! !$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ ! ! This routine determines the date of all management operations ! and their names, along with any crop names associated with them. ! ! It fills a dynamically allocated array "mandate" of user-defined ! type "man_opcrop_dates_type". It first reads the management file ! to determine the number of operations. Then it allocates the ! necessary space for "mandate". Then it re-reads the file to ! fill it with the date and names info. ! Harvest operations are updated in "report_harvest" to have the ! name of the harvested crop associated with them. subroutine mandates(sr, mandate) use mandate_mod, only: opercrop_date, create_mandate ! Load shared mandate() array include 'p1werm.inc' include 'command.inc' include 'manage/man.inc' integer sr type (opercrop_date), dimension(:), allocatable :: mandate integer linidx character*256 line integer idx1, idx2 integer cnt_man_dates logical cnt_em integer i if (allocated (mandate)) then return ! already allocated so values are already populated (calibration mode) end if cnt_man_dates = 0 cnt_em = .TRUE. ! first time parsing, just count op dates 1 do 5 linidx = mbeg(sr), mbeg(sr+1) - 1 line = mtbl(linidx) if (line(1:1) .eq. 'D') then ! have a date - do something here if (cnt_em .eqv. .TRUE.) then cnt_man_dates = cnt_man_dates + 1 goto 5 ! look for next operation date endif i = i + 1 mandate(i)%sr = sr read (line (3:12),'(i2,1x,i2,1x,i4)', err=902) & & mandate(i)%d,mandate(i)%m,mandate(i)%y !print *, mandate(i)%d,mandate(i)%m,mandate(i)%y ! Move the tbl ptr to the first operation after the date do 10 idx1 = linidx+1, mbeg(sr+1) -1 line = mtbl(idx1) if (line(1:1) .eq. 'O') then ! Got an operation name read (line(6:), '(a)') mandate(i)%opname !print *, trim(mandate(i)%opname) ! Move the tbl ptr to the first "G 03" line after the operation do 15 idx2 = idx1+1, mbeg(sr+1) -1 line = mtbl(idx2) !print *, line if (line(1:4) .eq. 'G 03') then ! Got a crop group line line = mtbl(idx2+1) ! Crop name on next line read (line(3:), '(a)') mandate(i)%cropname !print *, trim(mandate(i)%cropname) goto 10 ! can have only one crop per operation right now else if (line(1:1) .eq. 'D') then ! done looking for crop name mandate(i)%cropname = "" goto 10 else if (line(1:1) .eq. '*') then mandate(i)%cropname = "" !print *, "No cropname - end of management file" goto 20 endif 15 continue else if (line(1:1) .eq. 'D') then ! done looking for op name goto 5 else if (line(1:1) .eq. '*') then !print *, "No opname - end of management file" goto 20 endif 10 continue endif 5 continue 20 if (cnt_em .eqv. .TRUE.) then cnt_em = .FALSE. !print *, "cnt_em", cnt_em, cnt_man_dates call create_mandate( cnt_man_dates, mandate ) i = 0 goto 1 ! Parse again, but this time grab dates and names endif if( report_debug >= 1 ) then do 30 i = 1, cnt_man_dates print *, i, mandate(i)%d, mandate(i)%m, mandate(i)%y, & & trim(mandate(i)%opname)," ",trim(mandate(i)%cropname) print *, 'mandate', mandate(i) 30 end do print *, 'size of mandate', size(mandate) end if return ! ! Error stops ! 902 write(0, 9902) line, sr 9902 format('mandates.for: Bad date format ',a,' in subregion ',i2) call exit(1) end