module WEPSCrop_mod ! routines from WEPS supporting crop growth the WEPS way use constants, only: dp, int32, u_pi, u_mgtokg, u_hatom2, u_mmtom implicit none contains subroutine shoot_grow( soil, plant, & shoot_hui, shoot_huiy, s_root_sum, f_root_sum, tot_mass_req, & end_shoot_mass, end_root_mass, d_root_mass, d_shoot_mass, d_s_root_mass, & end_stem_mass, end_stem_area, end_shoot_len ) ! + + + KEYWORDS + + + ! shoot growth use soil_data_struct_defs, only: soil_def use biomaterial, only: plant_pointer use weps_cmdline_parms, only: cook_yield ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + type(soil_def), intent(in) :: soil ! soil for this subregion type(plant_pointer), pointer :: plant ! pointer to youngest plant data, which chains to older real(dp), intent(in) :: shoot_hui ! today fraction of heat unit shoot growth index accumulation real(dp), intent(in) :: shoot_huiy ! previous day fraction of heat unit shoot growth index accumulation real(dp), intent(out) :: s_root_sum ! storage root mass sum (total in all layers) (kg/m^2) real(dp), intent(out) :: f_root_sum ! fibrous root mass sum (total in all layers) (kg/m^2) real(dp), intent(out) :: tot_mass_req ! mass required from root mass for one shoot (mg/shoot) real(dp), intent(out) :: end_shoot_mass ! total shoot mass at end of shoot growth period (mg/shoot) real(dp), intent(out) :: end_root_mass ! total root mass at end of shoot growth period (mg/shoot) real(dp), intent(out) :: d_root_mass ! mass increment added to roots for the present day (mg/shoot) real(dp), intent(out) :: d_shoot_mass ! mass increment added to shoot for the present day (mg/shoot) real(dp), intent(out) :: d_s_root_mass ! mass increment removed from storage roots for the present day (mg/shoot) real(dp), intent(out) :: end_stem_mass ! total stem mass at end of shoot growth period (mg/shoot) real(dp), intent(out) :: end_stem_area ! total stem area at end of shoot growth period (m^2/shoot) real(dp), intent(out) :: end_shoot_len ! total shoot length at end of shoot growth period (m) ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer(int32) :: bnslay ! number of soil layers integer(int32) :: lay ! index into soil layers for looping real(dp) :: fexp_hui ! exponential function evaluated at todays shoot heat unit index real(dp) :: fexp_huiy ! exponential function evaluated at yesterdays shoot heat unit index real(dp) :: d_stem_mass ! mass increment added to stem for the present day (mg/shoot) real(dp) :: d_leaf_mass ! mass increment added to leaf for the present day (mg/shoot) real(dp) :: red_mass_rat ! ratio of reduced mass available for stem growth to expected mass available real(dp) :: yesterday_len ! length of shoot yesterday (m) real(dp) :: stem_propor ! ratio of standing stems mass to flat stem mass real(dp) :: ag_stem ! above ground stem mass (mg/shoot) real(dp) :: bg_stem ! below ground stem mass (mg/shoot) real(dp) :: flat_stem ! flat stem mass (mg/shoot) real(dp) :: stand_stem ! standing stem mass (mg/shoot) real(dp) :: avail_mass ! storage root mass sum in (mg/shoot) real(dp) :: lost_mass ! passed into cook yield, is simply set to zero real(dp) :: dlfwt ! increment in leaf dry weight (kg/m^2) real(dp) :: dstwt ! increment in dry weight of stem (kg/m^2) real(dp) :: drpwt ! increment in reproductive mass (kg/m^2) real(dp) :: drswt ! biomass diverted from partitioning to root storage ! + + + LOCAL PARAMETERS + + + real(dp), parameter :: shoot_exp = 2.0_dp ! exponent for shape of exponential function ! small numbers go toward straight line ! large numbers delay development to end of period real(dp), parameter :: be_stor = 0.7_dp ! conversion efficiency of biomass from storage to growth real(dp), parameter :: rootf = 0.4_dp ! fraction of biomass allocated to roots when growing from seed ! + + + END OF SPECIFICATIONS + + + bnslay = size(soil%aszlyd) ! total shoot mass is grown at an exponential rate fexp_hui = (exp(shoot_exp*shoot_hui)-1.0_dp) / (exp(shoot_exp)-1.0_dp) fexp_huiy = (exp(shoot_exp*shoot_huiy)-1.0_dp) / (exp(shoot_exp)-1.0_dp) ! sum present storage and fibrous root mass (kg/m^2) s_root_sum = 0.0_dp f_root_sum = 0.0_dp do lay = 1, bnslay s_root_sum = s_root_sum + plant%mass%rootstorez(lay) f_root_sum = f_root_sum + plant%mass%rootfiberz(lay) end do ! calculate storage mass required to grow a single shoot ! units: kg/m^2 / ( shoots/m^2 * kg/mg ) = mg/shoot tot_mass_req = plant%growth%mtotshoot / (plant%geometry%dstm * u_mgtokg) ! divide ending mass between shoot and root if( f_root_sum .le. plant%growth%mshoot ) then ! this works as long as rootf <= 0.5 !roots develop along with shoot from same mass end_shoot_mass = tot_mass_req * be_stor * (1.0_dp-rootf) end_root_mass = tot_mass_req * be_stor * rootf else !roots remain static, while shoot uses all mass