!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ module erosion_data_struct_defs use Polygons_Mod implicit none ! defines state variables for each grid cell type cellsurfacestate integer :: csr ! index of current subregion at grid point x,y integer :: car ! index of current accounting region at grid point x,y integer :: surflay ! index of the soil layer at the surface (0 indicates deposition horizon) real :: elevation ! elevation of the cell surface at the cell centroid real :: surfthk ! thickness of the soil layer at the surface (mm) (could be thinner than original layer) real :: sf1 ! soil mass fraction in surface layer < 0.01 mm real :: sf10 ! soil mass fraction in surface layer < 0.1 mm real :: sf84 ! soil mass fraction in surface layer < 0.84 mm real :: sf200 ! soil mass fraction in surface layer < 2.00 mm real :: sf84mn ! "effective" soil mass fraction in surface layer < 0.84 mm ! needed for u* to be the threshold friction velocity. real :: svroc ! soil rock volume in surface layer !edit ljh 1-22-05 real :: szcr ! Consolidated (crust) thickness (mm) real :: sfcr ! soil fraction with crust cover (decimal) real :: smlos ! mass of loose erodible soil on crust (kg/m^2) real :: sflos ! soil fraction covered with loose erodible soil on the crusted area real :: smaglos ! mobile soil mass removable from aggregated surface by u* (kg/m^2). real :: dmlos ! mobile soil mass change from erosion of aggregated real :: smaglosmx ! max mobile soil reservoir of aggregateed sfc.(kg/m^2) real :: szrgh ! Ridge height (mm) real :: sxprg ! ridge spacing parallel the wind direction(mm) real :: slrr ! soil random roughness (mm) real :: w0br ! barrier wind reduction factor for the grid cell ! real :: w0hill ! ratio of hill to open, flat, field friction velocity as influenced by hills. real :: egt ! Total soil loss a grid point accumulated for a time period (kg/m^2) ! Total soil loss at a boundary point accumulated for a time period (kg/m) real :: egtcs ! Total creep and saltation soil loss at grid point accumulated for a time period (kg/m^2) ! Total creep and saltation soil loss at a boundary point accumulated for a time period (kg/m) real :: egtss ! Total suspension soil loss at grid point accumulated for a time period (kg/m^2) ! Total suspension soil loss at a boundary point accumulated for a time period (kg/m) real :: egt10 ! Total < 10 micron soil loss at grid point accumulated for a time period (kg/m^2) ! Total < 10 micron soil loss at a boundary point accumulated for a time period (kg/m) real :: egt2_5 ! Total < 2.5 micron soil loss at grid point accumulated for a time period (kg/m^2) ! Total < 2.5 micron soil loss at a boundary point accumulated for a time period (kg/m) real :: wus ! Soil surface friction velocity (m/s) real :: wust ! Soil surface threshold friction velocity for emission (m/s) real :: wusto ! Soil surface threshold friction velocity for emission (bare, smooth surface with sf84ic, wus minus flat biomass and wetness effects) (m/s) real :: wusp ! Soil surface threshold friction velocity for transport capacity (m/s) real :: qi ! input discharge (total) (kg/m/s) real :: qcsi ! input discharge (creep/saltation) (kg/m/s) real :: qssi ! input discharge (suspension) (kg/m/s) real :: q10i ! input discharge (pm10) (kg/m/s) real :: q2_5i ! input discharge (pm2.5) (kg/m/s) real :: qo ! output discharge (total) (kg/m/s) real :: qcso ! output discharge (creep/saltation) (kg/m/s) real :: qsso ! output discharge (suspension) (kg/m/s) real :: q10o ! output discharge (pm10) (kg/m/s) real :: q2_5o ! output discharge (pm2.5) (kg/m/s) end type cellsurfacestate type biodrag_input_array character*(80) :: bname ! the name of the plant or biodrag element logical :: residue ! .false. = crop, .true. = residue real :: rlai ! leaf area index (m^2/m^2) real :: rsai ! stem area index (m^2/m^2) integer :: rg ! seed placement (0 - furrow, 1 - ridge) real :: xrow ! row spacing (m) real :: zht ! height (m) end type biodrag_input_array type by_soil_layer real :: aszlyt ! Soil layer thickness (mm) real :: asdblk ! asdblk(l,s), R, Soil layer bulk density (Mg/m^3) real :: asfsan ! asfsan(l,s),R,(s1dbh.inc) Soil layer sand content (Mg/Mg) real :: asfvfs ! asfvfs(l,s), R, (s1dbh.inc) Soil layer very fine sand (Mg/Mg) real :: asfsil ! sfsil(l,s),R,(s1dbh.inc) Soil layer silt content (Mg/Mg) real :: asfcla ! asfcla(l,s),R,(s1dbh.inc) Soil layer clay content (Mg/Mg) real :: asvroc ! asvroc(l,s), R, (s1dbh.inc) Soil layer rock volume (m^3/m^3) real :: asdagd ! asdagd(l,s),R, Soil layer agg density (Mg/m^3) real :: as0ags ! as0ags(l,s), R, Soil layer GSD (mm/mm) real :: aslagm ! aslagm(l,s), R, Soil layer GMD (mm) real :: aslagn ! aslagn(l,s), R, Soil layer minimum agg size (mm) real :: aslagx ! aslagx(l,s), R, Soil layer maximum agg size (mm) real :: aseags ! aseags(l,s), R, Soil layer agg stability ln(J/kg) real :: ahrwcw ! ahrwcw(l,s), R, (h1db1.inc) Soil layer wilting point water content (Mg/Mg) real :: ahrwca ! ahrwca(l,s), R, (h1db1.inc) Soil layer water content (Mg/Mg) real :: tsav ! Mean daily soil temperature (deg C) end type by_soil_layer type subregionsurfacestate character(len=512) :: tinfil ! management file name character(len=512) :: sinfil ! soil input file name integer :: npools ! number of brcdInput pools type(biodrag_input_array), dimension(:), allocatable :: brcdInput ! ERODIN inputs integer :: nswet ! number of surface wetness values real, dimension(:), allocatable :: ahrwc0 ! subday soil surface water content real :: ahzsnd ! (h1db1.inc) Snow depth (mm) real :: asfcr ! Surface crust fraction (m^2/m^2) real :: aszcr ! Surface crust thickness (mm) real :: asflos ! Fraction of loose material on surface (m^2/m^2) real :: asmlos ! Mass of loose material on crust (kg/m^2) real :: asdcr ! Soil crust density (Mg/m^3) real :: asecr ! Soil crust stability ln(J/kg) real :: aszrgh ! Ridge height (mm) real :: aszrho ! Original ridge height, after tillage, (mm) real :: asxrgw ! Ridge width (mm) real :: asxrgs ! Ridge spacing (mm) real :: asargo ! Ridge orientation (deg) real :: asxdkh ! Dike Height (mm) real :: asxdks ! Dike spacing (mm) real :: aslrr ! Allmaras random roughness (mm) integer :: nslay ! Number of soil layers type(by_soil_layer), dimension(:), allocatable :: bsl ! derived real :: sxprg ! ridge spacing parallel the wind direction(mm) real :: abffcv ! (b1geom.inc) Flat biomass cover (m^2/m^2) (includes basal stem area) real :: abzht ! Composite weighted average biomass height (m) real :: abrsai ! Biomass stem area index (m^2/m^2) real :: abrlai ! Biomass leaf area index (m^2/m^2) real :: acanag ! coefficient of abrasion for aggregates (1/m) real :: acancr ! coefficient of abrasion for crust (1/m) real :: asf10an ! soil fraction pm10 in abraded suspension real :: asf10en ! soil fraction pm10 in emitted suspension real :: asf10bk ! soil fraction pm10 in saltation breakage suspension real :: asf2_5an ! soil fraction pm2.5 in abraded suspension real :: asf2_5en ! soil fraction pm2.5 in emitted suspension real :: asf2_5bk ! soil fraction pm2.5 in saltation breakage suspension real :: sf1ic ! initial condition (modified) of soil fraction less than 0.01 mm diameter real :: sf10ic ! initial condition (modified) of soil fraction less than 0.1 mm diameter real :: sf84ic ! initial condition (modified) of soil fraction less than 0.84 mm diameter real :: sf200ic ! initial condition (modified) of soil fraction less than 2.0 mm diameter real :: sfd1 ! soil fraction less than 0.01 mm diameter real :: sfd10 ! soil fraction less than 0.1 mm diameter real :: sfd84 ! soil fraction less than 