!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ module input_run_xml_mod ! It defines the routines that are called by the XML parser in response ! to particular events. ! A module such as this could use "utility routines" to convert pcdata ! to numerical arrays, and to populate specific data structures. use flib_sax use datetime_mod, only: lstday, difdat use Polygons_Mod, only: polygon, create_polygon, destroy_polygon, set_area_polygon use file_io_mod, only: fopenk, luicli, luiwin use climate_input_mod, only: cli_gen_fmt_flag, wind_gen_fmt_flag use climate_input_mod, only: amzele use solar_mod, only: amalat, amalon use erosion_data_struct_defs, only: ntstep, am0efl use hydro_data_struct_defs, only: am0hfl, am0hdb use soil_data_struct_defs, only: am0sfl, am0sdb use manage_data_struct_defs, only: manFile, manFileAlloc use crop_data_struct_defs, only: am0cfl, am0cdb use decomp_data_struct_defs, only: am0dfl, am0ddb use input_soil_mod, only: soil_def, soil_in use Points_Mod, only: point use weps_main_mod, only: farmid, fieldid, rootp, run_rot_cycles, runtype, siteid, tractid, usrnam use weps_main_mod, only: clifil, clielevation, cliflag, clilatitude, clilongitude use weps_main_mod, only: climethod, clistateid, clistationname, clistationnum use weps_main_mod, only: winfil, winflag, wincountry, winlatitude, winlongitude use weps_main_mod, only: winmethod, winstate, winstationname, winstationnum use weps_main_mod, only: id, im, iy, ld, lm, ly use barriers_mod, only: create_barrier, barseas use barriers_mod, only: barrier_day_state, barrier_params, barrier_climate, barrier_climate_transition use read_write_xml_mod, only: read_param use weps_cmdline_parms, only: report_info integer, parameter :: MAX_NAME_LEN = 40 type :: tag_def character(len=MAX_NAME_LEN) :: name ! tag name logical :: required ! .true. if tag is required logical :: acquired ! .true. if tag has been read logical :: in_tag ! .true. if inside tag now end type tag_def type(tag_def), dimension(:), allocatable :: run_tag integer :: max_tags integer, parameter :: runFileData = 1 integer, parameter :: SCI_CycleCount = 2 integer, parameter :: SCI_CentrLatitude = 3 integer, parameter :: SCI_CentrLongitude = 4 integer, parameter :: SCI_Elevation = 5 integer, parameter :: SCI_StartDate = 6 integer, parameter :: SCI_EndDate = 7 integer, parameter :: SCI_Day = 8 integer, parameter :: SCI_Month = 9 integer, parameter :: SCI_Year = 10 integer, parameter :: SCI_TimeSteps = 11 integer, parameter :: SCI_climateFile = 12 integer, parameter :: SCI_windFile = 13 integer, parameter :: SCI_ErosionSubmodelOutput = 14 integer, parameter :: SCI_RegionAngle = 15 integer, parameter :: SCI_XOrigin = 16 integer, parameter :: SCI_YOrigin = 17 integer, parameter :: SCI_XLength = 18 integer, parameter :: SCI_YLength = 19 integer, parameter :: SCI_number = 20 integer, parameter :: SCI_index = 21 integer, parameter :: SCI_Subregions = 22 integer, parameter :: SCI_Subregion = 23 integer, parameter :: SCI_SubmodelOutput = 24 integer, parameter :: SCI_DebugOutput = 25 integer, parameter :: SCI_hydro = 26 integer, parameter :: SCI_soil = 27 integer, parameter :: SCI_man = 28 integer, parameter :: SCI_crop = 29 integer, parameter :: SCI_decomp = 30 integer, parameter :: SCI_AverageSlope = 31 integer, parameter :: SCI_SoilRockFragments = 32 integer, parameter :: SCI_SoilFile = 33 integer, parameter :: SCI_ManageFile = 34 integer, parameter :: SCI_WaterErosionLoss = 35 integer, parameter :: SCI_BarrierSeasonFlag = 36 integer, parameter :: SCI_BarCliNumber = 37 integer, parameter :: SCI_CoordinateNumber = 38 integer, parameter :: SCI_BarCliIndex = 39 integer, parameter :: SCI_coordIndex = 40 integer, parameter :: SCI_Barriers = 41 integer, parameter :: SCI_Barrier = 42 integer, parameter :: SCI_Description = 43 integer, parameter :: SCI_PointBarClis = 44 integer, parameter :: SCI_BarCli = 45 integer, parameter :: SCI_TimeDesc = 46 integer, parameter :: SCI_TimeMark = 47 integer, parameter :: SCI_coord = 48 integer, parameter :: SCI_x = 49 integer, parameter :: SCI_y = 50 integer, parameter :: SCI_PointBarCli = 51 integer, parameter :: SCI_height = 52 integer, parameter :: SCI_width = 53 integer, parameter :: SCI_porosity = 54 integer, parameter :: SCI_TranLogic = 55 integer, parameter :: SCI_BarCliTran = 56 integer, parameter :: SCI_BegTranFlg = 57 integer, parameter :: SCI_BegTranThresh = 58 integer, parameter :: SCI_BegTranBase = 59 integer, parameter :: SCI_EndTranFlg = 60 integer, parameter :: SCI_EndTranThresh = 61 integer, parameter :: SCI_EndTranBase = 62 integer, parameter :: GUI_UserName = 63 integer, parameter :: GUI_FarmId = 64 integer, parameter :: GUI_TractId = 65 integer, parameter :: GUI_FieldId = 66 integer, parameter :: GUI_RunTypeDisp = 67 integer, parameter :: GUI_Site = 68 integer, parameter :: GUI_cligenFlag = 69 integer, parameter :: GUI_cligenMethod = 70 integer, parameter :: GUI_cligenLatitude = 71 integer, parameter :: GUI_cligenLongitude = 72 integer, parameter :: GUI_cligenStateId = 73 integer, parameter :: GUI_cligenStationNum = 74 integer, parameter :: GUI_cligenStationName = 75 integer, parameter :: GUI_cligenElevation = 76 integer, parameter :: GUI_windgenFlag = 77 integer, parameter :: GUI_windgenMethod = 78 integer, parameter :: GUI_windgenLatitude = 79 integer, parameter :: GUI_windgenLongitude = 80 integer, parameter :: GUI_windgenStationNum = 81 integer, parameter :: GUI_windgenCountry = 82 integer, parameter :: GUI_windgenState = 83 integer, parameter :: GUI_windgenStationName = 84 integer, parameter :: GUI_lastrun = 85 integer, parameter :: GUI_lat = 86 integer, parameter :: GUI_lon = 87 integer, parameter :: max_simyear = 100000 ! value used to test simulation year input range integer :: nsubr ! Number of subregions integer :: nbr ! number of barriers integer :: seas_flg ! barrier season flag integer :: ntm_seas ! number of time marks for seasonal barrier integer :: ntran ! number of transition methods for a time mark integer :: poly_np ! number of points in polygon or polyline integer :: isr ! index for subregion reading integer :: ibr ! index for barrier reading integer :: ipol ! index for polygon reading integer :: iseas ! index for barrier season reading integer :: itran ! index for barrier transition method reading logical :: barriers_present logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: barrier_complete logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: subregion_complete logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: season_complete logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: clipar_complete logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: clitran_complete logical :: bar_seasons logical :: bar_coords logical :: bar_params logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: coord_complete integer :: count_complete logical :: runfile_complete contains subroutine init_run_xml() integer :: idx integer :: alloc_stat max_tags = 87 ! count of unique tags needed from all dtd files allocate( run_tag(max_tags), stat=alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: memory alloc., run_tag' end if ! assign defaults to flag status values do idx = 1, max_tags run_tag(idx)%required = .true. run_tag(idx)%acquired = .false. run_tag(idx)%in_tag = .false. end do ! assign tag names run_tag(1)%name = "runFileData" run_tag(2)%name = "SCI_CycleCount" run_tag(3)%name = "SCI_CentrLatitude" run_tag(4)%name = "SCI_CentrLongitude" run_tag(5)%name = "SCI_Elevation" run_tag(6)%name = "SCI_StartDate" run_tag(7)%name = "SCI_EndDate" run_tag(8)%name = "SCI_Day" run_tag(9)%name = "SCI_Month" run_tag(10)%name = "SCI_Year" run_tag(11)%name = "SCI_TimeSteps" run_tag(12)%name = "SCI_climateFile" run_tag(13)%name = "SCI_windFile" run_tag(14)%name = "SCI_ErosionSubmodelOutput" run_tag(15)%name = "SCI_RegionAngle" run_tag(16)%name = "SCI_XOrigin" run_tag(17)%name = "SCI_YOrigin" run_tag(18)%name = "SCI_XLength" run_tag(19)%name = "SCI_YLength" run_tag(20)%name = "SCI_number" run_tag(21)%name = "SCI_index" run_tag(22)%name = "SCI_Subregions" run_tag(23)%name = "SCI_Subregion" run_tag(24)%name = "SCI_SubmodelOutput" run_tag(25)%name = "SCI_DebugOutput" run_tag(26)%name = "SCI_hydro" run_tag(27)%name = "SCI_soil" run_tag(28)%name = "SCI_man" run_tag(29)%name = "SCI_crop" run_tag(30)%name = "SCI_decomp" run_tag(31)%name = "SCI_AverageSlope" run_tag(32)%name = "SCI_SoilRockFragments" run_tag(33)%name = "SCI_SoilFile" run_tag(34)%name = "SCI_ManageFile" run_tag(35)%name = "SCI_WaterErosionLoss" run_tag(36)%name = "SCI_BarrierSeasonFlag" run_tag(37)%name = "SCI_BarCliNumber" run_tag(38)%name = "SCI_CoordinateNumber" run_tag(39)%name = "SCI_BarCliIndex" run_tag(40)%name = "SCI_coordIndex" run_tag(41)%name = "SCI_Barriers" run_tag(42)%name = "SCI_Barrier" run_tag(43)%name = "SCI_Description" run_tag(44)%name = "SCI_PointBarClis" run_tag(45)%name = "SCI_BarCli" run_tag(46)%name = "SCI_TimeDesc" run_tag(47)%name = "SCI_TimeMark" run_tag(48)%name = "SCI_coord" run_tag(49)%name = "SCI_x" run_tag(50)%name = "SCI_y" run_tag(51)%name = "SCI_PointBarCli" run_tag(52)%name = "SCI_height" run_tag(53)%name = "SCI_width" run_tag(54)%name = "SCI_porosity" run_tag(55)%name = "SCI_TranLogic" run_tag(56)%name = "SCI_BarCliTran" run_tag(57)%name = "SCI_BegTranFlg" run_tag(58)%name = "SCI_BegTranThresh" run_tag(59)%name = "SCI_BegTranBase" run_tag(60)%name = "SCI_EndTranFlg" run_tag(61)%name = "SCI_EndTranThresh" run_tag(62)%name = "SCI_EndTranBase" run_tag(63)%name = "GUI_UserName" run_tag(64)%name = "GUI_FarmId" run_tag(65)%name = "GUI_TractId" run_tag(66)%name = "GUI_FieldId" run_tag(67)%name = "GUI_RunTypeDisp" run_tag(68)%name = "GUI_Site" run_tag(69)%name = "GUI_cligenFlag" run_tag(70)%name = "GUI_cligenMethod" run_tag(71)%name = "GUI_cligenLatitude" run_tag(72)%name = "GUI_cligenLongitude" run_tag(73)%name = "GUI_cligenStateId" run_tag(74)%name = "GUI_cligenStationNum" run_tag(75)%name = "GUI_cligenStationName" run_tag(76)%name = "GUI_cligenElevation" run_tag(77)%name = "GUI_windgenFlag" run_tag(78)%name = "GUI_windgenMethod" run_tag(79)%name = "GUI_windgenLatitude" run_tag(80)%name = "GUI_windgenLongitude" run_tag(81)%name = "GUI_windgenStationNum" run_tag(82)%name = "GUI_windgenCountry" run_tag(83)%name = "GUI_windgenState" run_tag(84)%name = "GUI_windgenStationName" run_tag(85)%name = "GUI_lastrun" run_tag(86)%name = "GUI_lat" run_tag(87)%name = "GUI_lon" ! create integer variable names for tags and assign index number. ! makes chunk code more understandable. barriers_present = .false. bar_seasons = .false. bar_coords = .false. bar_params = .false. end subroutine init_run_xml subroutine begin_element_handler(name,attributes) use file_io_mod, only: luobarr character(len=*), intent(in) :: name type(dictionary_t), intent(in) :: attributes integer :: idx ! local index for looping integer :: jdx ! local index for nested looping integer :: tdx ! index for tag identification character(len=80) :: param_value integer :: ret_stat integer :: alloc_stat integer :: sum_stat integer :: ptmp !write(*,*) ">>Begin Element: ", name !write(*,*) "--- ", len(attributes), " attributes:" !call print_dict(attributes) do idx = 1, size(run_tag) if( run_tag(idx)%name .eq. name ) then tdx = idx run_tag(idx)%in_tag = .true. ! write(*,*) 'In tag ', trim(name) exit ! found tag, no need to look further end if end do if ( (tdx .eq. SCI_Subregions) & .or. (tdx .eq. SCI_Barriers) ) then if ( has_key(attributes, run_tag(SCI_number)%name) ) then call get_value(attributes, run_tag(SCI_number)%name, param_value, ret_stat) select case (tdx) case (SCI_Subregions) call read_param(run_tag(SCI_number)%name, param_value, nsubr) !write(*,*) 'Number of Subregions: ', nsubr if (nsubr .lt. 1) then write(*,*) 'Error, subregion count must be 1 or greater. Value: ', nsubr call exit(1) end if sum_stat = 0 ! create arrays for submodel output flags allocate(am0hfl(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(am0sfl(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(am0cfl(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(am0dfl(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat ! create arrays for submodel debug flags allocate(am0hdb(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(am0sdb(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(am0cdb(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(am0ddb(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(soil_in(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(subregion_complete(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: memory alloc., subregion arrays' end if ! initialize _complete arrays to false do idx = 1, nsubr subregion_complete(idx) = .false. end do call manFileAlloc(nsubr) case (SCI_Barriers) call read_param(run_tag(SCI_number)%name, param_value, nbr) !write(*,*) 'Number of Barriers: ', nbr ! allocate structure for barriers (nbr .lt. 1 gives zero size array) sum_stat = 0 allocate(barseas(nbr), stat = alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(barrier_complete(nbr), stat = alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(luobarr(nbr), stat = alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: memory alloc., barrier arrays' end if ! initialize _complete arrays to .false. do idx = 1, nbr barrier_complete(idx) = .false. end do barriers_present = .true. end select else write(*,*) 'SCI_number attribute required for each ', trim(run_tag(tdx)%name), ' Tag.' call exit(1) end if else if ( (tdx .eq. SCI_Subregion) & .or. (tdx .eq. SCI_coord) & .or. (tdx .eq. SCI_BarCliTran) ) then if ( has_key(attributes, run_tag(SCI_index)%name) ) then call get_value(attributes, run_tag(SCI_index)%name, param_value, ret_stat) select case (tdx) case (SCI_Subregion) call read_param(run_tag(SCI_index)%name, param_value, isr) ! adjust from base 0 to base 1 arrays isr = isr + 1 !write(*,*) 'Subregion Index: ', isr case (SCI_coord) call read_param(run_tag(SCI_index)%name, param_value, ipol) ! adjust from base 0 to base 1 arrays ipol = ipol + 1 !write(*,*) 'Subregion Coordinates Point Index: ', ipol case (SCI_BarCliTran) call read_param(run_tag(SCI_index)%name, param_value, itran) ! adjust from base 0 to base 1 arrays itran = itran + 1 !write(*,*) 'Barrier Season Threshold Index: ', itran end select else write(*,*) 'SCI_index attribute required for each ', trim(run_tag(tdx)%name), ' Tag.' call exit(1) end if else if ( (tdx .eq. SCI_Barrier) ) then if ( has_key(attributes, run_tag(SCI_index)%name) ) then call get_value(attributes, run_tag(SCI_index)%name, param_value, ret_stat) call read_param(run_tag(SCI_index)%name, param_value, ibr) ! adjust from base 0 to base 1 arrays ibr = ibr + 1 !write(*,*) 'Barrier Index: ', ibr else write(*,*) 'SCI_index attribute required for each ', trim(run_tag(tdx)%name), ' Tag.' call exit(1) end if if ( has_key(attributes, run_tag(SCI_BarrierSeasonFlag)%name) ) then call get_value(attributes, run_tag(SCI_BarrierSeasonFlag)%name, param_value, ret_stat) call read_param(run_tag(SCI_BarrierSeasonFlag)%name, param_value, seas_flg) !write(*,*) 'Barrier Season Flag: ', seas_flg if ( (seas_flg .ne. 0) & .and. (seas_flg .ne. 1) & .and. (seas_flg .ne. 2) & ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: Barrier season flag value must be 0, 1 or 2' write(*,FMT='(i0)') 'Input value was: ', seas_flg call exit(35) end if else write(*,*) 'SCI_BarrierSeasonFlag attribute required for each ', trim(run_tag(tdx)%name), ' Tag.' call exit(1) end if else if ( (tdx .eq. SCI_PointBarClis) ) then if ( has_key(attributes, run_tag(SCI_BarCliNumber)%name) ) then call get_value(attributes, run_tag(SCI_BarCliNumber)%name, param_value, ret_stat) call read_param(run_tag(SCI_BarCliNumber)%name, param_value, ntm_seas) !write(*,*) 'Barrier Total Time Marks: ', ntm_seas else write(*,*) 'SCI_BarCliNumber attribute required for each ', trim(run_tag(tdx)%name), ' Tag.' call exit(1) end if if ( has_key(attributes, run_tag(SCI_CoordinateNumber)%name) ) then call get_value(attributes, run_tag(SCI_CoordinateNumber)%name, param_value, ret_stat) call read_param(run_tag(SCI_CoordinateNumber)%name, param_value, poly_np) !write(*,*) 'Number of Barrier Points: ', poly_np if (poly_np .ge. 2) then else write(*,'(2(a,i0))') 'Tag SCI_PointBarClis SCI_CoordinateNumber="',ibr-1, & '" must have at least 2 points. Only has ', poly_np call exit(1) end if else write(*,*) 'SCI_CoordinateNumber attribute required for each ', trim(run_tag(tdx)%name), ' Tag.' call exit(1) end if ! create storage for point and barrier data ! this also sets values for barr%np and barr%ntm call create_barrier(barseas(ibr), poly_np,ntm_seas,seas_flg) ! create storage for season, points and climate parameter index tracking sum_stat = 0 allocate(season_complete(ntm_seas), stat = alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(coord_complete(poly_np), stat = alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(clipar_complete(poly_np, ntm_seas), stat = alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then ! deallocation failed write(*,*) "ERROR: unable to allocate memory for _complete arrays" end if ! initialize _complete arrays to false do idx = 1, ntm_seas season_complete(idx) = .false. end do do idx = 1, poly_np coord_complete(idx) = .false. end do do jdx = 1, ntm_seas do idx = 1, poly_np clipar_complete(idx, jdx) = .false. end do end do else if ( tdx .eq. SCI_BarCli ) then if ( has_key(attributes, run_tag(SCI_index)%name) ) then call get_value(attributes, run_tag(SCI_Index)%name, param_value, ret_stat) call read_param(run_tag(SCI_Index)%name, param_value, iseas) !write(*,*) 'Number of Barrier Season Time Marks: ', iseas ! adjust from base 0 to base 1 arrays iseas = iseas + 1 !write(*,*) 'Barrier Season Index: ', iseas else write(*,*) 'SCI_index attribute required for each ', trim(run_tag(tdx)%name), ' Tag.' call exit(1) end if if ( has_key(attributes, run_tag(SCI_BarCliNumber)%name) ) then call get_value(attributes, run_tag(SCI_BarCliNumber)%name, param_value, ret_stat) call read_param(run_tag(SCI_BarCliNumber)%name, param_value, ptmp) if( ptmp .gt. 0 ) then barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%nthresh = ptmp ! create storage for barrier time mark threshold arrays ! this also sets values for barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%nthresh call create_barrier(barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas), barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%nthresh, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%trig_logic) ! create storage for threshold parameter index tracking sum_stat = 0 allocate(clitran_complete(barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%nthresh), stat = alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then ! allocation failed write(*,*) "ERROR: unable to allocate memory for _complete arrays" end if ! initialize _complete arrays to false do idx = 1, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%nthresh clitran_complete(idx) = .false. end do end if else write(*,*) 'SCI_BarCliNumber attribute required for each ', trim(run_tag(tdx)%name), ' Tag.' call exit(1) end if else if ( (tdx .eq. SCI_PointBarCli) ) then if ( has_key(attributes, run_tag(SCI_BarCliIndex)%name) ) then call get_value(attributes, run_tag(SCI_BarCliIndex)%name, param_value, ret_stat) call read_param(run_tag(SCI_BarCliIndex)%name, param_value, iseas) ! adjust from base 0 to base 1 arrays iseas = iseas + 1 !write(*,*) 'Barrier Time Marks Index: ', iseas else write(*,*) 'SCI_BarCliIndex attribute required for each ', trim(run_tag(tdx)%name), ' Tag.' call exit(1) end if if ( has_key(attributes, run_tag(SCI_coordIndex)%name) ) then call get_value(attributes, run_tag(SCI_coordIndex)%name, param_value, ret_stat) call read_param(run_tag(SCI_CoordinateNumber)%name, param_value, ipol) ! adjust from base 0 to base 1 arrays ipol = ipol + 1 !write(*,*) 'Barrier Points Index: ', ipol else write(*,*) 'SCI_coordIndex attribute required for each ', trim(run_tag(tdx)%name), ' Tag.' call exit(1) end if end if end subroutine begin_element_handler subroutine end_element_handler(name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer :: idx, jdx, kdx integer :: sum_stat, alloc_stat, dealloc_stat do idx = 1, size(run_tag) if( run_tag(idx)%name .eq. name ) then run_tag(idx)%in_tag = .false. ! write(*,*) 'In tag ', trim(name) if (idx .eq. runFileData) then if ( .not. barriers_present) then ! no SCI_Barriers tag found (not needed so set to true) run_tag(SCI_Barriers)%acquired = .true. ! allocate structure for barriers (zero size array allowed) sum_stat = 0 allocate(barseas(0), stat = alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: memory alloc., barriers' end if end if ! check for acquisition of all required elements if ( run_tag(SCI_CycleCount)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_CentrLatitude)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_CentrLongitude)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_Elevation)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_StartDate)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_EndDate)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_TimeSteps)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_climateFile)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_windFile)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_ErosionSubmodelOutput)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_RegionAngle)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_XOrigin)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_YOrigin)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_XLength)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_YLength)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_Subregions)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_Barriers)%acquired & ) then runfile_complete = .true. else runfile_complete = .false. do jdx = 1, size(run_tag) select case (jdx) case (SCI_CycleCount, & SCI_CentrLatitude, & SCI_CentrLongitude, & SCI_Elevation, & SCI_StartDate, & SCI_EndDate, & SCI_TimeSteps, & SCI_climateFile, & SCI_windFile, & SCI_ErosionSubmodelOutput, & SCI_RegionAngle, & SCI_XOrigin, & SCI_YOrigin, & SCI_XLength, & SCI_YLength) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is missing from input file.' end if case (SCI_Subregions, & SCI_Barriers) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is incomplete in input file.' end if end select end do write(*,*) 'No Results Generated.' end if ! deallocate tag array deallocate( run_tag, stat=dealloc_stat) if( dealloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then ! deallocation failed write(*,*) "ERROR: unable to deallocate memory for tag array" end if else if (idx .eq. SCI_StartDate) then ! check for acquisition of all required elements if ( run_tag(SCI_Day)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_Month)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_Year)%acquired & ) then run_tag(SCI_Day)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_Month)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_Year)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_StartDate)%acquired = .true. ! check for valid date values if ((id .lt. 1) .or. (id .gt. lstday(im,iy))) then write(*,*) 'Start date day of month: ', id, ' is not valid' call