from storage end_shoot_mass = tot_mass_req * be_stor end_root_mass = 0.0_dp end if ! this days incremental shoot mass for a single shoot (mg/shoot) d_shoot_mass = end_shoot_mass * (fexp_hui - fexp_huiy) d_root_mass = end_root_mass * (fexp_hui - fexp_huiy) ! this days mass removed from the storage root (mg/shoot) d_s_root_mass = (d_shoot_mass + d_root_mass) / be_stor ! check that sufficient storage root mass is available ! units: mg/shoot = kg/m^2 / (kg/mg * shoot/m^2) avail_mass = s_root_sum / (plant%geometry%dstm * u_mgtokg) if( (d_s_root_mass .gt. avail_mass) & .and. (d_s_root_mass .gt. 0.0_dp) ) then ! reduce removal to match available storage red_mass_rat = avail_mass / d_s_root_mass ! adjust root increment to match d_root_mass = d_root_mass * red_mass_rat ! adjust shoot increment to match d_shoot_mass = d_shoot_mass * red_mass_rat ! adjust removal amount to match exactly d_s_root_mass = d_s_root_mass * red_mass_rat end if ! if no additional mass, no need to go further if( d_shoot_mass .le. 0.0_dp) return !! +++++++++++++ RETURN FROM HERE IF ZERO +++++++++++++++++ ! find stem mass when shoot completely developed ! (mg tot/shoot) / ((kg leaf/kg stem)+1) = mg stem/shoot end_stem_mass = end_shoot_mass / (plant%database%fleafstem+1.0) ! length of shoot when completely developed, use the mass of stem per plant ! (mg stem/shoot)*(kg/mg)*(#stem/m^2)/(#plants/m^2) = kg stem/plant ! inserted into stem area index equation to get stem area in m^2 per plant ! and then converted back to m^2 per stem end_stem_area = plant%database%ssa & * (end_stem_mass*u_mgtokg*plant%geometry%dstm/plant%geometry%dpop)**plant%database%ssb & * plant%geometry%dpop / plant%geometry%dstm ! use silhouette area and stem diameter to length ratio to find length ! since silhouette area = length * diameter ! *** the square root is included since straight ratios do not really ! fit, but grossly underestimate the shoot length. This is possibly ! due to the difference between mature stem density vs. new growth ! with new stems being much higher in water content *** ! note: diameter to length ratio is when shoot has fully grown from root reserves ! during it's extension, it is assumed to grow at full diameter end_shoot_len = sqrt( end_stem_area / plant%database%fshoot ) ! screen shoot emergence parameters for validity if( end_shoot_len .le. plant%growth%zgrowpt ) then write(UNIT=6,FMT="(1x,3(a),f7.4,a,f7.4,a)") & 'Warning: ', & ' growth halted. Shoot extension: ', end_shoot_len, & ' Depth in soil: ', plant%growth%zgrowpt, ' meters.' end if ! today and yesterday shoot length and stem and leaf mass increments ! length increase scaled by mass increase ! stem and leaf mass allocated proportionally (prevents premature emergence) plant%geometry%zshoot = end_shoot_len & * ((plant%growth%mshoot /(u_mgtokg * plant%geometry%dstm))+d_shoot_mass) & / end_shoot_mass yesterday_len = end_shoot_len * (plant%growth%mshoot /(u_mgtokg * plant%geometry%dstm)) & / end_shoot_mass d_stem_mass = d_shoot_mass / (plant%database%fleafstem+1.0_dp) d_leaf_mass = d_shoot_mass * plant%database%fleafstem / (plant%database%fleafstem+1.0_dp) ! divide above ground and below ground mass if( plant%geometry%zshoot .le. plant%growth%zgrowpt ) then ! all shoot growth for today below ground ag_stem = 0.0_dp bg_stem = d_stem_mass else if( yesterday_len .ge. plant%growth%zgrowpt ) then ! all shoot growth for today above ground ag_stem = d_stem_mass bg_stem = 0.0_dp else ! shoot breaks ground surface today ag_stem = d_stem_mass & * (plant%geometry%zshoot-plant%growth%zgrowpt) / (plant%geometry%zshoot-yesterday_len) bg_stem = d_stem_mass * (plant%growth%zgrowpt - yesterday_len) & / (plant%geometry%zshoot - yesterday_len) end if !convert from mg/shoot to kg/m^2 dlfwt = d_leaf_mass * u_mgtokg * plant%geometry%dstm dstwt = ag_stem * u_mgtokg * plant%geometry%dstm drpwt = 0.0_dp drswt = 0.0_dp lost_mass = 0.0_dp ! yield residue relationship adjustment ! since this is in shoot_grow, do not allow this with plant%geometry%hyfg=5 since ! it is illogical to store yield into the storage root while at the ! same time using the storage root to grow the shoot if( (cook_yield .eq. 1) & .and. (plant%database%yld_coef .gt. 1.0_dp) .and. (plant%database%resid_int .ge. 0.0_dp) & .and. ( (plant%geometry%hyfg.eq.0).or.