# # ******************************************************* # NOTE: Not necessary to modify any information below this line # unless one is interested in customizing the "sweep.eplt" file. # ******************************************************* # # WARNING: Only plots values for subregion #1 # # + + + DATA TO PLOT + + + # # "xplot" flag for writing variables to file "sweep.eplt". # -1 = write nothing # 0 = write erosion variables; # Actual variables listed below are only written if flagged with a 1 # # NOTE: The SWEEP cmdline option -Eplt determines if the data # specfied here is appended to the sweep.eplt file. 0 # # Next are 2 lines per variable: # 1st line: flag (0=do not write, 1=do write) and variable description # 2nd line: this info is used as a header in "sweep.eplt" # place header within first 12 positions of the line # # xin(i), R, field length 1 Length(m) # abzht, R, biomass ht.(m) 1 bio_ht(m) # abrsai, R, stem area index 1 stem_area # abrlai(s), R, Biomass leaf area index (m^2/m^2) 1 lai_area # abffcv, R, biomass flat fraction cover 1 flat_cov # asfvfs(1,s), R, soil fraction very fine sand in layer 1 1 vfsand # asfsan(1,s), R, soil fraction sand in layer 1 1 sand # asfsil(1,s), R, soil fraction silt in layer 1 1 silt # asfcla(1,s), R, soil fraction clay in layer 1 1 clay # asvoc(1,s), R, soil volume roc in layer 1(m^3/m^3) 1 rock_vol # aseags(1,s), R, soil aggregate stability (ln J/m^3) 1 ag_stab # aslagm(1,s), R, soil aggregate geom. mean dia. (mm) 1 ag_gmd # aslagn(1,s), R, soil aggregate min. dia. (mm) 1 ag_min # aslagx(1,s), R, soil aggregate max. dia. (mm) 1 ag_max # as0ags(1,s), R, soil aggregate geo. std. dev. 1 ag_std # asfcr(s), R, Surface crust fraction (m^2/m^2) 1 crust_cv # aszcr(s), R, Surface crust thickness (mm) 1 crust_z(mm) # asflos(s), R, Fraction of loose material on surface (m^2/m^2) 1 los_cv # asmlos(s), R, Mass of loose material on crust (kg/m^2) 1 los(kg/m^2) # asdcr(s), R, Soil crust density (Mg/m^3) 1 cr_den(Mg/m^3) # asecr(s), R, Soil crust stability ln(J/kg) 1 cr_se # aslrr(s), R, Allmaras random roughness (mm) 1 rr(mm) # aszrgh(s), R, Ridge height (mm) 1 z_rgh(mm) # asxrgs(s), R, Ridge spacing (mm) 1 x_rgs(mm) # asxrgw(s), R, Ridge width (mm) 1 x_rgw(mm) # asxrgo(s), R, Ridge orientation (deg) 1 a_rgo(deg) #