!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ module WEPSCrop_util_mod use constants, only: dp, int32, u_pi, u_mgtokg, u_hatom2, u_max_arg_exp, u_max_real, u_mmtom, precision_init implicit none real(dp), parameter :: chilluv = 50.0_dp ! total of chill units require for vernalization (deg C) real(dp), parameter :: shoot_delay = 7.0_dp ! number of days minimum temperature must be above base ! crop growth temperature for shoot growth to occur real(dp), parameter :: verndelmax = 0.04_dp ! maximum value of vernalization delay parameter real(dp), parameter :: dev_floor = 0.01_dp ! minimum development rate fraction allowed ! (1-full rate, 0-no development) real(dp), parameter :: max_photo_per = 20_dp ! photo period where maximum development rate occurs (hours) real(dp), parameter :: spring_trig = 0.29_dp ! heat units ratio to spring allowing release of winter annual crown storage real(dp), parameter :: hard_spring = 1.0_dp ! hardening index threshold for spring growth breakout integer(int32), parameter :: shoot_flg = 0 ! used to control the behavior of the shootnum subroutine ! 0 - returns the shoot number constrained by bcdmaxshoot contains ! To calculate the temperature stress factor ! This algorithms was taken from the EPIC subroutine cgrow. function temp_stress( bwtdmx, bwtdmn, bctopt, bctmin ) result(temps) real(dp), intent(in) :: bwtdmx ! daily maximum air temperature real(dp), intent(in) :: bwtdmn ! daily minimum air temperature real(dp), intent(in) :: bctopt ! optimum crop growth temperature real(dp), intent(in) :: bctmin ! minimum crop growth temperature real(dp) :: temps ! local variables real(dp) :: tgx ! difference between the soil surface temperature and the minimum temperature for plant growth real(dp) :: x1 ! difference between the optimum and minimum temperatures for plant growth real(dp) :: rto ! interim variable real(dp) :: dst0 ! estimated soil temperature from daily max and min temperatures ! calculate temperature stress factor ! following one statement to be removed when soil temperature is available dst0 = (bwtdmx + bwtdmn) / 2.0_dp tgx=dst0-bctmin if (tgx.le.0.) tgx=0.0_dp x1=bctopt-bctmin rto=tgx/x1 temps=sin(1.5707_dp*rto) if (rto.gt.2.) temps=0.0_dp ! this reduces temperature stress around the optimum temps = temps**0.25_dp return end function temp_stress subroutine shootnum( shoot_flg, bnslay, bc0idc, bcdpop, bc0shoot, & bcdmaxshoot, bcmtotshoot, bcmrootstorez, bcdstm ) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! determine the number of shoots that root storage mass can support, ! and set the total mass to be released from root storage. ! + + + KEYWORDS + + + ! stem number, shoot growth !use p1unconv_mod, only: mgtokg ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer(int32), intent(in) :: shoot_flg integer(int32), intent(in) :: bnslay integer(int32), intent(in) :: bc0idc real(dp), intent(in) :: bcdpop real(dp), intent(in) :: bc0shoot real(dp), intent(in) :: bcdmaxshoot real(dp), intent(inout) :: bcmtotshoot real(dp), intent(in) :: bcmrootstorez(*) real(dp), intent(inout) :: bcdstm ! + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + ! shoot_flg - used to control the behavior of the shootnum subroutine ! 0 - returns the shoot number constrained by bcdmaxshoot ! 1 - returns the shoot number unconstrained by bcdmaxshoot ! bnslay - number of soil layers ! bc0idc - crop type:annual,perennial,etc ! bcdpop - Number of plants per unit area (#/m^2) ! - Note: bcdstm/bcdpop gives number of stems per plant ! bc0shoot - mass from root storage required for each shoot (mg/shoot) ! bcdmaxshoot - maximum number of shoots possible from each plant ! bcmtotshoot - total mass released from root storage biomass (kg/m^2) ! in the period from beginning to completion of emergence heat units ! bcmrootstorez - crop root storage mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) ! (tubers (potatoes, carrots), extended leaf (onion), seeds (peanuts)) ! bcdstm - Number of crop stems per unit area (#/m^2) ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer(int32) lay real(dp) root_store_sum ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + ! lay - layer index for summing root storage ! root_store_sum - sum of