!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ module file_io_mod ! unit number for file input (lui) / output (luo) ! global in scope, so only one unit required integer :: luicli ! reading cligen input integer :: luiwin ! reading windgen input integer :: luolog ! write logfil.txt for cmdline and inprun integer :: luo_subday ! for subdaily wind integer :: luo_egrd ! For daily erosion grid integer :: luo_erod ! For daily erosion summary integer :: luo_emit ! For subdaily erosion summary integer :: luo_sgrd ! For subdaily grid integer :: luo_barr ! for seasonal barrier daily output integer :: luoci ! write "ci.out" for confidence interval ! this is for whole region and subregions integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luogui1 ! write "gui1_data.out" ! subregion in scope, so require nsubr dimension for allocation ! submodel information (always on) integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luomandate ! write "mandate.out" integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luoharvest_si ! write harvest_si.out for info in SI units integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luoharvest_en ! write harvest_en.out for info in English units integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luohydrobal ! write hydrobal.out for water balance by crop harvest cycle integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luoseason ! write season.out for crop end of season (harvest) status integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luosci ! write sci_energy.out for soil conditioning index detail integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luostir ! write stir_energy.out for soil tillage intesity rating detail ! submodel detail output (set on/off in weps.run or with command line switches) integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luoplt ! write plot.out for erosion (and factors) detail integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luomanage ! write manage.out for management detail integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luocrop ! write crop.out for crop growth detail integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luoshoot ! write shoot.out for shoot growth detail integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luoinpt ! write inpt.out for crop input detail integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luod_above ! write dabove.out for above ground decomp detail integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luod_below ! write dbelow.out for below ground decomp detail integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luocrp1 ! write decomp.out for select decomp pools detail integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luobio1 ! bio1.btmp for residue totals detail integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luohydro ! write hydro.out for hydrology surface details integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luohlayers ! write hlayers.out for hydrology subsurface details integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luowater ! write water.out for darcy detailed solution info integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luosurfwat ! write surfwat.out for specific darcy detailed solution info integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luoweather ! write specific weather data for hydrology (esp net radiation) integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luotempsoil ! write tempsoil.out for soil temperature details integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luowepphdrive ! write wepp_runoff.out for wepp runoff details integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luowepperod ! write wepp_eroevents.out water erosion event details integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luoweppplot ! write wepp_eroplot.out integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luoweppsum ! write wepp_summary.out integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luosoilsurf ! write "soilsurf.out" for soil surface details integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luosoillay ! write "soillay.out" for soil layer details integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luoharvest_calib ! write harvest_calib.out integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luoharvest_calib_parm ! write harvest_calib_param.out integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luoasd ! write asd.out - For asd analysis - LEW integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luowc ! write wc.out - For testing set_wc() - LEW ! legacy debugging output files (when "debug" flags set) integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luohdb ! write hdbug.out integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luosdb ! write sdbug.out integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luotdb ! write tdbug.out integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luocdb ! write cdbug.out integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: luoddb ! write ddbug.out interface makenamnum module procedure makenamnum_1 module procedure makenamnum_2 end interface makenamnum contains ! Provides error trapped opening of files subroutine fopenk(filnumber, filname, filstatus) integer, intent(out) :: filnumber character*(*), intent(in) :: filname character*(*), intent(in) :: filstatus integer ios open(newunit(filnumber), FILE=trim(filname), STATUS=filstatus, POSITION='REWIND', ERR=100, IOSTAT=ios) write(*,FMT="(' Opened file: ',a,' on unit ',i3,' with status ',a)") trim(filname), filnumber, filstatus return 100 write(0,FMT="(' Cannot open file: ',a,' on unit ',i3,' with status ',a, ' and I/O status ', i5)") & filname(1:len_trim(filname)), filnumber, filstatus, ios call exit (1) end subroutine fopenk ! http://fortranwiki.org/fortran/show/newunit ! This is a simple function to search for an available unit. ! LUN_MIN and LUN_MAX define the range of possible LUNs to check. ! The UNIT value is returned by the function, and also by the optional ! argument. This allows the function to be used directly in an OPEN ! statement, and optionally save the result in a local variable. ! If no units are available, -1 is returned. integer function newunit(unit) integer, intent(out), optional :: unit ! local integer, parameter :: LUN_MIN=10, LUN_MAX=1000 logical :: opened integer :: lun ! begin newunit=-1 do lun=LUN_MIN,LUN_MAX inquire(unit=lun,opened=opened) if (.not. opened) then newunit=lun exit end if end do if (present(unit)) unit=newunit end function newunit subroutine makedir(pathplusdirname) character(LEN = *), intent(in) :: pathplusdirname character(LEN = len_trim(pathplusdirname)+8) :: command character(LEN = len_trim(pathplusdirname)) :: tempname ! integer :: npass ! integer :: cdx ! character :: delimiter integer :: filnumber !npass = 1 ! initial entry !delimiter = '/' ! default value used in input string ! check for existence of subdirectory ! 10 open(newunit(filnumber), FILE=trim(pathplusdirname)//'exist.txt', STATUS='UNKNOWN', ERR=100) open(newunit(filnumber), FILE=trim(pathplusdirname)//'exist.txt', STATUS='UNKNOWN', ERR=100) ! no error, subdirectory exists close( filnumber, STATUS='DELETE') return 100 continue ! try alternate delimiter character !if( npass .eq. 2 ) then ! delimiter = '\' !else if( npass .gt. 2 ) then ! write(*,*) 'subdirectory create failed' ! exit(1) !end if tempname = trim(pathplusdirname) ! assign name to internal variable so it can be modified !if( delimiter .ne. '/' ) then ! ! try alternate file path delimiter, change it ! cdx = index( tempname, '/' ) ! location of delimiter character ! do while( cdx .gt. 0 ) ! tempname(cdx:cdx) = delimiter ! replace '/' with delimiter ! cdx = index( tempname, '/' ) ! location of delimiter character ! end do !end if ! commented out alternate method since putting quotes around command ! makes forward slashes work on windows XP both under DOS and CYGWIN command='mkdir '//'"'//tempname//'"' ! command to create subdirectory !command='mkdir '//tempname ! command to create subdirectory !write(*,*) command CALL system(command) ! create subdirectory !npass = npass + 1 !goto 10 end subroutine makedir function makenamnum_2( prename, innum_1, maxnum_1, separator, innum_2, maxnum_2, postname ) result(namnum) character(LEN = *), intent(in) :: prename integer, intent(in) :: innum_1 integer, intent(in) :: maxnum_1 character(LEN = *), intent(in) :: separator integer, intent(in) :: innum_2 integer, intent(in) :: maxnum_2 character(LEN = *), intent(in) :: postname character*40 :: namnum ! the name/number combination created character*30 :: namnum_format ! format string for creating the name/number combination character*10 :: num_1_format ! format string for creating first number character*10 :: num_2_format ! format string for creating second number integer :: numlen_1 ! maximum length of the first number part of the name integer :: numlen_2 ! maximum length of the second number part of the name integer :: prelen ! length of the prefix name portion integer :: seplen ! length of the separator name portion integer :: postlen ! length of the postfix name portion write( num_1_format, '(i0)' ) maxnum_1 numlen_1 = len_trim(num_1_format) write( num_2_format, '(i0)' ) maxnum_2 numlen_2 = len_trim(num_1_format) prelen = len_trim(prename) seplen = len_trim(separator) postlen = len_trim(postname) if( prelen + numlen_1 + seplen + numlen_2 + postlen .gt. 40 ) then write(*,*) 'Name plus numbers combination is too long. Cannot create.' write(*,*) 'Name: ', prename, ' Number 1: ', innum_1, & 'Separator:', separator, ' Number 2: ', innum_2, 'Extension: ', postname stop 1 end if write( namnum_format, '(a2, i0, a5, i0, a3, i0, a5, i0, a3, i0, a1)' ) & '(a', prelen, ', i0.', numlen_1, ', a', seplen, ', i0.', numlen_2, ', a', postlen, ')' ! create the name write( namnum, namnum_format) trim(prename), innum_1, separator, innum_2, trim(postname) end function makenamnum_2 function makenamnum_1( prename, innumber, maxnumber, postname ) result(namnum) character(LEN = *), intent(in) :: prename integer, intent(in) :: innumber integer, intent(in) :: maxnumber character(LEN = *), intent(in) :: postname character*30 :: namnum ! the name/number combination created character*20 :: namnum_format ! format string for creating the name/number combination integer :: numlen ! maximum length of the number part of the name integer :: prelen ! length of the prefix name portion integer :: postlen ! length of the postfix name portion write( namnum_format, '(i0)' ) maxnumber numlen = len_trim(namnum_format) prelen = len_trim(prename) postlen = len_trim(postname) if( prelen + numlen + postlen .gt. 30 ) then write(*,*) 'Name plus number combination is too long. Cannot create.' write(*,*) 'Name: ', prename, ' Number: ', innumber, 'Extension: ', postname stop 1 end if write( namnum_format, '(a2, i0, a5, i0, a3, i0, a1)' ) '(a', prelen, ', i0.', numlen, ', a', postlen, ')' ! create the name write( namnum, namnum_format) trim(prename), innumber, trim(postname) end function makenamnum_1 end module file_io_mod