!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ module crop_climate_mod use climate_input_mod, only: cli_today interface huc1 module procedure huc1_today module procedure huc1_temps end interface huc1 interface heatunit module procedure heatunit_today module procedure heatunit_temps end interface heatunit interface warmday_cum module procedure warmday_cum_today module procedure warmday_cum_temps end interface warmday_cum interface coldunit module procedure coldunit_today module procedure coldunit_temps end interface coldunit interface coldday_cum module procedure coldday_cum_today module procedure coldday_cum_temps end interface coldday_cum interface temp_stress module procedure temp_stress_today module procedure temp_stress_soil module procedure temp_stress_temps end interface temp_stress interface freezeharden module procedure freezeharden_today module procedure freezeharden_temps end interface freezeharden interface chillunit_cum module procedure chillunit_cum_today module procedure chillunit_cum_temps end interface chillunit_cum contains ! Calculate single day heat units for given temperatures function huc1_today( bctmax, bctmin ) result(huc1) real, intent(in) :: bctmax ! max or optimum crop growth temperature real, intent(in) :: bctmin ! minimum crop growth temperature double precision:: huc1 huc1 = heatunit(bctmin) - heatunit(bctmax) if (huc1.lt.0.) huc1=0. return end function huc1_today ! Calculate single day heat units for given temperatures function huc1_temps( bwtdmx, bwtdmn, bctmax, bctmin ) result(huc1) real, intent(in) :: bwtdmx ! daily maximum air temperature real, intent(in) :: bwtdmn ! daily minimum air temperature real, intent(in) :: bctmax ! max or optimum crop growth temperature real, intent(in) :: bctmin ! minimum crop growth temperature double precision :: huc1 huc1 = heatunit(bwtdmx, bwtdmn, bctmin) & & - heatunit(bwtdmx, bwtdmn, bctmax) if (huc1.lt.0.) huc1=0. return end function huc1_temps ! calculates the amount of heat units in degree-days above a ! threshold temperature assuming a fully sinusoidal daily ! temperature cycle with maximum and minimum 12 hours apart. function heatunit_today( thres ) result(heat_unit) real, intent(in) :: thres ! threshold temperature (such as minimum temperature for growth) double precision :: heat_unit heat_unit = heatunit( cli_today%tdmx, cli_today%tdmn, thres ) return end function heatunit_today ! calculates the amount of heat units in degree-days above a ! threshold temperature assuming a fully sinusoidal daily ! temperature cycle with maximum and minimum 12 hours apart. function heatunit_temps( tmax, tmin, thres ) result(heat_unit) use p1unconv_mod, only: pi use constants, only: u_pi real, intent(in) :: tmax ! maximum daily air temperature real, intent(in) :: tmin ! minimum daily air temperature real, intent(in) :: thres ! threshold temperature (such as minimum temperature for growth) double precision :: heat_unit ! local variables double precision :: tmean ! arithmetic average of tmax and tmin double precision :: delta ! difference between daily maximum and minimum temperature double precision :: theta ! point where threshold and air temperature are equal, defines integration limits if (thres .ge. tmax) then heat_unit = 0.0 else if ((thres .le. tmin) .or. (tmax .le. tmin)) then tmean = (dble(tmax) + dble(tmin)) / 2.0 heat_unit = tmean - dble(thres) else tmean = (dble(tmax) + dble(tmin)) / 2.0 delta = (dble(tmax) - dble(tmin)) / 2.0 theta = asin( (dble(thres) - tmean) / delta ) heat_unit = ( (tmean - dble(thres)) * (u_pi/2.0 - theta) + delta * cos(theta) ) / u_pi end if return end function heatunit_temps ! calculates the cumulative number of days the daily average temperature ! is above a threshold temperature. subroutine warmday_cum_today( bctwarmdays, thres ) real, intent(inout) :: bctwarmdays ! total number of consequtive days temperature is above threshold real, intent(in) :: thres ! threshold temperature (such as minimum temperature for growth) call warmday_cum_temps( bctwarmdays, thres, cli_today%tdmx, cli_today%tdmn ) return end subroutine warmday_cum_today ! calculates the cumulative number of days the daily average temperature ! is above a