!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ subroutine enrprt(jun,npart,frac,frcflw,dia,spg,frsnd, & & frslt,frcly,frorg,enrato) use wepp_interface_defs, ignore_me=>enrprt implicit none ! ! + + + purpose + + + ! prints out the sediment size distribution in runoff ! and the enrichment ratio for all overland flow elements ! in a profile. ! ! called from subroutine sedout ! author(s): d. flanagan, j. ascough ! ! version: this module taken largely from wepp v2004.7 code ! date coded: 10-2004 ! coded by: d. flanagan ! ! + + + parameter declarations + + + ! integer mxpart parameter (mxpart = 10) ! ! + + + argument declarations + + + ! integer, intent(in) :: jun, npart real, intent(in) :: frac(mxpart), frcflw(mxpart), dia(mxpart), & & spg(mxpart), & & frsnd(mxpart), frslt(mxpart), frcly(mxpart), frorg(mxpart), & & enrato ! ! ! + + + argument definitions + + + ! ! jun - unit number ! npart - number of particle size classes ! frac - fraction of sediment in size class at point of detachment ! frcflw - fraction of sediment in size class in flow ! dia - diameter of sediment particle size class (m) ! spg - specific gravity of sediment particle size class ! frsnd - fraction of sand in size class ! frslt - fraction of silt in size class ! frcly - fraction of clay in size class ! enrato - enrichment ratio of the specific surface area ! ! + + + local variables + + + ! real fsand(mxpart), fsilt(mxpart), fclay(mxpart), forg(mxpart), & & diam(mxpart) integer i ! ! + + + local definitions + + + ! diam - diameter of particle class i in mm ! fsand - percent of sand in particle class i ! fsilt - percent of silt in particle class i ! fclay - percent of clay in particle class i ! forg - percent of organic matter in class i ! i - counter variable used to indicate particle class ! ! + + + end specifications + + + ! ! do 10 i = 1, npart diam(i) = dia(i) * 1000. fsand(i) = frsnd(i) * 100. fsilt(i) = frslt(i) * 100. fclay(i) = frcly(i) * 100. forg(i) = frorg(i) * 100. 10 continue ! write (jun,1000) do 20 i = 1, npart write (jun,1200) i, diam(i), spg(i), fsand(i), fsilt(i), & & fclay(i), forg(i), frac(i), frcflw(i) 20 continue write (jun,1100) write (jun,1300) enrato close (jun) ! ! !******************************************************************** ! * ! format statements * ! * !******************************************************************** ! ! return 1000 format (/5x,'sediment particle information leaving profile',/, & & '-------------------------------------------------------', & & '------------------------',/, & & ' particle composition', & & ' detached fraction',/,'class diameter specific ---& &------------------------------',' sediment in flow',/,9x, & & '(mm) gravity % sand % silt % clay % o.m.', & & ' fraction exiting',/, & & '-------------------------------------------------------', & & '------------------------') 1100 format ('---------------------------------------------------', & & '----------------------------'/) 1200 format (1x,i2,4x,f6.3,6x,f4.2,4x,f5.1,4x,f5.1,4x,f5.1,4x,f5.1,5x, & & f5.3,4x,f5.3) 1300 format (/5x,'ssa enrichment ratio leaving profile = ',f6.2) end