!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ ! methods to find the intersection (or not) of two polylines ! they may be specified by arrays of points ! or by a point and an angle (ie. a vector) Module pnt_polyline_mod use Points_Mod type location_intersect type(point) :: pnt integer :: low_index real :: dist_frac end type location_intersect interface pl_intersect module procedure intersect_2_poly module procedure intersect_direction_poly module procedure intersect_4_points end interface pl_intersect contains function intersect_2_poly(pline1, pline2, pnt_intersect, cnt_intersect) result( did_intersect) ! arguments type(point), dimension(:), intent(in) :: pline1 ! polyline array (at least 2 points) type(point), dimension(:), intent(in) :: pline2 ! polyline array (at least 2 points) type(point), intent(out) :: pnt_intersect ! point of intersection integer, intent(inout) :: cnt_intersect ! if less than or equal to zero on call, return count of number of intersections and the last intersection point. ! if greater than zero, return intersection point at that count. logical :: did_intersect ! did the two polylines have an intersection point ! local variables integer :: idx1 ! loop index for pline1 integer :: idx2 ! loop index for pline2 integer :: cnt ! count of number of intersections integer :: stat ! status return from the intersection routine cnt = 0 do idx1 = 2, size(pline1) do idx2 = 2, size(pline2) stat = intersect_4_points( pline1(idx1-1), pline1(idx1), pline2(idx2-1), pline2(idx2), pnt_intersect ) if( abs(stat) .eq. 1 ) then ! intersection found, or common end point cnt = cnt + 1 if( (cnt_intersect .gt. 0) .and. (cnt_intersect .eq. cnt) ) then ! specific point requested so return it did_intersect = .true. return end if end if end do end do ! check count and return accordingly if( cnt .lt. cnt_intersect ) then ! unable to find enough intersections, return did not intersect did_intersect = .false. else if( cnt .gt. 0 ) then ! intersections found and not equal to cnt_intersect so set and return cnt_intersect = cnt did_intersect = .true. else ! cnt .eq. 0 did_intersect = .false. end if return end function intersect_2_poly function intersect_direction_poly(pnt, angle, pline, loc_intersect) result(did_intersect) ! returns the intersection of the directed semi-infinite line segment with any segment of the polyline pline ! In the case of multiple intersections, the closest one is returned. ! arguments type(point), intent(in) :: pnt ! starting point of semi-infinite line segment real, intent(in) :: angle ! direction of semi-infinite line segment (degrees from North, clockwise is positive) type(point), dimension(:), intent(in) :: pline ! polyline type(location_intersect), intent(out) :: loc_intersect ! point of intersection, lower index and fraction of distance between indexes logical :: did_intersect ! .true. indicates intersection, .false. indicates no intersection ! local variables integer :: idx type(point), dimension(1:size(pline)) :: pline_tr ! working array for polyline type(point) :: inv_pnt ! point used to translate points back to original position double precision :: rot_ang ! angle to rotate the polyline double precision :: dist ! distance from pnt to intersection double precision :: min_dist ! minimum distance from pnt to intersection double precision :: x_dist ! temporary variable to hold segment x distance double precision :: y_dist ! temporary variable to hold segment y distance ! return value if nothing matches did_intersect = .false. ! find translation inverse inv_pnt%x = 0.0 inv_pnt%y = 0.0 inv_pnt = translate( pnt, inv_pnt ) ! translate and rotate all points in pline so pnt is at (0,0) and angle is postive x-axis pline_tr = translate( pnt, pline ) ! rotate all points in pline as if angle is postive x-axis (90 degrees from North ! NOTE: rotate routine considers counter-clockwise the positive direction rot_ang = (angle - 90.0) pline_tr = rotate( rot_ang, pline_tr ) min_dist = huge(min_dist) ! check all line segments in polyline do idx = 2, size(pline_tr) ! check end points if( pline_tr(idx-1)%y .eq. 0.0 ) then ! first segment end point intersects ! check for minimum distance dist = slen(pline_tr(idx-1)) if( dist .lt. min_dist ) then min_dist = dist loc_intersect%pnt = pline(idx-1) loc_intersect%low_index = idx - 1 loc_intersect%dist_frac = 0.0 end if if( pline_tr(idx)%y .eq. 0.0 ) then ! second segment end point intersects ! check for minimum distance dist = slen(pline_tr(idx)) if( dist .lt. min_dist ) then min_dist = dist loc_intersect%pnt = pline(idx) loc_intersect%low_index = idx - 1 loc_intersect%dist_frac = 1.0 end if