!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ module ritchieHardening_mod use Preprocess_mod use constants, only: dp, check_return use plant_mod implicit none type, extends(preprocess) :: ritchieHardening contains procedure, pass(self) :: load => load_state procedure, pass(self) :: doProcess => Hardening ! may not need to pass self procedure, pass(self) :: register => proc_register end type ritchieHardening contains subroutine load_state(self, processState) implicit none class(ritchieHardening), intent(inout) :: self type(hash_state), intent(inout) :: processState ! Body of loadState ! load processState into my state: self%processState = hash_state() call self%processState%init() call self%processState%clone(processState) end subroutine load_state subroutine proc_register(self, req_input, prod_output) ! Variables implicit none class(ritchieHardening), intent(in) :: self type(hash_state), intent(inout) :: req_input type(hash_state), intent(inout) :: prod_output ! Body of proc_register ! add stuff here the component requires and any outputs it will generate. end subroutine proc_register subroutine Hardening(self, plnt, env) implicit none class(ritchieHardening), intent(inout) :: self type(plant), intent(inout) :: plnt type(environment_state), intent(inout) :: env real(dp) :: harden_index ! hardening index for winter hardiness real(dp) :: tmax ! Maximum temperature for this growth day real(dp) :: tmin ! Minimum temperature for this growth day logical :: can_harden logical :: succ = .false. ! get plant state call plnt%state%get("can_harden", can_harden, succ) if( .not. check_return( trim(self%processName) , "can_harden", succ ) ) return if( can_harden ) then ! get plant state call plnt%state%get("harden_index", harden_index, succ) if( .not. check_return( trim(self%processName) , "harden_index", succ ) ) return call env%state%get("tsmx1", tmax, succ) if( .not. check_return( trim(self%processName) , "tsmx1", succ ) ) return call env%state%get("tsmn1", tmin, succ) if( .not. check_return( trim(self%processName) , "tsmn1", succ ) ) return call freezeharden(harden_index, tmax, tmin) !write(*,*) 'Hardening: ', harden_index, tmax, tmin else harden_index = 0.0_dp end if call plnt%state%replace("harden_index", harden_index, succ) if( .not. check_return( trim(self%processName) , "harden_index", succ ) ) return end subroutine Hardening ! calculates the freeze hardening index for the day. The input value ! is modified to reflect the effect of temperature on either increasing ! or decreasing the index. Stage 1 hardening occurs when the plant ! experiences cool temperatures from -1 to 8 degrees C. Stage 2 hardening ! occurs only after stage 1 is complete and temperatures fall below ! freezing. ! method taken from: Ritchie, J.T. 1991. Wheat Phasic development in: ! Hanks, J. and Ritchie, J.T. eds. Modeling plant and soil systems. ! Agronomy Monograph 31, pages 40-42, 52 subroutine freezeharden( bcthardnx, day_max_temp, day_min_temp ) real(dp), intent(inout) :: bcthardnx ! hardening index for winter annuals (range from 0 t0 2) real(dp), intent(in) :: day_max_temp ! daily maximum temperature (deg.C) real(dp), intent(in) :: day_min_temp ! daily minimum temperature (deg.C) ! note: input crown temperature rather than air temperature for best results ! local variables real(dp) :: tavg ! daily everage temperature (deg.C) real(dp) :: hinc ! daily hardening increment ! parameters real(dp), parameter :: t1min = -1.0_dp ! minimum temperature in stage 1 index calculation(deg.C) real(dp), parameter :: t1opt = 3.5_dp ! optimum temperature in stage 1 index calculation(deg.C) real(dp), parameter :: t1max = 8.0_dp ! maximum temperature in stage 1 index calculation(deg.C) real(dp), parameter :: t2max = 0.0_dp ! maximum temperature in stage 2 index calculation(deg.C) real(dp), parameter :: tbase = 0.0_dp ! base temperature for hardening effects(deg.C) (like base growth temperature) real(dp), parameter :: tdeh = 10.0_dp ! temperature above which dehardening can occur (deg.C) real(dp), parameter :: hs1 = 1.0_dp ! index value at completion of stage 1 hardening real(dp), parameter :: hs2 = 2.0_dp ! index value at completion of stage 2 hardening real(dp), parameter :: deht = 0.02_dp ! index reduction multiplier for dehardening temperature excess real(dp), parameter :: hardinc1 = 0.1_dp ! stage 1 hardening index increment real(dp), parameter :: hardinc2 = 0.083_dp ! stage 2 hardening index increment ! find average temperature tavg = 0.5_dp * (day_max_temp + day_min_temp) if( bcthardnx .ge. hs1 ) then ! stage 1 complete, into stage 2 if( tavg .le. tbase + t2max ) then ! add stage 2 amount to index bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hardinc2 end if if( day_max_temp .ge. tbase + tdeh ) then ! stage 2 dehardening hinc = deht * (tbase + tdeh - day_max_temp) bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hinc if( bcthardnx .ge. hs1 ) then ! still in stage 2, take off some more bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hinc end if end if bcthardnx = max( bcthardnx, 0.0_dp) bcthardnx = min( bcthardnx, hs2) else if( tavg .ge. tbase + t1min) then ! stage 1 hardening if( tavg .le. tbase + t1max ) then ! add stage 1 amount to index, minus deduction for being on either side of optimum bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hardinc1 & & - ((tavg - (tbase + t1opt))**2_dp) / 506.0_dp if( bcthardnx .ge. hs1 ) then ! stage 1 complete, into stage 2 if( tavg .le. tbase + t2max ) then ! add stage 2 amount to index bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hardinc2 end if end if end if if( day_max_temp .ge. tbase + tdeh ) then ! stage 1 dehardening hinc = deht * (tbase + tdeh - day_max_temp) bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hinc if( bcthardnx .ge. hs1 ) then ! really in stage 2, take off some more bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hinc end if end if bcthardnx = max( bcthardnx, 0.0_dp) bcthardnx = min( bcthardnx, hs2) end if return end subroutine freezeharden end module ritchieHardening_mod