module m_wkml_lowlevel
use FoX_wxml, only : xmlf_t
use m_common_error
use fox_m_fsys_realtypes
use FoX_wxml
use FoX_common
use FoX_utils, only: URI, parseURI, expressURI, destroyURI
implicit none
! Subroutines public to users of FoX_wkml (rexported in that module)
public kmlOpenDocument
public kmlOpenFolder
public kmlCloseFolder
public kmlCloseDocument
#ifndef DUMMYLIB
! Subroutines public inside wkml for kmlAdd
public kmlAddname,kmlAddopen,kmlAddoutline,kmlAddextrude, &
kmlAddfill,kmlAddvisibility,kmlAddtessellate,kmlAddrefreshVisibility,kmlAddflyToView,kmlAddaddress,kmlAddphoneNumber, &
kmlAddbegin,kmlAddend,kmlAddcolorMode,kmlAddmessage,kmlAddcookie,kmlAddlinkName, &
kmlAddlinkDescription, &
kmlAdddrawOrder,kmlAddsouth,kmlAddeast,kmlAddwest,kmlAddheading,kmlAddhref,kmlAddkey,kmlAddlongitude,kmlAddlatitude, &
kmlAddaltitude,kmlAddminRefreshPeriod,kmlAddlistItemType,kmlAddmaxAltitude,kmlAddminAltitude,kmlAddminLodPixels, &
kmlAddmaxLodPixels,kmlAddminFadeExtent,kmlAddmaxFadeExtent,kmlAddrange,kmlAddtilt,kmlAddroll,kmlAddrequest,kmlAddrotation, &
kmlAddscale,kmlAddtargetHref,kmlAddviewBoundScale,kmlAddwhen,kmlAddwidth, &
kmlAddIcon_href,kmlAddIcon_refresh,kmlAddIcon_view, kmlAddStyleURL
public :: kmlAddCoordinates
! Subroutines public inside wkml for kmlOpen and kmlClose
public kmlOpencoordinates,kmlClosecoordinates,kmlOpenItemIcon,kmlCloseItemIcon,kmlAddstate, &
kmlOpenAddressDetail,kmlCloseAddressDetail, kmlOpenChange,kmlCloseChange, &
kmlOpenContainer,kmlCloseContainer,kmlOpenCreate,kmlCloseCreate,kmlOpenDelete,kmlCloseDelete, &
kmlOpenFeature,kmlCloseFeature,kmlOpenGeometry,kmlCloseGeometry, &
kmlOpenGeometryCollection,kmlCloseGeometryCollection,kmlOpenGroundOverlay,kmlCloseGroundOverlay,kmlOpenIcon,kmlCloseIcon, &
kmlOpenLatLonAltBox,kmlCloseLatLonAltBox,kmlOpenLatLonBox,kmlCloseLatLonBox, &
kmlOpenLink,kmlCloseLink,kmlOpenLocation,kmlCloseLocation,kmlOpenLod,kmlCloseLod,kmlOpenLookAt,kmlCloseLookAt, &
kmlOpenModel,kmlCloseModel,kmlOpenMultiGeometry,kmlCloseMultiGeometry,kmlOpenNetworkLink,kmlCloseNetworkLink, &
kmlOpenNetworkLinkControl,kmlCloseNetworkLinkControl,kmlOpenObject,kmlCloseObject,kmlOpenObjArrayField,kmlCloseObjArrayField, &
kmlOpenObjField,kmlCloseObjField,kmlOpenOrientation,kmlCloseOrientation,kmlOpenOverlay,kmlCloseOverlay, &
kmlOpenPair,kmlClosePair,kmlOpenPlacemark,kmlClosePlacemark,kmlOpenPoint,kmlClosePoint, &
kmlOpenRegion,kmlCloseRegion,kmlOpenResponse,kmlCloseResponse,kmlOpenScale,kmlCloseScale, &
kmlOpenSchema,kmlCloseSchema,kmlOpenSchemaField,kmlCloseSchemaField,kmlOpenScreenOverlay,kmlCloseScreenOverlay, &
kmlOpenSimpleArrayField,kmlCloseSimpleArrayField,kmlOpenSimpleField,kmlCloseSimpleField,kmlOpenSnippet,kmlCloseSnippet, &
kmlOpenStatus,kmlCloseStatus,kmlOpenTimePrimitive,kmlCloseTimePrimitive,kmlOpenTimeSpan,kmlCloseTimeSpan,kmlOpenTimeStamp, &
! kmlAdddescription support more data type
interface kmlAdddescription
module procedure kmlAdddescription_ch
module procedure kmlAdddescription_sp
module procedure kmlAdddescription_dp
end interface
interface kmlAddlongitude
module procedure kmlAddlongitude_dp
module procedure kmlAddlongitude_sp
end interface
interface kmlAddlatitude
module procedure kmlAddlatitude_dp
module procedure kmlAddlatitude_sp
end interface
interface kmlAddCoordinates
module procedure kmlAddCoordinates_sp
module procedure kmlAddCoordinates_dp
module procedure kmlAddCoordinates_array_sp
module procedure kmlAddCoordinates_array_dp
end interface kmlAddCoordinates
interface kmlAddScale
module procedure kmlAddScale_int
module procedure kmlAddScale_sp
module procedure kmlAddScale_dp
end interface kmlAddScale
public :: kmlOpenInnerBoundaryIs, kmlCloseInnerBoundaryIs
public :: kmlOpenOuterBoundaryIs, kmlCloseOuterBoundaryIs
public :: kmlOpenLineString, kmlCloseLineString
public :: kmlOpenLinearRing, kmlCloseLinearRing
public :: kmlOpenPolygon, kmlClosePolygon
#ifndef DUMMYLIB
subroutine kmlAddNamespace(xf, prefix, URI)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix
character(len=*), intent(in) :: URI
if (xmlf_OpenTag(xf) /= "") &
call FoX_error("Cannot do kmlAddNamespace after document output")
call xml_DeclareNamespace(xf, URI, prefix)
end subroutine kmlAddNamespace
subroutine kmlAddname(xf, name)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'name')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, name)
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'name')
end subroutine kmlAddname
subroutine kmlAddopen(xf, folderopen)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
logical, intent(in) :: folderopen
character :: f
f = merge('1', '0', folderopen)
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'open')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, f)
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'open')
end subroutine kmlAddopen
subroutine kmlAddoutline(xf, outline)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
logical, intent(in) :: outline
character :: o
o = merge('1', '0', outline)
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'outline')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, outline)
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'outline')
end subroutine kmlAddoutline
subroutine kmlAddextrude(xf, extrude)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
logical, intent(in) :: extrude
character :: e
e = merge('1', '0', extrude)
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'extrude')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, e)
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'extrude')
end subroutine kmlAddextrude
subroutine kmlAddfill(xf, fill)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
logical, intent(in) :: fill
character :: f
f = merge('1', '0', fill)
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'fill')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, f)
