!$Author: fredfox $ !$Date: 2021-08-19 09:24:57 -0600 (Thu, 19 Aug 2021) $ !$Revision: 19672 $ !$HeadURL: https://infosys.ars.usda.gov/svn/code/weps1/branches/weps.src.subregion/src/lib_structures/biomaterial.f95 $ module biomaterial use upgm_mod use environment_state_mod implicit none ! defines mass of all plant parts type biostate_mass real :: standstem ! standing stem mass (kg/m^2) real :: standleaflive ! live standing leaf mass (kg/m^2) real :: standleafdead ! dead standing leaf mass (kg/m^2) real :: standstore ! standing storage mass (kg/m^2) (head with seed, or vegetative head (cabbage, pineapple)) real :: flatstem ! flat stem mass (kg/m^2) real :: flatleaf ! flat leaf mass (kg/m^2) real :: flatstore ! flat storage mass (kg/m^2) real :: flatrootstore ! flat storage root mass (kg/m^2) real :: flatrootfiber ! flat fibrous root mass (kg/m^2) ! defines mass of plant parts that are below ground by soil layer ! note: in this context, allocatable does not work, pointer does! real, dimension(:), pointer :: stemz ! buried stem mass by layer (kg/m^2) real, dimension(:), pointer :: leafz ! buried leaf mass by layer (kg/m^2) real, dimension(:), pointer :: storez ! buried (from above ground) storage mass by layer (kg/m^2) real, dimension(:), pointer :: rootstorez ! buried storage root mass by layer (kg/m^2) ! tubers (potatoes, carrots), extended leaf (onion), seeds (peanuts) real, dimension(:), pointer :: rootfiberz ! buried fibrous root mass by layer (kg/m^2) end type biostate_mass type biostate_geometry real :: zht ! "stem" height (m) real :: dstm ! Number of stems per unit area (#/m^2) double precision :: xstmrep ! a representative diameter so that dstm*xstmrep*zht=rsai real :: grainf ! internally computed grain fraction of reproductive mass integer :: hyfg ! flag indicating the part of plant to which the "grain fraction" GRF is applied ! when removing that plant part for yield ! 0 GRF applied to above ground storage (seeds, reproductive) ! 1 GRF times growth stage factor (see growth.for) applied to above ground storage (seeds, reproductive) ! 2 GRF applied to all aboveground biomass (forage) ! 3 GRF applied to leaf mass (tobacco) ! 4 GRF applied to stem mass (sugarcane) ! 5 GRF applied to below ground storage mass (potatoes, peanuts) real :: zshoot ! length of actively growing shoot from root biomass (m) real :: zrtd ! root depth (m) integer :: rg ! seeding location in relation to ridge, 0 - plant in furrow, 1 - plant on ridge integer :: rsfg ! row spacing flag ! 0 o Broadcast Planting ! 1 o Uses Specified Row Spacing ! 2 o Uses Existing Ridge Spacing real :: xrow ! row spacing (m) real :: dpop ! Crop seeding density (#/m^2) real :: zfurcut ! estimated furrow bottom depth below flat soil surface (mm) real :: ztransprtmin ! root depth where transpiration depth reduction begins (m) real :: ztransprtmax ! root depth where transpiration depth equals root depth (m) end type biostate_geometry type biostate_growth logical :: am0cif ! flag if set to .true. then run CROP growth initialization subroutine. logical :: living ! indicates this is a living crop, not residue logical :: growing ! flag set to indicate that crop is actively growing logical :: shoot_growing ! flag set to indicate that shoot growth occuring logical :: can_regrow ! flag set to indicate that crop is able to regrow (past bc0hue, partition to root store) logical :: do_regrow ! flag set to indicate that regrow has been triggered logical :: can_harden ! flag set to indicate that crop respond to hardening stimulus logical :: lastday ! flag set to indicate the last day of crop growth double precision :: thucum ! crop accumulated heat units double precision :: trthucum ! accumulated root growth heat units (degree-days) real :: zgrowpt ! depth in the soil of the growing point (m) double precision :: leafareatrend ! direction in which leaf area is trending. ! Saves trend even if leaf area is static for long periods. double precision :: stemmasstrend ! direction in which stem mass is trending. ! Saves trend even if stem mass is static for long periods. double precision :: twarmdays ! number of days that the temperature has been above the minimum growth temperature with decay double precision :: tcolddays ! number of days that the temperature has been below the minimum growth temperature with decay double precision :: tchillucum ! accumulated chilling units (days) double precision :: thardnx ! hardening index for winter annuals (range from 0 t0 2) double precision :: thu_shoot_beg ! heat unit total for beginning of shoot grow from root storage period double precision :: thu_shoot_end ! heat unit total for end of shoot grow from root storage period double precision :: mtotleaf ! total mass released from root storage biomass (kg/m^2) ! in the period from beginning to completion of leaf emergence heat units double precision :: thu_leaf_beg ! heat unit index (fraction) for beginning of leaf emergence from root storage period double precision :: thu_leaf_end ! heat unit index (fraction) for end of leaf emergence from root storage period real :: mshoot ! crop shoot mass grown from root storage (kg/m^2) ! this is a "breakout" mass and does not represent a unique pool ! since this mass is destributed into below ground stem and ! standing stem as each increment of the shoot is added real :: mtotshoot ! total mass of shoot growing from root storage biomass (kg/m^2) ! in the period from beginning to completion of emegence heat units integer :: dayap ! number of days of growth completed since crop planted integer :: dayam ! number of days since crop matured integer :: dayspring ! day of year in which a winter annual/perennial released stored growth integer :: dayleafoff ! day of year in which a perennial lost it's leaves (Deciduous all/ Conifer dead needles) integer :: dayleafon ! day of year in which a perennial begins to grow new leaves/needles logical :: do_spring ! flag set to indicate that spring regrowth will begin logical :: do_leafoff ! flag set to indicate that leafoff will begin logical :: do_leafon ! flag set to indicate that leafon will begin real :: ptp ! plant transpiration potential real :: pta ! plant transpiration actual real :: fwsf ! Crop growth water stress factor (unitless) (0.0 - no growth, 1.0 - full growth) end type biostate_growth type bioderived real :: mbgstem ! buried stem mass (kg/m^2) real :: mbgleaf ! buried leaf mass (kg/m^2) real :: mbgstore ! buried storage mass (kg/m^2) real :: mbgrootstore ! buried storage root