!$Author: wagner $ !$Date: 2005-02-03 04:38:23 $ !$Revision: 1.1 $ !$Source: /weru/cvs/weps/weps.src/util/sax/m_reader.f95,v $ ! module m_reader use m_io private integer, parameter, public :: BUFFER_NOT_CONNECTED = -2048 integer, private, parameter :: MAXLENGTH = 1024 type, public :: file_buffer_t private logical :: connected logical :: eof integer :: lun character(len=50) :: filename integer :: counter character(len=MAXLENGTH) :: buffer integer :: line integer :: col integer :: pos integer :: nchars logical :: debug end type file_buffer_t public :: get_character, sync_file public :: line, column, nchars_processed public :: open_file, close_file_buffer, rewind_file, mark_eof_file public :: eof_file private :: fill_buffer CONTAINS !----------------------------------------- ! subroutine open_file(fname,fb,iostat,record_size,verbose) character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname type(file_buffer_t), intent(out) :: fb integer, intent(out) :: iostat integer, intent(in), optional :: record_size logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose iostat = 0 call setup_io() fb%connected = .false. call get_unit(fb%lun,iostat) if (iostat /= 0) then if (fb%debug) print *, "Cannot get unit" return endif if (present(verbose)) then fb%debug = verbose else fb%debug = .false. endif if (present(record_size)) then open(unit=fb%lun,file=fname,form="formatted",status="old", & action="read",position="rewind",recl=record_size,iostat=iostat) else open(unit=fb%lun,file=fname,form="formatted",status="old", & action="read",position="rewind",recl=65536,iostat=iostat) endif if (iostat /= 0) then if (fb%debug) print *, "Cannot open file ", trim(fname), " iostat: ", iostat return endif fb%connected = .true. fb%counter = 0 fb%eof = .false. fb%line = 1 fb%col = 0 fb%filename = fname fb%pos = 0 fb%nchars = 0 fb%buffer = "" end subroutine open_file !------------------------------------------------- subroutine rewind_file(fb) type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb fb%eof = .false. fb%counter = 0 fb%line = 1 fb%col = 0 fb%pos = 0 fb%nchars = 0 fb%buffer = "" rewind(unit=fb%lun) end subroutine rewind_file !----------------------------------------- subroutine mark_eof_file(fb) type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb fb%eof = .true. end subroutine mark_eof_file !----------------------------------------- subroutine close_file_buffer(fb) type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb if (fb%connected) then close(unit=fb%lun) fb%connected = .false. endif end subroutine close_file_buffer !------------------------------------------------- function eof_file(fb) result (res) type(file_buffer_t), intent(in) :: fb logical :: res res = fb%eof end function eof_file !----------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------- ! New version, able to cope with arbitrarily long lines ! (still need to specify a big enough record_size if necessary) ! subroutine fill_buffer(fb,iostat) type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb integer, intent(out) :: iostat ! ! character(len=41) :: str ! 40 seems like a good compromise? ! (1 extra for added newline, see below) integer :: len ! read(unit=fb%lun,iostat=iostat,advance="no",size=len,fmt="(a40)") str if (iostat == io_eof) then ! End of file if (fb%debug) print *, "End of file." return else if (iostat > 0) then ! Hard i/o error if (fb%debug) print *, "Hard i/o error. iostat:", iostat RETURN else ! if (fb%debug) then print *, "Buffer: len, iostat", len, iostat print *, trim(str) endif fb%pos = 0 if (iostat == 0) then ! Normal read, with more stuff left on the line ! fb%buffer = str(1:len) fb%nchars = len else ! (end of record) ! ! End of record. We mark it with an LF, whatever it is the native marker. ! !! fb%buffer = str(1:len) // char(10) fb%buffer = str(1:len) !! Avoid allocation of string len = len + 1 !! by compiler fb%buffer(len:len) = char(10) fb%nchars = len iostat = 0 endif endif end subroutine fill_buffer !--------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine get_character(fb,c,iostat) character(len=1), intent(out) :: c type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb integer, intent(out) :: iostat character(len=1) :: c_next if (.not. fb%connected) then iostat = BUFFER_NOT_CONNECTED return endif if (fb%pos >= fb%nchars) then call fill_buffer(fb,iostat) if (iostat /= 0) return endif fb%pos = fb%pos + 1 c = fb%buffer(fb%pos:fb%pos) fb%counter = fb%counter + 1 ! Raw counter fb%col = fb%col + 1 ! ! Deal with end-of-line handling on the processor... ! if (c == char(10)) then ! Our own marker for end of line fb%line = fb%line + 1 fb%col = 0 endif if (c == char(13)) then c_next = fb%buffer(fb%pos+1:fb%pos+1) if (c_next == char(10)) then ! ! Found CRLF. We replace it by LF, as per specs. c = c_next fb%pos = fb%pos + 1 if (fb%debug) print *, "-/-> Removed CR before LF in get_character" else ! Replace single CR by LF c = char(10) if (fb%debug) print *, "-/-> Changed CR to LF in get_character -- line++" ! endif ! In both cases we increase the line counter and reset the column ! fb%line = fb%line + 1 fb%col = 0 endif iostat = 0 end subroutine get_character !---------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- ! Error Location functions ! function line(fb) result (ll) type(file_buffer_t), intent(in) :: fb integer :: ll ll = fb%line end function line !---------------------------------------------------- function column(fb) result (col) type(file_buffer_t), intent(in) :: fb integer :: col col = fb%col end function column !---------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------- function nchars_processed(fb) result (nc) type(file_buffer_t), intent(in) :: fb integer :: nc nc = fb%counter end function nchars_processed !---------------------------------------------------- subroutine sync_file(fb,iostat) type(file_buffer_t), intent(inout) :: fb integer, intent(out) :: iostat ! ! Repositions the file so that it matches with ! the stored file_buffer information ! integer :: target_counter character(len=1) :: c target_counter = fb%counter call rewind_file(fb) iostat = 0 do if (fb%counter == target_counter) exit call get_character(fb,c,iostat) if (iostat /= 0) return enddo end subroutine sync_file end module m_reader