TOHW_m_dom_publics(` public :: getTagName public :: getAttribute public :: setAttribute public :: removeAttribute public :: getAttributeNode public :: setAttributeNode public :: removeAttributeNode public :: getAttributeNS public :: setAttributeNS public :: removeAttributeNS public :: getAttributeNodeNS public :: setAttributeNodeNS public :: removeAttributeNodeNS public :: hasAttribute public :: hasAttributeNS public :: setIdAttribute public :: setIdAttributeNS public :: setIdAttributeNode ')`'dnl dnl TOHW_m_dom_contents(` TOHW_m_dom_get(DOMString, tagName, np%nodeName, (ELEMENT_NODE)) pure function getAttribute_len(arg, p, name) result(n) type(Node), intent(in) :: arg logical, intent(in) :: p character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer :: n integer :: i n = 0 if (.not.p) return if (arg%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) return do i = 1, arg%elExtras%attributes%length if (str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==name) then n = getTextContent_len(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this, .true.) exit endif enddo end function getAttribute_len TOHW_function(getAttribute, (arg, name), c) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: name #ifdef RESTRICTED_ASSOCIATED_BUG character(len=getAttribute_len(arg, .true., name)) :: c #else character(len=getAttribute_len(arg, associated(arg), name)) :: c #endif integer :: i if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (getNodeType(arg) /= ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif if (len(c)>0) then do i = 1, arg%elExtras%attributes%length if (str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==name) then c = getTextContent(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this) exit endif enddo else c = "" endif end function getAttribute TOHW_subroutine(setAttribute, (arg, name, value)) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=*), intent(in) :: value type(Node), pointer :: nn, dummy logical :: quickFix if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (getNodetype(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (arg%readonly) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) elseif (.not.checkName(name, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR) elseif (.not.checkChars(value, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_CHARACTER) endif quickFix = getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg)) & .and. arg%inDocument if (quickFix) call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .false.) ! then the created attribute is going straight into the document, ! so dont faff with hanging-node lists. nn => createAttribute(arg%ownerDocument, name) call setValue(nn, value) dummy => setNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), nn) if (associated(dummy)) then if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg)).and..not.dummy%inDocument) & call putNodesInDocument(getOwnerDocument(arg), dummy) ! ... so that dummy & children are removed from hangingNodes list. call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dummy) endif if (quickFix) call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .true.) end subroutine setAttribute TOHW_subroutine(removeAttribute, (arg, name)) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(DOMException) :: ex2 type(Node), pointer :: dummy integer :: e if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (getNodetype(arg)/=ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (arg%readonly) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) endif if (arg%inDocument) & call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .false.) dummy => removeNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), name, ex2) ! removeNamedItem took care of any default attributes if (inException(ex2)) then e = getExceptionCode(ex2) if (e/=NOT_FOUND_ERR) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(e) endif else if (.not.arg%inDocument) then ! dummy was not in the doc, so was on hangingNode list. ! To remove it from the list: call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, dummy) endif call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dummy) endif if (arg%inDocument) & call setGCstate(arg%ownerDocument, .true.) end subroutine removeAttribute TOHW_function(getAttributeNode, (arg, name), attr) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(Node), pointer :: attr if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif attr => getNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), name) end function getAttributeNode TOHW_function(setAttributeNode, (arg, newattr), attr) type(Node), pointer :: arg type(Node), pointer :: newattr type(Node), pointer :: attr type(Node), pointer :: dummy if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.associated(arg%ownerDocument, newattr%ownerDocument)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR) elseif (arg%readonly) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) endif if (associated(getOwnerElement(newattr), arg)) then attr => newattr return ! Nothing to do, this attribute is already in this element elseif (associated(getOwnerElement(newattr))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR) endif ! this checks if attribute exists already ! It also does any adding/removing of hangingnodes ! and sets ownerElement appropriately dummy => setNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), newattr, ex) attr => dummy end function setAttributeNode TOHW_function(removeAttributeNode, (arg, oldattr), attr) type(Node), pointer :: arg type(Node), pointer :: oldattr type(Node), pointer :: attr if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif if (.not.associated(arg, getOwnerElement(oldattr))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR) endif attr => removeNamedItem(getAttributes(arg), & getNodeName(oldattr), ex) end function removeAttributeNode ! function getElementsByTagName - see m_dom_document pure function getAttributesNS_len(arg, p, localname, namespaceURI) result(n) type(Node), intent(in) :: arg logical, intent(in) :: p character(len=*), intent(in) :: localname character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI integer :: n integer :: i n = 0 if (.not.p) return if (arg%nodeType/=ELEMENT_NODE) return do i = 1, arg%elExtras%attributes%length if ((str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%localName)==localname & .and. str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) & .or. (namespaceURI=="".and.str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==localname)) then n = getTextContent_len(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this, .true.) exit endif enddo end function getAttributesNS_len TOHW_function(getAttributeNS, (arg, namespaceURI, localName), c) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName #ifdef RESTRICTED_ASSOCIATED_BUG character(len=getAttributesNS_len(arg, .true., localname, namespaceURI)) :: c #else character(len=getAttributesNS_len(arg, associated(arg), localname, namespaceURI)) :: c #endif integer :: i if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif if (len(c)>0) then do i = 1, arg%elExtras%attributes%length if ((str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%localName)==localname & .and. str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%elExtras%namespaceURI)==namespaceURI) & .or. (namespaceURI=="".and.str_vs(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this%nodeName)==localname)) then