!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ ! Functions for signed log-likelihood ratio statistic from: ! Tian, L. and J. Wu. 2006. Confidence Intervals for the Mean of ! Lognormal Data with Excess Zeros. Biometrical Journal 48:149-156 subroutine r0_z0(n,x,fvec,ni,iv,nr,rv,iflag) integer n,ni,iv(ni),nr integer, intent(inout) :: iflag double precision x(n),fvec(n),rv(nr) double precision :: r0 ! variables passed to r0 ! x(1) = psi ! iv(1) = nzero ! iv(2) = ngtz ! rv(1) = psihat ! rv(2) = muhat ! rv(3) = etahat ! rv(4) = t_sum ! rv(5) = s_sum fvec(1) = r0( x(1), iv(1), iv(2), rv(1), rv(2), rv(3), rv(4), rv(5), iflag ) - rv(6) end subroutine double precision function r0(psi, nzero, ngtz, psihat, muhat, etahat, t_sum, s_sum, iflag) double precision, intent(in) :: psi, psihat, muhat, etahat, t_sum, s_sum integer, intent(in) :: nzero, ngtz integer, intent(inout) :: iflag double precision :: muhatpsi, etahatpsi double precision :: log_likelihood !, r0 !Absoft compiler doesn't like the duplicate declaration double precision tmp0, B, one double precision :: constraint, muint, etaint ! variables required to use hybrd.f integer :: info, nfev, iv(2) double precision :: x(2), fvec(2), rv(3), diag(2), fjac(2,2), r(3) double precision :: qtf(2),wa1(2),wa2(2),wa3(2),wa4(2) external fnu ! check solution constraint to get intial guess in proper region ! initial guess muhatpsi = muhat etahatpsi = etahat constraint = psi - muhatpsi - etahatpsi/2 !write(*,*) "psi, muhatpsi, etahatpsi, constraint", psi, muhatpsi, etahatpsi, constraint ! find the point of intersection of the perpendicular to constraint boundary muint = 0.4*(2*psi + 0.5*muhatpsi - etahatpsi) etaint = 0.4*(psi - muhatpsi + 2*etahatpsi) !write(*,*) "intersection point - muint, etaint", muint, etaint ! check value against constraint boundary if( constraint .ge. 0.0 ) then ! point is in wrong region, out of bounds, refect point into solution region muhatpsi = 2*muint - muhatpsi etahatpsi = 2*etaint - etahatpsi constraint = psi - muhatpsi - etahatpsi/2 !write(*,*) "nfev, psi, muhatpsi, etahatpsi, constraint", 0, psi, muhatpsi, etahatpsi, constraint end if nfev = 0 do while( nfev .lt. 10 ) ! evaluate functions x(1) = muhatpsi x(2) = etahatpsi iv(1) = nzero iv(2) = ngtz rv(1) = psi rv(2) = s_sum rv(3) = t_sum !write(*,*) "nfev, psi, muhatpsi, etahatpsi, constraint", nfev, psi, muhatpsi, etahatpsi, constraint call fnu(2,x,fvec,2,iv,3,rv,info) nfev = nfev + 1 if( (fvec(1) .lt. 0.0d0) .or. (fvec(2) .lt. 0.0d0) ) then muhatpsi = 0.5*(muint + muhatpsi) etahatpsi = 0.5*(etaint + etahatpsi) constraint = psi - muhatpsi - etahatpsi/2 !write(*,*) "nfev, psi, muhatpsi, etahatpsi, constraint", nfev, psi, muhatpsi, etahatpsi, constraint else exit end if end do ! for value of psi, find muhatpsi, etahatpsi x(1) = muhatpsi x(2) = etahatpsi iv(1) = nzero iv(2) = ngtz rv(1) = psi rv(2) = s_sum rv(3) = t_sum ! call for signed log-likilihood ratio call hybrd(fnu,2,x,fvec,2,iv,3,rv,1.0d-6,100,1,1, & 