module soil_list implicit none !...Number of soil properties in the soil database integer, parameter :: nsoilprop = 31, nsoilextra = 7 !...Max number of layers in soil database integer, parameter :: nlayer_max = 10 !...Identifiers for soil property array !...(These must match the values used for creating the soil database !...file; see /home/schung/WEPS/util/soil2ioapi.f90) integer, parameter :: & & iTHICK = 1 & & ,iPWP = 2 & & ,iFC = 3 & & ,iAWC = 4 & & ,iSAT = 5 & & ,iKSAT = 6 & & ,iAEP = 7 & & ,iB = 8 & & ,iOM = 9 & & ,iCEC = 10 & & ,iCaCO3 = 11 & & ,iPH = 12 & & ,iWEG = 13 & & ,iSTEEPNESS = 14 & & ,iBDM = 15 & & ,iPOROSITY = 16 & & ,iSAND = 17 & & ,iSILT = 18 & & ,iCLAY = 19 & & ,iNO200 = 20 & & ,iNO40 = 21 & & ,iNO10 = 22 & & ,iNO4 = 23 & & ,iINCH3 = 24 & & ,iINCH10 = 25 & & ,iSAGd = 26 & & ,iSAGs = 27 & & ,iAGMD = 28 & & ,iAGSD = 29 & & ,iAMAX = 30 & & ,iPI = 31 & & ,iArea = 32 & & ,iPercentArea = 33 & & ,iMUID = 34 & & ,iNMAPUNIT = 35 & & ,iNMAPUNIT_all = 36 & & ,iNLAYER = 37 & & ,iAreaSum = 38 character (len=20), parameter, dimension(nsoilprop) :: soilinfile = (/& & 'soil_layer.txt' & & ,'soil_pwp.txt' & & ,'soil_fc.txt' & & ,'soil_awc.txt' & & ,'soil_sat.txt' & & ,'soil_ksat.txt' & & ,'soil_aep.txt' & & ,'soil_b.txt' & & ,'soil_om.txt' & & ,'soil_cec.txt' & & ,'soil_caco3.txt' & & ,'soil_ph.txt' & & ,'soil_weg.txt' & & ,'soil_steepness.txt' & & ,'soil_bdm.txt' & & ,'soil_porosity.txt' & & ,'soil_sand.txt' & & ,'soil_silt.txt' & & ,'soil_clay.txt' & & ,'soil_no200.txt' & & ,'soil_no40.txt' & & ,'soil_no10.txt' & & ,'soil_no4.txt' & & ,'soil_inch3.txt' & & ,'soil_inch10.txt' & & ,'soil_sagd.txt' & & ,'soil_sags.txt' & & ,'soil_agmd.txt' & & ,'soil_agsd.txt' & & ,'soil_amax.txt' & & ,'soil_pi.txt' & /) integer, parameter :: units_nchar = 16 character (len=units_nchar), parameter, dimension(nsoilprop+nsoilextra) :: soil_units = (/ & & 'm ' & & ,'cm3 cm-3 ' & & ,'cm3 cm-3 ' & & ,'cm3 cm-3 ' & & ,'cm3 cm-3 ' & & ,'mm/h ' & & ,'kPa ' & & ,'--- ' & & ,'g/g or % ??? ' & & ,'meg/100g ' & & ,'% ' & & ,'--- ' & & ,'--- ' & & ,'--- ' & & ,'g cm-3 ' & & ,'% ' & & ,'%w ' & & ,'%w ' & & ,'%w ' & & ,'%passing0.075mm ' & & ,'%passing0.425mm ' & & ,'%passing2mm ' & & ,'%passing4.75mm ' & & ,'weight%3-10in ' & & ,'weight%>10in ' & & ,'g cm-3 ' & & ,'ln(J/kg) ' & & ,'mm ' & & ,'mm ' & & ,'mm ' & & ,'% of weight ' & & ,'m2 ' & & ,'%area ' & & ,'- ' & & ,'# map units kept' & & ,'# map units all ' & & ,'# of layers ' & & ,'m2 ' & /) integer, parameter :: vname_char=16 character (len=vname_char), parameter, dimension(nsoilprop+nsoilextra) :: soilpropname = (/ & & 'THICK' & & ,'PWP' & & ,'FC' & & ,'AWC' & & ,'SAT' & & ,'KSAT' & & ,'AEP' & & ,'B' & & ,'OM' & & ,'CEC' & & ,'CaCO3' & & ,'PH' & & ,'WEG' & & ,'STEEPNESS' & & ,'BDM' & & ,'POROSITY' & & ,'SAND' & & ,'SILT' & & ,'CLAY' & & ,'No200' & & ,'No40' & & ,'No10' & & ,'No4' & & ,'INCH3' & & ,'INCH10' & & ,'SAGd' & & ,'SAGs' & & ,'AGMD' & & ,'AGSD' & & ,'AMAX' & & ,'PI' & & ,'Area' & & ,'PercentArea' & & ,'iMUID' & & ,'NMapUnit' & & ,'NMapUnit_All' & & ,'NLayer' & & ,'AreaSum' & /) integer, parameter :: desc_nchar = 80 character (len=desc_nchar), parameter, dimension(nsoilprop+nsoilextra) :: soildesc = (/ & & 'layer thickness' & & ,'permanent wilting point water content' & & ,'field capacity' & & ,'available water capacity' & & ,'saturated soil water content' & & ,'saturated hydraulic conductivity' & & ,'air entry potential' & & ,"coefficient of Cambell's equation" & & ,'organic matter' & & ,'cation exchange capacity' & & ,'carbonate as CaCO3 (%)' & & ,'pH' & & ,'wind erodibility group' & & ,'steepness' & & ,'bulk density' & & ,'porosity' & & ,'sand content of soil layer, as weight percentage' & & ,'silt content of soil layer, as weight percentage' & & ,'clay content of soil layer, as weight percentage' & & ,'%wt soil material < 3in and passes a No 200 seive (0.075mm)' & & ,'%wt soil material < 3in and passes a No 40 seive (0.425mm)' & & ,'%wt soil material < 3in and passes a No 10 seive (2mm)' & & ,'%wt soil material < 3in and passes a No 4 seive (4.75mm)' & & ,'%wt rock fragments 3-10 inches in size' & & ,'%wt rock fragments greater than 10 inches' & & ,'soil aggregate density' & & ,'soil aggregate stability' & & ,'soil aggregate geometric mean diameter' & & ,'soil aggregate geometric standard deviation' & & ,'upper limit of aggregate size distribution' & & ,'plasticit index, as % of moisture by weight' & & ,'area of each mapunit in grid' & & ,'%area, nmapunit_keep nmapunits relative to all nmapunits' & & , 'integer identifying MUID' & & ,'# of mapunits included' & & ,'# of mapunits in STATSGO' & & ,'# layers in each STATSGO mapunits' & & ,'Total area of included map units' & /) end module soil_list