end if did_intersect = .true. else ! first segment end point does not intesect if( pline_tr(idx)%y .eq. 0.0 ) then ! only second segment end point intersects dist = slen(pline_tr(idx)) if( dist .lt. min_dist ) then min_dist = dist loc_intersect%pnt = pline(idx) loc_intersect%low_index = idx - 1 loc_intersect%dist_frac = 1.0 end if did_intersect = .true. end if end if ! There is intersection if segment crosses positive x-axis if( nint(sign(1.0,pline_tr(idx-1)%y)) .ne. nint(sign(1.0,pline_tr(idx)%y)) ) then ! One is positive and the other negative, they cross the axis ! (3) Discover the position of the intersection point on the x-axis. dist = pline_tr(idx)%x + (pline_tr(idx-1)%x - pline_tr(idx)%x) * pline_tr(idx)%y / (pline_tr(idx)%y - pline_tr(idx-1)%y) if( dist .ge. 0.0 ) then ! crosses positive x-axis if( dist .lt. min_dist ) then ! This intersection is closer, so make this the intersection point ! (4) rotate and translate back to the original coordinate system. min_dist = abs(dist) loc_intersect%pnt%x = dist loc_intersect%pnt%y = 0.0 loc_intersect%pnt = rotate( -rot_ang, loc_intersect%pnt ) loc_intersect%pnt = translate( inv_pnt, loc_intersect%pnt ) loc_intersect%low_index = idx - 1 if( abs( pline_tr(idx)%x - pline_tr(idx-1)%x ) .ge. abs( pline_tr(idx)%y - pline_tr(idx-1)%y ) ) then ! denominator with x is larger, use it. loc_intersect%dist_frac = (dist - pline_tr(idx-1)%x) / (pline_tr(idx)%x - pline_tr(idx-1)%x) else ! denominator with y is larger, use it. loc_intersect%dist_frac = (0.0 - pline_tr(idx-1)%y) / (pline_tr(idx)%y - pline_tr(idx-1)%y) end if end if did_intersect = .true. end if end if end do end function intersect_direction_poly function intersect_4_points( pnt1, pnt2, pnt3, pnt4, pnt_intersect ) result(type_intersect) ! given line segements (pnt1-pnt2) and (pnt3-pnt4), determine whether they intersect ! and if they do, the point of intersection. Also return indication of degenerate cases, ! such as zero length segments, end point on segment and coinciding line segments. ! return intersection point will be modified for case 1 and -1 ! heavily modified from http://alienryderflex.com/intersect/ ! public domain function by Darel Rex Finley, 2006 ! arguments type(point), intent(in) :: pnt1, pnt2, pnt3, pnt4 type(point), intent(out) :: pnt_intersect integer :: type_intersect ! -3 - zero length segment ! -2 - coincident ! -1 - shared end point or coincident ! 0 - no intersection ! 1 - intersection ! local variables type(point) :: pnt2t, pnt3t, pnt4t double precision :: dist_1_2, theCos, theSin, newX, pos_1_2 ; ! either line segment is zero-length. if( ((pnt1%x .eq. pnt2%x) .and. (pnt1%y .eq. pnt2%y)) .or. ((pnt3%x .eq. pnt4%x) .and. (pnt3%y .eq. pnt4%y)) ) then type_intersect = -2 return end if ! segments share an end-point. if( ((pnt1%x .eq. pnt3%x) .and. (pnt1%y .eq. pnt3%y)) .or. ((pnt2%x .eq. pnt3%x) .and. (pnt2%y .eq. pnt3%y)) ) then ! return this end point pnt_intersect = pnt3 type_intersect = -1 return end if if( ((pnt1%x .eq. pnt4%x) .and. (pnt1%y .eq. pnt4%y)) .or. ((pnt2%x .eq. pnt4%x) .and. (pnt2%y .eq. pnt4%y)) ) then ! return this end point pnt_intersect = pnt4 type_intersect = -1 return end if ! (1) Translate the system so that point pnt1 is on the origin. pnt2t = pnt2 - pnt1 pnt3t = pnt3 - pnt1 pnt4t = pnt4 - pnt1 ! Discover the length of segment 1-2. dist_1_2 = slen(pnt2t) ! (2) Rotate the system so that point 2 is on the positive X axis. theCos = pnt2t%x / dist_1_2; theSin = pnt2t%y / dist_1_2; ! rotate point 3 newX = pnt3t%x*theCos + pnt3t%y*theSin pnt3t%y = pnt3t%y*theCos - pnt3t%x*theSin pnt3t%x = newX ! rotate point 4 newX = pnt4t%x*theCos + pnt4t%y*theSin pnt4t%y = pnt4t%y*theCos - pnt4t%x*theSin pnt4t%x = newX ! check if lines coincide (not testing segment overlap at this point) if( (pnt3t%y .eq. 0.0) .and. (pnt4t%y .eq. 0.0) ) then type_intersect = -2 return end if ! No intersection if segment 3-4 doesn't cross line 1-2. if( ((pnt3t%y .lt. 0.0) .and. (pnt4t%y .lt. 0.0)) .or. ((pnt3t%y .gt. 0.0) .and. (pnt4t%y .gt. 0.0)) ) then type_intersect = 0 return end if ! (3) Discover the position of the intersection point along line A-B. pos_1_2 = pnt4t%x + (pnt3t%x - pnt4t%x) * pnt4t%y / (pnt4t%y - pnt3t%y); ! No intersection if segment 3-4 crosses line 1-2 outside of segment 1-2. if( (pos_1_2 .lt. 0.0) .or. (pos_1_2 .gt. dist_1_2) ) then type_intersect = 0 return end if ! (4) Apply the discovered position to line 1-2 in the original coordinate system. pnt_intersect%x = pnt1%x + pos_1_2*theCos pnt_intersect%y = pnt1%y + pos_1_2*theSin type_intersect = 1 return end function intersect_4_points end module pnt_polyline_mod