root storage ! + + + PARAMETERS + + + real(dp) per_release PARAMETER (per_release = 0.9_dp) real(dp) stage_release PARAMETER (stage_release = 0.5_dp) ! + + + PARAMETER DEFINITIONS + + + ! per_release - fraction of available root stoage mass released to ! grow new shoots. Default is set to 90% of available ! stage_release - fraction of available root stoage mass released to ! grow new shoots for cropID type 8. ! Find number of shoots (stems) that can be supported from ! root storage mass up to the maximum root_store_sum = 0.0_dp do lay = 1,bnslay root_store_sum = root_store_sum + bcmrootstorez(lay) end do ! determine number of regrowth shoots ! units are kg/m^2 / kg/shoot = shoots/m^2 if( (bc0idc.eq.3) .or. (bc0idc.eq.6) ) then ! Perennials hold some mass in reserve bcdstm = max( bcdpop, & per_release * root_store_sum/(bc0shoot*u_mgtokg) ) else if( bc0idc.eq.8 ) then ! This Perennial stages it's bud release, putting out less after each cutting bcdstm = max( bcdpop, & stage_release * root_store_sum/(bc0shoot*u_mgtokg) ) else ! all others go for broke bcdstm = max( bcdpop, & root_store_sum/(bc0shoot*u_mgtokg) ) end if if( shoot_flg .eq. 0 ) then ! respect maximum limit bcdstm = min( bcdmaxshoot*bcdpop, bcdstm ) end if ! write(*,*) 'shootnum:bcdstm: ', bcdstm ! set the mass of root storage that is released (for use in shoot grow) ! units are shoots/m^2 * kg/shoot = kg/m^2 bcmtotshoot = min( root_store_sum, bcdstm * bc0shoot * u_mgtokg ) return end subroutine shootnum subroutine scrv1 (x1, y1, x2, y2, a, b) ! compute parameters for an s-curve. real(dp) :: a,b real :: x1,x2,y1,y2 ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real(dp) :: xx1,xx2 real(dp) :: xx xx1=abs(x1) xx2=abs(x2) xx = log(xx1/y1-xx1) b=(xx-log(xx2/y2-xx2))/(xx2-xx1) a=xx+b*xx1 return end subroutine scrv1 ! Calculate single day heat units for given temperatures function huc( bwtdmx, bwtdmn, bctmax, bctmin ) result(huc1) real(dp), intent(in) :: bwtdmx ! daily maximum air temperature real(dp), intent(in) :: bwtdmn ! daily minimum air temperature real(dp), intent(in) :: bctmax ! max or optimum crop growth temperature real(dp), intent(in) :: bctmin ! minimum crop growth temperature real(dp) :: huc1 huc1 = heatunit(bwtdmx, bwtdmn, bctmin) & & - heatunit(bwtdmx, bwtdmn, bctmax) if (huc1.lt.0.) huc1=0. return end function huc ! calculates the amount of heat units in degree-days above a ! threshold temperature assuming a fully sinusoidal daily ! temperature cycle with maximum and minimum 12 hours apart. function heatunit( tmax, tmin, thres ) result(heat_unit) real(dp), intent(in) :: tmax ! maximum daily air temperature real(dp), intent(in) :: tmin ! minimum daily air temperature real(dp), intent(in) :: thres ! threshold temperature (such as minimum temperature for growth) real(dp) :: heat_unit ! local variables real(dp) :: tmean ! arithmetic average of tmax and tmin real(dp) :: delta ! difference between daily maximum and minimum temperature real(dp) :: theta ! point where threshold and air temperature are equal, defines integration limits if (thres .ge. tmax) then heat_unit = 0.0 else if ((thres .le. tmin) .or. (tmax .le. tmin)) then tmean = (tmax + tmin) / 2.0 heat_unit = tmean - thres else tmean = (tmax + tmin) / 2.0 delta = (tmax - tmin) / 2.0 theta = asin( (thres - tmean) / delta ) heat_unit = ( (tmean - thres) * (u_pi/2.0 - theta) + delta * cos(theta) ) / u_pi end if return end function heatunit ! calculates the vernalization effectiveness of a day. For fully ! effective tmeperatures, a full day is returned. for temperatures ! that are less than fully effective, a partial day or zero is ! returned. If temperatures are above the upper temperature ! threshold and insufficient chill days are accumulated, devernalization ! occurs. ! method taken from: Ritchie, J.T. 1991. Wheat Phasic development in: ! Hanks, J. and Ritchie, J.T. eds. Modeling plant and soil systems. ! Agronomy Monograph 31, pages 34-36. subroutine chillunit_cum( bctchillucum, day_max_temp, day_min_temp ) real(dp), intent(inout) :: bctchillucum ! accumulated chilling units (days) real(dp), intent(in) :: day_max_temp ! daily maximum temperature (deg.C) real(dp), intent(in) :: day_min_temp ! daily minimum