!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ module hydro_data_struct_defs use Polygons_Mod, only: polygon implicit none integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: am0hfl ! flag to print HYDROlogy output ! 0 = no output ! 1 = daily ! 2 = hourly ! 3 = daily and hourly ! 4 = soil temperature ! 5 = daily and soil temperature ! 6 = hourly and soil temperature ! 7 = daily, hourly, and soil temperature integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: am0hdb ! flag to print HYDROlogy variables before and after the call to HYDRO ! 0 = no output ! 1 = output integer, parameter :: hhrs = 24 ! number of surface water content values stored for one day (equally spaced) real, parameter :: claygrav80rh = 0.3 ! gravimetric water content of soil clay at 80% rh ! Montmorillonite from ten Berge, 1990 real, parameter :: orggrav80rh = 0.27 ! gravimetric water content of soil organics at 80% rh ! peat and muck from Rutherford and Chlou, 1992 real, parameter :: rgas = 8.3143 ! universal gas constant (joules/(mole degree K) real, parameter :: molewater = 0.018 ! molecular weight of water (kg/mole) real, parameter :: zerokelvin = 273.16 ! kelvin equivalent of zero degree centigrade real, parameter :: denwat = 1000.0 ! density of the liquid (water) (kg/m^3) real, parameter :: gravconst = 9.807 ! acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2) real, parameter :: potwilt = -152.95 ! matric potential for wilting point (15 bar) in meters of water at max density real, parameter :: potfc = -3.3989 ! matric potential for field capacity (1/3 bar) in meters of water at max density real, parameter :: potfcs = -1.01967 ! matric potential for field capacity (1/10 bar) in meters of water at max density real, parameter :: diffuntp = 2.12e-5 ! Binary diffusion coefficient for water vapor in air at ! normal temperature and pressure (0 C, 1 standard atmosphere) (m^2/s) real, parameter :: atmstand = 101.3 ! standard atmosphere (kilopascals) real, parameter :: templapse = 0.0065 ! temperature lapse rate for troposphere (degree K/meter) real, parameter :: tempstand = 288.0 ! standard temperature used to find standard atmosphere (degree K) real, parameter :: rair = 287.0 ! gas constant for air (J/kg/K or m^2/s^2/K) type hydro_derived_et real :: zea ! Actual bare soil evaporation (mm/day) real :: zep ! Potential bare soil evaporation (mm/day) real :: zeta ! Actual evapotranspiration (mm/day) real :: zetp ! potential evapotranspiration (mm/day) real :: zpta ! Actual plant transpiration (mm/day) real :: zptp ! potential plant transpiration (mm/day) real :: drat ! dryness ratio real :: zsnd ! snow depth (mm) real :: snow_protect ! snow cover greater than snow_depth_thresh real :: zirr ! Single day irrigation water applied (mm) real :: zper ! daily deep percolation (mm/day) real :: zrun ! daily surface runoff (mm/day) end type hydro_derived_et type hydro_state real, dimension(hhrs) :: rwc0 ! Surface soil water content (kg/kg) real :: zsno ! Water content of snow (mm) real :: tsno ! temperature of snow layer (C) real :: fsnfrz ! fraction of snow layer water content which is frozen real :: zdmaxirr ! characteristic maximum irrigation system application depth (mm) real :: ratirr ! characteristic irrigation system application rate (mm/hour) real :: durirr ! duration of irrigation water application (hours) ! corresponding to the characteristic maximum irrigation ! system application depth. This is used to set the rate (depth / duration) real :: locirr ! emitter location point (mm) ! positive is above the soil surface ! negative is below the soil surface real :: minirr ! minimum irrigation application amount (mm) integer :: monirr ! flag setting monitoring for irrigation need ! 0 - do not monitor irrigation need ! 1 - monitor irrigation need real :: madirr ! management allowed depletion used in monitoring irrigation ! 0.0 sets up replacing yesterdays water loss today ! 1.0 schedules next application at wilting point integer :: ndayirr ! the next simulation day on which an irrigation can occur (day) integer :: mintirr ! minimum interval for irrigation application (days) real :: zoutflow ! height of runoff outlet above field surface (m) real :: zinf ! daily surface infiltration (mm) real :: zsmt ! Snow melt (mm) real :: zwid ! Water infiltration depth (mm) real :: zeasurf ! accumulated surface evaporation since last complete rewetting (mm) end type hydro_state end module hydro_data_struct_defs