! file: 'input.for' subroutine dmpall(filnam) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! dumps all variables read in by input in main ! author: wjr ! ! EDIT History ! 17-Feb-99 wjr original coding ! include 'p1werm.inc' include 'wpath.inc' include 'm1subr.inc' include 'm1sim.inc' include 'm1geo.inc' include 'm1flag.inc' include 'm1dbug.inc' include 's1layr.inc' include 's1surf.inc' include 's1phys.inc' include 's1agg.inc' include 's1dbh.inc' include 's1dbc.inc' include 's1sgeo.inc' include 'c1gen.inc' include 'c1glob.inc' include 'b1glob.inc' include 'd1gen.inc' include 'd1glob.inc' include 'h1hydro.inc' include 'h1scs.inc' include 'h1db1.inc' include 'file.fi' ! + + + LOCAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'main/main.inc' ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer i, isr, iar, l, ibr ! + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + ! amo*fl - These are switches for production of submodel ! output, where the asterisk represents the first ! letter of the submodel name. ! *infil - These character variables hold the run file names ! where the asterisk represents the first ! letter of the submodel name. ! clifil - This variable holds the CLIGEN input file name. ! gnrpt - This variable holds flags to select the various general ! report forms. ! i - Generic loop counter. ! id,im,iy - The initial day, month, and year of simulation. ! ijday - This variable contains the initial julian day of ! the simulation run. ! isr - This variable holds the subregion index. ! l - This variable is a index on soil layers. ! lchar - This variable holds the character position in a string ! so to ignore leading blanks in that string. ! ld,lm,ly - The last day, month, and year of simulation. ! ljday - This variable contains the last julian day of ! the simulation run. ! nslay - The number of soil layers. ! nsubr - This variable holds the total number of subregions. ! runfil - This variable holds the simulation run input file name. ! series - This character variable holds the soil series name. ! simout - This variable holds the simulation output file name. ! sinfil - This variable holds the SOIL/HYDROLOGY input file name. ! subfil - This variable holds the subdaily wind information ! ('real data') file name for use by subroutine 'calcwu'. ! usrid - This character variable is an identification string ! to aid the user in identifying the simulation run. ! usrloc - This character variable holds a location ! description of the simulation site. ! usrnam - This character variable holds the user name. ! winfil - This variable holds the WINDGEN input file name. character*(*) filnam call fopenk(luo1, filnam, 'unknown') write (luo1, *) 'rootp ', rootp write(luo1, *) 'rootp is: ', rootp(1:len_trim(rootp)) write (luo1, *) 'runfil ', runfil do 30, isr = 1, nsubr write (luo1, *) 'am0monirr ', am0monirr(isr) write (luo1, *) 'ahzirr ', ahzirr(isr) do 33 l = 1, nslay(isr) write (luo1, *) 'abmbgz ', abmbgz(l,isr) 33 continue 30 continue write (luo1, *) 'usrnam ', usrnam write (luo1, *) 'usrid ', usrid write (luo1, *) 'usrloc ', usrloc write (luo1, *) 'amalat ', amalat write (luo1, *) 'amalon ', amalon write (luo1, *) 'amzele ', amzele write (luo1, *) 'id,im,iy ', id,im,iy write (luo1, *) 'ld,lm,ly ', ld,lm,ly write (luo1, *) 'ntstep ', ntstep write (luo1, *) 'clifil ', clifil write (luo1, *) 'winfil ', winfil write (luo1, *) 'subfil ', subfil write (luo1, *) 'sinfil ', sinfil write (luo1, *) 'tinfil ', tinfil write (luo1, *) 'simout ', simout write (luo1, *) 'gnrpt ', (gnrpt(i), i=1,6) write (luo1, *) 'erosrpt ', erosrpt write (luo1, *) 'am0hfl, etc. ',am0hfl,am0sfl,am0tfl,am0cfl, & &am0dfl,am0efl write (luo1, *) 'am0hdb, etc. ', am0hdb,am0sdb,am0cdb, & &am0ddb,am0tdb write (luo1, *) 'amasim ', amasim write (luo1, *) 'amxsim ', amxsim(1,1), amxsim(2,1) write (luo1, *) 'amxsim2 ', amxsim(1,2),amxsim(2,2) write (luo1, *) 'nacctr ', nacctr do 10 iar=1,nacctr write (luo1, *) 'iar ', iar write (luo1, *) 'amxar ', amxar(1,1,iar), amxar(2,1,iar) write (luo1, *) 'amxar2 ', amxar(1,2,iar), amxar(2,2,iar) 10 continue write (luo1, *) 'nsubr (should be 1) ',nsubr do 20 isr=1,nsubr write (luo1, *) 'isr ', isr write (luo1, *) 'amxsr ', amxsr(1,1,isr), amxsr(2,1,isr) write (luo1, *) 'amxsr2 ', amxsr(1,2,isr), amxsr(2,2,isr) write (luo1, *) 'nbr ', nbr ibr = 1 write (luo1, *) 'amxbr ', amxbr(1,1,ibr), amxbr(2,1,ibr) write (luo1, *) 'amxbr2 ', amxbr(1,2,ibr), amxbr(2,2,ibr) write (luo1, *) 'amzbr ', amzbr(ibr) write (luo1, *) 'amxbrw ', amxbrw(ibr) write (luo1, *) 'ampbr ', ampbr(ibr) write (luo1, *) 'amrslp ', amrslp(isr) 20 continue do 200 isr = 1,nsubr write (luo1, *) 'isr ', isr write (luo1, *) 'nslay ', nslay(isr) write (luo1, *) 'aszlyt ', (aszlyt(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'asfsan ', (asfsan(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'asfsil ', (asfsil(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'asfcla ', (asfcla(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'asvroc ', (asvroc(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'asdblk ', (asdblk(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'aslagm ', (aslagm(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'as0ags ', (as0ags(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'aslagx ', (aslagx(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'aslagn ', (aslagn(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'asdagd ', (asdagd(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'aseags ', (aseags(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'aszcr ', aszcr(isr) write (luo1, *) 'asdcr ', asdcr(isr) write (luo1, *) 'asecr ', asecr(isr) write (luo1, *) 'asfcr ', asfcr(isr) write (luo1, *) 'asmlos ', asmlos(isr) write (luo1, *) 'asflos ', asflos(isr) write (luo1, *) 'aslrr ', aslrr(isr) write (luo1, *) 'asargo ', asargo(isr) write (luo1, *) 'aszrgh ', aszrgh(isr) write (luo1, *) 'asxrgs ', asxrgs(isr) write (luo1, *) 'asxrgw ', asxrgw(isr) write (luo1, *) 'ahrwc ', (ahrwc(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'ahrwcs ', (ahrwcs(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'ahrwc ', (ahrwcf(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'agrwcw ', (ahrwcw(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'ah0cb ', (ah0cb(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'aheaep ', (aheaep(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'ahrsk ', (ahrsk(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'ah0cnp ', ah0cnp(isr) write (luo1, *) 'ah0cng ', ah0cng(isr) write (luo1, *) 'asfald ', asfald(isr) write (luo1, *) 'asfalw ', asfalw(isr) write (luo1, *) 'asfom ', (asfom(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'as0ph ', (as0ph(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'asfcce ', (asfcce(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'asfcec ', (asfcec(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'asfsmb ', (asfsmb(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'asftan ', (asftan(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'asftap ', (asftap(l,isr), l=1,nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'ad0nam ', ad0nam(1,isr) write (luo1, *) 'addstm adzht ',addstm(1,isr), adzht(1,isr) write (luo1, *) 'admst ', admst(1,isr) write (luo1, *) 'admf ', admf(1,isr) ! Only printing the first decomp pool results here, I think that is ok - LEW write (luo1, *) 'admbgz ', (admbgz(l,1,isr), l = 1, nslay(isr)) write (luo1, *) 'admrtz ', (admrtz(l,1,isr), l = 1, nslay(isr)) 200 continue close (luo1) return end