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'fill')
end subroutine kmlAddfill
subroutine kmlAddvisibility(xf, visibility)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
logical, intent(in) :: visibility
character :: v
v = merge('1', '0', visibility)
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'visibility')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, v)
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'visibility')
end subroutine kmlAddvisibility
subroutine kmlAddtessellate(xf, tessellate)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
logical, intent(in) :: tessellate
character :: t
t = merge('1', '0', tessellate)
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'tessellate')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, t)
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'tessellate')
end subroutine kmlAddtessellate
subroutine kmlAddrefreshVisibility(xf, rvisibility)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=1), intent(in) :: rvisibility
call xml_NewElement(xf,'refreshVisibility')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,rvisibility)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'refreshVisibility')
end subroutine kmlAddrefreshVisibility
subroutine kmlAddflyToView(xf, flytoview)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=1), intent(in) :: flytoview
call xml_NewElement(xf,'flyToView')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,flytoview)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'flyToView')
end subroutine kmlAddflyToView
subroutine kmlAddaddress(xf, address)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: address
call xml_NewElement(xf,'address')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,address)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'address')
end subroutine kmlAddaddress
subroutine kmlAddphoneNumber(xf, phone)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: phone
call xml_NewElement(xf,'phoneNumber')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,phone)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'phoneNumber')
end subroutine kmlAddphoneNumber
!input as string
subroutine kmlAdddescription_ch(xf, description)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: description
call xml_NewElement(xf,'description')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,description)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'description')
end subroutine kmlAdddescription_ch
! input as real and convert to string using wxml_common function str
subroutine kmlAdddescription_sp(xf, description2)
use Fox_wxml
use FoX_common
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
real, intent(in) :: description2
call xml_NewElement(xf,'description')
! call xml_AddCharacters(xf,str(description2))
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,description2,'r')
call xml_EndElement(xf,'description')
end subroutine kmlAdddescription_sp
! input as real and convert to string using wxml_common function str
subroutine kmlAdddescription_dp(xf, description2)
use Fox_wxml
use FoX_common
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
double precision, intent(in) :: description2
call xml_NewElement(xf,'description')
! call xml_AddCharacters(xf,str(description2))
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,description2,'r')
call xml_EndElement(xf,'description')
end subroutine kmlAdddescription_dp
subroutine kmlAddaltitudeMode(xf, altitudemode)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: altitudemode
if (altitudemode/='clampToGround' &
.and.altitudemode/='relativeToGround' &
.and.altitudeMode/='absolute') then
call FoX_error('unknown altitudeMode value')
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'altitudeMode')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, altitudemode)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'altitudeMode')
end subroutine kmlAddaltitudeMode
subroutine kmlAddrefreshMode(xf, refreshmode)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: refreshmode
call xml_NewElement(xf,'refreshMode')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,refreshmode)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'refreshMode')
end subroutine kmlAddrefreshMode
subroutine kmlAddrefreshInterval(xf, refreshinterval)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: refreshinterval
call xml_NewElement(xf,'refreshInterval')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,refreshinterval)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'refreshInterval')
end subroutine kmlAddrefreshInterval
subroutine kmlAddviewrefreshMode(xf, viewrmode)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: viewrmode
call xml_NewElement(xf,'viewRefreshMode')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,viewrmode)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'viewRefreshMode')
end subroutine kmlAddviewrefreshMode
subroutine kmlAddviewRefreshTime(xf, viewrtime)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: viewrtime
call xml_NewElement(xf,'viewRefreshTime')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,viewrtime)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'viewRefreshTime')
end subroutine kmlAddviewRefreshTime
subroutine kmlAddbegin(xf, begin) ! 1984-08-11 date format
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: begin
call xml_NewElement(xf,'begin')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,begin)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'begin')
end subroutine kmlAddbegin
subroutine kmlAddend(xf, enddate)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: enddate
call xml_NewElement(xf,'end')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,enddate)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'end')
end subroutine kmlAddend
