admrtz(isz,1,1), isz = 1,nslay(1)), ! &(cumddg(isz,2,1), admrtz(isz,2,1), isz = 1,nslay(1)) !2020 format (i3,16(2x,f6.2,1x,f5.2)) ! cover estimates for flat and standing residue !2025 format (2x,i3,8x,f5.4,2x,f6.4,8x,2(f6.4,3x),3x,3(f6.4,3x)) ! end if return end