!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ module datetime_mod implicit none private type date_time_numbers_strings integer :: dt(8) ! values as read in from the date_and_time fortran subroutine ! (1) - year ! (2) - month of year ! (3) - day of month ! (4) - time difference from UTC (minutes) ! (5) - hour of day (0-23) ! (6) - minute of hour (0-59) ! (7) - second of minute (0-59) ! (8) - milliseconds of second (0-999) character(len=3) :: mstring ! three letter string for the name of the month integer :: julian_day integer :: day_of_year end type date_time_numbers_strings type(date_time_numbers_strings) :: sys_time save sys_time type(date_time_numbers_strings) :: sim_date save sim_date public :: update_system_time interface get_systime module procedure get_systime_day_month_year module procedure get_systime_mname_dyhms module procedure get_systime_jday_doy end interface get_systime public :: get_systime public :: get_systime_string public :: update_simulation_date interface get_simdate module procedure get_simdate_day_month_year module procedure get_simdate_mname_day_year module procedure get_simdate_jday_doy end interface get_simdate public :: get_simdate public :: get_simdate_doy public :: get_simdate_year public :: caldat public :: julday public :: difdat public :: dayear public :: lstday public :: isleap public :: wkday public :: mvdate contains subroutine update_system_time ! Determine date of Run from system clock call date_and_time(values=sys_time%dt) ! set three letter abbreviation for month of year sys_time%mstring = find_month_string( sys_time%dt(2) ) ! set julian_day sys_time%julian_day = julday( sys_time%dt(3), sys_time%dt(2), sys_time%dt(1) ) ! set day_of_year sys_time%day_of_year = dayear( sys_time%dt(3), sys_time%dt(2), sys_time%dt(1) ) end subroutine update_system_time subroutine get_systime_day_month_year( day, month, year ) integer, intent(out) :: day, month, year ! call internal routine with time desired call get_time_day_month_year(sys_time, day, month, year) end subroutine get_systime_day_month_year subroutine get_systime_mname_dyhms( mname, day, year, hour, minute, second ) character(len=3), intent(out) :: mname ! three letter string for the name of the month integer, intent(out) :: day, year, hour, minute, second call get_time_mname_dyhms(sys_time, mname, day, year, hour, minute, second) end subroutine get_systime_mname_dyhms subroutine get_systime_jday_doy( julian_day, day_of_year ) integer, intent(out) :: julian_day, day_of_year call get_time_jday_doy( sys_time, julian_day, day_of_year ) end subroutine get_systime_jday_doy function get_systime_string() result( systime_string ) character(len=21) :: systime_string character(len=3) :: mname ! three letter string for the name of the month integer :: day, year, hour, minute, second call get_time_mname_dyhms(sys_time, mname, day, year, hour, minute, second) write( systime_string, "(a3,' ',i2.2,', ',i4,' ', i2.2,':',i2.2,':',i2.2)" ) mname, day, year, hour, minute, second end function get_systime_string subroutine update_simulation_date( julian_day ) integer, intent(in) :: julian_day ! set julian_day sim_date%julian_day = julian_day ! set day, month, year call caldat( julian_day, sim_date%dt(3), sim_date%dt(2), sim_date%dt(1) ) ! set three letter abbreviation for month of year sim_date%mstring = find_month_string( sim_date%dt(2) ) ! set day_of_year sim_date%day_of_year = dayear( sim_date%dt(3), sim_date%dt(2), sim_date%dt(1) ) end subroutine update_simulation_date subroutine get_simdate_day_month_year( day, month, year ) integer, intent(out) :: day, month, year ! call internal routine with time desired call get_time_day_month_year( sim_date, day, month, year ) end subroutine get_simdate_day_month_year subroutine get_simdate_mname_day_year( mname, day, year ) character(len=3), intent(out) :: mname ! three letter string for the name of the month integer, intent(out) :: day, year integer :: hour, minute, second call get_time_mname_dyhms( sim_date, mname, day, year, hour, minute, second ) end subroutine get_simdate_mname_day_year subroutine get_simdate_jday_doy( julian_day, day_of_year ) integer, intent(out) :: julian_day, day_of_year call get_time_jday_doy( sim_date, julian_day, day_of_year ) end subroutine get_simdate_jday_doy function get_simdate_doy() result( day_of_year ) integer :: day_of_year day_of_year = get_time_doy( sim_date ) end function get_simdate_doy function get_simdate_year() result( year ) integer :: year year = get_time_year( sim_date ) end function get_simdate_year subroutine get_time_day_month_year( datetime, day, month, year ) type(date_time_numbers_strings), intent(in) :: datetime integer, intent(out) :: day, month, year ! retrieve values from datetime structure day = datetime%dt(3) month = datetime%dt(2) year = datetime%dt(1) end subroutine get_time_day_month_year subroutine get_time_mname_dyhms( datetime, mname, day, year, hour, minute, second ) type(date_time_numbers_strings), intent(in) :: datetime character(len=3), intent(out) :: mname ! three letter string for the name of the month integer, intent(out) :: day, year, hour, minute, second mname = datetime%mstring day = datetime%dt(3) year = datetime%dt(1) hour = datetime%dt(5) minute = datetime%dt(6) second = datetime%dt(7) end subroutine get_time_mname_dyhms subroutine get_time_jday_doy( datetime, julian_day, day_of_year ) type(date_time_numbers_strings), intent(in) :: datetime integer, intent(out) :: julian_day, day_of_year julian_day = datetime%julian_day day_of_year = datetime%day_of_year end subroutine get_time_jday_doy function get_time_doy( datetime ) result( day_of_year ) type(date_time_numbers_strings), intent(in) :: datetime integer :: day_of_year day_of_year = datetime%day_of_year end function get_time_doy function get_time_year( datetime ) result( year ) type(date_time_numbers_strings), intent(in) :: datetime integer :: year year = datetime%dt(1) end function get_time_year function find_month_string( num_month ) result( mstring ) integer, intent(in) :: num_month character(len=3) :: mstring ! Determine month of year select case (num_month) case (1); mstring = "Jan" case (2); mstring = "Feb" case (3); mstring = "Mar" case (4); mstring = "Apr" case (5); mstring = "May" case (6); mstring = "Jun" case (7); mstring = "Jul" case (8); mstring = "Aug" case (9); mstring = "Sep" case (10); mstring = "Oct" case (11); mstring = "Nov" case (12); mstring = "Dec" case default; mstring = "???" end select end function find_month_string subroutine caldat (julian, dd, mm, yyyy) ! CALDAT is taken from _Numerical_Recipes:_The_Art_of_Scientific_Computing_ ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! Inverse of the function JULDAY. Here 'julian' is input as a Julian Day ! Number, and the routine outputs the dd, mm, and yyyy on which the ! specified Julian Day started at noon. ! problems were found with the method above for long runs such as: ! - the ten missing days in 1582 (we really just need 365.25 day in each year) ! - after 1700, leap years return feb 31, not 29 and the wrong year ! - it may only be the fortran implementation and floating point problems ! Based on info from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_day, which references ! http://www.astro.uu.nl/~strous/AA/en/reken/juliaansedag.html, the code ! was revised to use the Astronomical Gregorian calendar, which takes the ! present pattern of leap years back into the past. This is ideal for ! our purposes with no year getting short changed. Integer math method ! is taken from Wikipedia article. ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer, intent(in) :: julian ! Julian Day Number integer, intent(out) :: dd ! day of month in the range 1-31 integer, intent(out) :: mm ! month of year in the range 1-12 integer, intent(out) :: yyyy ! year (positive A.D., negative B.C.) ! + + + PARAMETERS + + + ! Gregorian Calendar was adopted on Oct. 15, 1582. ! parameter (igreg=2299161) ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer s1, s2, s3, s4, n_n, i_i, q_q ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + s1 = julian + 68569 n_n = floor(4*s1/146097.0) s2 = s1 - floor((146097*n_n + 3)/4.0) i_i = floor(4000*(s2 + 1)/1461001.0) s3 = s2 - floor(1461*i_i/4.0) + 31 q_q = floor(80*s3/2447.0) s4 = floor(q_q/11.0) dd = s3 - floor(2447*q_q/80.0) mm = q_q + 2 - 12*s4 yyyy = 100*(n_n - 49) + i_i + s4 end subroutine caldat function julday( dd, mm, yyyy ) result( julian_day ) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! In this routine JULDAY returns the Julian Day Number which begins at ! noon of the gregorian calendar date specified by day "dd", month "mm", & year "yyyy" ! All are integer variables. Positive year signifies A.D.; zero and negative, B.C. ! Calendar dates before 1582 will not match dates on the Julian calendar used ! at the time. ! JULDAY is taken from _Numerical_Recipes:_The_Art_of_Scientific_Computing_ ! problems were found with the method above for long runs such as: ! - the ten missing days in 1582 (we really just need 365.25 day in each year) ! - after 1700, leap years return feb 31, not 29 and the wrong year ! - it may only be the fortran implementation and floating point problems ! Based on info from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_day, which references ! http://www.astro.uu.nl/~strous/AA/en/reken/juliaansedag.html, the code ! was revised to use the Astronomical Gregorian calendar, which takes the ! present pattern of leap years back into the past. This is ideal for ! our purposes with no year getting short changed. Integer math method ! is taken from Wikipedia article. ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer, intent(in) :: dd ! integer value of day in the range 1-31 integer, intent(in) :: mm ! month in the range 1-12 integer, intent(in) :: yyyy ! year (negative B.C., positive A.D.) integer :: julian_day julian_day = (1461 * (yyyy + 4800 + (mm - 14)/12))/4 & + (367 * (mm - 2 - 12 * ((mm - 14)/12)))/12 & - (3 * ((yyyy + 4900 + (mm - 14)/12)/100))/4 + dd - 32075 end function julday function difdat( d1, m1, yyy1, d2, m2, yyy2 ) result( diff ) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! Two dates are passed to this function and the number of days between ! them is returned. The important thing to remember here is that the ! first date is subtracted _from_ the second. ! Example: ! d1 m1 yyy1 d2 m2 yyy2 returns meaning ! 01 01 1992 02 01 1992 1 1 day from 01/01/1992 it will ! be 02/01/1992 ! 02 01 1992 01 01 1992 -1 -1 day from 02/01/1992 (or 1 ! day ago) it was 01/01/1992 ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer, intent(in) :: d1 ! day integer, intent(in) :: m1 ! month integer, intent(in) :: yyy1 ! year integer, intent(in) :: d2 ! day integer, intent(in) :: m2 ! month integer, intent(in) :: yyy2 ! year integer :: diff diff = julday (d2, m2, yyy2) - julday (d1, m1, yyy1) end function difdat function dayear( dd, mm, yyyy ) result( day_of_year ) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! Given a date in dd/mm/yyyy format, ! dayear will return the number of days ! from the first of that year. ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer, intent(in) :: dd ! day integer, intent(in) :: mm ! month integer, intent(in) :: yyyy ! year integer :: day_of_year ! Get the difference in days + 1 day_of_year = difdat( 1, 1, yyyy, dd, mm, yyyy ) + 1 end function dayear function lstday( mm, yyyy ) result( last_day_of_month ) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! Given a date in mm/yyyy format, lstday will return the last day ! of that month. ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer, intent(in) ::mm ! month integer, intent(in) ::yyyy ! year integer :: last_day_of_month ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer lm, ld, ly ! local month, day, year integer julian ! julian day value ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! Go to the first day of the next month (This is exactly one day after the day we want to find) lm = mm + 1 ld = 1 ly = yyyy if( lm .eq. 13 ) then lm = 1 ly = yyyy + 1 end if ! We simply find the Julian Day and subtract 1 day to get the last day of the previous month julian = julday( ld, lm, ly ) - 1 ! Now convert back to gregorian calendar to get the actual day call caldat( julian, ld, lm, ly ) last_day_of_month = ld end function lstday function isleap (yyyy) result( leap_year_TF ) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! Given a year in yyyy format, isleap will return ! a .true. if it is a leap year or a .false. if it is not a leap year. ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer, intent(in) :: yyyy ! year to be tested logical :: leap_year_TF ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer ld ! local day ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! Go to the last day of February and see if the 29th exists ld = lstday(2, yyyy) if (ld.eq.29) then leap_year_TF = .TRUE. else leap_year_TF = .FALSE. endif end function isleap integer function wkday( dd, mm, yyyy ) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! Given a date in dd/mm/yyyy format ! wkday will give the day of the week. ! 0 = Monday ! 1 = Tuesday ! 2 = Wednesday ! 3 = Thursday ! 4 = Friday ! 5 = Saturday ! 6 = Sunday ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer, intent(in) :: dd ! day integer, intent(in) :: mm ! month integer, intent(in) :: yyyy ! year ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! We simply find the Julian Day and do a modulo of the value wkday=mod((julday (dd,mm,yyyy)), 7) end function wkday subroutine mvdate( delta, dd, mm, yyyy, nday, nmonth, nyear ) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! Compute a date which is delta number of days before or after the ! date that is passed. ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer delta, dd, mm, yyyy, nday, nmonth, nyear ! + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + ! delta - positive or negative integer indicating number of days ! dd - day -\ ! mm - month >-- passed in parameters. WILL NOT CHANGE ! yyyy - year -/ ! ! nday - day -\ ! nmonth - month >-- results are shipped out in here ! nyear - year -/ ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + call caldat ((julday (dd, mm, yyyy)+delta), nday, nmonth, nyear) end subroutine mvdate end module datetime_mod