(plant%geometry%hyfg.eq.1) ) ) then call cookyield(plant%geometry%hyfg, bnslay, dlfwt, dstwt, drpwt, drswt, & dble(plant%mass%standstem), dble(plant%mass%standleaf), dble(plant%mass%standstore), & dble(plant%mass%flatstem), dble(plant%mass%flatleaf), dble(plant%mass%flatstore), & dble(plant%mass%rootstorez), lost_mass, & dble(plant%database%yld_coef), dble(plant%database%resid_int), dble(plant%database%grf) ) end if ! divide above ground stem between standing and flat stem_propor = min(1.0_dp, plant%database%zmxc/plant%database%diammax) stand_stem = dstwt * stem_propor flat_stem = dstwt * (1.0_dp - stem_propor) ! distribute mass into mass pools ! units: mg stem/shoot * kg/mg * shoots/m^2 = kg/m^2 ! shoot mass pool (breakout pool, not true accumulator) plant%growth%mshoot = plant%growth%mshoot + d_shoot_mass * u_mgtokg * plant%geometry%dstm ! reproductive mass is added to above ground pools plant%mass%standstore = plant%mass%standstore + drpwt * stem_propor plant%mass%flatstore = plant%mass%flatstore + drpwt * (1.0_dp - stem_propor) ! leaf mass is added even if below ground ! leaf has very low mass (small effect) and some light interaction ! does occur as emergence approaches (if problem can be changed easily) if( (plant%mass%standleaf + dlfwt) .gt. 0.0_dp ) then ! added leaf mass adjusts live leaf fraction, otherwise no change plant%growth%fliveleaf = (plant%growth%fliveleaf*plant%mass%standleaf+dlfwt) & / (plant%mass%standleaf + dlfwt) end if plant%mass%standleaf = plant%mass%standleaf + dlfwt ! above ground stems plant%mass%standstem = plant%mass%standstem + stand_stem plant%mass%flatstem = plant%mass%flatstem + flat_stem ! below ground stems do lay = 1, bnslay if( lay .eq. 1 ) then ! units: mg stem/shoot * kg/mg * shoots/m^2 = kg/m^2 plant%mass%stemz(lay) = plant%mass%stemz(lay) + bg_stem & * u_mgtokg * plant%geometry%dstm * frac_lay( dble(plant%growth%zgrowpt)-dble(plant%geometry%zshoot), & plant%growth%zgrowpt-yesterday_len, 0.0_dp, soil%aszlyd(lay) * u_mmtom ) else ! units: mg stem/shoot * kg/mg * shoots/m^2 = kg/m^2 plant%mass%stemz(lay) = plant%mass%stemz(lay) + bg_stem & * u_mgtokg * plant%geometry%dstm * frac_lay( dble(plant%growth%zgrowpt)-dble(plant%geometry%zshoot), & plant%growth%zgrowpt-yesterday_len, soil%aszlyd(lay-1) * u_mmtom, & soil%aszlyd(lay) * u_mmtom ) end if end do ! check plant height, the the case of regrowth from stem ! do not allow reaching max height in single day ! use stem proportion to account for flat stems plant%geometry%zht = min( 0.5_dp * (plant%database%zmxc + plant%geometry%zht), max( plant%geometry%zht, max( 0.0_dp, & (plant%geometry%zshoot-plant%growth%zgrowpt)*stem_propor ) ) ) ! check root depth plant%geometry%zrtd = max( plant%geometry%zrtd, (plant%growth%zgrowpt + plant%geometry%zshoot) ) ! add to fibrous root mass, remove from storage root mass do lay = 1, bnslay if( lay .eq. 1 ) then ! units: mg stem/shoot * kg/mg * shoots/m^2 = kg/m^2 plant%mass%rootfiberz(lay) = plant%mass%rootfiberz(lay) + d_root_mass & * u_mgtokg * plant%geometry%dstm * frac_lay( dble(plant%growth%zgrowpt), dble(plant%geometry%zrtd), & 0.0_dp, soil%aszlyd(lay) * u_mmtom ) else ! units: mg stem/shoot * kg/mg * shoots/m^2 = kg/m^2 plant%mass%rootfiberz(lay) = plant%mass%rootfiberz(lay) + d_root_mass & * u_mgtokg * plant%geometry%dstm * frac_lay( dble(plant%growth%zgrowpt), dble(plant%geometry%zrtd), & soil%aszlyd(lay-1) * u_mmtom, soil%aszlyd(lay) * u_mmtom ) end if ! check for sufficient storage in layer to meet demand if( (plant%mass%rootstorez(lay) .gt. 0.0_dp) & .and. (d_s_root_mass .gt. 0.0_dp) ) then ! demand and storage to meet it ! units: mg/shoot * kg/mg * shoots/m^2 = kg/m^2 plant%mass%rootstorez(lay) = plant%mass%rootstorez(lay) - d_s_root_mass & * u_mgtokg * plant%geometry%dstm if( plant%mass%rootstorez(lay) .lt. 0.0_dp ) then ! not enough mass in this layer to meet need. Carry over ! to next layer in d_s_root_mass d_s_root_mass = - plant%mass%rootstorez(lay) / (u_mgtokg*plant%geometry%dstm) plant%mass%rootstorez(lay) = 0.0_dp else ! no more mass needed d_s_root_mass = 0.0_dp end if end if end do ! check if shoot sucessfully reached above ground if( (d_s_root_mass .gt. 0.0_dp) .and. (plant%geometry%zht .le. 0.0_dp) ) then write(0,*) "shoot_grow: not enough root storage to grow shoot" call exit(1) end if return end subroutine shoot_grow real(dp) function frac_lay( top_loc, bot_loc, top_lay, bot_lay ) ! this function determines the fraction of a location which ! is contained in a layer. It could also be viewed as the ! fraction of "overlap" of the linear location with a layer ! depth slice. It was written assuming that top values are ! less than bottom values real(dp) top_loc, bot_loc, top_lay, bot_lay if( top_lay .le. top_loc .and. bot_lay .gt. top_loc ) then ! top location is in layer if( bot_lay .ge. bot_loc ) then ! bottom location is also in layer frac_lay = 1.0_dp else ! bottom location is below layer, proportion frac_lay = (bot_lay - top_loc)/(bot_loc - top_loc) end if else if( top_lay .lt. bot_loc .and. bot_lay .ge. bot_loc ) then ! bottom location is in layer ! if we are here, top location is not in layer so proportion frac_lay = (bot_loc - top_lay)/(bot_loc - top_loc) else if( top_lay .gt. top_loc .and. bot_lay .lt. bot_loc ) then ! location completely spans layer frac_lay = (bot_lay - top_lay)/(bot_loc - top_loc) else ! location is not in the layer at all frac_lay = 0.0_dp end if return end function frac_lay subroutine growth(soil, plant, & eirr, & eff_lai, trad_lai, ts, p_rw, p_st, p_lf, p_rp, & pdht, pdrd, & ffa, ffw, ffr, gif, par, apar, pddm, & stem_propor, pdiam, parea, & temp_sai, temp_stmrep, lost_mass ) ! Author : Amare Retta ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! This subroutine calculates plant height, biomass partitioning, ! rootmass distribution, rooting depth. ! + + + KEYWORDS + + + ! biomass use soil_data_struct_defs, only: soil_def use biomaterial, only: plant_pointer use WEPSCrop_util_mod, only: freeze_damage, shootnum use weps_cmdline_parms, only: cook_yield integer(int32), parameter :: growth_stress = 3 real(dp), parameter :: water_stress_max = 0.0_dp integer(int32), parameter :: winter_ann_root = 1 ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + type(soil_def), intent(in) :: soil ! soil for this subregion type(plant_pointer), pointer :: plant ! pointer to youngest plant data, which chains to older real(dp) :: eirr ! daily total shortwave radiation MJ/m^2 real(dp) :: eff_lai ! single plant effective leaf area index (based on maximum single plant coverage area) real(dp) :: trad_lai ! leaf area index based on whole field area (traditional) real(dp) :: ts ! temperature stress factor real(dp) :: p_rw ! fibrous root partitioning ratio real(dp) :: p_st ! stem partitioning ratio real(dp) :: p_lf ! leaf partitioning ratio real(dp) :: p_rp ! reproductive partitioning ratio real(dp) :: pdht ! increment in potential height (m) real(dp) :: pdrd ! potential increment in root length (m) real(dp) :: ffa ! leaf senescence factor (ratio) real(dp) :: ffw ! leaf weight reduction factor (ratio) real(dp) :: ffr ! fibrous root weight reduction factor (ratio) real(dp) :: gif ! grain index accounting for development of chaff before grain fill real(dp) :: par ! photosynthetically active radiation (MJ/m2) real(dp) :: apar ! intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (MJ/m2) real(dp) :: pddm ! increment in potential dry matter (kg) real(dp) :: stem_propor ! Fraction of stem mass increase allocated to standing stems (remainder goes flat) real(dp) :: pdiam ! Reach of growing plant (m) real(dp) :: parea ! areal extent occupied by plant leaf (m^2/plant) real(dp) :: temp_sai real(dp) :: temp_stmrep real(dp) :: lost_mass ! biomass that decayed (disappeared) from scenescence and freeze damage ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer(int32) :: bnslay ! number of soil layers real(dp) :: ddm ! stress modified increment in dry matter (kg/m^2) real(dp) :: ddm_rem ! increment in dry matter excluding fibrous roots(kg/m^2) real(dp) :: drfwt ! increment in fibrous root weight (kg/m^2) real(dp) :: dlfwt ! increment in leaf dry weight (kg/m^2) real(dp) :: dstwt ! increment in dry weight of stem (kg/m^2) real(dp) :: drpwt ! increment in reproductive mass (kg/m^2) real(dp) :: drswt ! biomass diverted from partitioning to root storage real(dp) :: dstandstem real(dp) :: dht ! daily height increment (m) real(dp) :: xw ! absolute value of minimum temperature real(dp) :: clfwt ! leaf dry weight (kg/plant) real(dp) :: clfarea ! leaf area (m^2/plant) integer(int32) :: i ! array index used in loops real(dp) :: wcg ! root mass distribution function exponent (see reference at equation) real(dp) :: wmaxd ! root mass distribution function depth limit parameter real(dp) :: wffiber ! total of weight fractions for fibrous roots (normalization) real(dp) :: wfstore ! total of weight fractions for storage roots (normalization) integer(int32) :: irfiber ! index of deepest soil layer for fibrous roots integer(int32) :: irstore ! index of deepest soil layer for storage roots real(dp) :: temp_fiber real(dp) :: temp_store real(dp) :: temp_stem real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: wfl ! weight fraction by layer used to distribute root mass into the soil layers real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: za ! soil layer representative depth real(dp) :: bhfwsf_adj ! water stress factor adjusted by biomass adjustment factor real(dp) :: adjleaf2stor ! adjusted value of leaf biomass diversion to root/crown storage. real(dp) :: adjstem2stor ! adjusted value of stem biomass diversion to root/crown storage. real(dp) :: adjstor2stor ! adjusted value of storage biomass diversion to root/crown storage. ! Adjusted based on: plants freeze hardening index, fullness of storage root reservoir real(dp) :: tempdstm ! number of stem possible from root stores real(dp) :: temptotshoot ! amount of storage required from each stem real(dp) :: froz_mass ! mass of living tissue that died today