mass (kg/m^2) ! tubers (potatoes, carrots), extended leaf (onion), seeds (peanuts) real :: mbgrootfiber ! buried fibrous root mass (kg/m^2) real :: m ! Total mass (standing + flat + roots + buried) (kg/m^2) real :: mst ! Standing mass (standstem + standleaflive + standleafdead + standstore) (kg/m^2) real :: mf ! Flat mass (flatstem + flatleaf + flatstore + flatrootstore + flatrootfiber) (kg/m^2) real :: mrt ! Buried root mass (rootfiber + rootstore)(kg/m^2) real :: mbg ! Buried mass (kg/m^2) Excludes root mass below the surface. real :: dmrtto4 ! Buried root mass (rootfiber + rootstore)(kg/m^2) (in SCI depth) real :: dmbgto4 ! Buried mass (kg/m^2) Excludes root mass below the surface. (in SCI depth) real :: dmrtto15 ! Buried root mass (rootfiber + rootstore)(kg/m^2) (in WEPP depth) real :: dmbgto15 ! Total mass (standing + flat + roots + buried) (kg/m^2) (in WEPP depth) real, dimension(:), pointer :: mrtz ! Buried root mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) real, dimension(:), pointer :: mbgz ! Buried mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) double precision :: rsai ! stem area index (m^2/m^2) real :: rlai ! leaf area index (m^2/m^2) real, dimension(:), pointer :: rsaz ! stem area index by height (1/m) real, dimension(:), pointer :: rlaz ! leaf area index by height (1/m) real :: rcd ! effective Biomass silhouette area (SAI+LAI) (m^2/m^2) ! (combination of leaf area and stem area indices) real :: ffcv ! biomass cover - flat (m^2/m^2) real :: fscv ! biomass cover - standing (m^2/m^2) real :: ftcv ! biomass cover - total (m^2/m^2) (ffcv + fscv) real :: fcancov ! fraction of soil surface covered by canopy (m^2/m^2) double precision :: fliveleaf ! fraction of standing plant leaf which is living (transpiring) real :: ztranspdepth ! depth in soil from which transpiration is extracted (m) ! when crop is furrow planted, this is deeper than root depth ! and is used in place of it when calling transp subroutine end type bioderived type biodatabase ! from c1db1, c1gen .inc integer :: idc ! The crop type number (1 = annual, perennial, . . .) ! 1,4 Summer Annual ! 2,5 Winter Annual ! 3,6 Perennial ! 7 Biannual with tuber dormancy ! 8 Perennial with staged crown bud release integer :: baflg ! flag for biomass adjustment action ! 0 - normal crop growth ! 1 - find biomass adjustment factor for target yield ! 2 - Uses given biomass adjustment factor real :: baf ! biomass adjustment factor real :: yraf ! yield to biomass ratio adjustment factor integer :: tdtm ! days from planting to maturity for summer crops, or the days ! from start of spring growth to maturity for winter and perennial crops. real :: thum ! accumulated heat units from planting to maturity, or from ! start of growth to maturity for perennial crops real :: zmrt ! Maximum crop root depth (m) real :: zmxc ! Maximum crop height (m) real :: grf ! Fraction of reproductive biomass that is grain (Mg/Mg) real :: ehu0 ! heat unit index leaf senescence starts real :: tverndel ! thermal delay coefficient pre-vernalization real :: bceff ! biomass conversion efficiency (kg/ha/MJ/m^2) real :: alf ! leaf mass partitioning coefficient a real :: blf ! leaf mass partitioning coefficient b real :: clf ! leaf mass partitioning coefficient c real :: dlf ! leaf mass partitioning coefficient d real :: arp ! reproductive mass partitioning coefficient a real :: brp ! reproductive mass partitioning coefficient b real :: crp ! reproductive mass partitioning coefficient c real :: drp ! reproductive mass partitioning coefficient d real :: aht ! plant height coefficient a real :: bht ! plant height coefficient b real :: ssa ! stem area to mass coefficient a, result is m^2 per plant real :: ssb ! stem area to mass coefficient b, argument is kg per plant real :: sla ! specific leaf area real :: ck ! light extinction coeffficient (fraction) real :: hue ! heat unit index where emergence is complete real :: dmaxshoot ! maximum number of shoots possible from each plant integer :: transf ! db input flag: ! 0 = crop is planted using stored biomass of seed or vegatative propagants ! 1 = crop is planted as a transplant with roots, stems and leaves present real :: storeinit ! db input, crop storage root mass initialzation (mg/plant) real :: fshoot ! crop ratio of shoot diameter to length real :: growdepth ! depth of growing point at time of planting (m) real :: fleafstem ! crop leaf to stem mass ratio for shoots real :: shoot ! mass from root storage required for each regrowth shoot (mg/shoot) ! seed shoots are smaller and adjusted for available seed mass real :: diammax ! crop maximum plant diameter (m) real :: fleaf2stor ! fraction of assimilate partitioned to leaf that is diverted to root store real :: fstem2stor ! fraction of assimilate partitioned to stem that is diverted to root store real :: fstor2stor ! fraction of assimilate partitioned to standing storage (reproductive) that is diverted to root store real :: yld_coef ! yield coefficient (kg/kg) harvest_residue = acyld_coef(kg/kg) * Yield + acresid_int (kg/m^2) real :: resid_int ! residue intercept (kg/m^2) harvest_residue = acyld_coef(kg/kg) * Yield + acresid_int (kg/m^2) real :: zloc_regrow ! location of regrowth point (+ on stem, 0 or negative from crown) real :: topt ! Optimal temperature for plant growth (deg C) real :: tmin ! Minimum temperature for plant growth (deg C) real :: fd1(1:2) ! xy coordinate for 1st pt on frost damage curve real :: fd2(1:2) ! xy coordinate for 2nd pt on frost damage curve real :: ytgt ! target yield (in units shown below) character*(80) :: ynmu ! string for name of units in which yield of interest will be reported real :: ycon ! conversion factor from Kg/m^2 to units named in acynmu (all dry weight) real :: ywct ! water content at which yield is to be reported (percent) integer :: thudf ! heat units or days to maturity flag ! 0 o Days to maturity and average conditions used to find heat units ! 1 o Heat units specified used directly integer :: plant_doy ! planting date (day of year) integer :: plant_day ! planting date (day of month) integer :: plant_month ! planting date (month of rotation year) integer :: plant_rotyr ! planting date (rotation year) real, dimension(1:5) :: dkrate ! array of decomposition rate parameters ! acdkrate(1) - standing residue mass decomposition rate (d<1) (g/g/day) ! acdkrate(2) - flat residue mass decomposition rate (d<1) (g/g/day) ! acdkrate(3) - buried residue mass decomposition rate (d<1) (g/g/day) ! acdkrate(4) - root residue mass decomposition rate (d<1) (g/g/day) ! acdkrate(5) - stem residue number decline rate (d<1) (#/m^2/day)? (fall rate) real :: ddsthrsh ! threshhold number of decomp. days before stems begin to fall real :: xstm ! mature crop stem diameter (m) real :: covfact ! flat residue cover factor (m^2/kg) real :: resevapa ! coefficient a in relation ea/ep = exp(resevapa * (flat mass kg/m^2)**resevapb) real :: resevapb ! coefficient b in relation ea/ep = exp(resevapa * (flat mass kg/m^2)**resevapb) integer :: rbc ! residue burial class ! 