0.84 mm diameter real :: sfd200 ! soil fraction less than 2.0 mm diameter end type subregionsurfacestate type threshold integer :: erosion ! flag, 0 - erosion was not entered, 1 - erosion was entered integer :: snowdepth ! flag, 0 - snow depth too low to prevent erosion, 1 - snow depth deeper than threshold, prevents erosion real :: wus_anemom ! anemometer located friction velocity for critical no erosion condition real :: wus_random ! site surface random roughness adjusted friction velocity for critical no erosion condition real :: wus_ridge ! site surface oriented roughness adjusted friction velocity for critical no erosion condition real :: wus_biodrag ! site biodrag adjusted friction velocity for critical no erosion condition real :: wus ! friction velocity for critical no erosion condition (biodrag added in) real :: bare ! bare friction veolocity greater real :: flat_cov ! flat cover increases threshold real :: surf_wet ! surface wetness increases threshold real :: ag_den ! ag density increases threshold real :: wust ! resultant threshold friction velocity real :: sfd84 ! fraction of the surface material less than 0.84 mm in diameter real :: asvroc ! fraction of the surface matherial greater than 2 mm in diameter real :: wzzo ! aerodynamic roughness length of the soil surface below canopy (mm) real :: sfcv ! fraction of soil surface which is non emitting end type threshold type subdailyvalues real :: awu ! Average subdaily wind speed (m/s) ! This variable contains the value of the average subdaily wind speeds for the day ! (valid only when wind speed is greater than the threshold velocity). real :: awdir ! Average subdaily wind direction (degrees) ! This variable contains the value of the average subdaily wind direction ! corresponding to the average subdaily wind speed for the subdaily period. end type subdailyvalues ! type simulationregionvalues logical :: in_sweep ! set to true by sweep main, set false in weps main real :: awdair ! Daily average air density (Kg/m^3) (set by getcli daily) real :: awzypt ! Average yearly total precipitation (mm) integer :: ntstep ! Number of timesteps per day for erosion. integer :: erod_interval ! surface updating interval within erosion. ! This variable contains the number of seconds the surface is updated within the erosion submodel. ! (currently settable as a commandline option within the standalone version of the erosion submodel) real :: anemht ! Standardized anemometer height (m) real :: awzzo ! Weather station aerodynamic roughness height (mm) real :: awzdisp ! Weather station zero plane displacement height (mm) integer :: wzoflg ! Flag = 0 for anem. and constant awwzo at wx. stations ! Flag = 1 for anem. and variable awwzo at field. real :: awadir ! Predominant daily wind direction (degrees) real :: awhrmx ! Hour maximum daily wind speed occurs (hr) real :: awudmx ! Maximum daily wind speed (m/s) real :: awudmn ! Minimum daily wind speed (m/s) real :: awudav ! Average daily wind speed (m/s) type(subdailyvalues), dimension(:), allocatable :: subday logical :: am0eif ! flag to run initialization of EROSION, If .true. then run initialization subroutines. integer :: am0efl ! flag to print EROSION output, based on bit settings ! 0 - no submodel output ! 1 - bit 0 set to 1, Erosion summary - total, salt/creep, susp, pm10 ! 2 - bit 1 set to 1, Daily Erosion grid file ! 4 - bit 2 set to 1, Output file, emissions for each time step ! 8 - bit 3 set to 1, Duplicate Erosion summary for the *.sgrd file for "sweep" interface display ! 