exit(1) end if if ((im .lt. 1) .or. (im .gt. 12)) then write(*,*) 'Start date month of year: ', im, ' is not valid' call exit(1) end if if ((iy .lt. 0) .or. (iy .gt.max_simyear)) then write(*,*) 'Start date year: ', im, ' must be less than ', max_simyear call exit(1) end if else do jdx = 1, size(run_tag) select case (jdx) case (SCI_Day, & SCI_Month, & SCI_Year) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is missing from input file.' end if end select end do end if else if (idx .eq. SCI_EndDate) then ! check for acquisition of all required elements if ( run_tag(SCI_Day)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_Month)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_Year)%acquired & ) then run_tag(SCI_Day)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_Month)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_Year)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_EndDate)%acquired = .true. ! check for valid date values if ((ld .lt. 1) .or. (ld .gt. lstday(lm,ly))) then write(*,*) 'Start date day of month: ', ld, ' is not valid' call exit(1) end if if ((lm .lt. 1) .or. (lm .gt. 12)) then write(*,*) 'Start date month of year: ', lm, ' is not valid' call exit(1) end if if ((ly .lt. 0) .or. (ly .gt.max_simyear)) then write(*,*) 'Start date year: ', im, ' must be less than ', max_simyear call exit(1) end if if (difdat(id, im, iy, ld, lm, ly) .le. 0) then write(*,*) 'Start date must be less than end date' write(*,*) '' call exit(1) end if else do jdx = 1, size(run_tag) select case (jdx) case (SCI_Day, & SCI_Month, & SCI_Year) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is missing from input file.' end if end select end do end if else if (idx .eq. SCI_Subregions) then !write(*,*) 'SCI_Subregions end of tag, nsubr: ', nsubr count_complete = 0 do jdx = 1, nsubr if (subregion_complete(jdx)) then count_complete = count_complete + 1 end if end do if (count_complete .ge. nsubr) then run_tag(SCI_Subregions)%acquired = .true. else do jdx = 1, nsubr if ( .not. subregion_complete(jdx)) then write(*,'(3a,i0,a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(SCI_Subregion)%name), & ' SCI_index="', jdx-1, '" is incomplete or missing from input file.' end if end do end if ! deallocate _complete array deallocate(subregion_complete, stat=dealloc_stat) if( dealloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then ! deallocation failed write(*,*) "ERROR: unable to deallocate memory for tags and subregion_complete arrays" end if else if (idx .eq. SCI_Barriers) then count_complete = 0 do jdx = 1, nbr if (barrier_complete(jdx)) then count_complete = count_complete + 1 end if end do if (count_complete .ge. nbr) then run_tag(SCI_Barriers)%acquired = .true. else do jdx = 1, size(barrier_complete) if ( .not. barrier_complete(jdx)) then write(*,'(3a,i0,a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(SCI_Barrier)%name), & ' SCI_index="', jdx-1, '" is incomplete or missing from input file.' end if end do end if ! deallocate _complete arrays deallocate(barrier_complete, stat=dealloc_stat) if( dealloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then ! deallocation failed write(*,*) "ERROR: unable to deallocate memory for barrier_complete array" end if else if (idx .eq. SCI_Barrier) then ! check for acquisition of all required elements if ( run_tag(SCI_Description)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_PointBarClis)%acquired ) then run_tag(SCI_Description)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_PointBarClis)%acquired = .false. barrier_complete(ibr) = .true. else do jdx = 1, size(run_tag) select case (jdx) case (SCI_Description) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is missing from input file.' end if case (SCI_PointBarClis) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is incomplete or missing from input file.' end if end select end do end if else if (idx .eq. SCI_PointBarClis) then ! check for acquisition of all required elements ! seasons count_complete = 0 do jdx = 1, ntm_seas if (season_complete(jdx)) then count_complete = count_complete + 1 end if end do if (count_complete .ge. ntm_seas) then bar_seasons = .true. else do jdx = 1, ntm_seas if ( .not. season_complete(jdx)) then write(*,'(3a,i0,a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(SCI_BarCli)%name), & ' SCI_index="', jdx-1, '" is incomplete or missing from input file.' end if end do end if ! points count_complete = 0 do jdx = 1, poly_np if (coord_complete(jdx)) then count_complete = count_complete + 1 end if end do if (count_complete .ge. poly_np) then bar_coords = .true. else do jdx = 1, poly_np if ( .not. coord_complete(jdx)) then write(*,'(3a,i0,a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(SCI_coord)%name), & ' SCI_index="', jdx-1, '" is incomplete or missing from input file.' end if end do end if ! barrier parameters count_complete = 0 do jdx = 1, poly_np do kdx = 1, ntm_seas if (clipar_complete(jdx, kdx)) then count_complete = count_complete + 1 end if end do end do if (count_complete .ge. poly_np*ntm_seas) then bar_params = .true. else do jdx = 1, poly_np do kdx = 1, ntm_seas if ( .not. clipar_complete(jdx, kdx)) then write(*,'(3a,2(i0,a))') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(SCI_PointBarCli)%name), & ' SCI_coordIndex="', jdx-1, '" SCI_BarCliIndex="',kdx-1, & '" is incomplete or missing from input file.' end if end do end do end if ! check for all complete if ( bar_seasons .and. bar_coords .and. bar_params ) then bar_seasons = .false. bar_coords = .false. bar_params = .false. run_tag(SCI_PointBarClis)%acquired = .true. end if ! deallocate _complete arrays sum_stat = 0 deallocate(season_complete, stat=dealloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + dealloc_stat deallocate(coord_complete, stat=dealloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + dealloc_stat deallocate(clipar_complete, stat=dealloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + dealloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then ! deallocation failed write(*,*) "ERROR: unable to deallocate memory for _complete arrays" end if else if (idx .eq. SCI_BarCli) then if( seas_flg .eq. 2 ) then if ( run_tag(SCI_TimeMark)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_TimeDesc)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_TranLogic)%acquired & ) then run_tag(SCI_TimeMark)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_TimeDesc)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_TranLogic)%acquired = .false. ! check for acquisition of all required elements ! transition thresholds count_complete = 0 do jdx = 1, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%nthresh if (clitran_complete(jdx)) then count_complete = count_complete + 1 end if end do if (count_complete .ge. barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%nthresh) then season_complete(iseas) = .true. else do jdx = 1, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%nthresh if ( .not. clitran_complete(jdx)) then write(*,'(3a,i0,a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(SCI_BarCliTran)%name), & ' SCI_index="', jdx-1, '" is incomplete or missing from input file.' end if end do end if else do jdx = 1, size(run_tag) select case (jdx) case (SCI_TimeMark, & SCI_TimeDesc, & SCI_TranLogic) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is missing from input file.' end if end select end do end if else if ( run_tag(SCI_TimeMark)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_TimeDesc)%acquired & ) then run_tag(SCI_TimeMark)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_TimeDesc)%acquired = .false. season_complete(iseas) = .true. else do jdx = 1, size(run_tag) select case (jdx) case (SCI_TimeMark, & SCI_TimeDesc) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is