1 o Fragile-very small (soybeans) residue ! 2 o Moderately tough-short (wheat) residue ! 3 o Non fragile-med (corn) residue ! 4 o Woody-large residue ! 5 o Gravel-rock end type biodatabase type bio_output_units integer :: num ! sequence number for pool integer :: luo ! logical unit output number created when file opened end type bio_output_units type bio_prevday real :: standstem ! crop standing stem mass (kg/m^2) real :: standleaflive ! crop live standing leaf mass (kg/m^2) real :: standleafdead ! crop dead standing leaf mass (kg/m^2) real :: standstore ! crop standing storage mass (kg/m^2) (head with seed, or vegetative head (cabbage, pineapple)) real :: flatstem ! crop flat stem mass (kg/m^2) real :: flatleaf ! crop flat leaf mass (kg/m^2) real :: flatstore ! crop flat storage mass (kg/m^2) real :: mshoot ! mass of shoot growing from root storage biomass (kg/m^2) real :: mtotshoot ! total mass of shoot growing from root storage biomass (kg/m^2) ! in the period from beginning to completion of emegence heat units real, dimension(:), allocatable :: stemz ! crop stem mass below soil surface by layer (kg/m^2) real, dimension(:), allocatable :: rootstorez ! crop root storage mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) ! (tubers (potatoes, carrots), extended leaf (onion), seeds (peanuts)) real, dimension(:), allocatable :: rootfiberz ! crop root fibrous mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) real :: ht ! Crop height (m) real :: zshoot ! length of actively growing shoot from root biomass (m) real :: stm ! Number of crop stems per unit area (#/m^2) ! It is computed by taking the tillering factor times the plant population density. real :: rtd ! Crop root depth (m) integer :: dayap ! number of days of growth completed since crop planted double precision :: hucum ! crop accumulated heat units double precision :: rthucum ! crop accumulated heat units with no vernalization/photoperiod delay real :: grainf ! internally computed grain fraction of reproductive mass double precision :: chillucum ! accumulated chilling units (days) integer :: dayspring ! day of year in which a winter annual/perennial releases stored growth integer :: dayleafoff ! day of year in which a perennial lost it's leaves (Deciduous all/ Conifer dead needles) integer :: dayleafon ! day of year in which a perennial begins to grow new leaves/needles real :: cancov ! crop canopy cover (fraction) end type bio_prevday type residue_pointer type(residue_pointer), pointer :: olderResidue type(bio_output_units) :: bout integer :: resday ! calendar days after residue initiation integer :: resyear ! index counting each new residue initiation real :: cumdds ! cumulative decomp days for standing res. by pool (days) real :: cumddf ! cummlative decomp days for surface res. by pool (days) real, dimension(:), allocatable :: cumddg ! cumm. decomp days below ground res by pool and layer (days) real :: standstem ! crop standing stem mass (kg/m^2) real :: standleaf ! crop standing leaf mass (kg/m^2) real :: standstore ! crop standing storage mass (kg/m^2) (head with seed, or vegetative head (cabbage, pineapple)) real :: flatstem ! crop flat stem mass (kg/m^2) real :: flatleaf ! crop flat leaf mass (kg/m^2) real :: flatstore ! crop flat storage mass (kg/m^2) real :: flatrootstore ! crop flat root storage mass (kg/m^2) ! (tubers (potatoes, carrots), extended leaf (onion), seeds (peanuts)) real :: flatrootfiber ! crop flat root fibrous mass (kg/m^2) real, dimension(:), allocatable :: stemz ! crop buried stem mass by layer (kg/m^2) real, dimension(:), allocatable :: leafz ! crop buried leaf mass by layer (kg/m^2) real, dimension(:), allocatable :: storez ! crop buried storage mass by layer (kg/m^2) real, dimension(:), allocatable :: rootstorez ! crop root storage mass by layer (kg/m^2) ! (tubers (potatoes, carrots), extended leaf (onion), seeds (peanuts)) real, dimension(:), allocatable :: rootfiberz ! crop root fibrous mass by layer (kg/m^2) real :: zht ! Crop height (m) real :: dstm ! Number of crop stems per unit area (#/m^2) ! It is computed by taking the tillering factor times the plant population density. double precision :: xstmrep ! a representative diameter so that acdstm*acxstmrep*aczht=acrsai real :: zrtd ! Crop root depth (m) real :: grainf ! internally computed grain fraction of reproductive mass type(bioderived) :: deriv end type residue_pointer type plant_pointer type(plant_pointer), pointer :: olderPlant character*(80) :: bname ! the name of the plant integer :: pday ! day of month it was planted integer :: pmon ! month it was planted integer :: psimyr ! simulation year it was planted integer :: residueIndex ! index for all residue pools created under this plant type(bio_output_units) :: bout type(biostate_mass) :: mass type(biostate_geometry) :: geometry type(biostate_growth) :: growth type(bio_prevday) :: prev type(residue_pointer), pointer :: residue type(bioderived) :: deriv type(biodatabase) :: database type(upgm) :: upgm_grow type(environment_state) :: env end type plant_pointer type plants_struct type(plant_pointer), pointer :: plant integer :: plantIndex ! index used for detailed plant/residue output end type plants_struct type biototal real :: dstmtot ! total number of stems per unit area (#/m^2) real :: zht_ave ! Weighted ave height across pools (m) real :: zmht ! Tallest biomass height across pools (m) double precision :: xstmrep ! a representative diameter so that dstm*xstmrep*zht=rsai integer :: dayap ! most recent planting (days) real :: mstandstore ! Total reproductive mass (standing) (kg/m^2) real :: mflatstore ! Total reproductive mass (flat) (kg/m^2) real :: mtot ! Total mass across pools (standing + flat + roots + buried) (kg/m^2) real :: mtotto4 ! Total mass across pools (standing + flat + roots + buried to a 4 inch depth) (kg/m^2) real :: msttot ! Standing mass across pools (standstem + standleaflive + standleafdead + standstore) (kg/m^2) real :: mftot ! Flat mass across pools (flatstem + flatleaf + flatstore) (kg/m^2) real :: mbgtot ! Buried mass across pools (kg/m^2) real :: mbgtotto4 ! Buried (to a 4 inch depth) mass across pools (kg/m^2) real :: mbgtotto15 ! Buried (to a 15 cm depth) mass across pools (kg/m^2) real :: mrttot ! Buried root mass across pools (kg/m^2) real :: mrttotto4 ! Buried (to a 4 inch depth) root mass across pools (kg/m^2) real :: mrttotto15 ! Buried (to a 15 cm depth) root mass across pools (kg/m^2) real, dimension(:), pointer :: mrtz ! Buried root mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) real, dimension(:), pointer :: mbgz ! Buried mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) real :: rsaitot ! total of stem area index across pools (m^2/m^2) real :: rlaitot ! total of leaf area index across pools (m^2/m^2) real :: rlailive ! living leaf area real, dimension(:), pointer :: rsaz ! stem area index by height (1/m) real, dimension(:), pointer :: rlaz ! leaf area index by height (1/m) real :: rcdtot ! effective Biomass silhouette area across pools (SAI+LAI) (m^2/m^2) ! (combination of leaf area and stem area indices) real :: ffcvtot ! biomass cover across pools - flat (m^2/m^2) real :: fscvtot ! biomass cover across pools - standing (m^2/m^2) real :: ftcvtot ! biomass cover across pools - total (m^2/m^2) ! (adffcvtot + adfscvtot) real :: ftcancov ! fraction of soil surface covered by canopy across pools (m^2/m^2) real :: evapredu ! composite evaporation reduction from across pools (ea/ep ratio) end type biototal type decomp_factors real :: aqua ! sum of precip, irrigation and snow melt (mm) integer :: weti ! days since anticedent moisture (4 to 0) index real :: iwcsy ! daily water coefficient from previous day standing res. (0 to 1) real :: idds ! daily decomposition day for standing residue (0 to 1) real :: itcs ! daily temperature coef. for standing residue (0 to 1) real :: iwcs ! daily water coefficient for standing residue (0 to 1) ! real :: itca ! daily temperature coef. for above ground res. (0 to 1) (removed to allow different temperatures for standing vs flat) real :: iddf ! daily decomposition day for surface residue (0 to 1) real :: itcf ! daily temperature coef. for surface residue (0 to 1) real :: iwcf ! daily water coefficient for surface residue (0 to 1) real, dimension(:), pointer :: iddg ! decomp. day for below ground residue by soil layer (0 to 1) real, dimension(:), pointer :: itcg ! temperature coef. below ground res. by soil layer (0 to 1) real, dimension(:), pointer :: iwcg ! water coef. for below ground res. by soil layer (0 to 1) end type decomp_factors integer, parameter :: ncanlay = 5 contains function create_biototal(nsoillay) result(biotot) integer, intent(in) :: nsoillay type(biototal) :: biotot ! local variable integer :: alloc_stat ! allocation status return integer :: sum_stat ! accumulates allocation status results so only one write/exit statement needed sum_stat = 0 ! allocate below and above ground arrays allocate(biotot%mrtz(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(biotot%mbgz(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(biotot%rsaz(ncanlay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(biotot%rlaz(ncanlay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to allocate memory for biototal' stop 1 end if end function create_biototal subroutine destroy_biototal(biotot) type(biototal), intent(inout) :: biotot ! local variable integer :: dealloc_stat integer :: sum_stat ! accumulates allocation status results so only one write/exit statement needed sum_stat = 0 ! allocate below and above ground arrays deallocate(biotot%mrtz, stat=dealloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + dealloc_stat deallocate(biotot%mbgz, stat=dealloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + dealloc_stat deallocate(biotot%rsaz, stat=dealloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + dealloc_stat deallocate(biotot%rlaz, stat=dealloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + dealloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to deallocate memory for biomatter' end if end subroutine destroy_biototal function create_decomp_factors(nsoillay) result(decompfac) integer, intent(in) :: nsoillay type(decomp_factors) :: decompfac ! local variable integer :: alloc_stat ! allocation status return integer :: sum_stat ! accumulates allocation status results so only one write/exit statement needed integer :: idx ! soil lyer loop index sum_stat = 0 ! allocate below ground arrays allocate(decompfac%iddg(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(decompfac%itcg(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(decompfac%iwcg(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to allocate memory for decompfac' stop 1 end if ! set intial values decompfac%aqua = 0.0 decompfac%weti = 0 decompfac%iwcsy = 0.0 decompfac%idds = 0.0 decompfac%itcs = 0.0 decompfac%iwcs = 0.0 decompfac%iddf = 0.0 decompfac%itcf = 0.0 decompfac%iwcf = 0.0 do idx = 1, nsoillay decompfac%iddg(idx) = 0.0 decompfac%itcg(idx) = 0.0 decompfac%iwcg(idx) = 0.0 end do end function create_decomp_factors subroutine destroy_decomp_factors(decompfac) type(decomp_factors), intent(inout) :: decompfac ! local variable integer :: dealloc_stat ! allocation status return integer :: sum_stat ! accumulates allocation status results so only one write/exit statement needed sum_stat = 0 ! allocate below and above ground arrays deallocate(decompfac%iddg, stat=dealloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + dealloc_stat deallocate(decompfac%itcg, stat=dealloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + dealloc_stat deallocate(decompfac%iwcg, stat=dealloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + dealloc_stat if( dealloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to allocate memory for decompfac' stop 1 end if end subroutine destroy_decomp_factors function plantAdd(plantPntr, plantIndex, nsoillay) result(plantNew) type(plant_pointer), pointer :: plantPntr integer, intent(inout) :: plantIndex ! index used for detailed plant/residue output integer, intent(in) :: nsoillay type(plant_pointer), pointer :: plantNew ! local variable integer :: alloc_stat ! allocation status return integer :: sum_stat ! accumulates allocation status results so only one write/exit statement needed integer :: idx allocate(plantNew, stat=alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,'(a,i0)') 'Unable to allocate new Plant pointer.' end if