1.0d-9,diag,1,1.0d2,0,info,nfev,fjac, & 2,r,3,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) muhatpsi = x(1) etahatpsi = x(2) if( info .ne. 1 ) then iflag = -info !write(*,*) "info, muhatpsi, etahatpsi ", info, muhatpsi, etahatpsi write(*,*) "# WARNING, confidence interval calculation did not converge, ", nzero+ngtz, " values." r0 = 0.0d0 return end if tmp0 = 0.0d0 constraint = psi - muhatpsi - etahatpsi/2 if( (constraint .ge. 0.0d0) .or. (etahatpsi .le. 0.0d0) ) then iflag = -1 !write(*,*) "muhat ", muhat !write(*,*) "etahat ", etahat !write(*,*) "nzero ", nzero !write(*,*) "ngtz ", ngtz !write(*,*) "psi ", psi !write(*,*) "s_sum ", s_sum !write(*,*) "t_sum ", t_sum !write(*,*) "muhatpsi ", muhatpsi !write(*,*) "etahatpsi ", etahatpsi !write(*,*) "constraint", constraint write(*,*) "# WARNING, confidence interval calculation, bad likelihood, ", nzero+ngtz, " values." else ! signed log-likelihood ratio B = psihat - psi one = 1.0 IF (B .EQ. 0.0) B = +0.0 tmp0 = sign(one, B) & * sqrt( 2.0 & * (log_likelihood(nzero, ngtz, psihat, muhat, etahat, t_sum, s_sum) & - log_likelihood(nzero, ngtz, psi, muhatpsi, etahatpsi, t_sum, s_sum))) end if r0 = tmp0 end function subroutine fnu(n,x,fvec,ni,iv,nr,rv,iflag) integer, intent(in) :: n,ni,iv(ni),nr integer, intent(inout) :: iflag double precision, intent(in) :: rv(nr) double precision, intent(inout) :: x(n) double precision, intent(out) :: fvec(n) double precision B, one integer :: nzero, ngtz double precision :: constraint, muhatpsi, etahatpsi, psi, s_sum, t_sum ! variables passed to fnu muhatpsi = x(1) etahatpsi = x(2) nzero = iv(1) ngtz = iv(2) psi = rv(1) s_sum = rv(2) t_sum = rv(3) constraint = psi - muhatpsi - etahatpsi/2 ! check for out of range value if( constraint > 700.0 ) then ! return flag indicating failure of routine, please terminate iflag = -1 else !write(*,*) 'fnu: constraint: ', constraint fvec(1) = (nzero * exp(constraint)) & / (1 - exp(constraint)) & - ngtz & + s_sum / etahatpsi & - ngtz * muhatpsi / etahatpsi fvec(2) = (nzero * exp(constraint)) & / 2 / (1 - exp(constraint)) & - ngtz / 2.0 & - ngtz / 2.0 / etahatpsi & + t_sum / 2.0 / etahatpsi / etahatpsi & - muhatpsi * s_sum / etahatpsi / etahatpsi & + ngtz * muhatpsi * muhatpsi / 2.0 / etahatpsi / etahatpsi ! check constraint !constraint = psi - muhatpsi - etahatpsi/2 if( constraint .gt. 0 ) then one = 1.0 B = fvec(1) IF (B .EQ. 0.0) B = +0.0 fvec(1) = fvec(1) + sign(one,B)*constraint B = fvec(2) IF (B .EQ. 0.0) B = +0.0 fvec(2) = fvec(2) + sign(one,B)*constraint end if end if end subroutine double precision function log_likelihood(nzero, ngtz, psi, mu, eta, t_sum, s_sum) use p1unconv_mod, only: pi integer, intent(in) :: nzero, ngtz double precision, intent(in) :: psi, mu, eta, t_sum, s_sum log_likelihood = nzero * log(1 - exp(psi - mu - eta/2)) & + ngtz * (psi - mu - eta/2) & - ngtz * log(2*pi) / 2 & - ngtz * log(eta) / 2 & - t_sum / 2 / eta & + mu * s_sum / eta & - ngtz * mu * mu / 2 / eta end function