missing from input file.' end if end select end do end if end if else if (idx .eq. SCI_BarCliTran) then if( seas_flg .eq. 2 ) then if ( run_tag(SCI_BegTranFlg)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_BegTranThresh)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_BegTranBase)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_EndTranFlg)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_EndTranThresh)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_EndTranBase)%acquired & ) then run_tag(SCI_BegTranFlg)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_BegTranThresh)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_BegTranBase)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_EndTranFlg)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_EndTranThresh)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_EndTranBase)%acquired = .false. clitran_complete(itran) = .true. else do jdx = 1, size(run_tag) select case (jdx) case (SCI_BegTranFlg, & SCI_BegTranThresh, & SCI_BegTranBase, & SCI_EndTranFlg, & SCI_EndTranThresh, & SCI_EndTranBase) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is missing from input file.' end if end select end do end if end if else if (idx .eq. SCI_PointBarCli) then ! check for acquisition of all required elements if ( run_tag(SCI_height)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_width)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_porosity)%acquired ) then run_tag(SCI_height)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_width)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_porosity)%acquired = .false. clipar_complete(ipol,iseas) = .true. else do jdx = 1, size(run_tag) select case (jdx) case (SCI_height, & SCI_width, & SCI_porosity) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is missing from input file.' end if end select end do end if else if (idx .eq. SCI_coord) then ! check for acquisition of all required elements if ( run_tag(SCI_x)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_y)%acquired ) then run_tag(SCI_x)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_y)%acquired = .false. coord_complete(ipol) = .true. else do jdx = 1, size(run_tag) select case (jdx) case (SCI_x, & SCI_y ) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is missing from input file.' end if end select end do end if else if (idx .eq. SCI_Subregion) then ! check for acquisition of all required elements if ( run_tag(SCI_SubmodelOutput)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_DebugOutput)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_AverageSlope)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_SoilRockFragments)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_SoilFile)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_ManageFile)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_WaterErosionLoss)%acquired & ) then run_tag(SCI_SubmodelOutput)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_DebugOutput)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_AverageSlope)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_SoilRockFragments)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_SoilFile)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_ManageFile)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_WaterErosionLoss)%acquired = .false. subregion_complete(isr) = .true. else do jdx = 1, size(run_tag) select case (jdx) case (SCI_AverageSlope, & SCI_SoilRockFragments, & SCI_SoilFile, & SCI_ManageFile, & SCI_WaterErosionLoss) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is missing from input file.' end if case (SCI_SubmodelOutput, & SCI_DebugOutput) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is incomplete or missing from input file.' end if end select end do end if else if (idx .eq. SCI_SubmodelOutput) then ! check for acquisition of all required elements if ( run_tag(SCI_hydro)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_soil)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_man)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_crop)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_decomp)%acquired & ) then run_tag(SCI_hydro)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_soil)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_man)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_crop)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_decomp)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_SubmodelOutput)%acquired = .true. else do jdx = 1, size(run_tag) select case (jdx) case (SCI_hydro, & SCI_soil, & SCI_man, & SCI_crop, & SCI_decomp) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is missing from input file.' end if end select end do end if else if (idx .eq. SCI_DebugOutput) then ! check for acquisition of all required elements if ( run_tag(SCI_hydro)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_soil)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_man)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_crop)%acquired & .and. run_tag(SCI_decomp)%acquired & ) then run_tag(SCI_hydro)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_soil)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_man)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_crop)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_decomp)%acquired = .false. run_tag(SCI_DebugOutput)%acquired = .true. else do jdx = 1, size(run_tag) select case (jdx) case (SCI_hydro, & SCI_soil, & SCI_man, & SCI_crop, & SCI_decomp) if( .not. run_tag(jdx)%acquired ) then write(*,'(3a)') 'Tag ', trim(run_tag(jdx)%name), ' is missing from input file.' end if end select end do end if end if exit ! found tag, no need to look further end if end do end subroutine end_element_handler subroutine pcdata_chunk_handler(chunk) use grid_mod, only: amasim, amxsim character(len=*), intent(in) :: chunk character(len=512) :: param_value integer :: read_stat real :: cligen_version param_value = trim(chunk) if (run_tag(runFileData)%in_tag) then if (run_tag(SCI_CycleCount)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_CycleCount)%name, param_value, run_rot_cycles) run_tag(SCI_CycleCount)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_CentrLatitude)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_CentrLatitude)%name, param_value, amalat) if ((amalat .lt. -90.) .or. (amalat .gt. 90.)) then write (*,*)'ERROR: latitude is not between -90. and 90. degrees. Please check run file' call exit(1) end if run_tag(SCI_CentrLatitude)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_CentrLongitude)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_CentrLongitude)%name, param_value, amalon) if ((amalon .lt. -180.) .or. (amalon .gt. 180.)) then write (*,*) 'ERROR: longitude is not between -180. and 180. degrees. Please check run file' call exit(1) end if run_tag(SCI_CentrLongitude)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_Elevation)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_Elevation)%name, param_value, amzele) run_tag(SCI_Elevation)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_StartDate)%in_tag) then if (run_tag(SCI_Day)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_Day)%name, param_value, id) run_tag(SCI_Day)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_Month)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_Month)%name, param_value, im) run_tag(SCI_Month)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_Year)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_Year)%name, param_value, iy) run_tag(SCI_Year)%acquired = .true. end if else if (run_tag(SCI_EndDate)%in_tag) then if (run_tag(SCI_Day)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_Day)%name, param_value, ld) run_tag(SCI_Day)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_Month)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_Month)%name, param_value, lm) run_tag(SCI_Month)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_Year)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_Year)%name, param_value, ly) run_tag(SCI_Year)%acquired = .true. end if else if (run_tag(SCI_TimeSteps)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_TimeSteps)%name, param_value, ntstep) run_tag(SCI_TimeSteps)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_climateFile)%in_tag) then ! read CLIGEN file name clifil = trim(param_value) ! open CLIGEN run file call fopenk (luicli, trim(rootp) // clifil, 'old') read(luicli,fmt="(a)",iostat=read_stat) param_value if (read_stat .gt. 0) then write(*,*) 'Error in file ', clifil, ' reading: ', param_value call exit(1) end if if (report_info >=2) then write(6,*) '1st cligen output line is: ', trim(param_value) end if ! I think this is pretty messy. It was working with the Lahey compiler ! with a "73x,f" format but the Sun F95 compiler didn't like that, so ! it was changed to "73x,f6.3". I am now assuming that the "old versions" ! of cligen had the version number there. Anyway, I had to change from ! "f" to "f6.3" for the Sun compiler on the second read of the line string. ! Probably not a very robust way to do this read(param_value,fmt="(73x,f6.3)",iostat=read_stat) cligen_version if (read_stat .gt. 0) then write(*,*) 'Error in file ', clifil, ' reading: ', param_value call exit(1) end if if (cligen_version <= 5.1) then ! assume new version of cligen read(param_value,fmt="(f6.3)",iostat=read_stat) cligen_version if (read_stat .gt. 0) then write(*,*) 'Error in file ', clifil, ' reading: ', param_value call exit(1) end if end if if (report_info >=1) then write(6,"(a17,f8.5)") 'cligen version: ', cligen_version end if if (cligen_version >= 5.110) then cli_gen_fmt_flag = 3 if (report_info >=2) then write(6,*) 'cligen_version >= 5.110 db format' end if else if (cligen_version >= 5.101) then cli_gen_fmt_flag = 2 if (report_info >=2) then write(6,*) 'Forest Service cligen db format' end if else cli_gen_fmt_flag = 1 if (report_info >=2) then write(6,*) '3.1 version cligen db format' end if endif rewind luicli run_tag(SCI_climateFile)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_windFile)%in_tag) then ! read WINDGEN file name winfil = trim(param_value) ! open WINDGEN file call fopenk (luiwin, trim(rootp) // winfil, 'old') ! We will now check the header to determine which wind_gen data file ! format we are reading, either the old one (daily max and min wind ! speed, etc.) or the new one (24 hourly values per day). ! We now have a global wind_gen format flag we will set once we know. read(luiwin,fmt="(a80)",iostat=read_stat) param_value if (read_stat .gt. 0) then write(*,*) 'Error in file ', winfil, ' reading: ', param_value call exit(1) end if if ( (index(param_value,'WIND_GEN5') > 0) & .or. (index(param_value,'WIND_GEN4') > 0) & .or. (index(param_value,'WIND_GEN3') > 0) & .or. (index(param_value,'WIND_GEN2') > 0) ) then wind_gen_fmt_flag = 2 else wind_gen_fmt_flag = 1 endif rewind luiwin run_tag(SCI_windFile)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_ErosionSubmodelOutput)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_ErosionSubmodelOutput)%name, param_value, am0efl) run_tag(SCI_ErosionSubmodelOutput)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_RegionAngle)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_RegionAngle)%name, param_value, amasim) run_tag(SCI_RegionAngle)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_XOrigin)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_XOrigin)%name, param_value, amxsim(1)%x) run_tag(SCI_XOrigin)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_YOrigin)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_YOrigin)%name, param_value, amxsim(1)%y) run_tag(SCI_YOrigin)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_XLength)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_XLength)%name, param_value, amxsim(2)%x) run_tag(SCI_XLength)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_YLength)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_YLength)%name, param_value, amxsim(2)%y) run_tag(SCI_YLength)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_Subregions)%in_tag) then if (run_tag(SCI_Subregion)%in_tag) then ! SCI_Subregion if (run_tag(SCI_SubmodelOutput)%in_tag) then ! SCI_SubmodelOutput if (run_tag(SCI_hydro)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_hydro)%name, param_value, am0hfl(isr)) run_tag(SCI_hydro)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_soil)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_soil)%name, param_value, am0sfl(isr)) run_tag(SCI_soil)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_man)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_man)%name, param_value, manFile(isr)%am0tfl) run_tag(SCI_man)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_crop)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_crop)%name, param_value, am0cfl(isr)) run_tag(SCI_crop)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_decomp)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_decomp)%name, param_value, am0dfl(isr)) run_tag(SCI_decomp)%acquired = .true. end if else if (run_tag(SCI_DebugOutput)%in_tag) then ! SCI_DebugOutput if (run_tag(SCI_hydro)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_hydro)%name, param_value, am0hdb(isr)) run_tag(SCI_hydro)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_soil)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_soil)%name, param_value, am0sdb(isr)) run_tag(SCI_soil)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_man)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_man)%name, param_value, manFile(isr)%am0tdb) run_tag(SCI_man)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_crop)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_crop)%name, param_value, am0cdb(isr)) run_tag(SCI_crop)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_decomp)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_decomp)%name, param_value, am0ddb(isr)) run_tag(SCI_decomp)%acquired = .true. end if else if (run_tag(SCI_AverageSlope)%in_tag) then ! The new "versioned" IFC files contain a slope value ! which will be used if this value is set negative, ! ie. not entered. It is now the only way to set a ! non default slope when using the older "non-versioned" ! IFC files. call read_param(run_tag(SCI_AverageSlope)%name, param_value, soil_in(isr)%amrslp) run_tag(SCI_AverageSlope)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_SoilRockFragments)%in_tag) then ! If this value is set to -1, the value from the ifc is used ! If set here to value of 0 or greater, this value is assigned to all layers call read_param(run_tag(SCI_SoilRockFragments)%name, param_value, soil_in(isr)%SoilRockFragments) run_tag(SCI_SoilRockFragments)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_SoilFile)%in_tag) then ! read in initial field conditions file name soil_in(isr)%sinfil = trim(param_value) run_tag(SCI_SoilFile)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_ManageFile)%in_tag) then ! read in management file name manFile(isr)%tinfil = trim(param_value) run_tag(SCI_ManageFile)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_WaterErosionLoss)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_WaterErosionLoss)%name, param_value, soil_in(isr)%WaterErosion) run_tag(SCI_WaterErosionLoss)%acquired = .true. end if end if else if (run_tag(SCI_Barriers)%in_tag) then if (run_tag(SCI_Barrier)%in_tag) then ! These barriers as entered are considered to be thin, having no real ! area effect such as erodible material