temperature (deg.C) ! local variables real(dp) :: tavg ! daily everage temperature (deg.C) real(dp) :: relvern ! relative vernalization effectiveness real(dp), parameter :: tmin = 0.0 ! minimum temperature in vernalization function (deg.C) real(dp), parameter :: tmax = 18.0 ! maximum temperature in vernalization function (deg.C) real(dp), parameter :: topt = 7.0 ! optimum temperature in vernalization function (deg.C) real(dp), parameter :: tdev = 30.0 ! temperature above which devernalization can occur (deg.C) real(dp), parameter :: daylim = 10.0 ! vernalization days beyond which no devernalization can occur (days) real(dp), parameter :: daydev = -0.5 ! devernalization days subtracted for each degree C above tdev (days) ! find average temperature tavg = 0.5 * (day_max_temp + day_min_temp) if( (tavg .ge. tmin) .and. (tavg .le. tmax) ) then if( tavg .le. topt ) then ! full vernalization effectiveness relvern = 1.0 else ! reduced vernalization effectiveness relvern = (tmax-tavg)/(tmax-topt) end if else if((day_max_temp.gt.tdev).and.(bctchillucum.lt.daylim)) then ! devernalization relvern = daydev * (day_max_temp - tdev) else relvern = 0.0 end if bctchillucum = max( 0.0, bctchillucum + relvern ) return end subroutine chillunit_cum ! calculates the cumulative number of days the daily average temperature ! is above a threshold temperature. subroutine warmday_cum( bctwarmdays, thres, tmax, tmin ) real(dp), intent(inout) :: bctwarmdays ! total number of consequtive days tempeature is above threshold real(dp), intent(in) :: thres ! threshold temperature (such as minimum temperature for growth) real(dp), intent(in) :: tmax ! maximum daily air temperature real(dp), intent(in) :: tmin ! minimum daily air temperature ! local variables real(dp) :: tmean ! arithmetic average of tmax and tmin tmean = (tmax + tmin) / 2.0_dp if (tmean .gt. thres) then ! this is a warm day bctwarmdays = bctwarmdays + 1.0_dp else ! reduce warm day total, but do not zero, for proper fall regrow of perennials bctwarmdays = bctwarmdays / 2.0_dp end if return end subroutine warmday_cum subroutine freeze_damage( ff_senescence, stsmn1, a_fr, b_fr, bcmstandleaf, bcfliveleaf, frst, lost_mass ) real(dp), intent(in) :: ff_senescence real(dp), intent(in) :: stsmn1 real(dp), intent(in) :: a_fr real(dp), intent(in) :: b_fr real(dp), intent(inout) :: bcmstandleaf real(dp), intent(inout) :: bcfliveleaf real(dp), intent(out) :: frst real(dp), intent(out) :: lost_mass real(dp), parameter :: frac_frst_mass_lost = 0.0_dp real(dp) :: xw real(dp) :: ffa real(dp) :: ffw real(dp) :: froz_mass real(dp) :: live_leaf real(dp) :: dead_leaf ! reduce green leaf mass in freezing weather if (stsmn1 .lt. -2.0_dp) then ! use daily minimum soil temperature of first layer to account for snow cover effects xw = abs( stsmn1 ) ! this was obviously to prevent excessive leaf loss ! frst=sqrt((1.-xw/(xw+exp(a_fr-b_fr*xw)))+0.000001) ! frst=sqrt(frst) ! tested to match the values input in the database frst = xw / (xw + exp(a_fr - b_fr * xw)) frst = min(1.0_dp, max(0.0_dp, frst)) ! is it before or after scenescence? if (ff_senescence .gt. 0.9999_dp) then ! before scenescence, frost killed mass is fragile and a fraction disappears ffa = 1.0_dp - frst ffw = 1.0_dp - frst * frac_frst_mass_lost lost_mass = bcmstandleaf * (1.0_dp - ffw) ! eliminate these in favor of dead to live ratio ! reduce green leaf area due to frost damage (10/1/99) live_leaf = bcmstandleaf * bcfliveleaf dead_leaf = bcmstandleaf * (1.0_dp - bcfliveleaf) froz_mass = bcmstandleaf * bcfliveleaf * frst live_leaf = live_leaf - froz_mass dead_leaf = dead_leaf+froz_mass*(1.0_dp-frac_frst_mass_lost) ! adjust here for lost mass amount so consistent below) bcmstandleaf = bcmstandleaf * ffw ! change in living mass fraction due freezing ! and accounting for weathering mass loss of dead leaf bcfliveleaf = ffa * bcfliveleaf / (1.0_dp + bcfliveleaf * (ffw - 1.0_dp)) else ! after scenescence, frost killed mass is tougher and is not lost immediately ! reduce green leaf area due to frost damage (9/22/2003) bcfliveleaf = bcfliveleaf * (1.0_dp - frst) lost_mass = 0.0_dp end if else frst = 0.0_dp lost_mass = 0.0_dp endif end subroutine freeze_damage end module WEPSCrop_util_mod