!$Author:$ !$Date:$ !$Revision:$ !$HeadURL:$ !---------------------------------------------------------- ! ! These are WEPP specific variables that are maintained across calls. ! The names are from the orgiginal WEPP with the added prefix wp_ ! They are generally not treated as global variables but a few ! routines access them and pass to lower level routines. ! ! Jim Frankenberger ! November 7, 2008 ! !------------------------------------------------------------ include 'wepp_parameters.inc' !--------------------------------------------------------- ! crop residue related ! wp_daydis - days since disturbance ! wp_inrcov - interrill cover (0-1, unitless) ! integer wp_daydis real wp_inrcov !--------------------------------------------------------- ! Soil related ! wp_krcrat - ratio of freshly tilled to fully consolidated ! rill erodibility (nondimensional) ! wp_tccrat - ratio of freshly tilled to fully consolidated ! critical shear stress (nondimensional) ! wp_kicrat - ratio of freshly tilled to fully consolidated ! interrill erodibility (nondimensional) ! wp_frorg - fraction of organic matter (0-1) ! wp_frcly - fraction of clay (0-1) ! wp_frslt - fraction of silt (0-1) ! wp_frsnd - fraction of sand (0-1) ! wp_cycle - ? ! wp_froday - ? ! wp_ki - initial interrill detachment parameter ! (baseline interrill erodibility, kg s m -4) ! wp_kr - initial rill detachment rate parameter (s/m) ! wp_shcrit - rill detachment threshold parameter, ! or critical shear stress (kg/m/s^2) ! wp_dia - diameter of each particle class (m) ! wp_spg - specific gravity of each particle class ! wp_frac - fraction of each particle class (0-1) ! wp_fall - fall velocity of each particle class (m/s) ! wp_rspace - rill spacing (m) ! wp_bconsd - consolidation decay coefficient (1/day) ! wp_frcff1 - used to calculated total weighted ! particle size fractions exiting ! wp_frcff2 - used to calculated total weighted ! particle size fractions exiting ! wp_enrff1 - used to calculate total weighted enrichment ratio ! wp_enrff2 - used to calculate total weighted enrichment ratio ! cumulative kinetic energy since last tillage (J/m2) ! real wp_krcrat, wp_tccrat, wp_kicrat, wp_frorg(mxpart) real wp_frcly(mxpart), wp_frslt(mxpart), wp_frsnd(mxpart) integer wp_cycle, wp_froday real wp_ki,wp_kr,wp_shcrit real wp_dia(mxpart), wp_spg(mxpart), wp_frac(mxpart) real wp_fall(mxpart), wp_rspace, wp_bconsd real wp_frcff1(mxpart), wp_frcff2(mxpart) real wp_enrff1,wp_enrff2 ! real wp_rkecum, wp_prev_crust_frac !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Hillslope topography related ! These are set during initialization and will not change during ! the simulatation. ! ! wp_nslpts - number of input slope points ! wp_efflen - effective flow length of an overland flow element (m) ! for continuous flow planes - efflen is the sum of ! the plane lengths having flow - for a Case 4 plane ! on which runoff ends - efflen is the length of the ! portion of the Case 4 OFE on which runoff is present ! wp_fwidth - width of field (m) ! wp_avgslp - average slope gradient ! wp_slplen - slope length (m) ! wp_a - profile coefficient for curvature ! wp_b - ? ! wp_xu - dimensionless upper end of section ! wp_xl - dimensionless lower end of section ! wp_y - ? ! wp_xinput - unitless distances (points) down the slope ! wp_slpinp - ? ! wp_x - ? ! integer wp_nslpts real wp_efflen, wp_fwidth, wp_avgslp, wp_slplen real wp_a(mxslp),wp_b(mxslp), wp_xu(mxslp), wp_xl(mxslp) real wp_y(101),wp_xinput(mxslp),wp_slpinp(mxslp) real wp_x(101) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Hydrology related ! These are set on a per storm basis. They are set by the hydrology ! code and then used in the erosion code. These variables are ! set to zero each time at the start of the wepp hydrology. ! ! wp_peakro - peak runoff rate (m^3/s) ! wp_qout - flow discharge per unit width (m^3/m*s) at the bottom ! wp_qin - flow discharge per unit width (m^3/m*s) at the top ! wp_effdrr - duration of rainfall excess (s) ! wp_effdrn - effective duration (h) ! wp_effint - effective rainfall intensity (m/s) ! wp_qsout - sediment discharge at end (kg/m of width per second) ! wp_runoff - daily runoff amount (m) ! wp_precipEvents - total number of precip events during simulation ! wp_runoffEvents - total number of runoff events during simulation ! wp_totalPrecip - total precipitation all years ! wp_totalRunoff - total runoff all years ! wp_detailout - detailed event out(1) or only average annual(0) ! real wp_peakro,wp_qout,wp_qin real wp_effdrr, wp_effdrn, wp_effint, wp_qsout, wp_runoff ! real wp_totalRunoff,wp_totalPrecip,wp_totalSnowrunoff ! integer wp_runoffEvents,wp_precipEvents integer wp_detailout ! integer wp_snowmeltEvents !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Winter Hydrology related ! ! These are used in adjusting the hydraulic conductivity for additions ! that are in the WEPP portion. ! ! Saxton K.E. and Rawls W.J., 2006. Soil water characteristics estimates ! by texture and organic matter for hydraologic solution. ! Soil SCI. SOC. AM. J., 70, 1569--1578 These constants are computed once ! at the beginning of the simulation (in saxpar) and the used in saxfun on a ! daily basis. ! ! wp_saxwp - 1500 kpa soil water content (wilting point) ! wp_saxfc - 33 kpa soil water content (field capacity) ! wp_saxpor - saturated water content ! wp_saxenp - air entry pressure (kpa) ! wp_saxA, wp_saxB : moisture tension equition coefficients ! wp_saxks: saturated hydraulic conductivity (m/s) ! ! real wp_saxwp(mxnsl),wp_saxfc(mxnsl),wp_saxenp(mxnsl) ! real wp_saxpor(mxnsl) ! real wp_saxA(mxnsl), wp_saxB(mxnsl), wp_saxks(mxnsl) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Erosion related ! These are cumulative monthly, yearly, total. These are initialized ! to zero at the start of the simulation and not updated until ! after the WEPS warmup period. The WEPP erosion code is not called ! until after the WEPS warmup period. ! ! wp_dsmon - monthly sediment loss at each point (kg/m^2) ! wp_dsavg - total sediment loss at each point for each (kg/m^2) ! wp_dsyear - annual sediment loss at each point (kg/m^2) ! wp_avsolm - monthly sediment loss (kg/m) ! wp_avsoly - annual sediment loss (kg/m) ! wp_avsolf - total sediment loss (kg/m) ! wp_npart - number of particle classes ! wp_irdgdx - interrill contribution to dG/dx ! wp_width - rill width (m) computed using flow at end of OFE ! wp_rwflag - flag to indicate if user desires WEPP to reset ! : rill width after each tillage operation and compute ! : new rill widths with each runoff event: ! rwflag = 1 have model compute varying rill widths ! due to tillage and flow ! = 2 use input rill width always ! real wp_dsmon(101), wp_dsavg(101), wp_dsyear(101) real wp_avsolm,wp_avsoly,wp_avsolf integer wp_npart,wp_rwflag real wp_irdgdx,wp_width ! ! Put all the above inside a WEPP common block. ! common / wepp / & & wp_daydis, wp_cycle, wp_froday, wp_nslpts, & & wp_inrcov, wp_krcrat, wp_tccrat, wp_kicrat, wp_frorg, & & wp_frcly, wp_frslt, wp_frsnd, & & wp_ki,wp_kr,wp_shcrit, & & wp_dia, wp_spg, wp_frac, & & wp_fall, wp_rspace, wp_bconsd, & & wp_efflen, wp_fwidth, wp_avgslp, wp_slplen, & & wp_a,wp_b, wp_xu, wp_xl, & & wp_y, wp_x, wp_irdgdx, wp_npart, & & wp_peakro,wp_qout,wp_qin, & & wp_effdrr, wp_effdrn, wp_effint, wp_qsout, wp_runoff, & & wp_dsmon, wp_dsavg, wp_dsyear, & & wp_avsolm, wp_avsoly, wp_avsolf, wp_frcff1, wp_frcff2, & & wp_enrff1, wp_enrff2, & ! & wp_rkecum, wp_prev_crust_frac, & & wp_xinput, & & wp_slpinp, wp_width, wp_rwflag, & ! & wp_precipEvents,wp_runoffEvents,wp_totalPrecip,wp_totalRunoff, & ! & wp_totalSnowrunoff, & & wp_detailout ! & wp_snowmeltEvents, & ! & wp_saxwp,wp_saxfc,wp_saxenp,wp_saxpor,wp_saxA,wp_saxB,wp_saxks