real(dp) :: live_leaf real(dp) :: dead_leaf ! mass in kg/m^2 real(dp) :: strs ! stress mass reduction factor integer :: alloc_stat, sum_stat ! + + + LOCAL PARAMETERS + + + integer(int32), parameter :: shoot_flg = 1 ! used to control the behavior of the shootnum subroutine ! + + + END OF SPECIFICATIONS + + + bnslay = size(soil%aszlyd) !!!!! START SINGLE PLANT CALCULATIONS !!!!! ! calculate single plant effective lai (standing living leaves only) clfwt = plant%mass%standleaf / plant%geometry%dpop ! kg/m^2 / plants/m^2 = kg/plant clfarea = clfwt * plant%database%sla * plant%growth%fliveleaf ! kg/plant * m^2/kg = m^2/plant ! limiting plant area to a feasible plant area results in a ! leaf area index covering the "plant's area" ! 1/(#/m^2) = m^2/plant. Plant diameter now used to limit leaf ! coverage to present plant diameter. ! find present plant diameter (proportional to diam/height ratio) !pdiam = min( 2.0*plant%geometry%zht * max(1.0, plant%database%diammax/plant%database%zmxc), plant%database%diammax ) ! This expression above may not give correct effect since it is ! difficult to correctly model plant area expansion without additional ! plant parameters and process description. Presently using leaf area ! over total plant maximum area before trying this effect. Reducing ! effective plant area can only reduce early season growth. pdiam = plant%database%diammax ! account for row spacing effects if( plant%geometry%xrow .gt. 0.0_dp ) then ! use row spacing and plants maximum reach parea = min(plant%geometry%xrow,pdiam) * min(1.0_dp/(plant%geometry%dpop*plant%geometry%xrow),pdiam) else ! this is broadcast, so use uniform spacing parea = min( u_pi * pdiam * pdiam /4.0_dp, 1.0_dp/plant%geometry%dpop ) end if ! check for valid plant area if( parea .gt. 0.0_dp ) then eff_lai = clfarea / parea else eff_lai = 1.0_dp end if !traditional lai calculation for reporting puposes trad_lai = clfarea * plant%geometry%dpop ! Start biomass calculations ! eirr is total shortwave radiation and a factor of .5 is assumed ! to get to the photosynthetically active radiation par=0.5_dp*eirr ! MJ/m^2 ! C-4 ! calculate intercepted PAR, which is the good stuff less what hits the ground apar=par*(1.0_dp-exp(-plant%database%ck*eff_lai)) ! C-4 ! calculate potential biomass conversion (kg/plant/day) using ! biomass conversion efficiency at ambient co2 levels ! units: ((m^2)/plant)*(kg/ha)/(MJ/m^2) * (MJ/m^2) / 10000 m^2/ha = kg/plant pddm = parea * plant%database%bceff * apar / u_hatom2 ! C-4 ! biomass adjustment factor applied ! apply to both biomass conversion efficiency and water stress factor, see below pddm = pddm * plant%database%baf ! These were attempts at compensating for low yield as a result of ! water stress. (ie. this is the cause of unrealistically low yield) ! These methods had many side effects and were abandoned ! if( plant%database%baf .gt. 1.0 ) then ! first attempt. Reduces water stress in the middle stress region ! bhfwsf_adj = plant%growth%fwsf ** (1.0/(plant%database%baf*plant%database%baf)) ! second attempt. Reduces extreme water stress (zero values). ! bhfwsf_adj = min( 1.0, max( plant%growth%fwsf, plant%database%baf-1.0 ) ) ! else ! bhfwsf_adj = plant%growth%fwsf ! end if bhfwsf_adj = max( water_stress_max, plant%growth%fwsf ) !bhfwsf_adj = 1 !no water stress ! select application of stress functions based on command line flag if( growth_stress .eq. 0 ) then strs = 1.0_dp else if( growth_stress .eq. 1 ) then strs = bhfwsf_adj else if( growth_stress .eq. 2 ) then strs = ts else if( growth_stress .eq. 3 ) then strs = min(ts,bhfwsf_adj) end if ! until shoot breaks surface, no solar driven growth ! call it lack of light stress if( plant%geometry%zht .le. 0.0_dp ) then strs = 0.0_dp end if ! left here to show some past incantations of stress factors ! strs=min(sn,sp,ts,plant%growth%fwsf) ! if ( strs=strs**2 ! if ( strs=sqrt(strs) ! apply stress factor to generated biomass ddm = pddm * strs ! end Stress factor section ! convert from mass per plant to mass per square meter ! + kg/plant * plant/m^2 = kg/m^2 ddm = ddm * plant%geometry%dpop !!!!! END SINGLE PLANT CALCULATIONS !!!!! drfwt = ddm * p_rw ddm_rem = ddm - drfwt ! calculate assimate mass increments (kg/m^2) dlfwt = ddm_rem * p_lf dstwt = ddm_rem * p_st drpwt = ddm_rem * p_rp ! when a plant has freeze hardened halfway into stage 1, divert any growth to storage if( plant%growth%thardnx .gt. 0.0_dp ) then if( plant%growth%thardnx .lt. 0.5_dp ) then adjleaf2stor=plant%database%fleaf2stor+(1.0_dp-plant%database%fleaf2stor)*(plant%growth%thardnx)*2.0_dp adjstem2stor=plant%database%fstem2stor+(1.0_dp-plant%database%fstem2stor)*(plant%growth%thardnx)*2.0_dp adjstor2stor=plant%database%fstor2stor+(1.0_dp-plant%database%fstor2stor)*(plant%growth%thardnx)*2.0_dp