subroutine caldatw(dd,mm,yyyy) ! implicit none ! include '' ! ! PARAMETER definitions ! integer,parameter :: igreg = 2299161 ! ! Dummy arguments ! integer :: dd,mm,yyyy ! ! Local variables ! real :: alpha,c,e real*8 :: dble integer :: int integer :: ja,jalpha,jb,jc,jd,je,julian ! ! + + + purpose + + + ! inverse of the function julday. here 'julian' is input as a julian day ! number, and the routine outputs the dd, mm, and yyyy on which the ! specified julian day started at noon. ! ! + + + keywords + + + ! date, utility ! ! + + + argument declarations + + + ! ! + + + argument definitions + + + ! mm - integer value of mm in the range 1-12 ! dd - dd in the range 1-31 ! yyyy - yyyy (negative a.d., positive b.c.) ! julian - integer value equal to julian day number ! ! + + + parameters + + + ! gregorian calendar was adopted on oct. 15, 1582. ! ! + + + local variables + + + ! alpha - ! c - ! dble - ! e - ! int - ! ja - ! jalpha - ! jb - ! + + + local parameters + + + ! igreg - ! ! ! + + + end specifications + + + ! ! use simulation date julian = am0jd if (julian>=igreg) then alpha = (dble(julian-1867216)-dble(0.25))/dble(36524.25) jalpha = int(alpha) ja = julian + 1 + jalpha - int(dble(0.25)*jalpha) else ja = julian end if jb = ja + 1524 c = dble(6680.0) + ((jb-2439870)-dble(122.1))/dble(365.25) jc = int(c) jd = 365*jc + int(dble(0.25)*jc) e = (jb-jd)/dble(30.6001) je = int(e) dd = jb - jd - int(dble(30.6001)*je) mm = je - 1 if (mm>12) mm = mm - 12 yyyy = jc - 4715 if (mm>2) yyyy = yyyy - 1 if (yyyy<=0) yyyy = yyyy - 1 ! end subroutine caldatw