source or deposition area. ! The polyline entered is the "effective location". ! Barriers wider than anything approaching the scale of a cell (1/10th ! a cell width)should probably be entered as subregions and the erosion ! submodel changed to consider their wind shadow effect on adjoining cells ! Note: the barrier point number must be read first and the barrier storage ! allocated, then the barrier level data populated. (hence the barrier type ! string now comes last) ! Note: When seas_flg = 2 is specified, it is required that two points (no ! more no less) in time be provided, the first date being when it can be ! guaranteed that leaves are at a minimum, and the data values for porosity ! correspond to that. The second date is when it can be quaranteed that ! leaves are at a maximum and the data values for porosity correspond to that. ! read in barrier info if (run_tag(SCI_Description)%in_tag) then barseas(ibr)%amzbt = trim(param_value) run_tag(SCI_Description)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_PointBarClis)%in_tag) then if (run_tag(SCI_BarCli)%in_tag) then ! SCI_BarCli Climate transition parameters if (run_tag(SCI_TimeDesc)%in_tag) then barseas(ibr)%dst(iseas)%st_desc = param_value(1:80) run_tag(SCI_TimeDesc)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_TimeMark)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_TimeMark)%name, param_value, barseas(ibr)%dst(iseas)%doy) run_tag(SCI_TimeMark)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_TranLogic)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_TranLogic)%name, param_value, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%trig_logic) run_tag(SCI_TranLogic)%acquired = .true. end if if (run_tag(SCI_BarCliTran)%in_tag) then if (run_tag(SCI_BegTranFlg)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_BegTranFlg)%name, param_value, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%cli_tran(itran)%beg_flg) run_tag(SCI_BegTranFlg)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_BegTranThresh)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_BegTranThresh)%name, param_value, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%cli_tran(itran)%beg_thresh) run_tag(SCI_BegTranThresh)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_BegTranBase)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_BegTranBase)%name, param_value, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%cli_tran(itran)%beg_base) run_tag(SCI_BegTranBase)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_EndTranFlg)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_EndTranFlg)%name, param_value, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%cli_tran(itran)%end_flg) run_tag(SCI_EndTranFlg)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_EndTranThresh)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_EndTranThresh)%name, param_value, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%cli_tran(itran)%end_thresh) run_tag(SCI_EndTranThresh)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_EndTranBase)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_EndTranBase)%name, param_value, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%cli_tran(itran)%end_base) run_tag(SCI_EndTranBase)%acquired = .true. end if end if else if (run_tag(SCI_coord)%in_tag) then !SCI_coord if (run_tag(SCI_index)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_index)%name, param_value, ipol) ! adjust from base 0 to base 1 arrays ipol = ipol + 1 run_tag(SCI_index)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_x)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_x)%name, param_value, barseas(ibr)%points(ipol)%x) run_tag(SCI_x)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_y)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_y)%name, param_value, barseas(ibr)%points(ipol)%y) run_tag(SCI_y)%acquired = .true. end if else if (run_tag(SCI_PointBarCli)%in_tag) then ! SCI_PointBarCli if (run_tag(SCI_height)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_height)%name, param_value, barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,iseas)%amzbr) run_tag(SCI_height)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_width)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_width)%name, param_value, barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,iseas)%amxbrw) run_tag(SCI_width)%acquired = .true. else if (run_tag(SCI_porosity)%in_tag) then call read_param(run_tag(SCI_porosity)%name, param_value, barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,iseas)%ampbr) run_tag(SCI_porosity)%acquired = .true. end if end if end if end if end if end if end subroutine pcdata_chunk_handler subroutine write_run_xml() use read_write_xml_mod, only: w_begin_tag, w_end_tag, w_whole_tag use grid_mod, only: amasim, amxsim character*512 :: runxmlfil ! xml run file name logical :: fexist ! flag used to indicate result of file existence integer :: luo_xml ! output unit number integer :: dealloc_stat runxmlfil = trim(rootp) // 'weps.runx' call init_run_xml() inquire(file = trim(runxmlfil), exist = fexist) if (fexist) then ! do not overwrite existing file write(*,*) 'File exists, move or delete to create new: ', trim(runxmlfil) return end if call fopenk (luo_xml, trim(runxmlfil), 'unknown') ! write XML header write(luo_xml,"(a)") '' write(luo_xml,"(a)") '' call w_begin_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(runFileData)%name ) ! GUI tags call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_UserName)%name, trim(usrnam) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_FarmId)%name, trim(farmid) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_TractId)%name, trim(tractid) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_FieldId)%name, trim(fieldid) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_RunTypeDisp)%name, trim(runtype) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_Site)%name, trim(siteid) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_cligenFlag)%name, trim(cliflag) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_cligenMethod)%name, trim(climethod) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_cligenLatitude)%name, trim(clilatitude) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_cligenLongitude)%name, trim(clilongitude) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_cligenStateId)%name, trim(clistateid) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_cligenStationNum)%name, trim(clistationnum) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_cligenStationName)%name, trim(clistationname) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_cligenElevation)%name, trim(clielevation) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_windgenFlag)%name, trim(winflag) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_windgenMethod)%name, trim(winmethod) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_windgenLatitude)%name, trim(winlatitude) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_windgenLongitude)%name, trim(winlongitude) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_windgenStationNum)%name, trim(winstationnum) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_windgenCountry)%name, trim(wincountry) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_windgenState)%name, trim(winstate) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_windgenStationName)%name, trim(winstationname) ) ! not recorded in old weps.run files, so make blank entry call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(GUI_lastrun)%name, '' ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_CycleCount)%name, run_rot_cycles ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_CentrLatitude)%name, amalat ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_CentrLongitude)%name, amalon ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Elevation)%name, amzele ) call w_begin_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_StartDate)%name ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Day)%name, id ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Month)%name, im ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Year)%name, iy ) call w_end_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_StartDate)%name ) call w_begin_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_EndDate)%name ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Day)%name, ld ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Month)%name, lm ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Year)%name, ly ) call w_end_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_EndDate)%name ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_TimeSteps)%name, ntstep ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_climateFile)%name, trim(clifil) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_windFile)%name, trim(winfil) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_ErosionSubmodelOutput)%name, am0efl ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_RegionAngle)%name, amasim ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_XOrigin)%name, amxsim(1)%x ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_YOrigin)%name, amxsim(1)%y ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_XLength)%name, amxsim(2)%x ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_YLength)%name, amxsim(2)%y ) call w_begin_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Subregions)%name, & run_tag(SCI_number)%name, nsubr) do isr = 1, nsubr call w_begin_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Subregion)%name, & run_tag(SCI_index)%name, isr-1) call w_begin_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_SubmodelOutput)%name ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_hydro)%name, am0hfl(isr) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_soil)%name, am0sfl(isr) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_man)%name, manFile(isr)%am0tfl ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_crop)%name, am0cfl(isr) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_decomp)%name, am0dfl(isr) ) call w_end_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_SubmodelOutput)%name ) call w_begin_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_DebugOutput)%name ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_hydro)%name, am0hdb(isr) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_soil)%name, am0sdb(isr) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_man)%name, manFile(isr)%am0tdb ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_crop)%name, am0cdb(isr) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_decomp)%name, am0ddb(isr) ) call w_end_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_DebugOutput)%name ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_AverageSlope)%name , soil_in(isr)%amrslp ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_SoilRockFragments)%name , soil_in(isr)%SoilRockFragments ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_SoilFile)%name , soil_in(isr)%sinfil ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_ManageFile)%name , manFile(isr)%tinfil ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_WaterErosionLoss)%name , soil_in(isr)%WaterErosion ) call w_end_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Subregion)%name ) end do call w_end_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Subregions)%name ) nbr = size(barseas) call w_begin_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Barriers)%name, & run_tag(SCI_number)%name, nbr) do ibr = 1, nbr call w_begin_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Barrier)%name, & run_tag(SCI_BarrierSeasonFlag)%name, barseas(ibr)%seas_flg, & run_tag(SCI_index)%name, ibr-1) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Description)%name, trim(barseas(ibr)%amzbt) ) call w_begin_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_PointBarClis)%name, & run_tag(SCI_BarCliNumber)%name, barseas(ibr)%ntm, & run_tag(SCI_CoordinateNumber)%name, barseas(ibr)%np ) do iseas = 1, barseas(ibr)%ntm call w_begin_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_BarCli)%name, & run_tag(SCI_BarCliNumber)%name, 0, & run_tag(SCI_index)%name, iseas-1 ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_TimeDesc)%name, trim(barseas(ibr)%dst(iseas)%st_desc) ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_TimeMark)%name, barseas(ibr)%dst(iseas)%doy ) if( barseas(ibr)%seas_flg .eq. 2 ) then ! these are used for climate based seasonal transitions call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_TranLogic)%name, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%trig_logic ) do itran = 1, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%nthresh call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_BegTranFlg)%name, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%cli_tran(itran)%beg_flg ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_BegTranThresh)%name, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%cli_tran(itran)%beg_thresh ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_BegTranBase)%name, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%cli_tran(itran)%beg_base ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_EndTranFlg)%name, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%cli_tran(itran)%end_flg ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_EndTranThresh)%name, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%cli_tran(itran)%end_thresh ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_EndTranBase)%name, barseas(ibr)%clim(iseas)%cli_tran(itran)%end_base ) end do end if call w_end_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_BarCli)%name ) end do do ipol = 1, barseas(ibr)%np call w_begin_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_coord)%name, & run_tag(SCI_index)%name, ipol-1 ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_x)%name, barseas(ibr)%points(ipol)%x ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_y)%name, barseas(ibr)%points(ipol)%y ) !GUI_lat !GUI_lon call w_end_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_coord)%name ) end do do iseas = 1, barseas(ibr)%ntm do ipol = 1, barseas(ibr)%np call w_begin_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_PointBarCli)%name, & run_tag(SCI_BarCliIndex)%name, iseas-1, & run_tag(SCI_coordIndex)%name, ipol-1 ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_height)%name, barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,iseas)%amzbr ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_width)%name, barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,iseas)%amxbrw ) call w_whole_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_porosity)%name, barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,iseas)%ampbr ) call w_end_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_PointBarCli)%name ) end do end do call w_end_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_PointBarClis)%name ) call w_end_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Barrier)%name ) end do call w_end_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(SCI_Barriers)%name ) call w_end_tag( luo_xml, run_tag(runFileData)%name ) close (luo_xml) ! deallocate tag array deallocate( run_tag, stat=dealloc_stat) if( dealloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then ! deallocation failed write(*,*) "ERROR: unable to deallocate memory for tag array" end if end subroutine write_run_xml end module input_run_xml_mod