sum_stat = 0 ! allocate below and above ground arrays allocate(plantNew%mass%stemz(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(plantNew%mass%leafz(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(plantNew%mass%storez(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(plantNew%mass%rootstorez(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(plantNew%mass%rootfiberz(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(plantNew%prev%stemz(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(plantNew%prev%rootstorez(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(plantNew%prev%rootfiberz(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(plantNew%deriv%mrtz(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(plantNew%deriv%mbgz(nsoillay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(plantNew%deriv%rsaz(ncanlay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(plantNew%deriv%rlaz(ncanlay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to allocate memory for plantNew' stop 1 end if ! new plant, no residue yet nullify(plantNew%residue) if( associated(plantPntr) ) then ! point to previous plant plantNew%olderPlant => plantPntr else ! this is the first plant nullify(plantNew%olderPlant) end if ! upgm inititalized to null nullify(plantNew%upgm_grow%plant) ! increment global plant index plantIndex = plantIndex + 1 ! carry index along with plant plantNew%bout%num = plantIndex ! initialize residue index for this plant (this passes the plant number into the file name string) plantNew%residueIndex = 0 ! show output unit number as uninitialized plantNew%bout%luo = -1 ! initialize all values plantNew%mass%standstem = 0.0 plantNew%mass%standleaflive = 0.0 plantNew%mass%standleafdead = 0.0 plantNew%mass%standstore = 0.0 plantNew%mass%flatstem = 0.0 plantNew%mass%flatleaf = 0.0 plantNew%mass%flatstore = 0.0 plantNew%mass%flatrootstore = 0.0 plantNew%mass%flatrootfiber = 0.0 do idx = 1, nsoillay plantNew%mass%stemz(idx) = 0.0 plantNew%mass%leafz(idx) = 0.0 plantNew%mass%storez(idx) = 0.0 plantNew%mass%rootstorez(idx) = 0.0 plantNew%mass%rootfiberz(idx) = 0.0 end do plantNew%geometry%xrow = 0.0 plantNew%geometry%zht = 0.0 plantNew%geometry%dstm = 0.0 plantNew%geometry%xstmrep = 0.0d0 plantNew%geometry%zshoot = 0.0 plantNew%geometry%zrtd = 0.0 plantNew%geometry%grainf = 0.0 plantNew%geometry%zfurcut = 0.0 plantNew%geometry%ztransprtmin = 0.0 plantNew%geometry%ztransprtmax = 0.0 ! initialize row placement to be on the ridge plantNew%geometry%rg = 1 ! initialize harvestable yield fraction flag plantNew%geometry%hyfg = 0 ! plant not growing, just created plantNew%growth%am0cif = .false. plantNew%growth%living = .false. plantNew%growth%growing = .false. plantNew%growth%shoot_growing = .false. plantNew%growth%can_regrow = .false. plantNew%growth%do_regrow = .false. plantNew%growth%thucum = 0.0 plantNew%growth%trthucum = 0.0 plantNew%growth%zgrowpt = 0.0 plantNew%growth%leafareatrend = 0.0 plantNew%growth%stemmasstrend = 0.0 plantNew%growth%twarmdays = 0.0 plantNew%growth%tcolddays = 0.0 plantNew%growth%tchillucum = 0.0d0 plantNew%growth%thardnx = 0.0d0 plantNew%growth%thu_shoot_beg = 0.0d0 plantNew%growth%thu_shoot_end = 0.0d0 plantNew%growth%mtotleaf = 0.0d0 plantNew%growth%thu_leaf_beg = 0.0d0 plantNew%growth%thu_leaf_end = 0.0d0 plantNew%growth%mshoot = 0.0 plantNew%growth%mtotshoot = 0.0 plantNew%growth%dayap = 0 plantNew%growth%dayam = 0 plantNew%growth%dayspring = 0 plantNew%growth%dayleafoff = 0 plantNew%growth%dayleafon = 0 plantNew%growth%do_spring = .false. plantNew%growth%do_leafoff = .false. plantNew%growth%do_leafon = .false. plantNew%growth%ptp = 0.0 plantNew%growth%pta = 0.0 plantNew%growth%fwsf = 1.0 plantNew%deriv%mbgstem = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%mbgleaf = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%mbgstore = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%mbgrootstore = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%mbgrootfiber = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%m = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%mst = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%mf = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%mrt = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%mbg = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%dmrtto4 = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%dmbgto4 = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%dmrtto15 = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%dmbgto15 = 0.0 do idx = 1, nsoillay plantNew%deriv%mrtz(idx) = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%mbgz(idx) = 0.0 end do plantNew%deriv%rsai = 0.0d0 plantNew%deriv%rlai = 0.0 do idx = 1, ncanlay plantNew%deriv%rsaz(idx) = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%rlaz(idx) = 0.0 end do plantNew%deriv%rcd = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%ffcv = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%fscv = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%ftcv = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%fcancov = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%ztranspdepth = 0.0 plantNew%deriv%fliveleaf = 1.0 plantNew%database%xstm = 0.0 plantNew%database%rbc = 1 plantNew%database%covfact = 0.0 plantNew%database%ck = 0.0 ! initialize crop yield reporting parameters in case harvest call before planting plantNew%bname = '' plantNew%database%ynmu = '' plantNew%database%ycon = 1.0 plantNew%database%ywct = 0.0 ! initialize crop type id to 0 indicating no crop type is growing plantNew%database%idc = 0 plantNew%database%baflg = 0 plantNew%database%sla = 0.0 plantNew%geometry%dpop = 0.0 ! initialize decomp parameters since they are used before a crop is growing do idx = 1, size(plantNew%database%dkrate) plantNew%database%dkrate(idx) = 0.0 end do plantNew%database%ddsthrsh = 0.0 ! values that need initialization for cdbug calls (before initial crop entry) plantNew%database%tdtm = 0 plantNew%database%thum = 0.0 ! Added to eliminate use of uninitialized variable later - LEW plantNew%database%shoot = 0.0 ! make sure these are zero (only planted crop initializes, not residue addition) plantNew%database%plant_doy = 0 plantNew%database%plant_day = 0 plantNew%database%plant_month = 0 plantNew%database%plant_rotyr = 0 end function plantAdd subroutine plantDestroy(plantPntr) ! destroys a plant from within the plant pointer chain ! while preserving the chain type(plant_pointer), pointer :: plantPntr ! local variable integer :: alloc_stat ! allocation status return integer :: sum_stat ! accumulates allocation status results so only one write/exit statement needed type(plant_pointer), pointer :: olderPlant ! close open output file if( plantPntr%bout%luo .gt. 0 ) then close( plantPntr%bout%luo ) end if ! check for older plants if( associated(plantPntr%olderPlant) ) then ! preserve pointer to olderPlant olderPlant => plantPntr%olderPlant else ! no olderPlant nullify(olderPlant) end if sum_stat = 0 ! deallocate below and above ground arrays deallocate(plantPntr%mass%stemz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(plantPntr%mass%leafz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(plantPntr%mass%storez, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(plantPntr%mass%rootstorez, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(plantPntr%mass%rootfiberz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(plantPntr%prev%stemz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(plantPntr%prev%rootstorez, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(plantPntr%prev%rootfiberz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(plantPntr%deriv%mrtz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(plantPntr%deriv%mbgz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(plantPntr%deriv%rsaz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(plantPntr%deriv%rlaz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to deallocate memory for plantPntr' stop 1 end if ! delete upgm call upgm_delete(plantPntr%upgm_grow) ! remove all residue mass for this plant call residueDestroyAll(plantPntr%residue) ! delete memory and nullify deallocate(plantPntr, stat=alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,'(a,i0)') 'Unable to deallocate Plant pointer.' end if if( associated(olderPlant) ) then ! older plant now in this spot plantPntr => olderPlant else ! no older plants nullify(plantPntr) end if end subroutine plantDestroy subroutine plantDestroyAll(plantPntr) type(plant_pointer), pointer :: plantPntr ! remove all plants from this plant and older do while( associated(plantPntr) ) call plantDestroy(plantPntr) end do end subroutine plantDestroyAll subroutine plantPrint(plantPntr, nsoillay) type(plant_pointer), pointer :: plantPntr integer, intent(in) :: nsoillay ! local variable type(residue_pointer), pointer :: thisResidue integer :: idx real :: totmass real :: standmass real :: flatmass ! print mass values if ( associated(plantPntr) ) then write(*,*) 'Plant stand: ', plantPntr%mass%standstem, & plantPntr%mass%standleaflive, plantPntr%mass%standleafdead, plantPntr%mass%standstore standmass = plantPntr%mass%standstem + plantPntr%mass%standleaflive & + plantPntr%mass%standleafdead + plantPntr%mass%standstore write(*,*) 'Plant flat: ', plantPntr%mass%flatstem, plantPntr%mass%flatleaf, plantPntr%mass%flatstore, & plantPntr%mass%flatrootstore, plantPntr%mass%flatrootfiber flatmass = plantPntr%mass%flatstem + plantPntr%mass%flatleaf + plantPntr%mass%flatstore & + plantPntr%mass%flatrootstore + plantPntr%mass%flatrootfiber totmass = standmass + flatmass do idx = 1, nsoillay write(*,*) 'Plant below: ', idx, plantPntr%mass%stemz(idx), plantPntr%mass%leafz(idx), plantPntr%mass%storez(idx), & plantPntr%mass%rootstorez(idx), plantPntr%mass%rootfiberz(idx) totmass = totmass + plantPntr%mass%stemz(idx) + plantPntr%mass%leafz(idx) + plantPntr%mass%storez(idx) & + plantPntr%mass%rootstorez(idx) + plantPntr%mass%rootfiberz(idx) end do write(*,*) 'PLANT STANDMASS HT FLAT: ', standmass, plantPntr%geometry%zht, flatmass thisResidue => plantPntr%residue do while( associated(thisResidue) ) call residuePrint( thisResidue, nsoillay) thisResidue => thisResidue%olderResidue end do else write(*,*) 'No Plant' end if end subroutine plantPrint function residueAdd(residuePntr, residueIndex, nslay) result(residueNew) type(residue_pointer), pointer :: residuePntr integer, intent(inout) :: residueIndex ! index for all residue pools created under this plant integer, intent(in) :: nslay type(residue_pointer), pointer :: residueNew ! local variable integer :: alloc_stat ! allocation status return integer :: sum_stat ! accumulates allocation status results so only one write/exit statement needed integer :: idx allocate(residueNew, stat=alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,'(a,i0)') 'Unable to allocate new Plant pointer.' end if sum_stat = 0 allocate(residueNew%cumddg(nslay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(residueNew%stemz(nslay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(residueNew%leafz(nslay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(residueNew%storez(nslay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(residueNew%rootstorez(nslay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(residueNew%rootfiberz(nslay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(residueNew%deriv%mrtz(nslay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(residueNew%deriv%mbgz(nslay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(residueNew%deriv%rsaz(ncanlay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate(residueNew%deriv%rlaz(ncanlay), stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to allocate memory for residueNew' stop 1 end if if( associated(residuePntr) ) then ! point to previous residue residueNew%olderResidue => residuePntr else nullify(residueNew%olderResidue) end if ! increment plant residue index residueIndex = residueIndex + 1 ! carry index along with residue residueNew%bout%num = residueIndex ! show residue output unit as uninitialized residueNew%bout%luo = -1 ! initialize decomp age params residueNew%resday = 0 residueNew%resyear = 1 residueNew%cumdds = 0.0 residueNew%cumddf = 0.0 do idx=1,nslay residueNew%cumddg(idx) = 0.0 end do ! zero all residue amounts residueNew%standstem = 0.0 residueNew%standleaf = 0.0 residueNew%standstore = 0.0 residueNew%flatstem = 0.0 residueNew%flatleaf = 0.0 residueNew%flatstore = 0.0 residueNew%flatrootstore = 0.0 residueNew%flatrootfiber = 0.0 ! layer thickness can be anything > 0 since setting all values to zero do idx = 1, nslay residueNew%stemz(idx) = 0.0 residueNew%leafz(idx) = 0.0 residueNew%storez(idx) = 0.0 residueNew%rootstorez(idx) = 0.0 residueNew%rootfiberz(idx) = 0.0 end do ! set other state variables residueNew%zht = 0.0 residueNew%dstm = 0.0 residueNew%xstmrep = 0.0d0 residueNew%zrtd = 0.0 residueNew%grainf = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%mbgstem = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%mbgleaf = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%mbgstore = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%mbgrootstore = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%mbgrootfiber = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%m = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%mst = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%mf = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%mbg = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%mrt = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%dmrtto4 = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%dmbgto4 = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%dmrtto15 = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%dmbgto15 = 0.0 do idx = 1, nslay residueNew%deriv%mrtz(idx) = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%mbgz(idx) = 0.0 end do residueNew%deriv%rsai = 0.0d0 residueNew%deriv%rlai = 0.0 do idx = 1, ncanlay residueNew%deriv%rsaz(idx) = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%rlaz(idx) = 0.0 end do residueNew%deriv%rcd = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%ffcv = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%fscv = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%ftcv = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%fcancov = 0.0 residueNew%deriv%ztranspdepth = 0.0 end function residueAdd subroutine residueDestroy(residuePntr) type(residue_pointer), pointer :: residuePntr ! local variable integer :: alloc_stat ! allocation status return integer :: sum_stat ! accumulates allocation status results so only one write/exit statement needed type(residue_pointer), pointer :: olderResidue ! close open output file if( residuePntr%bout%luo .gt. 0 ) then close( residuePntr%bout%luo ) end if ! check for older residue if( associated(residuePntr%olderResidue) ) then ! preserve pointer to olderResidue olderResidue => residuePntr%olderResidue else ! no olderResidue nullify(olderResidue) end if sum_stat = 0 deallocate(residuePntr%cumddg, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(residuePntr%stemz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(residuePntr%leafz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(residuePntr%storez, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(residuePntr%rootstorez, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(residuePntr%rootfiberz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(residuePntr%deriv%mrtz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(residuePntr%deriv%mbgz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(residuePntr%deriv%rsaz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate(residuePntr%deriv%rlaz, stat=alloc_stat) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'ERROR: unable to deallocate memory for residuePntr' stop 1 end if deallocate(residuePntr, stat=alloc_stat) if( alloc_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,'(a,i0)') 'Unable to deallocate Residue pointer.' end if if( associated(olderResidue) ) then ! older residue now in this spot residuePntr => olderResidue else ! no more old residue nullify(residuePntr) end if end subroutine residueDestroy subroutine residueDestroyAll(residuePntr) type(residue_pointer), pointer :: residuePntr ! remove all residue mass from this mass and older do while( associated(residuePntr) ) call residueDestroy(residuePntr) end do end subroutine residueDestroyAll subroutine residuePrint(residuePntr, nsoillay) type(residue_pointer), pointer :: residuePntr integer, intent(in) :: nsoillay ! local variable integer :: idx real :: totmass real :: totstand real :: totflat real :: totburied real :: layersum ! print mass values totburied = 0.0 if ( associated(residuePntr) ) then write(*,*) 'Residue stand: ', residuePntr%standstem, residuePntr%standleaf, residuePntr%standstore totstand = residuePntr%standstem + residuePntr%standleaf + residuePntr%standstore write(*,*) 'Residue flat: ', residuePntr%flatstem, residuePntr%flatleaf, residuePntr%flatstore, & residuePntr%flatrootstore, residuePntr%flatrootfiber totflat = residuePntr%flatstem + residuePntr%flatleaf + residuePntr%flatstore & + residuePntr%flatrootstore + residuePntr%flatrootfiber do idx = 1, nsoillay layersum = residuePntr%stemz(idx) + residuePntr%leafz(idx) + residuePntr%storez(idx) & + residuePntr%rootstorez(idx) + residuePntr%rootfiberz(idx) write(*,*) 'RESID BY LAY: ', idx, residuePntr%stemz(idx), residuePntr%leafz(idx), residuePntr%storez(idx), & residuePntr%rootstorez(idx), residuePntr%rootfiberz(idx), layersum totburied = totburied + layersum end do totmass = totstand + totflat + totburied write(*,*) 'RESID TOTALS: ', totmass, totstand, totflat, totburied, residuePntr%deriv%m, residuePntr%zht else write(*,*) 'No Residue' end if end subroutine residuePrint subroutine plantPrintAll(plantPntr, nsoillay) type(plant_pointer), pointer :: plantPntr integer, intent(in) :: nsoillay ! local variable type(plant_pointer), pointer :: thisPlant type(residue_pointer), pointer :: thisResidue ! print mass values thisPlant => plantPntr if( .not. associated(thisPlant) ) then write(*,*) 'NO PLANT' end if do while( associated(thisPlant) ) write(*,*) 'PLANT NAME: ', trim( thisPlant%bname ) call plantPrint( thisPlant, nsoillay ) thisResidue => thisPlant%residue do while( associated(thisResidue) ) call residuePrint( thisResidue, nsoillay) thisResidue => thisResidue%olderResidue end do thisPlant => thisPlant%olderPlant end do end subroutine plantPrintAll subroutine plantSumAll(plantPntr, nsoillay) use datetime_mod, only: get_simdate_doy, get_simdate_daysim type(plant_pointer), pointer :: plantPntr integer, intent(in) :: nsoillay ! local variable type(plant_pointer), pointer :: thisPlant type(residue_pointer), pointer :: thisResidue integer :: idx real :: totmass real :: standstem real :: standleaf real :: standstore real :: flatstem real :: flatleaf real :: flatstore real :: flatrootstore real :: flatrootfiber real :: rootstorez real :: rootfiberz real :: stemz real :: resstandmass real :: resflatmass real :: resburied real :: resburiedroot real :: layersumburied real :: layersumroot integer:: doy real :: convert integer :: poolcount ! sum total mass values standstem = 0.0 standleaf = 0.0 standstore = 0.0 flatstem = 0.0 flatleaf = 0.0 flatstore = 0.0 flatrootstore = 0.0 flatrootfiber = 0.0 rootstorez = 0.0 rootfiberz = 0.0 stemz = 0.0 resstandmass = 0.0 resflatmass = 