!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ module input_run_mod use weps_main_mod, only: old_run_file, clifil, runfil, subfil, winfil, usrnam, farmid, tractid, fieldid, & siteid, runtype, cliflag, climethod, clilatitiude, clilongitude, clistateid, & clistationnum, clistationname, clielevation, winflag, winmethod, winlatitude, & winlongitude, winstationnum, wincountry, winstate , winstationname, & run_rot_cycles, id, im, iy, ld, lm, ly, rootp use weps_cmdline_parms, only: report_info, run_erosion contains subroutine input( soil ) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! This subroutine perforns some screen I/O, reads in the ! run files and performs various error checkings. ! + + + GLOBAL COMMON BLOCKS + + + use soil_data_struct_defs, only: soil_def use flib_sax use input_run_xml_mod, only: runfile_complete, init_run_xml use input_run_xml_mod, only: begin_element_handler, end_element_handler, pcdata_chunk_handler use grid_mod, only: gridfile, griddata_complete, init_grid_xml use grid_mod, only: begin_griddata_element_handler, end_griddata_element_handler, pcdata_griddata_chunk_handler ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + type(soil_def), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: soil ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + logical :: fexist ! flag used to indicate result of file existence type(xml_t) :: fxml ! xml file handle structure integer :: iostat ! input/output status ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! check for xml format input run file runfil = trim(rootp) // 'weps.run.xml' inquire(file = trim(runfil), exist = fexist) if (fexist) then old_run_file = .false. ! open simulation run file write (*,*) 'runfil is ', '>>', trim(runfil), '<<' call open_xmlfile(trim(runfil),fxml,iostat) if (iostat /= 0) stop "Cannot open runfil" ! read in xml based run file call init_run_xml() call xml_parse(fxml, & begin_element_handler = begin_element_handler, & end_element_handler = end_element_handler, & pcdata_chunk_handler = pcdata_chunk_handler, & verbose = .false.) call close_xmlfile(fxml) if (.not. runfile_complete) then write(*,*) 'Simulation run file incomplete' call exit(1) end if ! open grid file gridfile = 'erod.grid' call open_xmlfile(trim(rootp) // trim(gridfile),fxml,iostat) if (iostat /= 0) then write(*,*) "Cannot open grid xml input file: ", trim(rootp) // trim(gridfile) stop end if ! Read in grid subregion assignments from erod.grid call init_grid_xml() call xml_parse(fxml, & begin_element_handler = begin_griddata_element_handler, & end_element_handler = end_griddata_element_handler, & pcdata_chunk_handler = pcdata_griddata_chunk_handler, & verbose = .false.) call close_xmlfile(fxml) if (.not. griddata_complete) then write(*,*) 'Grid Data File incomplete' call exit(1) end if else ! check for old fixed format run file runfil = trim(rootp) // 'weps.run' inquire(file = trim(runfil), exist = fexist) if (fexist) then ! read in old fixed format run file call inprun(soil) else write(0,*) ' simulation run file not found ' call exit(1) end if end if !call echo_inputs(soil) ! If this is a simulation that does water erosion read any extra WEPP ! input data. if (run_erosion.gt.1) call inpwepp return end subroutine input subroutine inprun( soil ) ! reads weps simulation run file ! + + + Modules Used + + + use soil_data_struct_defs, only: soil_def use datetime_mod, only: lstday use Polygons_Mod, only: create_polygon, set_area_polygon use subregions_mod, only: acct_poly, subr_poly use file_io_mod, only: fopenk, luicli, luiwin, luolog use erosion_data_struct_defs, only: subday, ntstep, am0efl use barriers_mod, only: create_barrier, barrier, barseas use grid_mod, only: amasim, amxsim, sim_area, xgdpt, ygdpt use hydro_data_struct_defs, only: am0hfl, am0hdb use soil_data_struct_defs, only: am0sfl, am0sdb use manage_data_struct_defs, only: manFile, manFileAlloc use crop_data_struct_defs, only: am0cfl, am0cdb