!$Author: wagner $ !$Date: 2005-02-03 04:38:23 $ !$Revision: 1.1 $ !$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/util/sax/m_entities.f95,v $ ! module m_entities ! ! Entity management ! ! It deals with: ! 1. The five standard entities (gt,lt,amp,apos,quot) ! 2. Character entities (but only within the range of the char intrinsic) ! use m_buffer private integer, parameter, private :: MAX_REPLACEMENT_SIZE = 200 ! type, private :: entity_t character(len=40) :: code character(len=MAX_REPLACEMENT_SIZE) :: replacement end type entity_t integer, parameter, private :: N_ENTITIES = 5 type(entity_t), private, dimension(N_ENTITIES), save :: predefined_ent = & (/ & entity_t("gt",">"), & entity_t("lt","<"), & entity_t("amp","&"), & entity_t("apos","'"), & entity_t("quot","""") & /) public :: code_to_str , entity_filter CONTAINS subroutine code_to_str(code,str,status) character(len=*), intent(in) :: code character(len=*), intent(out) :: str integer, intent(out) :: status integer :: i integer :: number, ll character(len=4) :: fmtstr status = -1 do i = 1, N_ENTITIES if (code == predefined_ent(i)%code) then str = predefined_ent(i)%replacement status = 0 return endif enddo ! ! Replace character references (but only within the range of the ! char intrinsic !!) ! if (code(1:1) == "#") then if (code(2:2) == "x") then ! hex character reference ll = len_trim(code(3:)) write(unit=fmtstr,fmt="(a2,i1,a1)") "(Z", ll,")" read(unit=code(3:),fmt=fmtstr) number str = char(number) status = 0 return else ! decimal character reference read(unit=code(2:),fmt=*) number str = char(number) status = 0 return endif endif end subroutine code_to_str !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Replaces entity references in buf1 and creates a new buffer buf2. ! subroutine entity_filter(buf1,buf2,status,message) type(buffer_t), intent(in) :: buf1 type(buffer_t), intent(out) :: buf2 integer, intent(out) :: status character(len=*), intent(out) :: message ! ! Replaces entity references by their value ! integer :: i, k, len1 character(len=MAX_BUFF_SIZE) :: s1 character(len=1) :: c character(len=MAX_REPLACEMENT_SIZE) :: repl call buffer_to_character(buf1,s1) !! Avoid allocation of temporary len1 = len(buf1) i = 1 status = 0 call reset_buffer(buf2) do if (i > len1) exit c = s1(i:i) if (c == "&") then if (i+1 > len1) then status = -i message= " Unmatched & in entity reference" return endif k = index(s1(i+1:),";") if (k == 0) then status = -i message= " Unmatched & in entity reference" return endif call code_to_str(s1(i+1:i+k-1),repl,status) if (status /= 0) then status = i ! Could let it continue message= "Ignored unknown entity: &" // s1(i+1:i+k-1) // ";" else call add_to_buffer(trim(repl),buf2) endif i = i + k + 1 else call add_to_buffer(c,buf2) i = i + 1 endif enddo end subroutine entity_filter end module m_entities