0.0 resburied = 0.0 resburiedroot = 0.0 poolcount = 0 thisPlant => plantPntr do while( associated(thisPlant) ) !write(*,*) 'Plant stand: ', thisPlant%mass%standstem, thisPlant%mass%standleaflive, & ! thisPlant%mass%standleafdead, thisPlant%mass%standstore standstem = standstem + thisPlant%mass%standstem standleaf = standleaf + thisPlant%mass%standleaflive + thisPlant%mass%standleafdead standstore = standstore + thisPlant%mass%standstore !write(*,*) 'Plant flat: ', thisPlant%mass%flatstem, thisPlant%mass%flatleaf, thisPlant%mass%flatstore, & ! thisPlant%mass%flatrootstore, thisPlant%mass%flatrootfiber flatstem = flatstem + thisPlant%mass%flatstem flatleaf = flatleaf + thisPlant%mass%flatleaf flatstore = flatstore + thisPlant%mass%flatstore flatrootstore = flatrootstore + thisPlant%mass%flatrootstore flatrootfiber = flatrootfiber + thisPlant%mass%flatrootfiber do idx = 1, nsoillay !write(*,*) 'Plant below: ', idx, thisPlant%mass%stemz(idx), thisPlant%mass%leafz(idx), thisPlant%mass%storez(idx), & ! thisPlant%mass%rootstorez(idx), thisPlant%mass%rootfiberz(idx) rootstorez = rootstorez + thisPlant%mass%rootstorez(idx) rootfiberz = rootfiberz + thisPlant%mass%rootfiberz(idx) stemz = stemz + thisPlant%mass%stemz(idx) end do thisResidue => thisPlant%residue do while( associated(thisResidue) ) ! total pool count poolcount = poolcount + 1 !write(*,*) 'Residue stand: ', thisResidue%standstem, thisResidue%standleaf, thisResidue%standstore resstandmass = resstandmass + thisResidue%standstem + thisResidue%standleaf + thisResidue%standstore !write(*,*) 'Residue flat: ', thisResidue%flatstem, thisResidue%flatleaf, thisResidue%flatstore, & ! thisResidue%flatrootstore, thisResidue%flatrootfiber resflatmass = resflatmass + thisResidue%flatstem + thisResidue%flatleaf + thisResidue%flatstore & + thisResidue%flatrootstore + thisResidue%flatrootfiber do idx = 1, nsoillay layersumburied = thisResidue%stemz(idx) + thisResidue%leafz(idx) + thisResidue%storez(idx) layersumroot = thisResidue%rootstorez(idx) + thisResidue%rootfiberz(idx) !write(*,*) 'RESID BY LAY: ', idx, thisResidue%stemz(idx), thisResidue%leafz(idx), thisResidue%storez(idx), & ! thisResidue%rootstorez(idx), thisResidue%rootfiberz(idx), layersum resburied = resburied + layersumburied resburiedroot = resburiedroot + layersumroot end do thisResidue => thisResidue%olderResidue end do thisPlant => thisPlant%olderPlant end do totmass = resstandmass + resflatmass + resburied + resburiedroot & + standstem + standleaf + standstore & + flatstem + flatleaf + flatstore + flatrootstore + flatrootfiber & + rootstorez + rootfiberz + stemz doy = get_simdate_doy() if( doy .eq. 1 ) then write(*,*) 'SUMALL: ' write(*,*) 'SUMALL: ' end if ! write(*,*) 'SUMALL: ', get_simdate_daysim(), doy, resstandmass, resflatmass, resburied, resburiedroot & ! , standstem, standleaf, 0.2*standstore, 0.8*standstore & ! , flatstem, flatleaf, flatstore, flatrootstore, flatrootfiber & ! , rootstorez, rootfiberz, stemz, totmass ! stacked in order of columns 3 4 5 6 16 18 7 8 17 9 10 19 convert = 1.0 ! output kg/m^2 ! convert = 8921.79 ! output lbs/acre ! write(*,*) 'SUMALL: ', get_simdate_daysim(), doy, convert * (resstandmass) & ! 3 ! , convert * (resstandmass + resflatmass) & ! 4 ! , convert * ( resstandmass + resflatmass + resburied) & ! 5 ! , convert * ( resstandmass + resflatmass + resburied + resburiedroot) & ! 6 ! , convert * ( resstandmass + resflatmass + resburied + resburiedroot +rootstorez + stemz + standstem) & ! 7 ! , convert * ( resstandmass + resflatmass + resburied + resburiedroot +rootstorez + stemz + standstem + standleaf) & ! 8 ! , convert * ( resstandmass + resflatmass + resburied + resburiedroot +rootstorez + stemz + standstem + standleaf & ! + rootfiberz + 0.2*standstore) & ! 9 ! , convert * ( resstandmass + resflatmass + resburied + resburiedroot +rootstorez + stemz + standstem + standleaf & ! + rootfiberz + 0.2*standstore + 0.8*standstore) & ! 10 ! , convert * ( flatstem) & ! 11 ! , convert * ( flatleaf) & ! 12 ! , convert * ( flatstore) & ! 13 ! , convert * ( flatrootstore) & ! 14 ! , convert * ( flatrootfiber) & ! 15 ! , convert * ( resstandmass + resflatmass + resburied + resburiedroot + rootstorez) & ! 16 ! , convert * ( resstandmass + resflatmass + resburied + resburiedroot +rootstorez + stemz + standstem + standleaf & ! + rootfiberz) & ! 17 ! , convert * ( resstandmass + resflatmass + resburied + resburiedroot +rootstorez + stemz) & ! 18 ! , convert * ( totmass) ! 19 write(*,*) 'SUMALL: ', get_simdate_daysim(), doy, convert * (resstandmass) & ! 3 , convert * (resflatmass) & ! 4 , convert * (resburied) & ! 5 , convert * (resburiedroot) & ! 6 , convert * (standstem) & ! 7 , convert * (standleaf) & ! 8 , convert * (0.2*standstore) & ! 9 , convert * (0.8*standstore) & ! 10 , convert * (flatstem) & ! 11 , convert * (flatleaf) & ! 12 , convert * (flatstore) & ! 13 , convert * (flatrootstore) & ! 14 , convert * (flatrootfiber) & ! 15 , convert * (rootstorez) & ! 16 , convert * (rootfiberz) & ! 17 , convert * (stemz) & ! 18 , convert * ( totmass) & , poolcount ! 20 end subroutine plantSumAll subroutine plantSumPool(plantPntr, nsoillay, label) use datetime_mod, only: get_simdate_daysim type(plant_pointer), pointer :: plantPntr integer, intent(in) :: nsoillay character(*) :: label real :: poolsum ! local variable type(plant_pointer), pointer :: thisPlant type(residue_pointer), pointer :: thisResidue integer :: idx real :: resstandmass real :: resflatmass real :: layersumburied real :: layersumroot integer :: poolcount poolcount = 0 thisPlant => plantPntr do while( associated(thisPlant) ) thisResidue => thisPlant%residue do while( associated(thisResidue) ) ! total pool count poolcount = poolcount + 1 resstandmass = thisResidue%standstem + thisResidue%standleaf + thisResidue%standstore resflatmass = thisResidue%flatstem + thisResidue%flatleaf + thisResidue%flatstore & + thisResidue%flatrootstore + thisResidue%flatrootfiber layersumburied = 0.0 layersumroot = 0.0 do idx = 1, nsoillay layersumburied = layersumburied + thisResidue%stemz(idx) + thisResidue%leafz(idx) + thisResidue%storez(idx) layersumroot = layersumroot + thisResidue%rootstorez(idx) + thisResidue%rootfiberz(idx) end do poolsum = resstandmass + resstandmass + layersumburied + layersumroot write(*,*) label, get_simdate_daysim(), poolcount, poolsum, trim(thisPlant%bname) thisResidue => thisResidue%olderResidue end do thisPlant => thisPlant%olderPlant end do end subroutine plantSumPool end module biomaterial