subroutine kmlAddcolorMode(xf, colormode)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: colormode
if (colorMode/="normal".and.colormode/="random") then
call FoX_error("Invalid value for colormode in kmlAddColorMode")
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'colorMode')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, colormode)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'colorMode')
end subroutine kmlAddcolorMode
! This is a pop-up message. You will only see this once
subroutine kmlAddmessage(xf, message)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: message
call xml_NewElement(xf,'message')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,message)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'message')
end subroutine kmlAddmessage
subroutine kmlAddcookie(xf, cookie)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: cookie
call xml_NewElement(xf,'cookie')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,cookie)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'cookie')
end subroutine kmlAddcookie
!New KML features
subroutine kmlAddlinkName(xf, linkName)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: linkName
call xml_NewElement(xf,'linkName')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,linkName)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'linkName')
end subroutine kmlAddlinkName
subroutine kmlAddlinkDescription(xf, linkDescription)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: linkDescription
call xml_NewElement(xf,'linkDescription')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,linkDescription)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'linkDescription')
end subroutine kmlAddlinkDescription
! 0
subroutine kmlAdddrawOrder(xf, drawOrder)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=1), intent(in) :: drawOrder
call xml_NewElement(xf,'drawOrder')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,drawOrder)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'drawOrder')
end subroutine kmlAdddrawOrder
subroutine kmlAddnorth(xf, north)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: north
call xml_NewElement(xf,'north')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,north)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'north')
end subroutine kmlAddnorth
subroutine kmlAddsouth(xf, south)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: south
call xml_NewElement(xf,'south')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,south)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'south')
end subroutine kmlAddsouth
subroutine kmlAddeast(xf, east)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: east
call xml_NewElement(xf,'east')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,east)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'east')
end subroutine kmlAddeast
subroutine kmlAddwest(xf, west)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: west
call xml_NewElement(xf,'west')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,west)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'west')
end subroutine kmlAddwest
!0 0-180
subroutine kmlAddheading(xf, heading)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
real(dp), intent(in) :: heading
! Note that according to the schema the heading
! is a kml:angle360Type which can be between
! -360 and 360 degrees. This is not what the
! google docs say (0 -> 360), but we follow the
! schema here. Also, as this derived from a schema 1.0
! data type, we need to include the fmt argument to
! avoid exponentail notation.
! Schema:
! Google docs:
if (heading<-360.0_dp.or.heading>360.0_dp) then
call FoX_error("invalid value for heading")
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'heading')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, heading, fmt='r10')
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'heading')
end subroutine kmlAddheading
!C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/My Pictures/Sample Pictures/Sunset.jpg
subroutine kmlAddhref(xf, url)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: url
type(URI), pointer :: u
call xml_NewElement(xf,'href')
u => parseURI(url)
if (.not.associated(u)) then
call FoX_error("Invalid URI")
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,expressURI(u))
call destroyURI(u)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'href')
end subroutine kmlAddhref
!normal normal or highlight
subroutine kmlAddkey(xf, key)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: key
call xml_NewElement(xf,'key')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,key)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'key')
end subroutine kmlAddkey
subroutine kmlAddlongitude_dp(xf, longitude)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
double precision, intent(in) :: longitude
! character(len=*), intent(in) :: longitude
call xml_NewElement(xf,'longitude')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,longitude)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'longitude')
end subroutine kmlAddlongitude_dp
subroutine kmlAddlongitude_sp(xf, longitude)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
real, intent(in) :: longitude
! character(len=*), intent(in) :: longitude
call xml_NewElement(xf,'longitude')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,longitude)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'longitude')
end subroutine kmlAddlongitude_sp
subroutine kmlAddlatitude_dp(xf, latitude)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
double precision, intent(in) :: latitude
! character(len=*), intent(in) :: latitude
call xml_NewElement(xf,'latitude')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,latitude)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'latitude')
end subroutine kmlAddlatitude_dp
