!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ module plantcycle_mod use constants, only: dp, int32 use plant_mod use Preprocess_mod use Process_Factory use phases_mod use phase_factory_mod use environment_state_mod implicit none type :: processes class(Preprocess), public, pointer :: ptr end type processes type :: phases class(phase), public, pointer :: ptr end type phases type, public :: plantcycle type(plant), public :: plantstate type(processes), public:: processes ! head of process linked list type(processes), public:: processCurrent ! used to index through processes type(phases), public:: phases ! head of phase chain type(phases), public:: phaseCurrent ! used to index through phases type(phases), public:: phaseCurrentSub ! used to index through Secondary(Sub) phases contains procedure, pass :: preproc => allProcesses procedure, pass :: add_process => add_new_process procedure, pass :: grow => growplant procedure, pass :: add_phase => add_new_phase end type plantcycle interface plantcycle module procedure :: newplantcycle end interface plantcycle contains function newplantcycle() result(pcycle) implicit none type(plantcycle), pointer :: pcycle integer(int32) :: status allocate( pcycle, stat=status ) pcycle%plantstate = plant() ! make sure new pointers point to nothing nullify(pcycle%processes%ptr) nullify(pcycle%processCurrent%ptr) nullify(pcycle%phases%ptr) nullify(pcycle%phaseCurrent%ptr) nullify(pcycle%phaseCurrentSub%ptr) end function newplantcycle subroutine allProcesses(self, env) ! Variables class(plantcycle), intent(inout) :: self type(environment_state), intent(inout) :: env ! Body of allProcesses do while( associated(self%processCurrent%ptr) ) ! make sure we never try to run anything past last process. !run the process call self%processCurrent%ptr%doProcess(self%plantstate, env) self%processCurrent%ptr => self%processCurrent%ptr%processNext end do end subroutine allProcesses subroutine growplant(self, env) ! Variables class(plantcycle), intent(inout) :: self type(environment_state), intent(inout) :: env logical :: succ real(dp) :: stagegdd integer(int32) :: specificStage, nextstage logical :: regrowth_trig ! Body of growplant ! make sure we never try to run anything past last phase. if( associated(self%phaseCurrent%ptr) ) then ! points to a phase if( btest(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseType,0) ) then ! phaseType status bit is set, execute this phase then set to next phase for execution today call self%phaseCurrent%ptr%doPhase(self%plantstate, env) call self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseState%get("stagegdd", stagegdd, succ) write(*,*) 'Phase, stagegdd: ', trim(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseLabel), stagegdd ! just go to next phase !print *, "state phase complete, next phase requested" self%phaseCurrent%ptr => self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseChild nextstage = 0 ! pass this out to calling routine for use, and reset there call self%plantstate%state%replace("nextstage", nextstage, succ) end if !if( regrowth_trig ) then ! if( associated(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseRegrow) ) then ! self%phaseCurrent%ptr => self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseRegrow ! ! reset phase state to start again ! stagegdd = 0.0_dp ! call self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseState%replace("phase_rel_gdd", stagegdd, succ) ! call self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseState%replace("stagegdd", stagegdd, succ) ! end if !end if !run the phase call self%phaseCurrent%ptr%doPhase(self%plantstate, env) call self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseState%get("stagegdd", stagegdd, succ) !write(*,*) 'Phase, stagegdd: ', trim(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseLabel), stagegdd !if the next stage is ready, check the specific stage value. call self%plantstate%state%get("nextstage", nextstage, succ) if (nextstage == 1.and.succ) then write(*,*) 'Degree Days: ', stagegdd, ' Phase Completed: ', trim(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseLabel) succ=.false. call self%plantstate%state%get("specstage", specificStage, succ) if (succ) then ! zero out stagegdd stagegdd = 0.0_dp call self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseState%replace("phase_rel_gdd", stagegdd, succ) call self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseState%replace("stagegdd", stagegdd, succ) if (specificStage .eq. 1) then print *, "regrow phase requested" self%phaseCurrent%ptr => self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseRegrow call self%phaseCurrent%ptr%doPhase(self%plantstate, env) else ! print *, "next phase requested" ! just go to next phase self%phaseCurrent%ptr => self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseChild endif endif ! if( associated(self%phaseCurrent%ptr) ) then ! ! write info for start of phase ! write(*,*) 'Phase, stagegdd: ', trim(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseLabel), stagegdd ! end if ! reset controls nextstage = 0 ! pass this out to calling routine for use, and reset there specificStage = 0 call self%plantstate%state%replace("nextstage", nextstage, succ) call self%plantstate%state%replace("specstage", specificStage, succ) endif endif end subroutine growplant subroutine add_new_process(self, processName, processLabel, processType) ! adds a new phase to the processNext