15 - all bits set, full output enabled ! end type simulationregionvalues type(subregionsurfacestate), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: subrsurf ! subregion surface state needed by erosion (julday, subregion) type(cellsurfacestate), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cellstate ! grid cell state values (allocate in io_xml) (x,y) ! erosion detailed grid output flags and counter integer :: initflag, ipd, npd contains subroutine create_cellsurfacestate(xdim, ydim) integer, intent(in) :: xdim integer, intent(in) :: ydim ! local variable integer :: alloc_stat ! allocation status return integer :: sum_stat ! accumulates allocation status results so only one write/exit statement needed sum_stat = 0 allocate(cellstate(0:xdim,0:ydim), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to allocate memory for cellstate' stop 1 end if end subroutine create_cellsurfacestate subroutine destroy_cellsurfacestate() ! local variable integer :: dealloc_stat integer :: sum_stat ! accumulates allocation status results so only one write/exit statement needed sum_stat = 0 ! deallocate arrays deallocate(cellstate, stat=dealloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + dealloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to deallocate memory for cellstate' end if end subroutine destroy_cellsurfacestate subroutine create_subregion_alloc(nslay, nswet, subrsurf) integer, intent(in) :: nslay ! number of soil layers integer, intent(in) :: nswet ! number of surface wetness values type(subregionsurfacestate), intent(inout) :: subrsurf ! create zero size brcdInput array call create_brcdinputpools(0, subrsurf) ! allocate soil layer arrays call create_subregionsoillayers(nslay, subrsurf) ! allocate surface wetness arrays call create_subregionsurfacewet(nswet, subrsurf) ! initialize values to zero subrsurf%abffcv = 0.0 ! (b1geom.inc) Flat biomass cover (m^2/m^2) subrsurf%asfcr = 0.0 ! Surface crust fraction (m^2/m^2) subrsurf%aszcr = 0.0 ! Surface crust thickness (mm) subrsurf%asflos = 0.0 ! Fraction of loose material on surface (m^2/m^2) subrsurf%asmlos = 0.0 ! Mass of loose material on crust (kg/m^2) subrsurf%asdcr = 0.0 ! Soil crust density (Mg/m^3) subrsurf%asecr = 0.0 ! Soil crust stability ln(J/kg) subrsurf%aszrgh = 0.0 ! Ridge height (mm) subrsurf%aszrho = 0.0 ! Original ridge height, after tillage, (mm) subrsurf%asxrgw = 0.0 ! Ridge width (mm) subrsurf%asxrgs = 0.0 ! Ridge spacing (mm) subrsurf%asargo = 0.0 ! Ridge orientation (deg) subrsurf%asxdks = 0.0 ! Dike spacing (mm) subrsurf%asxdkh = 0.0 ! Dike Height (mm) subrsurf%aslrr = 0.0 ! Allmaras random roughness (mm) subrsurf%ahzsnd = 0.0 ! (h1db1.inc) Snow depth (mm) ! derived subrsurf%abrsai = 0.0 ! abrsai - Biomass stem area index (m^2/m^2) subrsurf%abrlai = 0.0 ! abrlai - Biomass leaf area index (m^2/m^2) subrsurf%abzht = 0.0 ! abzht - Composite weighted average biomass height (m) subrsurf%sxprg = 0.0 ! sxprg - ridge spacing parallel the wind direction(mm) subrsurf%acanag = 0.0 ! acanag - coefficient of abrasion for aggregates (1/m) subrsurf%acancr = 0.0 ! acancr - coefficient of abrasion for crust (1/m) subrsurf%asf10an = 0.0 ! asf10an - soil fraction pm10 in abraded suspension subrsurf%asf10en = 0.0 ! asf10en - soil fraction pm10 in emitted suspension subrsurf%asf10bk = 0.0 ! asf10bk - soil fraction pm10 in saltation breakage suspension subrsurf%sfd1 = 0.0 ! soil fraction less than 0.01 mm diameter subrsurf%sfd10 = 0.0 ! soil fraction less than 0.1 mm diameter subrsurf%sfd84 = 0.0 ! soil fraction less than 0.84 mm diameter subrsurf%sfd200 = 0.0 ! soil fraction less than 2.0 mm diameter subrsurf%sf1ic = 0.0 ! initial condition (modified) of soil fraction less than 0.1 mm diameter subrsurf%sf10ic = 0.0 ! initial condition (modified) of soil fraction less than 0.1 mm diameter subrsurf%sf84ic = 0.0 ! initial condition (modified) of soil fraction less than 0.84 mm diameter subrsurf%sf200ic = 0.0 ! initial condition (modified) of soil fraction less than 0.84 mm diameter end subroutine create_subregion_alloc ! NOTE: defined as subroutine to accomodate sweep usage. Values are assigned to non-array elements before number of layers is known. subroutine create_subregionsoillayers(nslay, subrsurf) integer, intent(in) :: nslay ! number of soil layers type(subregionsurfacestate), intent(inout) :: subrsurf ! this needs to retain values already in non array entities for erodin in sweep ! local variable integer :: alloc_stat ! allocation status return subrsurf%nslay = nslay ! allocate soil layer array allocate(subrsurf%bsl(1:nslay), stat=alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to allocate memory for soil layers' stop 1 end if end subroutine create_subregionsoillayers subroutine create_subregionsurfacewet(nswet, subrsurf) integer, intent(in) :: nswet ! number of surface wetness values type(subregionsurfacestate), intent(inout) :: subrsurf ! this needs to retain values already in non array entities for erodin in sweep ! local variable integer :: alloc_stat ! allocation status return subrsurf%nswet = nswet ! allocate surface wetness array allocate(subrsurf%ahrwc0(1:nswet), stat=alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to allocate memory for subdaily surface wetness' stop 1 end if end subroutine create_subregionsurfacewet subroutine destroy_subregion_alloc(subrsurf) type(subregionsurfacestate), intent(inout) :: subrsurf ! local variable integer :: alloc_stat integer :: sum_stat ! accumlated status return ! deallocate brcdInput arrays deallocate(subrsurf%brcdInput, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat ! deallocate soil layer arrays deallocate(subrsurf%bsl, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat ! deallocate surface wetness arrays deallocate(subrsurf%ahrwc0, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to deallocate subrsurf memory' end if end subroutine destroy_subregion_alloc subroutine create_brcdinputpools(npools, subrsurf) integer, intent(in) :: npools ! number of brcdInput pools type(subregionsurfacestate), intent(inout) :: subrsurf ! local variable integer :: alloc_stat ! allocation status return subrsurf%npools = npools ! allocate brcdInput array allocate(subrsurf%brcdInput(1:npools), stat=alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to allocate memory for brcdInput pools' stop 1 end if end subroutine create_brcdinputpools subroutine destroy_brcdinputpools(subrsurf) type(subregionsurfacestate), intent(inout) :: subrsurf ! local variable integer :: alloc_stat ! allocation status return subrsurf%npools = 0 ! deallocate brcdInput array deallocate(subrsurf%brcdInput, stat=alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to deallocate memory for brcdInput pools' end if end subroutine destroy_brcdinputpools function create_threshold(nsubr) result(noerod) integer, intent(in) :: nsubr type(threshold), dimension(:), allocatable :: noerod ! local variable integer :: alloc_stat ! allocation status return integer :: sum_stat ! accumulates allocation status results so only one write/exit statement needed sum_stat = 0 allocate(noerod(nsubr), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat ! allocate soil layer arrays if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to allocate memory for noerod' stop 1 end if end function create_threshold subroutine destroy_threshold(noerod) type(threshold), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: noerod ! local variable integer :: dealloc_stat integer :: sum_stat ! accumulates allocation status results so only one write/exit statement needed sum_stat = 0 ! deallocate arrays deallocate(noerod, stat=dealloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + dealloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to deallocate memory for noerod' end if end subroutine destroy_threshold end module erosion_data_struct_defs