module m_common_entities #ifndef DUMMYLIB use fox_m_fsys_array_str, only: str_vs, vs_str_alloc use fox_m_fsys_format, only: str_to_int_10, str_to_int_16 use fox_m_utils_uri, only: URI, destroyURI use m_common_charset, only: digits, hexdigits use m_common_error, only: FoX_error implicit none private type entity_t logical :: external logical :: wfc ! Was this entity declared externally or in a PE, where ! a non-validating processor might not see it? character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: name => null() character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: text => null() character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: publicId => null() character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: systemId => null() character(len=1), dimension(:), pointer :: notation => null() type(URI), pointer :: baseURI => null() end type entity_t type entity_list private type(entity_t), dimension(:), pointer :: list => null() end type entity_list public :: is_unparsed_entity public :: is_external_entity public :: expand_entity_text public :: expand_entity_text_len public :: existing_entity public :: expand_char_entity public :: expand_entity public :: expand_entity_len public :: entity_t public :: entity_list public :: init_entity_list public :: reset_entity_list public :: destroy_entity_list public :: print_entity_list public :: add_internal_entity public :: add_external_entity public :: pop_entity_list interface size module procedure size_el end interface interface is_unparsed_entity module procedure is_unparsed_entity_ module procedure is_unparsed_entity_from_list end interface public :: getEntityByIndex public :: getEntityByName public :: size contains function size_el(el) result(n) type(entity_list), intent(in) :: el integer :: n n = ubound(el%list, 1) end function size_el function shallow_copy_entity(ent1) result(ent2) type(entity_t), intent(in) :: ent1 type(entity_t) :: ent2 ent2%external = ent1%external ent2%wfc = ent1%wfc ent2%name => ent1%name ent2%text => ent1%text ent2%publicId => ent1%publicId ent2%systemId => ent1%systemId ent2%notation => ent1%notation ent2%baseURI => ent1%baseURI end function shallow_copy_entity function getEntityByIndex(el, i) result(e) type(entity_list), intent(in) :: el integer, intent(in) :: i type(entity_t), pointer :: e e => el%list(i) end function getEntityByIndex function getEntityNameByIndex(el, i) result(c) type(entity_list), intent(in) :: el integer, intent(in) :: i character(len=size(el%list(i)%name)) :: c c = str_vs(el%list(i)%name) end function getEntityNameByIndex function getEntityByName(el, name) result(e) type(entity_list), intent(in) :: el character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(entity_t), pointer :: e integer :: i e => null() do i = 1, size(el%list) if (str_vs(el%list(i)%name)==name) then e => el%list(i) exit endif enddo end function getEntityByName subroutine destroy_entity(ent) type(entity_t), intent(inout) :: ent deallocate(ent%name) deallocate(ent%text) deallocate(ent%publicId) deallocate(ent%systemId) deallocate(ent%notation) if (associated(ent%baseURI)) call destroyURI(ent%baseURI) end subroutine destroy_entity subroutine init_entity_list(ents) type(entity_list), intent(inout) :: ents if (associated(ents%list)) deallocate(ents%list) allocate(ents%list(0)) end subroutine init_entity_list subroutine reset_entity_list(ents) type(entity_list), intent(inout) :: ents call destroy_entity_list(ents) call init_entity_list(ents) end subroutine reset_entity_list subroutine destroy_entity_list(ents) type(entity_list), intent(inout) :: ents integer :: i, n n = size(ents%list) do i = 1, n call destroy_entity(ents%list(i)) enddo deallocate(ents%list) end subroutine destroy_entity_list function pop_entity_list(ents) result(name) type(entity_list), intent(inout) :: ents character(len=size(ents%list(size(ents%list))%name)) :: name type(entity_t), pointer :: ents_tmp(:) integer :: i, n n = size(ents%list) ents_tmp => ents%list allocate(ents%list(n-1)) do i = 1, n - 1 ents%list(i) = shallow_copy_entity(ents_tmp(i)) enddo name = str_vs(ents_tmp(i)%name) call destroy_entity(ents_tmp(i)) deallocate(ents_tmp) end function pop_entity_list subroutine print_entity_list(ents) type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents integer :: i, n n = size(ents%list) write(*,'(a)') '>ENTITYLIST' do i = 1, n write(*,'(a)') str_vs(ents%list(i)%name) write(*,'(a)') str_vs(ents%list(i)%text) write(*,'(a)') str_vs(ents%list(i)%publicId) write(*,'(a)') str_vs(ents%list(i)%systemId) write(*,'(a)') str_vs(ents%list(i)%notation) enddo write(*,'(a)') ' ents%list allocate(ents%list(n+1)) do i = 1, n ents%list(i) = shallow_copy_entity(ents_tmp(i)) enddo deallocate(ents_tmp) ents%list(i)%external = len(systemId)>0 ents%list(i)%wfc = wfc ents%list(i)%name => vs_str_alloc(name) ents%list(i)%text => vs_str_alloc(text) ents%list(i)%publicId => vs_str_alloc(publicId) ents%list(i)%systemId => vs_str_alloc(systemId) ents%list(i)%notation => vs_str_alloc(notation) ents%list(i)%baseURI => baseURI end subroutine add_entity subroutine add_internal_entity(ents, name, text, baseURI, wfc) type(entity_list), intent(inout) :: ents