!$Author: fredfox $ !$Date: 2003-07-14 23:14:22 $ !$Revision: 1.1 $ !$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/inc/hydro/heatcap.inc,v $ real sandheatcap, siltheatcap, clayheatcap real waterheatcap, iceheatcap, organheatcap ! sandheatcap - heat capacity of sand (J/kg C) ! siltheatcap - heat capacity of silt (J/kg C) ! clayheatcap - heat capacity of clay (J/kg C) ! waterheatcap - heat capacity of water (J/kg C) ! iceheatcap - heat capacity of ice (J/kg C) ! organheatcap - heat capacity of organic matter (J/kg C) ! values from Kluitenberg parameter( sandheatcap = 730.0 ) parameter( siltheatcap = 730.0 ) parameter( clayheatcap = 730.0 ) parameter( waterheatcap = 4180.0 ) ! value from deVries and from Incropera and DeWit parameter( iceheatcap = 2040.0 ) ! values from Kluitenberg parameter( organheatcap = 1900.0 )