use decomp_data_struct_defs, only: am0dfl, am0ddb use climate_input_mod, only: cli_gen_fmt_flag, wind_gen_fmt_flag use climate_input_mod, only: amalat, amalon, amzele ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + type(soil_def), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: soil ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer :: nacctr ! Number of accounting regions integer :: nsubr ! Number of subregions integer :: nbr ! number of barriers integer :: seas_flg ! barrier season flag integer :: iexp ! counter for extra parameters used with season flag .eq. 2 integer :: ntm_seas ! number of time marks for seasonal barrier integer :: poly_np ! number of points in polygon or polyline integer isr, iar, ios, ibr, ipol, iseas character line*256 real sclsim, sclbar real cligen_version real wepsrun_version integer lui1 integer :: sum_stat, alloc_stat character*80 awwisn ! made local since not used anywhere else integer, parameter :: max_simyear = 100000 ! value used to test simulation year input range ! + + + Local Variable Definitions + + + ! isr - subregion index counter ! iar - accounting region index counter ! ios - input output status flag ! ibr - barrier index counter ! ipol - polygon points index counter ! line - character array to hold contents of input line ! sclsim - scaling factor used by interface, not within WEPS ! sclbar - scaling factor used by interface, not within WEPS ! cligen_version - version of the specified cligen file ! wepsrun_version - version of the weps.run file being read ! subr_poly - polygons defining each subregion extent ! poly_np - number of points in polygon read from file ! lui1 - unit number for input of weps.run file integer linnum, typidx wepsrun_version = -1.0 linnum = 1 typidx = 0 ! open simulation run file write (*,*) 'runfil is ', '>>', trim(runfil), '<<' call fopenk (lui1, trim(runfil), 'old') ! check for version number at top of file read (lui1,'(a)',err=80) line if( line(2:8) .eq. 'VERSION' ) then read (line(10:),*,err=80) wepsrun_version else end if if( wepsrun_version .lt. 1.1 ) then old_run_file = .true. write(*,*) 'WEPS run file not subregion enabled, reading old single region formats' else old_run_file = .false. end if ! read simulation run file 100 linnum = linnum + 1 if( old_run_file ) then if( wepsrun_version .lt. 1.0 ) then if( typidx .eq. 39 ) go to 200 else if( wepsrun_version .ge. 1.02 ) then ! new value is 4th line past end of barrier info if( typidx .eq. 43 ) go to 200 else ! new value is 3rd line past end of barrier info if( typidx .eq. 42 ) go to 200 end if read (lui1,'(a)',err=80) line ! skip comment lines if (line(1:1) .eq. '#') go to 100 ! use case statement to appropriately assign values typidx = typidx + 1 ! write(*,*) 'INPRUN: typidx: ', typidx, 'line: ', trim(line) select case (typidx) case (1) usrnam = trim(line) case (2) ! parse line into field variables farmid = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) tractid = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) fieldid = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) runtype = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) ! skip rotation years line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) read (line,*,err=80, iostat=ios) run_rot_cycles case (3) siteid = trim(line) case (4) read (line,*,err=80, iostat=ios) amalat if ((amalat .lt. -90.) .or. (amalat .gt. 90.)) then write (*,2220) goto 80 end if case (5) read (line,*,err=80) amalon if ((amalon .lt. -180.) .or. (amalon .gt. 180.)) then write (*,2230) goto 80 end if case (6) read (line,*,err=80) amzele case (7) ! parse line into field variables cliflag = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) climethod = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) clilatitiude = trim(line(:index(line,";")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,";")+1:))) clilongitude = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) clistateid = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) clistationnum = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) clistationname = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) clielevation = trim(line) case (8) ! parse line into field variables winflag = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) winmethod = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) winlatitude = trim(line(:index(line,";")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,";")+1:))) if ( index(winmethod,"interpolated") .gt. 0 ) then winlongitude = trim(line) winstationnum = '' wincountry = '' winstate = '' winstationname = '' else winlongitude = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) winstationnum = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) wincountry = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) winstate = trim(line(:index(line,"|")-1)) line = trim(adjustl(line(index(line,"|")+1:))) winstationname = trim(line) end if case (9) read (line,*,err=80) id,im,iy case (10) read (line,*,err=80) ld,lm,ly if (((id .lt. 1) .or. (id .gt. lstday(im,iy))) .or. ((ld .lt. 1) .or. (ld .gt. lstday(lm,ly)))) then write (*,2240) goto 80 end if if (((id .lt. 1) .or. (id .gt. 31)) .or. ((ld .lt. 1) .or. (ld .gt. 31))) then write (*,2250) goto 80 end if if (((im .lt. 1) .or. (im .gt. 12)) .or. ((lm .lt. 1) .or. (lm .gt. 12))) then write (*,2250) goto 80 end if if (((iy .lt. 0) .or. (iy .gt.max_simyear)) .or. ((ly .lt. 0) .or. (ly .gt. max_simyear))) then write (*,2260) goto 80 end if if ((ly - iy) .lt. 0) then write (*,2265) goto 80 end if case (11) read (line,*,err=80) ntstep ! allocate wind direction and speed array allocate(subday(ntstep), stat=alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then Write(*,*) 'ERROR: memory alloc., wind direction and speed' end if case (12) ! read CLIGEN file name clifil = rootp(1:len_trim(rootp)) // line(1:len_trim(line)) write(luolog, *) 'clifil: ', clifil(1:len_trim(clifil)) ! open CLIGEN run file call fopenk (luicli, clifil, 'old') write(luolog,*) 'opened cligen file to determine db format...' ! read 1st line of CLIGEN file read(luicli,fmt="(a)",err=190) line write(6,"(a30,a)") 'First cligen output line is: ', trim(line) ! I think this is pretty messy. It was working with the Lahey compiler ! with a "73x,f" format but the Sun F95 compiler didn't like that, so ! it was changed to "73x,f6.3". I am now assuming that the "old versions" ! of cligen had the version number there. Anyway, I had to change from ! "f" to "f6.3" for the Sun compiler on the second read of the line string. ! Probably not a very robust way to do this read(line,fmt="(73x,f8.5)",err=190) cligen_version if (cligen_version <= 5.1) then ! assume new version of cligen read(line,fmt="(f8.5)",err=190) cligen_version end if write(luolog,"(a17,f8.5)") 'cligen version: ', cligen_version write(6,"(a17,f8.5)") 'cligen version: ', cligen_version ! I assume this is where I read the old cligen's version info ! read(luicli,fmt="(73x,f)",err=190) cligen_version ! write(luolog,*) 'cligen version: ', cligen_version ! We will now check the header to determine which cligen data file ! format we are reading, either the old one or the new one. ! if (index(line,'CLIGEN VERSION 5.101') > 0 ) then if (cligen_version >= 5.110) then cli_gen_fmt_flag = 3 else if (cligen_version >= 5.101) then cli_gen_fmt_flag = 2 write(luolog,*) 'Forest Service cligen db format' else cli_gen_fmt_flag = 1 write(luolog,*) '3.1 version cligen db format' endif rewind luicli goto 130 ! check for errors opening cli_gen data file here 190 write(*,9002) clifil, line goto 80 130 continue case (13) ! read WINDGEN file name winfil = rootp(1:len_trim(rootp)) // line ! open WINDGEN file call fopenk (luiwin, winfil, 'old') ! We will now check the header to determine which wind_gen data file ! format we are reading, either the old one (daily max and min wind ! speed, etc.) or the new one (24 hourly values per day). ! We now have a global wind_gen format flag we will set once we know. read(luiwin,fmt="(a80)",err=191) line ! write(6,*) 'line:', line if ( (index(line,'WIND_GEN5') > 0) & .or. (index(line,'WIND_GEN4') > 0) & .or. (index(line,'WIND_GEN3') > 0) & .or. (index(line,'WIND_GEN2') > 0) ) then wind_gen_fmt_flag = 2 else wind_gen_fmt_flag = 1 endif rewind luiwin goto 140 ! check for errors opening wind_gen data file here 191 write(*,9002) winfil, line goto 80 140 continue case (14) ! read subdaily wind file name if (line(1:4) .ne. 