else adjleaf2stor = 1.0_dp adjstem2stor = 1.0_dp adjstor2stor = 1.0_dp end if else adjleaf2stor = plant%database%fleaf2stor adjstem2stor = plant%database%fstem2stor adjstor2stor = plant%database%fstor2stor end if ! check for full regrowth reserve on all but tuber crops if( plant%database%idc .ne. 7 ) then ! check for regrowth shoot number possible from root store call shootnum(shoot_flg, bnslay, plant%database%idc, dble(plant%geometry%dpop), dble(plant%database%shoot), & dble(plant%database%dmaxshoot), temptotshoot, dble(plant%mass%rootstorez), tempdstm ) ! compare to maximum shoot number if( tempdstm .ge. 5.0_dp * plant%database%dmaxshoot * plant%geometry%dpop ) then ! one of these must be non-zero or regrowth will never occur adjleaf2stor = 0.0_dp adjstem2stor = 0.0_dp adjstor2stor = 0.0000001_dp end if end if ! use ratios to divert biomass to root storage drswt = dlfwt * adjleaf2stor + dstwt * adjstem2stor & + drpwt * adjstor2stor dlfwt = dlfwt * (1.0_dp-adjleaf2stor) dstwt = dstwt * (1.0_dp-adjstem2stor) drpwt = drpwt * (1.0_dp-adjstor2stor) ! senescence is done on a whole plant mass basis not incremental mass ! loss from weathering of leaf mass added to mass lost to freeze damage lost_mass = lost_mass + plant%mass%standleaf * (1.0_dp - ffw) ! adjust for senescence (done here, not below, so consistent with lost mass amount) plant%mass%standleaf = plant%mass%standleaf * ffw ! change in living mass fraction due scenescence ! and accounting for weathering mass loss of dead leaf plant%growth%fliveleaf = ffa * plant%growth%fliveleaf / (1.0_dp + plant%growth%fliveleaf * (ffw - 1.0_dp)) ! yield residue relationship adjustment if( (cook_yield .eq. 1) & .and. (plant%database%yld_coef .gt. 1.0_dp) .and. (plant%database%resid_int .ge. 0.0_dp) & .and. ( (plant%geometry%hyfg .eq. 0).or.(plant%geometry%hyfg .eq. 1).or.(plant%geometry%hyfg .eq. 5) ) ) then call cookyield(plant%geometry%hyfg, bnslay, dlfwt, dstwt, drpwt, drswt, & dble(plant%mass%standstem), dble(plant%mass%standleaf), dble(plant%mass%standstore), & dble(plant%mass%flatstem), dble(plant%mass%flatleaf), dble(plant%mass%flatstore), & dble(plant%mass%rootstorez), lost_mass, & dble(plant%database%yld_coef), dble(plant%database%resid_int), dble(plant%database%grf) ) end if ! calculate stress adjusted height dht = pdht * strs ! add mass increment to accumulated biomass (kg/m^2) ! all leaf mass added to living leaf in standing pool if( dlfwt .gt. 0.0_dp ) then ! recalculate fraction of leaf which is living plant%growth%fliveleaf = (plant%growth%fliveleaf*plant%mass%standleaf + dlfwt) & / (plant%mass%standleaf + dlfwt) ! next add in the additional mass plant%mass%standleaf = plant%mass%standleaf + dlfwt end if ! divide between standing and flat stem and storage in proportion ! to maximum height and maximum radius ratio stem_propor = min(1.0_dp, 2.0_dp * plant%database%zmxc / plant%database%diammax) dstandstem = dstwt * stem_propor plant%mass%standstem = plant%mass%standstem + dstandstem plant%mass%flatstem = plant%mass%flatstem + dstwt * (1.0_dp - stem_propor) ! for all but below ground place rp portion in standing storage plant%mass%standstore = plant%mass%standstore + drpwt * stem_propor plant%mass%flatstore = plant%mass%flatstore + drpwt * (1.0_dp-stem_propor) ! check for consistency of height, diameter and stem area index. ! adjust rate of height increase to keep diameter inside a range. call ht_dia_sai( dble(plant%geometry%dpop), dble(plant%mass%standstem), dstandstem, & dble(plant%database%ssa), dble(plant%database%ssb), dble(plant%geometry%dstm), & dble(plant%geometry%zht), dht, temp_stmrep, temp_sai ) ! increment plant height plant%geometry%zht = min( plant%database%zmxc, plant%geometry%zht + dht) ! root mass distributed by layer below after root depth set ! calculate rooting depth (eq. 2.203) and check that it is not deeper ! than the maximum potential depth, and the depth of the root zone. plant%geometry%zrtd = min(plant%database%zmrt, plant%geometry%zrtd + pdrd) plant%geometry%zrtd = min(soil%aszlyd(bnslay)*u_mmtom, plant%geometry%zrtd) sum_stat = 0 allocate( wfl(bnslay), stat=alloc_stat ) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat allocate( za(bnslay), stat=alloc_stat ) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'Memory allocation failed in growth.' end if ! determine bottom layer # where there are roots ! and calculate root distribution function ! the root distribution functions were taken from agron. monog. 