character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=*), intent(in) :: text type(URI), pointer :: baseURI logical, intent(in) :: wfc call add_entity(ents, name=name, text=text, & publicId="", systemId="", notation="", baseURI=baseURI, wfc=wfc) end subroutine add_internal_entity subroutine add_external_entity(ents, name, systemId, baseURI, wfc, publicId, notation) type(entity_list), intent(inout) :: ents character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=*), intent(in) :: systemId character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: publicId character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: notation type(URI), pointer :: baseURI logical, intent(in) :: wfc if (present(publicId) .and. present(notation)) then call add_entity(ents, name=name, text="", & publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId, notation=notation, & wfc=wfc, baseURI=baseURI) elseif (present(publicId)) then call add_entity(ents, name=name, text="", & publicId=publicId, systemId=systemId, notation="", & wfc=wfc, baseURI=baseURI) elseif (present(notation)) then call add_entity(ents, name=name, text="", & publicId="", systemId=systemId, notation=notation, & wfc=wfc, baseURI=baseURI) else call add_entity(ents, name=name, text="", & publicId="", systemId=systemId, notation="", & wfc=wfc, baseURI=baseURI) endif end subroutine add_external_entity function is_unparsed_entity_from_list(ents, name) result(p) type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents character(len=*), intent(in) :: name logical :: p integer :: i p = .false. do i = 1, size(ents%list) if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then p = (size(ents%list(i)%notation)>0) exit endif enddo end function is_unparsed_entity_from_list function is_unparsed_entity_(ent) result(p) type(entity_t), intent(in) :: ent logical :: p p = (size(ent%notation)>0) end function is_unparsed_entity_ function is_external_entity(ents, name) result(p) type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents character(len=*), intent(in) :: name logical :: p integer :: i p = .false. do i = 1, size(ents%list) if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then p = ents%list(i)%external exit endif enddo end function is_external_entity pure function expand_char_entity_len(name) result(n) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer :: n integer :: number if (name(1:1) == "#") then if (name(2:2) == "x") then ! hex character reference if (verify(name(3:), hexdigits) == 0) then number = str_to_int_16(name(3:)) if (0 <= number .and. number <= 128) then n = 1 else n = len(name) + 2 endif else n = 0 endif else ! decimal character reference if (verify(name(3:), digits) == 0) then number = str_to_int_10(name(2:)) if (0 <= number .and. number <= 128) then n = 1 else n = len(name) + 2 endif else n = 0 endif endif else n = 0 endif end function expand_char_entity_len function expand_char_entity(name) result(text) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=expand_char_entity_len(name)) :: text integer :: number select case (len(text)) case (0) call FoX_error("Invalid character entity reference") case (1) if (name(2:2) == "x") then ! hex character reference number = str_to_int_16(name(3:)) else ! decimal character reference number = str_to_int_10(name(2:)) endif text = achar(number) ! FIXME what about > 127 ... case default text = "&"//name//";" end select end function expand_char_entity pure function existing_entity(ents, name) result(p) type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents character(len=*), intent(in) :: name logical :: p integer :: i p = .false. !FIXME the following test is not entirely in accordance with the valid chars check we do elsewhere... do i = 1, size(ents%list) if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then p = .true. return endif enddo end function existing_entity pure function expand_entity_text_len(ents, name) result(n) type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer :: n integer :: i do i = 1, size(ents%list) if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then n = size(ents%list(i)%text) endif enddo end function expand_entity_text_len function expand_entity_text(ents, name) result(text) type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=expand_entity_text_len(ents, name)) :: text integer :: i ! No error checking - make sure entity exists before calling it. do i = 1, size(ents%list) if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then text = str_vs(ents%list(i)%text) exit endif enddo end function expand_entity_text pure function expand_entity_len(ents, name) result(n) type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer :: n integer :: i do i = 1, size(ents%list) if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then n = size(ents%list(i)%text) endif enddo end function expand_entity_len function expand_entity(ents, name) result(text) type(entity_list), intent(in) :: ents character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=expand_entity_len(ents, name)) :: text integer :: i do i = 1, size(ents%list) if (name == str_vs(ents%list(i)%name)) then text = str_vs(ents%list(i)%text) endif enddo end function expand_entity #endif end module m_common_entities