subroutine kmlAddlatitude_sp(xf, latitude)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
real, intent(in) :: latitude
! character(len=*), intent(in) :: latitude
call xml_NewElement(xf,'latitude')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,latitude)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'latitude')
end subroutine kmlAddlatitude_sp
subroutine kmlAddaltitude(xf, altitude)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: altitude
call xml_NewElement(xf,'altitude')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,altitude)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'altitude')
end subroutine kmlAddaltitude
! seconds default=0
subroutine kmlAddminRefreshPeriod(xf, minRefreshPeriod)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: minRefreshPeriod
call xml_NewElement(xf,'minRefreshPeriod')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,minRefreshPeriod)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'minRefreshPeriod')
end subroutine kmlAddminRefreshPeriod
subroutine kmlAddlistItemType(xf, listItemType)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: listItemType
call xml_NewElement(xf,'listItemType')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,listItemType)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'listItemType')
end subroutine kmlAddlistItemType
!Defaults to 0; specified in meters above sea level (and is affected by the specification)
subroutine kmlAddmaxAltitude(xf, maxAltitude)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: maxAltitude
call xml_NewElement(xf,'maxAltitude')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,maxAltitude)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'maxAltitude')
end subroutine kmlAddmaxAltitude
subroutine kmlAddminAltitude(xf, minAltitude)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: minAltitude
call xml_NewElement(xf,'minAltitude')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,minAltitude)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'minAltitude')
end subroutine kmlAddminAltitude
! (default = 0) Measurement in screen pixels that represents the minimum limit
!of the visibility range for a given Region. Google Earth calculates the size of the Region
! when projected onto screen space. Then it computes the square root of the Region's area
! (if, for example, the Region is square and the viewpoint is directly above the Region,
! and the Region is not tilted, this measurement is equal to the width of the projected
! Region). If this measurement falls within the limits defined by and
! (and if the is in view), the Region is active. If
! this limit is not reached, the associated geometry is considered to be too far
!from the user's viewpoint to be drawn.
subroutine kmlAddminLodPixels(xf, minLodPixels)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: minLodPixels
call xml_NewElement(xf,'minLodPixels')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,minLodPixels)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'minLodPixels')
end subroutine kmlAddminLodPixels
! (default = -1) Measurement in screen pixels that represents the maximum
!limit of the visibility range for a given Region.
subroutine kmlAddmaxLodPixels(xf, maxLodPixels)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: maxLodPixels
call xml_NewElement(xf,'maxLodPixels')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,maxLodPixels)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'maxLodPixels')
end subroutine kmlAddmaxLodPixels
!minFadeExtent> (default = 0) Distance over which the geometry fades, from fully opaque to fully transparent. This ramp value, expressed in screen pixels, is applied at the minimum end of the LOD (visibility) limits.
subroutine kmlAddminFadeExtent(xf, minFadeExtent)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: minFadeExtent
call xml_NewElement(xf,'minFadeExtent')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,minFadeExtent)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'minFadeExtent')
end subroutine kmlAddminFadeExtent
! (default = 0) Distance over which the geometry fades, from fully transparent to fully opaque. This ramp value, expressed in screen pixels, is applied at the maximum end of the LOD (visibility) limits.
subroutine kmlAddmaxFadeExtent(xf, maxFadeExtent)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: maxFadeExtent
call xml_NewElement(xf,'maxFadeExtent')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,maxFadeExtent)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'maxFadeExtent')
end subroutine kmlAddmaxFadeExtent
subroutine kmlAddrange(xf, range1)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: range1
call xml_NewElement(xf,'range')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,range1)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'range')
end subroutine kmlAddrange
subroutine kmlAddtilt(xf, tilt)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: tilt
call xml_NewElement(xf,'tilt')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,tilt)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'tilt')
end subroutine kmlAddtilt
subroutine kmlAddroll(xf, roll)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: roll
call xml_NewElement(xf,'roll')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,roll)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'roll')
end subroutine kmlAddroll
!geocode !currently, it is geocode
subroutine kmlAddrequest(xf, geocode)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: geocode
call xml_NewElement(xf,'request')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,geocode)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'request')
end subroutine kmlAddrequest
!Indicates the angle of rotation of the parent object. A value of 0 means no rotation.