31, equ. 26 ! on page 99. wcg should be a crop parameter. (impact is probably small ! since this is only affecting mass distribution, not water uptake) ! wcg = 1.0 for sunflowers (deep uniform root distribution) ! wcg = 2.0 for corn and soybeans ! wcg = 3.0 for sorghum (alot of roots close to the surface) ! wmaxd could also be a parameter but there is insufficient info ! to indicate how the values would vary the shape of the distribution. ! The article indicates that it must be greater than maximum root depth. wcg = 2.0_dp wmaxd = max(3.0_dp,plant%database%zmrt) do i = 1,bnslay if (i.eq.1) then ! calculate depth to the middle of a layer za(i) = (soil%aszlyd(i)/2.0_dp) * u_mmtom ! calculate root distribution function if( za(i) .lt. wmaxd ) then wfl(i) = (1.0_dp-za(i)/wmaxd)**wcg else wfl(i) = 0.0_dp end if wfstore = wfl(i) irstore = i wffiber = wfl(i) irfiber = i else ! calculate depth to the middle of a layer za(i) = (soil%aszlyd(i-1)+(soil%aszlyd(i)-soil%aszlyd(i-1))/2.0_dp) * u_mmtom ! calculate root distribution function if( za(i) .lt. wmaxd ) then wfl(i) = (1.0_dp-za(i)/wmaxd)**wcg else wfl(i) = 0.0_dp end if if( plant%geometry%zrtd/3.0_dp .gt. za(i)) then wfstore = wfstore + wfl(i) irstore = i end if ! check if reached bottom of root zone if (plant%geometry%zrtd .gt. za(i)) then wffiber = wffiber + wfl(i) irfiber = i end if end if end do ! distribute root weight into each layer do i = 1,irfiber if ( i.le.irstore ) then plant%mass%rootstorez(i) = plant%mass%rootstorez(i)+(drswt*wfl(i)/wfstore) end if plant%mass%rootfiberz(i) = plant%mass%rootfiberz(i) + (drfwt * wfl(i)/wffiber) ! root senescence : 02/16/2000 (A. Retta) plant%mass%rootfiberz(i) = plant%mass%rootfiberz(i) * ffr end do sum_stat = 0 deallocate( wfl, stat=alloc_stat ) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat deallocate( za, stat=alloc_stat ) sum_stat = sum_stat + alloc_stat if( sum_stat .gt. 0 ) then write(*,*) 'Memory deallocation failed in growth.' end if if (plant%geometry%hyfg.eq.1) then plant%geometry%grainf = plant%database%grf * gif else plant%geometry%grainf = plant%database%grf endif return end subroutine growth subroutine cookyield(bchyfg, bnslay, dlfwt, dstwt, drpwt, drswt, & bcmstandstem, bcmstandleaf, bcmstandstore, & bcmflatstem, bcmflatleaf, bcmflatstore, & bcmrootstorez, lost_mass, & bcyld_coef, bcresid_int, bcgrf ) ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! adjust incremental biomass allocation to leaf stem and reproductive ! pools to match the input residue yield ratio and intercept value, ! if running the model in that mode ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer(int32), intent(in) :: bchyfg ! flag indicating the part of plant to which to apply the "grain fraction", ! GRF, when removing that plant part for yield ! 0 GRF applied to above ground storage (seeds, reproductive) ! 1 GRF times growth stage factor (see growth.for) applied to ! above ground storage (seeds, reproductive) ! 2 GRF applied to all aboveground biomass (forage) ! 3 GRF applied to leaf mass (tobacco) ! 4 GRF applied to stem mass (sugarcane) ! 5 GRF applied to below ground storage mass (potatoes, peanuts) integer(int32), intent(in) :: bnslay ! number of soil layers real(dp), intent(inout) :: dlfwt ! increment in leaf dry weight (kg/m^2) real(dp), intent(inout) :: dstwt ! increment in dry weight of stem (kg/m^2) real(dp), intent(inout) :: drpwt ! increment in reproductive mass (kg/m^2) real(dp), intent(inout) :: drswt ! biomass diverted from partitioning to root storage real(dp), intent(in) :: bcmstandstem ! crop standing stem mass (kg/m^2) real(dp), intent(in) :: bcmstandleaf ! crop standing leaf mass (kg/m^2) real(dp), intent(in) :: bcmstandstore ! crop standing storage mass (kg/m^2) ! (head with seed, or vegetative head (cabbage, pineapple)) real(dp), intent(in) :: bcmflatstem ! crop flat stem mass (kg/m^2) real(dp), intent(in) :: bcmflatleaf ! crop flat leaf mass (kg/m^2) real(dp), intent(in) :: bcmflatstore ! crop flat storage mass (kg/m^2) real(dp), intent(in) :: bcmrootstorez(*) ! crop root storage mass by soil layer (kg/m^2) ! (tubers (potatoes, carrots), extended leaf (onion), seeds (peanuts)) real(dp), intent(in) :: lost_mass ! biomass that decayed (disappeared) real(dp), intent(in) :: bcyld_coef ! yield coefficient (kg/kg) real(dp), intent(in) :: bcresid_int ! residue intercept (kg/m^2) ! harvest_residue = bcyld_coef(kg/kg) * Yield + bcresid_int (kg/m^2) real(dp), intent(in) :: bcgrf ! fraction of reproductive biomass that is yield ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer(int32) :: idx ! array index used in loops real(dp) :: ddm_res_yld ! increment in aboveground dry matter (kg/m^2) real(dp) :: temp_tot ! temporary total biomass real(dp) :: store_mass ! intermediate storage mass value real(dp) :: ddm_adj ! adjusted increment in aboveground dry matter (kg/m^2) ! + + + END OF SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! bchyfg = 0 - GRF times reproductive mass ! bchyfg = 1 - GRF calculated in growth.FOR times reproductive mass (grain) ! bchyfg = 5 - GRF times below ground storage mass ! method based on yield residue relationship ! sum yield mass increments select case (bchyfg) case (0,1) ! 