!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ subroutine erodsubr_update( sr, restot, croptot, biotot, h1et, subrsurf ) ! +++ PURPOSE +++ ! print out input file for stand alone erosion ! + + + Modules Used + + + use subregions_mod use biomaterial, only: biototal use hydro_data_struct_defs, only: hydro_derived_et use erosion_data_struct_defs, only: subregionsurfacestate ! +++ ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS +++ integer sr ! subregion index (eventually obsolete) type(biototal), intent(in) :: restot type(biototal), intent(in) :: croptot type(biototal), intent(in) :: biotot type(hydro_derived_et), intent(in) :: h1et type(subregionsurfacestate), intent(inout) :: subrsurf ! subregion surface conditions (erosion specific set) ! +++ ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS +++ ! + + + GLOBAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'p1werm.inc' include 's1dbh.inc' include 's1layr.inc' include 's1phys.inc' include 's1agg.inc' include 'h1db1.inc' ! +++ LOCAL VARIABLES +++ integer :: idx ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! idx - loop index ! +++ END SPECIFICATIONS +++ subrsurf%adzht_ave = restot%zht_ave subrsurf%aczht = croptot%zht_ave subrsurf%acrsai = croptot%rsaitot subrsurf%acrlai = croptot%rlaitot subrsurf%adrsaitot = restot%rsaitot subrsurf%adrlaitot = restot%rlaitot subrsurf%acxrow = croptot%xrow subrsurf%ac0rg = croptot%c0rg subrsurf%abffcv = biotot%ffcvtot do idx = 1, nslay(sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%aszlyt = aszlyt(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%asdblk = asdblk(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%asfsan = asfsan(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%asfvfs = asfvfs(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%asfsil = asfsil(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%asfcla = asfcla(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%asvroc = asvroc(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%asdagd = asdagd(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%aseags = aseags(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%aslagm = aslagm(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%aslagn = aslagn(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%aslagx = aslagx(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%as0ags = as0ags(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%ahrwcw = ahrwcw(idx,sr) subrsurf%bsl(idx)%ahrwca = ahrwca(idx,sr) end do subrsurf%ahzsnd = h1et%zsnd do idx = 1, 24 subrsurf%ahrwc0(idx) = ahrwc0(idx,sr) end do ! derived subrsurf%abrsai = biotot%rsaitot subrsurf%abrlai = biotot%rlaitot subrsurf%abzht = biotot%zht_ave ! real :: sxprg ! sxprg - ridge spacing parallel the wind direction(mm) ! real :: acanag ! acanag - coefficient of abrasion for aggregates (1/m) ! real :: acancr ! acancr - coefficient of abrasion for crust (1/m) ! real :: asf10an ! asf10an - soil fraction pm10 in abraded suspension ! real :: asf10en ! asf10en - soil fraction pm10 in emitted suspension ! real :: asf10bk ! asf10bk - soil fraction pm10 in saltation breakage suspension ! real :: sfd1 ! soil fraction less than 0.01 mm diameter ! real :: sfd10 ! soil fraction less than 0.1 mm diameter ! real :: sfd84 ! soil fraction less than 0.84 mm diameter ! real :: sfd200 ! soil fraction less than 2.0 mm diameter ! real :: sf10ic ! initial condition (modified) of soil fraction less than 0.1 mm diameter ! real :: sf84ic ! initial condition (modified) of soil fraction less than 0.84 mm diameter return end