! The value is an angle in degrees counterclockwise starting from north. Use ±180 to
! indicate the rotation of the parent object from 0. The center of the ,
!if not (.5,.5), is specified in .
subroutine kmlAddrotation(xf, rotation)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: rotation
call xml_NewElement(xf,'rotation')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,rotation)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'rotation')
end subroutine kmlAddrotation
subroutine kmlAddScale_int(xf, scale)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
integer, intent(in) :: scale
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'scale')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, scale)
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'scale')
end subroutine kmlAddScale_int
subroutine kmlAddScale_sp(xf, scale)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
real(sp), intent(in) :: scale
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'scale')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(scale, "r"))
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'scale')
end subroutine kmlAddScale_sp
subroutine kmlAddScale_dp(xf, scale)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
real(dp), intent(in) :: scale
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'scale')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(scale, "r"))
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'scale')
end subroutine kmlAddScale_dp
subroutine kmlAddtargetHref(xf, targetHref)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: targetHref
call xml_NewElement(xf,'targetHref')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,targetHref)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'targetHref')
end subroutine kmlAddtargetHref
!Scales the BBOX parameters before sending them to the server. Default = 1. A value < 1 specifies to use less than the full view (screen). A value >1 specifies to fetch an area that extends beyond the edges of the current view.
subroutine kmlAddviewBoundScale(xf, viewBoundScale)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: viewBoundScale
call xml_NewElement(xf,'viewBoundScale')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,viewBoundScale)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'viewBoundScale')
end subroutine kmlAddviewBoundScale
subroutine kmlAddwhen(xf, when)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: when
call xml_NewElement(xf,'when')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,when)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'when')
end subroutine kmlAddwhen
subroutine kmlAddwidth(xf, width)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
integer, intent(in) :: width
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'width')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, width)
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'width')
end subroutine kmlAddwidth
!A single tuple consisting of floating point values for longitude,
!latitude, and altitude (in that order). Longitude and latitude
!values are in degrees, where longitude ≥ -180 and <= 180 latitude
! ≥ -90 and ≤ 90 altitude values (optional) are in meters above
!sea level Do not include spaces between the three values that describe a coordinate.
subroutine kmlAddcoordinates_sp(xf, x, y, z)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
real(sp), intent(in) :: x,y
real(sp), intent(in), optional :: z
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'coordinates')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, x, 'r6')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ',')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, y, 'r6')
if (present(z)) then
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ',')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, z, 'r6')
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'coordinates')
end subroutine kmlAddcoordinates_sp
subroutine kmlAddcoordinates_dp(xf, x, y, z)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
real(dp), intent(in) :: x,y
real(dp), intent(in), optional :: z
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'coordinates')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, x, 'r6')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ',')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, y, 'r6')
if (present(z)) then
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ',')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, z, 'r6')
call xml_EndElement(xf,'coordinates')
end subroutine kmlAddcoordinates_dp
subroutine kmlAddIcon_href(xf, url,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
character(len=*), intent(in) :: url
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Icon')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
call kmlAddhref(xf,url)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Icon')
end subroutine kmlAddIcon_href
subroutine kmlAddIcon_refresh(xf, url, rmode, rinterval,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
character(len=*), intent(in) :: url, rmode, rinterval
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Icon')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
call kmlAddhref(xf,url)
call kmlAddrefreshMode(xf,rmode)
call kmlAddrefreshInterval(xf,rinterval)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Icon')
end subroutine kmlAddIcon_refresh
subroutine kmlAddIcon_view(xf, url, rmode, rinterval,vrmode, vrtime, vbscale,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
character(len=*), intent(in) :: url, rmode, rinterval,vrmode, vrtime,vbscale
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Icon')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
call kmlAddhref(xf,url)
call kmlAddrefreshMode(xf,rmode)
call kmlAddrefreshInterval(xf,rinterval)
call kmlAddviewRefreshMode(xf,vrmode)
call kmlAddviewRefreshTime(xf,vrtime)
call kmlAddviewBoundScale(xf, vbscale)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Icon')
end subroutine kmlAddIcon_view
subroutine kmlOpencoordinates(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_NewElement(xf,'coordinates')
end subroutine kmlOpencoordinates
subroutine kmlClosecoordinates(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'coordinates')
end subroutine kmlClosecoordinates
subroutine kmlOpenItemIcon(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_NewElement(xf,'ItemIcon')
end subroutine kmlOpenItemIcon
subroutine kmlCloseItemIcon(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'ItemIcon')
end subroutine kmlCloseItemIcon
! - specifies the current state of the NetworkLink or Folder. Possible values are open, closed, error, fetching0, fetching1, and fetching2. These values can be combined by inserting a space between two values (no comma).