of the "processCurrent" ! when adding processes, be sure to set processCurrent correctly ! updates processCurrent to point to the added processs ! Variables class(plantcycle), intent(inout) :: self character(len=*), intent(in) :: processName ! please trim, all lower case. character(len=*), intent(in) :: processLabel ! please trim, all lower case. integer(int32) :: processType ! Body of add_new_process !example process: "GDDWeps" if( associated(self%processCurrent%ptr) ) then select case (processType) case (0) ! primary process ! process added to processNext self%processCurrent%ptr%processNext => create_process(processName, processLabel) if( associated(self%processCurrent%ptr%processNext) ) then ! current process pointed to added process self%processCurrent%ptr => self%processCurrent%ptr%processNext write(*,*) 'Next Process: ', trim(processName), ' : ', trim(processLabel) end if end select else select case (processType) case (0) ! primary process ! this is the first process, add to ptr self%processes%ptr => create_process(processName, processLabel) self%processCurrent%ptr => self%processes%ptr write(*,*) 'First Process: ', trim(processName), ' : ', trim(processLabel) case (1,2) ! secondary process, influence write(*,*) 'Process type: ', processType, ' cannot be first process.' end select end if end subroutine add_new_process subroutine add_new_phase(self, phaseName, phaseLabel, phaseType) ! adds a new phase to the phaseChild of the "phaseCurrent" ! when adding phases, be sure to set phaseCurrent correctly ! updates phaseCurrent to point to the added phase ! Variables class(plantcycle), intent(inout) :: self character(len=*), intent(in) :: phaseName ! please trim, all lower case. character(len=*), intent(in) :: phaseLabel ! please trim, all lower case. integer :: phaseType type(phases) :: thisPhase ! used to index through phases type(phases) :: phaseParent ! used to index through phases ! Body of add_new_phase !example phase: "pmms_germination" if( associated(self%phaseCurrent%ptr) ) then phaseParent%ptr => self%phaseCurrent%ptr select case (phaseType) case (0,1,4,8) ! primary phase ! phase added to phaseChild self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseChild => create_phase(phaseName, phaseLabel, phaseType) if( associated(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseChild) ) then ! current phase pointed to added phase self%phaseCurrent%ptr => self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseChild write(*,*) 'Next Phase: ', trim(phaseName), ' : ', trim(phaselabel) ! initialize phase pointers self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseParent => phaseParent%ptr nullify(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseChild) nullify(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseSub) nullify(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseRegrow) end if case (2) ! secondary stage if( associated(self%phaseCurrentSub%ptr) ) then ! add an additional secondary phase self%phaseCurrentSub%ptr%phaseChild => create_phase(phaseName, phaseLabel, phaseType) if( associated(self%phaseCurrentSub%ptr%phaseChild) ) then ! current secondary phase pointed to added phase self%phaseCurrentSub%ptr => self%phaseCurrentSub%ptr%phaseChild write(*,*) 'Next Secondary Phase: ', trim(phaseName), ' : ', trim(phaselabel) end if else ! this is the first secondary phase in the current primary phase self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseSub => create_phase(phaseName, phaseLabel, phaseType) if( associated(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseSub) ) then ! current secondary phase pointed to added phase self%phaseCurrentSub%ptr => self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseSub write(*,*) 'First Secondary Phase: ', trim(phaseName), ' : ', trim(phaselabel) end if end if !case (4) ! Regrowth ! self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseRegrow => create_phase(phaseName, phaseLabel, phaseType) ! write(*,*) 'Regrowth Phase: ', trim(phaseName) !case (8) ! Alternate Regrowth ! self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseRegrow => create_phase(phaseName, phaseLabel, phaseType) ! write(*,*) 'Alternate Regrowth Phase: ', trim(phaseName) end select ! search backward for regrowth phase thisPhase%ptr => self%phaseCurrent%ptr do while( associated(thisPhase%ptr) ) if( (thisPhase%ptr%phaseType .eq. 4) .or. (thisPhase%ptr%phaseType .eq. 8) ) then self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseRegrow => thisPhase%ptr exit else if( associated(thisPhase%ptr%phaseRegrow) ) then self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseRegrow => thisPhase%ptr%phaseRegrow exit end if thisPhase%ptr => thisPhase%ptr%phaseParent end do else select case (phaseType) case (0,1,4,8) ! primary phase ! this is the first phase, add to ptr self%phases%ptr => create_phase(phaseName, phaseLabel, phaseType) self%phaseCurrent%ptr => self%phases%ptr write(*,*) 'First Phase: ', trim(phaseName), ' : ', trim(phaselabel) ! initialize phase pointers nullify(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseParent) nullify(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseChild) nullify(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseSub) nullify(self%phaseCurrent%ptr%phaseRegrow) case (2) ! secondary phase write(*,*) 'Phase type: ', phaseType, ' cannot be first phase.' end select end if end subroutine add_new_phase end module plantcycle_mod