!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ subroutine eprint(slplen,avgslp,runoff,peakro,effdrn,efflen, & & effint,effdrr) use wepp_interface_defs, ignore_me=>eprint implicit none ! ! + + + purpose + + + ! open the standalone output file. ! print out the file header and the ! input hydrology and slope parameters ! ! called from subroutine main ! author(s): d. flanagan ! ! version: this module based on wepp v2004.7 print.for ! date coded: 9-30-2004 ! coded by: d. flanagan ! ! + + + argument declarations + + + ! real, intent(in) :: slplen, avgslp, runoff, peakro, effdrn, & & efflen, effint, effdrr ! ! + + + argument definitions + + + ! ! slplen - slope length of current ofe (m) ! avgslp - average slope of a line passing through endpoints ! of the current ofe (m/m) ! runoff - runoff depth (m) ! peakro - peak runoff rate (m/s) ! effdrn - effective duration of runoff (s) ! efflen - effective length of runoff (m) ! effint - effective rainfall intensity (m/s) ! effdrr - effective duration of rainfall (s) ! ! + + + local variables + + + ! ! integer ihill ! ! + + + local definitions + + + ! ! ihill - current hillslope profile in a watershed simulation ! ! + + + end specifications + + + ! ! !********************************************************************* ! ! if the first ofe, open the output file and print the ! header information. ! write (8,1000) write (8,1100) write (8,*) ! ! ihill = 1 ! write (8,1200) ihill ! write (8,1300) ! write (8,1400) iplane write (8,1500) write (8,1600) slplen, avgslp write (8,1700) runoff * 1000., peakro * 3.6e6, & & effdrn / 60., efflen, effint * 3.6e6, effdrr / 60. write (8,1800) ! return 1000 format (/,' (wepp) erosion stand-alone output ',//) 1100 format (//'i. single storm hydrology',/,2x,9('-'),1x,5('-'),1x, & & 36('-')) !1200 format (//2x,18('*'),/4x,'hillslope ',i2,/,2x,18('*')) !1300 format (//6x,27('*')) !1400 format (7x,'overland flow element ',i2) 1500 format (6x,27('*')) 1600 format (/' input runoff parameters'/2x,52('-')/ & & ' plane length ',f8.2,' (m)'/ & & ' average slope of profile ',f8.3/) 1700 format (/' runoff input'/2x,52('-')/ & & ' runoff depth ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ & & ' peak runoff rate ',f8.2,' (mm/hr)'/ & & ' effective runoff duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ & & ' effective length ',f8.2,' (meters)'/ & & ' effective intensity ',f8.2,' (mm/hr)'/ & & ' effective rainfall duration',f8.2,' (min)'/) 1800 format (2x,52('-')) end