subroutine kmlAddstate(xf, state)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: state
call xml_NewElement(xf,'state')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf,state)
call xml_EndElement(xf,'state')
end subroutine kmlAddstate
subroutine kmlOpenAddressDetail(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'AddressDetail')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenAddressDetail
subroutine kmlCloseAddressDetail(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'AddressDetail')
end subroutine kmlCloseAddressDetail
subroutine kmlOpenChange(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Change')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenChange
subroutine kmlCloseChange(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Change')
end subroutine kmlCloseChange
subroutine kmlOpenContainer(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Container')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenContainer
subroutine kmlCloseContainer(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Container')
end subroutine kmlCloseContainer
subroutine kmlOpenCreate(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Create')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenCreate
subroutine kmlCloseCreate(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Create')
end subroutine kmlCloseCreate
subroutine kmlOpenDelete(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Delete')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenDelete
subroutine kmlCloseDelete(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Delete')
end subroutine kmlCloseDelete
subroutine kmlOpenDocument(xf,name,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in):: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
#ifndef DUMMYLIB
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Document')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
call kmladdname(xf,name)
end subroutine kmlOpenDocument
subroutine kmlCloseDocument(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
#ifndef DUMMYLIB
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Document')
end subroutine kmlCloseDocument
subroutine kmlOpenFolder(xf,id,name)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
character(len=*), intent(in), optional:: name
#ifndef DUMMYLIB
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Folder')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
if (present(name)) then
call kmladdname(xf,name)
end if
end subroutine kmlOpenFolder
subroutine kmlCloseFolder(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
#ifndef DUMMYLIB
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Folder')
end subroutine kmlCloseFolder
#ifndef DUMMYLIB
subroutine kmlOpenFeature(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Feature')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenFeature
subroutine kmlCloseFeature(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Feature')
end subroutine kmlCloseFeature
subroutine kmlOpenGeometry(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Geometry')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenGeometry
subroutine kmlCloseGeometry(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Geometry')
end subroutine kmlCloseGeometry
subroutine kmlOpenGeometryCollection(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'GeometryCollection')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenGeometryCollection
subroutine kmlCloseGeometryCollection(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'GeometryCollection')
end subroutine kmlCloseGeometryCollection
subroutine kmlOpenGroundOverlay(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'GroundOverlay')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenGroundOverlay
subroutine kmlCloseGroundOverlay(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'GroundOverlay')
end subroutine kmlCloseGroundOverlay
subroutine kmlOpenIcon(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Icon')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenIcon
subroutine kmlCloseIcon(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Icon')
end subroutine kmlCloseIcon
subroutine kmlOpenLatLonAltBox(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'LatLonAltBox')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenLatLonAltBox
subroutine kmlCloseLatLonAltBox(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'LatLonAltBox')
end subroutine kmlCloseLatLonAltBox
subroutine kmlOpenLatLonBox(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'LatLonBox')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenLatLonBox
subroutine kmlCloseLatLonBox(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'LatLonBox')
end subroutine kmlCloseLatLonBox
subroutine kmlAddstyleUrl(xf, styleUrl)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: styleUrl
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'styleUrl')
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, styleUrl)
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'styleUrl')
end subroutine kmlAddstyleUrl
subroutine kmlAddCoordinates_array_sp(xf, x, y, z, repeat)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
real(sp), intent(in) :: x(:)
real(sp), intent(in) :: y(:)
real(sp), intent(in), optional :: z(:)
logical, intent(in), optional :: repeat
integer :: nodes, i
logical :: repeat_
if (present(repeat)) then
repeat_ = repeat
repeat_ = .false.
nodes = size(x)
if (nodes/=size(y)) then
call FoX_error("Inconsistent array lengths in kmlAddCoordinates")
if (present(z)) then
if (nodes/=size(z)) then
call FoX_error("Inconsistent array lengths in kmlAddCoordinates")
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'coordinates')
call xml_AddNewline(xf)
do i = 1, nodes
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(x(i), 'r6')//','//str(y(i), 'r6'))
if (present(z)) then
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ','//str(z(i), 'r6'))
end if
call xml_AddNewline(xf)
end do
if (repeat_) then
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(x(1), 'r6')//','//str(y(1), 'r6'))
if (present(z)) then
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ','//str(z(1), 'r6'))
end if
call xml_AddNewline(xf)
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'coordinates')
end subroutine kmlAddCoordinates_array_sp
subroutine kmlAddCoordinates_array_dp(xf, x, y, z, repeat)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
real(dp), intent(in) :: x(:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: y(:)
real(dp), intent(in), optional :: z(:)
logical, intent(in), optional :: repeat
integer :: nodes, i
logical :: repeat_
if (present(repeat)) then
repeat_ = repeat
repeat_ = .false.