'none') then subfil = rootp(1:len_trim(rootp)) // line write(*,*) 'Subdaily wind file feature obsolete. File specified is: ', trim(subfil) end if case (15) ! old run file is for single subregion nsubr = 1 isr = 1 ! create array of subregion polygons allocate(subr_poly(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: memory alloc., subregion polygons' end if ! create arrays for submodel output flags sum_stat = 0 allocate(am0hfl(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(am0sfl(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(am0cfl(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(am0dfl(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: memory alloc., submodel output flags' end if ! create arrays for submodel debug flags sum_stat = 0 allocate(am0hdb(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(am0sdb(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(am0cdb(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(am0ddb(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: memory alloc., debug output flags' end if allocate(soil(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: memory alloc., soil structure array' end if call manFileAlloc(nsubr) ! read in initial field conditions file name soil(isr)%sinfil = rootp(1:len_trim(rootp)) // line case (16) ! read in management file name manFile(isr)%tinfil = rootp(1:len_trim(rootp)) // line case (17) ! deprecated line ! read output file name ! simout = rootp(1:len_trim(rootp)) // line ! Quit opening this file. We haven't used it for years. - 11/17/05 - LEW ! open (unit = 2, file = simout) case (18) ! deprecated line ! read the flags to select the various general report forms ! read (line,*,err=80) (gnrpt(i), i=1,6) ! read code to select period for output ! yearly and simulation summaries are always given case (19) ! deprecated line ! read (line,*,err=80) erosrpt case (20) read (line,*,err=80) am0hfl(isr),am0sfl(isr),manFile(isr)%am0tfl, am0cfl(isr),am0dfl(isr),am0efl case (21) ! debug flag line. Add zero integer to end to make sure six values ! are available to read. Previously interface only set 5 flags. ! Now should set six. ! this is not needed now, am0edb is deprecated ! line = line(1:len_trim(line)) // ' 0' read (line,*,err=80) am0hdb(isr),am0sdb(isr),manFile(isr)%am0tdb, am0cdb(isr),am0ddb(isr) case (22) read (line,*,err=80) amasim case (23) read (line,*,err=80) amxsim(1)%x, amxsim(1)%y case (24) read (line,*,err=80) amxsim(2)%x, amxsim(2)%y ! compute the simulation area sim_area = (amxsim(2)%x - amxsim(1)%x) * (amxsim(2)%y - amxsim(1)%y) case (25) ! These values are scaling factors for interface, not used in WEPS read (line,*,err=80) sclsim, sclbar case (26) read (line,*,err=80) nacctr ! set up iar for reading in next lines iar = 1 ! create array of accounting region polygons allocate(acct_poly(nacctr), stat = alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then Write(*,*) 'ERROR: memory alloc., accounting region polygons' end if case (27) ! set accounting region polygon point count poly_np = 4 ! create polygon point storage acct_poly(iar) = create_polygon(poly_np) ! read first corner into first location ipol = 1 read (line,*,err=80) acct_poly(iar)%points(ipol)%x, acct_poly(iar)%points(ipol)%y case (28) ! read opposite corner into third location ipol = 3 read (line,*,err=80) acct_poly(iar)%points(ipol)%x, acct_poly(iar)%points(ipol)%y ! fill out remaining points for square accounting region ipol = 2 acct_poly(iar)%points(ipol)%x = acct_poly(iar)%points(3)%x acct_poly(iar)%points(ipol)%y = acct_poly(iar)%points(1)%y ipol = 4 acct_poly(iar)%points(ipol)%x = acct_poly(iar)%points(1)%x acct_poly(iar)%points(ipol)%y = acct_poly(iar)%points(3)%y ! Single polygon, no need to close ! polygon complete call set_area_polygon(acct_poly(isr)) ! send us back to case (25) to read in array if (iar.lt.nacctr) typidx = typidx - 2 iar = iar + 1 case (29) read (line,*,err=80) isr ! read in sub-region data (currently only 1 allowed) isr = 1 ! set subregion polygon point count poly_np = 4 ! create polygon container for the single subregion subr_poly(isr) = create_polygon(poly_np) case (30) ! read first corner into first location ipol = 1 read (line,*,err=80) subr_poly(isr)%points(ipol)%x, subr_poly(isr)%points(ipol)%y case (31) ! read opposite corner into third location ipol = 3 read (line,*,err=80) subr_poly(isr)%points(ipol)%x, subr_poly(isr)%points(ipol)%y ! fill out remaining points for square sub-region ipol = 2 subr_poly(isr)%points(ipol)%x = subr_poly(isr)%points(3)%x subr_poly(isr)%points(ipol)%y = subr_poly(isr)%points(1)%y ipol = 4 subr_poly(isr)%points(ipol)%x = subr_poly(isr)%points(1)%x subr_poly(isr)%points(ipol)%y = subr_poly(isr)%points(3)%y ! Single polygon, no need to close ! polygon complete call set_area_polygon(subr_poly(isr)) case (32) ! The new "versioned" IFC files contain a slope value ! which will be used if this value is set negative, ! ie. not entered. It is now the only way to set a ! non default slope when using the older "non-versioned" ! IFC files. read (line,*,err=80) soil(isr)%amrslp ! weps.run file has slope gradient (m/m) ! disabled reading in multiple subregion points, only one was allowed in old files ! isr = isr + 1 ! if (isr.le.nsubr) typidx=typidx-3 case (33) ! old run files could have 0 barriers but still always read info in for 1. read (line,*,err=80) nbr ! write(6,*) ' reading barriers ', nbr ! allocate structure for barriers (nbr .lt. 1 gives zero size array) allocate(barrier(nbr), stat = alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: memory alloc., barrier' end if allocate(barseas(nbr), stat = alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: memory alloc., seasonal barrier' end if ! initialize counter for reading barrier parameters ibr = 1 case (34) if( nbr .ge. 1 ) then ! number of points in barrier polyline poly_np = 2 ! number of time marks in season ntm_seas = 1 ! create storage for point and barrier data call create_barrier(barrier(ibr), poly_np) call create_barrier(barseas(ibr), poly_np,ntm_seas,0) ! read first point pair ipol = 1 read (line,*,err=80) barseas(ibr)%points(ipol)%x, barseas(ibr)%points(ipol)%y ! also place in fixed barrier structure barrier(ibr)%points(ipol) = barseas(ibr)%points(ipol) end if case (35) if( nbr .ge. 1 ) then ! read second point pair ipol = 2 read (line,*,err=80) barseas(ibr)%points(ipol)%x, barseas(ibr)%points(ipol)%y ! also place in fixed barrier structure barrier(ibr)%points(ipol) = barseas(ibr)%points(ipol) ! Convert (x,y) barrier rectangular corner coordinates to ! (x,y) midline coordinates and width as currently defined in WEPS. ! NOTE: We don't convert to true midline coordinates because ! the erosion submodel assumes the midline is the barrier ! edge at this time. Since WEPS 1.0 only handles barriers ! that exist on the simulation region (field) boundary, the ! the barrier (x,y) coordinates are set to match the simulation ! region boundary coordinates, not to the actual barrier ! midline coordinates. LEW AUG 23, 2000 8:07 AM if ((amxsim(1)%x .eq. barseas(ibr)%points(1)%x) .and. & (amxsim(2)%x .eq. barseas(ibr)%points(2)%x)) then ! N or S barrier if (amxsim(1)%y .eq. barseas(ibr)%points(2)%y) then ! S barrier barseas(ibr)%points(1)%y = amxsim(1)%y ! also place in fixed barrier structure