c = getTextContent(arg%elExtras%attributes%nodes(i)%this) exit endif enddo else c = "" endif end function getAttributeNS TOHW_subroutine(setAttributeNS, (arg, namespaceURI, qualifiedname, value)) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI character(len=*), intent(in) :: qualifiedName character(len=*), intent(in) :: value type(Node), pointer :: nn, dummy logical :: quickfix if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (arg%readonly) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) elseif (.not.checkName(qualifiedname, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR) endif if (.not.arg%ownerDocument%docExtras%brokenNS) then if (.not.checkQName(qualifiedname, getXmlVersionEnum(getOwnerDocument(arg)))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)/="" & .and. namespaceURI=="") then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) elseif (prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xml" .neqv. & namespaceURI=="") then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) elseif (namespaceURI=="" .neqv. & (qualifiedName=="xmlns" .or. prefixOfQName(qualifiedName)=="xmlns")) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) endif endif ! FIXME what if namespace is undeclared? Throw an error *only* if FoX_errors is on, otherwise its taken care of by namespace fixup on serialization quickFix = getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg)) & .and. arg%inDocument if (quickFix) call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .false.) ! then the created attribute is going straight into the document, ! so dont faff with hanging-node lists. nn => createAttributeNS(arg%ownerDocument, namespaceURI, qualifiedname) call setValue(nn, value) dummy => setNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), nn) if (associated(dummy)) then if (getGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg)).and..not.dummy%inDocument) & call putNodesInDocument(getOwnerDocument(arg), dummy) ! ... so that dummy & children are removed from hangingNodes list. call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dummy) endif if (quickFix) call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .true.) end subroutine setAttributeNS TOHW_subroutine(removeAttributeNS, (arg, namespaceURI, localName)) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName type(DOMException) :: ex2 type(Node), pointer :: dummy integer :: e if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (arg%readonly) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) endif if (arg%inDocument) & call setGCstate(getOwnerDocument(arg), .false.) ! So we dont add the removed nodes to the hanging node list dummy => removeNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), namespaceURI, localName, ex2) ! removeNamedItemNS took care of any default attributes if (inException(ex2)) then e = getExceptionCode(ex2) if (e/=NOT_FOUND_ERR) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(e) endif else if (.not.arg%inDocument) then ! dummy was not in the doc, so was already on hangingNode list. ! To remove it from the list: call putNodesInDocument(arg%ownerDocument, dummy) endif call destroyAllNodesRecursively(dummy) endif if (arg%inDocument) & call setGCstate(arg%ownerDocument, .true.) end subroutine removeAttributeNS TOHW_function(getAttributeNodeNS, (arg, namespaceURI, localName), attr) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName type(Node), pointer :: attr if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif attr => null() ! as per specs, if not found attr => getNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), namespaceURI, localname) end function getAttributeNodeNS TOHW_function(setAttributeNodeNS, (arg, newattr), attr) type(Node), pointer :: arg type(Node), pointer :: newattr type(Node), pointer :: attr type(Node), pointer :: dummy if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) elseif (.not.associated(arg%ownerDocument, newattr%ownerDocument)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR) elseif (arg%readonly) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) endif if (associated(getOwnerElement(newattr), arg)) then attr => newattr return ! Nothing to do, this attribute is already in this element elseif (associated(getOwnerElement(newattr))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR) endif ! this checks if attribute exists already ! It also does any adding/removing of hangingnodes ! and sets ownerElement appropriately dummy => setNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), newattr, ex) attr => dummy end function setAttributeNodeNS TOHW_function(removeAttributeNodeNS, (arg, oldattr), attr) type(Node), pointer :: arg type(Node), pointer :: oldattr type(Node), pointer :: attr if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif if (.not.associated(arg, getOwnerElement(oldattr))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR) endif attr => removeNamedItemNS(getAttributes(arg), & getNamespaceURI(oldattr), getLocalName(oldattr), ex) end function removeAttributeNodeNS ! function getElementsByTagNameNS - see m_dom_document TOHW_function(hasAttribute, (arg, name), p) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: name logical :: p integer :: i type(Node), pointer :: attr if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif p = .false. do i = 0, getLength(getAttributes(arg)) - 1 attr => item(getAttributes(arg), i) if (getNodeName(attr)==name) then p = .true. exit endif enddo end function hasAttribute TOHW_function(hasAttributeNS, (arg, namespaceURI, localName), p) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName logical :: p integer :: i type(Node), pointer :: attr if (.not.associated(arg)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (arg%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif p = .false. do i = 0, getLength(getAttributes(arg))-1 attr => item(getAttributes(arg), i) if (getNamespaceURI(attr)==namespaceURI & .and. getLocalName(attr)==localName) then p = .true. exit endif enddo end function hasAttributeNS TOHW_subroutine(setIdAttribute, (arg, name, isId)) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: name logical, intent(in) :: isId type(Node), pointer :: np if (arg%readonly) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) endif np => getAttributeNode(arg, name) if (associated(np)) then call setIsId(np, isId) else TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR) endif end subroutine setIdAttribute TOHW_subroutine(setIdAttributeNS, (arg, namespaceURI, localname, isId)) type(Node), pointer :: arg character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI character(len=*), intent(in) :: localName logical, intent(in) :: isId type(Node), pointer :: np if (arg%readonly) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) endif np => getAttributeNodeNS(arg, namespaceURI, localname) if (associated(np)) then call setIsId(np, isId) else TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR) endif end subroutine setIdAttributeNS TOHW_subroutine(setIdAttributeNode, (arg, idAttr, isId)) type(Node), pointer :: arg type(Node), pointer :: idAttr logical, intent(in) :: isId if (arg%readonly) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) elseif (.not.associated(arg, getOwnerElement(idAttr))) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NOT_FOUND_ERR) endif call setIsId(idAttr, isId) end subroutine setIdAttributeNode ')`'dnl