nodes = size(x)
if (nodes/=size(y)) then
call FoX_error("Inconsistent array lengths in kmlAddCoordinates")
if (present(z)) then
if (nodes/=size(z)) then
call FoX_error("Inconsistent array lengths in kmlAddCoordinates")
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'coordinates')
call xml_AddNewline(xf)
do i = 1, nodes
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(x(i), 'r6')//','//str(y(i), 'r6'))
if (present(z)) then
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ','//str(z(i), 'r6'))
end if
call xml_AddNewline(xf)
end do
if (repeat_) then
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, str(x(1), 'r6')//','//str(y(1), 'r6'))
if (present(z)) then
call xml_AddCharacters(xf, ','//str(z(1), 'r6'))
end if
call xml_AddNewline(xf)
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'coordinates')
end subroutine kmlAddCoordinates_array_dp
subroutine kmlOpenLink(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Link')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenLink
subroutine kmlCloseLink(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Link')
end subroutine kmlCloseLink
subroutine kmlOpenLocation(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Location')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenLocation
subroutine kmlCloseLocation(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Location')
end subroutine kmlCloseLocation
subroutine kmlOpenLod(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Lod')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenLod
subroutine kmlCloseLod(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Lod')
end subroutine kmlCloseLod
subroutine kmlOpenLookAt(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'LookAt')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenLookAt
subroutine kmlCloseLookAt(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'LookAt')
end subroutine kmlCloseLookAt
subroutine kmlOpenModel(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Model')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenModel
subroutine kmlCloseModel(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Model')
end subroutine kmlCloseModel
subroutine kmlOpenMultiGeometry(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'MultiGeometry')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenMultiGeometry
subroutine kmlCloseMultiGeometry(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'MultiGeometry')
end subroutine kmlCloseMultiGeometry
subroutine kmlOpenNetworkLink(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'NetworkLink')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenNetworkLink
subroutine kmlCloseNetworkLink(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'NetworkLink')
end subroutine kmlCloseNetworkLink
subroutine kmlOpenNetworkLinkControl(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'NetworkLinkControl')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenNetworkLinkControl
subroutine kmlCloseNetworkLinkControl(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'NetworkLinkControl')
end subroutine kmlCloseNetworkLinkControl
subroutine kmlOpenObject(xf,id,targetid)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id, targetid
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Object')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
if (present(targetid)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'targetId', targetid)
end subroutine kmlOpenObject
subroutine kmlCloseObject(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Object')
end subroutine kmlCloseObject
subroutine kmlOpenObjArrayField(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'ObjArrayField')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenObjArrayField
subroutine kmlCloseObjArrayField(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'ObjArrayField')
end subroutine kmlCloseObjArrayField
subroutine kmlOpenObjField(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'ObjField')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenObjField
subroutine kmlCloseObjField(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'ObjField')
end subroutine kmlCloseObjField
subroutine kmlOpenOrientation(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Orientation')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenOrientation
subroutine kmlCloseOrientation(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Orientation')
end subroutine kmlCloseOrientation
subroutine kmlOpenOverlay(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Overlay')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenOverlay
subroutine kmlCloseOverlay(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Overlay')
end subroutine kmlCloseOverlay
subroutine kmlOpenPair(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Pair')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenPair
subroutine kmlClosePair(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Pair')
end subroutine kmlClosePair
subroutine kmlOpenPlacemark(xf, id, name, description, styleurl)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: description
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: styleurl
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Placemark')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf, 'id', id)
if (present(name)) call kmlAddName(xf, name)
if (present(description)) call kmlAddDescription(xf, description)
if (present(styleurl)) call kmlAddStyleURL(xf, styleurl)
end subroutine kmlOpenPlacemark
subroutine kmlClosePlacemark(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Placemark')
end subroutine kmlClosePlacemark
subroutine kmlOpenPoint(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Point')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenPoint
subroutine kmlClosePoint(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Point')
end subroutine kmlClosePoint
subroutine kmlOpenRegion(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Region')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenRegion
subroutine kmlCloseRegion(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Region')
end subroutine kmlCloseRegion
!he accuracy attribute indicates how accurately the given address was able to be geocoded
subroutine kmlOpenResponse(xf,accuracy)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: accuracy
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Response')
if (present(accuracy)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'accuracy', accuracy)
end subroutine kmlOpenResponse
subroutine kmlCloseResponse(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Response')
end subroutine kmlCloseResponse
subroutine kmlOpenScale(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Scale')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenScale
subroutine kmlCloseScale(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Scale')
end subroutine kmlCloseScale
!Specifies a custom KML schema that is typically used to extend and add metadata to KML objects. The "name" attribute is required. Currently, the only value for parent is "Placemark."
subroutine kmlOpenSchema(xf,name1,parent)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name1
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: parent
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Schema')
call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'name', name1)
if (present(parent)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'parent', parent)
end subroutine kmlOpenSchema
subroutine kmlCloseSchema(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Schema')
end subroutine kmlCloseSchema
subroutine kmlOpenSchemaField(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'SchemaField')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenSchemaField
subroutine kmlCloseSchemaField(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'SchemaField')
end subroutine kmlCloseSchemaField
subroutine kmlOpenScreenOverlay(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'ScreenOverlay')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenScreenOverlay
subroutine kmlCloseScreenOverlay(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'ScreenOverlay')
end subroutine kmlCloseScreenOverlay
subroutine kmlOpenSimpleArrayField(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'SimpleArrayField')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenSimpleArrayField
subroutine kmlCloseSimpleArrayField(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'SimpleArrayField')
end subroutine kmlCloseSimpleArrayField
subroutine kmlOpenSimpleField(xf,name1,type1)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name1, type1
call xml_NewElement(xf,'SimpleField')
call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'name', name1)
call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'type', type1)
end subroutine kmlOpenSimpleField
subroutine kmlCloseSimpleField(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'SimpleField')
end subroutine kmlCloseSimpleField
!A short description of the feature. In Google Earth, this description is displayed in the
! Places panel under the name of the feature. If a Snippet is not supplied, the first two
!lines of the are used. In Google Earth, if a Placemark contains both a
!description and a Snippet, the appears beneath the Placemark in the Places
!panel, and the appears in the Placemark's description balloon. This tag
! does not support HTML markup. has a maxLines attribute, an integer that
! specifies the maximum number of lines to display. Default for maxLines is 2.