barrier(ibr)%points(1) = barseas(ibr)%points(1) !write(6,*) 'South barrier' else if (amxsim(2)%y .eq. barseas(ibr)%points(1)%y) then ! N barrier barseas(ibr)%points(2)%y = amxsim(2)%y ! also place in fixed barrier structure barrier(ibr)%points(2) = barseas(ibr)%points(2) !write(6,*) 'North barrier' endif else if ((amxsim(1)%y .eq. barseas(ibr)%points(1)%y) .and. & (amxsim(2)%y .eq. barseas(ibr)%points(2)%y)) then ! E or W barrier if (amxsim(1)%x .eq. barseas(ibr)%points(2)%x) then ! W barrier barseas(ibr)%points(1)%x = amxsim(1)%x ! also place in fixed barrier structure barrier(ibr)%points(1) = barseas(ibr)%points(1) !write(6,*) 'West barrier' else if (amxsim(2)%x .eq. barseas(ibr)%points(1)%x) then ! E barrier barseas(ibr)%points(2)%x = amxsim(2)%x ! also place in fixed barrier structure barrier(ibr)%points(2) = barseas(ibr)%points(2) !write(6,*) 'East barrier' endif else write(6,*) 'No barrier match for barrier: ', ibr endif end if case (36) if( nbr .ge. 1 ) then barseas(ibr)%amzbt = line(1:80) ! also place in fixed barrier structure barrier(ibr)%amzbt = barseas(ibr)%amzbt end if case (37) if( nbr .ge. 1 ) then ! read first point value ipol = 1 read (line,*,err=80) barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,1)%amzbr if( barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,1)%amzbr .le. 0.0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: Barrier height must be > 0' write(*,FMT='(2(i0))') 'Barrier #: ', ibr, 'Point #: ', ipol call exit(37) end if ! set second point value to same ipol = 2 barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,1)%amzbr = barseas(ibr)%param(1,1)%amzbr end if case (38) if( nbr .ge. 1 ) then ! read first point value ipol = 1 read (line,*,err=80) barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,1)%amxbrw ! set second point value to same ipol = 2 barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,1)%amxbrw = barseas(ibr)%param(1,1)%amxbrw end if case (39) if( nbr .ge. 1 ) then ! read first point value ipol = 1 read (line,*,err=80) barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,1)%ampbr ! set second point value to same ipol = 2 barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,1)%ampbr = barseas(ibr)%param(1,1)%ampbr end if ibr = ibr + 1 if (ibr.le.nbr) then ! read in next barrier typidx=typidx-6 end if case (40) ! this does nothing but skip the line for shape name case (41) ! this does nothing but skip the line for shape radius case (42) read (line,*,err=80) soil(isr)%WaterErosion isr = isr + 1 if (isr.le.nsubr) typidx=typidx-1 !!!! I don't think this works as intended - LEW ! will only work if isr .le. 2 not .gt. 2 ! set subregion counter for next line isr = 1 case (43) read (line,*,err=80) soil(isr)%SoilRockFragments isr = isr + 1 if (isr.le.nsubr) typidx=typidx-1 !!!! I don't think this works as intended - LEW ! will only work if isr .le. 2 not .gt. 2 ! set subregion counter for next line isr = 1 end select end if goto 100 80 write(0,9001) trim(runfil), linnum, typidx, line call exit(1) 200 close (lui1) ! Format statements 2220 format (/,' error, latitude is not between -90. and 90. degrees',/& &,' - please check run file') 2230 format (/,' error, longitude is not between -180. and 180. degrees& &',/,' - please check run file') 2240 format (/,' error, initial or last day of simulation is out of bou& &nds',/,' - please check run file') 2250 format (/,' error, initial or last day or month of simulation is o& &ut of bounds',/,' - please check run file') 2260 format (/,' error, initial or last year of simulation is not betwe& &en 0 and max_simyear',/,' - please check run file') 2265 format (/,' error, initial year of simulation is greater than the & &last year of simulation',/,' - please check run file') 9001 format('Error in file ',a,' on line #',i4,i3,' ',a) 9002 format('Error in file: ',a,' reading: ',a) end subroutine inprun subroutine echo_inputs(soil) ! + + + Modules Used + + + use soil_data_struct_defs, only: soil_def use datetime_mod, only: lstday use Polygons_Mod, only: create_polygon, set_area_polygon use subregions_mod, only: acct_poly, subr_poly use file_io_mod, only: fopenk use erosion_data_struct_defs, only: ntstep, am0efl use barriers_mod, only: create_barrier, barrier, barseas use grid_mod, only: amasim, amxsim, sim_area use hydro_data_struct_defs, only: am0hfl, am0hdb use soil_data_struct_defs, only: am0sfl, am0sdb use manage_data_struct_defs, only: manFile use crop_data_struct_defs, only: am0cfl, am0cdb use decomp_data_struct_defs, only: am0dfl, am0ddb use climate_input_mod, only: cli_gen_fmt_flag, wind_gen_fmt_flag use climate_input_mod, only: amalat, amalon, amzele ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + type(soil_def), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: soil ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer :: nacctr ! Number of accounting regions integer :: nsubr ! Number of subregions integer :: nbr ! number of barriers integer :: poly_np ! number of points in polygon or polyline integer isr, iar, ibr, ipol real cligen_version ! + + + Local Variable Definitions + + + ! isr - subregion index counter ! iar - accounting region index counter ! ios - input output status flag ! ibr - barrier index counter ! ipol - polygon points index counter ! line - character array to hold contents of input line ! sclsim - scaling factor used by interface, not within WEPS ! sclbar - scaling factor used by interface, not within WEPS ! cligen_version - version of the specified cligen file ! wepsrun_version - version of the weps.run file being read ! subr_poly - polygons defining each subregion extent ! poly_np - number of points in polygon read from file ! lui1 - unit number for input of weps.run file write(*,*) 'INVALS', amalat write(*,*) 'INVALS', amalon write(*,*) 'INVALS', amzele write(*,*) 'INVALS', id,im,iy write(*,*) 'INVALS', ld,lm,ly write(*,*) 'INVALS', ntstep write(*,*) 'INVALS', trim(clifil) write(*,*) 'INVALS', cligen_version write(*,*) 'INVALS', cli_gen_fmt_flag write(*,*) 'INVALS', trim(winfil) write(*,*) 'INVALS', wind_gen_fmt_flag write(*,*) 'INVALS', nsubr isr = 1 write(*,*) 'INVALS', trim(soil(isr)%sinfil) write(*,*) 'INVALS', trim(manFile(isr)%tinfil) write(*,*) 'INVALS', am0hfl(isr) write(*,*) 'INVALS', am0sfl(isr) write(*,*) 'INVALS', manFile(isr)%am0tfl write(*,*) 'INVALS', am0cfl(isr) write(*,*) 'INVALS', am0dfl(isr) write(*,*) 'INVALS', am0efl write(*,*) 'INVALS', am0hdb(isr) write(*,*) 'INVALS', am0sdb(isr) write(*,*) 'INVALS', manFile(isr)%am0tdb write(*,*) 'INVALS', am0cdb(isr) write(*,*) 'INVALS', am0ddb(isr) write(*,*) 'INVALS', amasim write(*,*) 'INVALS', amxsim(1)%x write(*,*) 'INVALS', amxsim(1)%y write(*,*) 'INVALS', amxsim(2)%x write(*,*) 'INVALS', amxsim(2)%y write(*,*) 'INVALS', sim_area write(*,*) 'INVALS', nacctr iar = 1 poly_np = 4 do ipol = 1, poly_np write(*,*) 'INVALS', acct_poly(iar)%points(ipol)%x, acct_poly(iar)%points(ipol)%y end do write(*,*) 'INVALS', acct_poly(isr)%area isr = 1 poly_np = 4 do ipol = 1, poly_np write(*,*) 'INVALS', subr_poly(isr)%points(ipol)%x, subr_poly(isr)%points(ipol)%y end do write(*,*) 'INVALS', subr_poly(isr)%area write(*,*) 'INVALS', soil(isr)%amrslp write(*,*) 'INVALS', nbr do ibr = 1, nbr do ipol = 1, poly_np write(*,*) 'INVALS', barseas(ibr)%points(ipol)%x write(*,*) 'INVALS', barseas(ibr)%points(ipol)%y write(*,*) 'INVALS', barrier(ibr)%points(ipol)%x write(*,*) 'INVALS', barrier(ibr)%points(ipol)%y write(*,*) 'INVALS', barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,1)%amzbr write(*,*) 'INVALS', barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,1)%amxbrw write(*,*) 'INVALS', barseas(ibr)%param(ipol,1)%ampbr end do write(*,*) 'INVALS', barseas(ibr)%amzbt write(*,*) 'INVALS', barrier(ibr)%amzbt end do write(*,*) 'INVALS', soil(isr)%WaterErosion write(*,*) 'INVALS', soil(isr)%SoilRockFragments end subroutine echo_inputs end module input_run_mod