0 - GRF times reproductive mass ! 1 - GRF calculated in growth.FOR times reproductive mass (grain) ! change in residue + yield biomass ! (new mass (abovegound + yield) - lost scenesced mass) ddm_res_yld = dlfwt + dstwt + drpwt - lost_mass case (5) ! 5 - GRF times below ground storage mass ! change in residue + yield biomass ! (new mass (abovegound + yield) - lost scenesced mass) ddm_res_yld = dlfwt + dstwt + drpwt + drswt - lost_mass case default ! no adjustment ! variable must be initialized ddm_res_yld = 0.0_dp end select ! find yield storage mass increment based on yield residue relationship ! sum present yield + residue biomass temp_tot = 0.0_dp if ( bchyfg .eq. 5) then ! 5 - GRF times below ground storage mass do idx = 1, bnslay temp_tot = temp_tot + bcmrootstorez(idx) end do end if ! add lost mass here to allow removing if mass was above threshold temp_tot = temp_tot + lost_mass & + bcmstandstem + bcmstandleaf + bcmstandstore & + bcmflatstem + bcmflatleaf + bcmflatstore if( temp_tot + ddm_res_yld .le. bcresid_int ) then store_mass = 0.0_dp else if( temp_tot .le. bcresid_int ) then store_mass = (ddm_res_yld - (bcresid_int-temp_tot)) & / bcyld_coef / bcgrf else store_mass = ddm_res_yld / bcyld_coef / bcgrf end if select case (bchyfg) case (0,1) ! 0 - GRF times reproductive mass ! 1 - GRF calculated in growth.FOR times reproductive mass (grain) ! (new mass (abovegound + yield) - lost scenesced mass) ddm_adj = dlfwt + dstwt + drpwt ! set reproductive mass increment drpwt = store_mass ! find remainder of mass increment ddm_adj = ddm_adj - drpwt ! distribute remainder of mass increment between stem and leaf ! leaf increment gets priority if( ddm_adj .gt. dlfwt ) then ! set stem increment dstwt = ddm_adj - dlfwt else ! not enough for both, leaf increment reduced dstwt = 0.0_dp dlfwt = ddm_adj end if case (5) ! 5 - GRF times below ground storage mass ddm_adj = dlfwt + dstwt + drpwt + drswt ! set reproductive mass increment drswt = store_mass ! find remainder of mass increment ddm_adj = ddm_adj - drswt ! distribute remainder of mass increment between stem and leaf ! leaf increment, then reproductive gets priority if( ddm_adj .gt. dlfwt + drpwt ) then ! set stem increment dstwt = ddm_adj - dlfwt - drpwt else if( ddm_adj .gt. dlfwt ) then ! set stem increment dstwt = 0.0_dp ! set reproductive increment drpwt = ddm_adj - dlfwt else ! not enough for both, leaf increment reduced dstwt = 0.0_dp drpwt = 0.0_dp dlfwt = ddm_adj end if case default ! no adjustment end select return end subroutine cookyield subroutine ht_dia_sai( bcdpop, bcmstandstem, dmstandstem, & bc0ssa, bc0ssb, bcdstm, & bczht, dht, bcxstmrep, bcrsai ) ! this routine checks for consistency between plant height and biomass ! accumulation, using half and double the stem diameter (previously unused) ! as check points. The representative stem diameter is set to show where ! within the range the actual stem diameter is. ! + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real(dp), intent(in) :: bcdpop, bcmstandstem, dmstandstem real(dp), intent(in) :: bc0ssa, bc0ssb real(dp), intent(in) :: bcdstm, bczht real(dp), intent(inout) :: dht real(dp), intent(out) :: bcxstmrep, bcrsai ! + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + ! bcdpop - Crop seeding density (#/m^2) ! bcmstandstem - crop standing stem mass (kg/m^2) ! dmstandstem - daily crop standing stem mass increment (kg/m^2) ! bc0ssa - stem area to mass coefficient a, result is m^2 per plant ! bc0ssb - stem area to mass coefficient b, argument is kg per plant ! bcdstm - Number of crop stems per unit area (#/m^2) ! bczht - Crop height (m) ! dht - daily height increment (m) ! bcxstmrep - a representative diameter so that acdstm*acxstmrep*aczht=acrsai ! bcrsai - Crop stem area index (m^2/m^2) ! + + + END OF SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! calculate crop stem area index ! when exponent is not 1, must use mass for single plant stem to get stem area ! bcmstandstem, convert (kg/m^2) / (plants/m^2) = kg/plant ! result of ((m^2 of stem)/plant) * (# plants/m^2 ground area) = (m^2 of stem)/(m^2 ground area) if( bcdpop .gt. 0.0_dp ) then bcrsai = bcdpop * bc0ssa * (bcmstandstem/bcdpop)**bc0ssb else bcrsai = 0.0_dp end if ! if( dmstandstem .le. 0.0_dp ) then ! ! stem mass is not increasing, therefore height is not increasing. ! dht = 0.0_dp ! end if ! (m^2 stem / m^2 ground) / ((stems/m^2 ground) * m) = m/stem ! this value not reset unless it is meaningful if( (bcdstm * (bczht + dht)) .gt. 0.0_dp ) then bcxstmrep = bcrsai / (bcdstm * (bczht + dht)) else bcxstmrep = 0.0_dp end if return end subroutine ht_dia_sai end module WEPSCrop_mod