subroutine kmlOpenSnippet(xf,maxlines)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: maxlines
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Snippet')
if (present(maxlines)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'maxLines', maxlines)
end subroutine kmlOpenSnippet
subroutine kmlCloseSnippet(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Snippet')
end subroutine kmlCloseSnippet
subroutine kmlOpenStatus(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Status')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenStatus
subroutine kmlCloseStatus(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Status')
end subroutine kmlCloseStatus
subroutine kmlOpenTimePrimitive(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'TimePrimitive')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenTimePrimitive
subroutine kmlCloseTimePrimitive(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'TimePrimitive')
end subroutine kmlCloseTimePrimitive
subroutine kmlOpenTimeSpan(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'TimeSpan')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenTimeSpan
subroutine kmlCloseTimeSpan(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'TimeSpan')
end subroutine kmlCloseTimeSpan
subroutine kmlOpenTimeStamp(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'TimeStamp')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenTimeStamp
subroutine kmlCloseTimeStamp(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'TimeStamp')
end subroutine kmlCloseTimeStamp
subroutine kmlOpenUpdate(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Update')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenUpdate
subroutine kmlCloseUpdate(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Update')
end subroutine kmlCloseUpdate
!This element is deprecated in KML Release 2.1 and has been replaced by , which provides the additional functionality of Regions.
subroutine kmlOpenUrl(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf,'Url')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenUrl
subroutine kmlCloseUrl(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Url')
end subroutine kmlCloseUrl
subroutine kmlOpenOuterBoundaryIs(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'outerBoundaryIs')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenOuterBoundaryIs
subroutine kmlCloseouterBoundaryIs(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'outerBoundaryIs')
end subroutine kmlCloseouterBoundaryIs
subroutine kmlOpenInnerBoundaryIs(xf,id)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'innerBoundaryIs')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
end subroutine kmlOpenInnerBoundaryIs
subroutine kmlCloseInnerBoundaryIs(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf, 'innerBoundaryIs')
end subroutine kmlCloseInnerBoundaryIs
subroutine kmlOpenLinearRing(xf, id, altitudeMode, tessellate, extrude)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
if (present(extrude).and.present(altitudeMode)) then
if (extrude.and.altitudeMode=='clampToGround') then
print*, "Inconsistent settings for extrude and altitudeMode"
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'LinearRing')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
if (present(tessellate)) call kmlAddtessellate(xf, tessellate)
if (present(altitudeMode)) call kmlAddAltitudeMode(xf, altitudeMode)
if (present(extrude)) call kmlAddExtrude(xf, extrude)
end subroutine kmlOpenLinearRing
subroutine kmlCloseLinearRing(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'LinearRing')
end subroutine kmlCloseLinearRing
subroutine kmlOpenLineString(xf, id, altitudeMode, tessellate, extrude)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
if (present(extrude).and.present(altitudeMode)) then
if (extrude.and.altitudeMode=='clampToGround') then
print*, "Inconsistent settings for extrude and altitudeMode"
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'LineString')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
if (present(tessellate)) call kmlAddtessellate(xf, tessellate)
if (present(altitudeMode)) call kmlAddAltitudeMode(xf, altitudeMode)
if (present(extrude)) call kmlAddExtrude(xf, extrude)
end subroutine kmlOpenLineString
subroutine kmlCloseLineString(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'LineString')
end subroutine kmlCloseLineString
subroutine kmlOpenPolygon(xf, id, altitudeMode, tessellate, extrude)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: id
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: altitudeMode
logical, intent(in), optional :: tessellate
logical, intent(in), optional :: extrude
if (present(extrude).and.present(altitudeMode)) then
if (extrude.and.altitudeMode=='clampToGround') then
print*, "Inconsistent settings for extrude and altitudeMode"
call xml_NewElement(xf, 'Polygon')
if (present(id)) call xml_AddAttribute(xf,'id', id)
if (present(tessellate)) call kmlAddtessellate(xf, tessellate)
if (present(altitudeMode)) call kmlAddAltitudeMode(xf, altitudeMode)
if (present(extrude)) call kmlAddExtrude(xf, extrude)
end subroutine kmlOpenPolygon
subroutine kmlClosePolygon(xf)
type(xmlf_t), intent(inout) :: xf
call xml_EndElement(xf,'Polygon')
end subroutine kmlClosePolygon
end module m_wkml_lowlevel