threshold temperature. subroutine warmday_cum_temps( bctwarmdays, thres, tmax, tmin ) real, intent(inout) :: bctwarmdays ! total number of consequtive days tempeature is above threshold real, intent(in) :: thres ! threshold temperature (such as minimum temperature for growth) real, intent(in) :: tmax ! maximum daily air temperature real, intent(in) :: tmin ! minimum daily air temperature ! local variables real :: tmean ! arithmetic average of tmax and tmin tmean = (tmax + tmin) / 2.0 if (tmean .gt. thres) then ! this is a warm day bctwarmdays = bctwarmdays + 1 else ! reduce warm day total, but do not zero, for proper fall regrow of perennials bctwarmdays = bctwarmdays / 2 end if return end subroutine warmday_cum_temps ! calculates the amount of cold units in degree-days below a ! threshold temperature assuming a fully sinusoidal daily ! temperature cycle with maximum and minimum 12 hours apart. function coldunit_today( thres ) result(cold_unit) real, intent(in) :: thres ! threshold temperature (such as minimum temperature for growth) real :: cold_unit cold_unit = coldunit( cli_today%tdmx, cli_today%tdmn, thres ) return end function coldunit_today ! calculates the amount of cold units in degree-days below a ! threshold temperature assuming a fully sinusoidal daily ! temperature cycle with maximum and minimum 12 hours apart. function coldunit_temps( tmax, tmin, thres ) result(cold_unit) use p1unconv_mod, only: pi real, intent(in) :: tmax ! maximum daily air temperature real, intent(in) :: tmin ! minimum daily air temperature real, intent(in) :: thres ! threshold temperature (such as minimum temperature for growth) real :: cold_unit ! local variables real :: tmean ! arithmetic average of tmax and tmin real :: delta ! difference between daily maximum and minimum temperature real :: theta ! point where threshold and air temperature are equal, defines integration limits if (thres .le. tmin) then cold_unit = 0.0 else if ((thres .ge. tmax) .or. (tmax .le. tmin)) then tmean = (tmax + tmin) / 2.0 cold_unit = thres - tmean else tmean = (tmax + tmin) / 2.0 delta = (tmax - tmin) / 2.0 theta = asin( (tmean - thres) / delta ) cold_unit = ( (thres - tmean) * (pi/2.0 - theta) + delta * cos(theta) ) / pi end if return end function coldunit_temps ! calculates the cumulative number of days the daily average temperature ! is below a threshold temperature. subroutine coldday_cum_today( colddays, thres ) real, intent(inout) :: colddays ! total number of consequtive days tempeature is below threshold real, intent(in) :: thres ! threshold temperature (such as minimum temperature for growth) call coldday_cum( colddays, thres, cli_today%tdmx, cli_today%tdmn ) return end subroutine coldday_cum_today ! calculates the cumulative number of days the daily average temperature ! is below a threshold temperature. subroutine coldday_cum_temps( colddays, thres, tmax, tmin ) real, intent(inout) :: colddays ! total number of consequtive days tempeature is below threshold real, intent(in) :: thres ! threshold temperature (such as minimum temperature for growth) real, intent(in) :: tmax ! maximum daily air temperature real, intent(in) :: tmin ! minimum daily air temperature ! local variables real :: tmean ! arithmetic average of tmax and tmin tmean = (tmax + tmin) / 2.0 if (tmean .le. thres) then ! this is a cold day colddays = colddays + 1 else ! reduce cold day total, but do not zero colddays = colddays / 2 end if return end subroutine coldday_cum_temps ! To calculate the temperature stress factor ! This algorithms was taken from the EPIC subroutine cgrow. function temp_stress_today( bctopt, bctmin ) result(temps) real, intent(in) :: bctopt ! optimum crop growth temperature real, intent(in) :: bctmin ! minimum crop growth temperature double precision :: temps ! call with today's temperatures temps = temp_stress(cli_today%tdmx, cli_today%tdmn, bctopt, bctmin ) return end function temp_stress_today ! To calculate the temperature stress factor ! This algorithms was taken from the EPIC subroutine cgrow. function temp_stress_soil( dst0, bctopt, bctmin ) result(temps) double precision, intent(in) :: dst0 ! average soil temperature real, intent(in) :: bctopt ! optimum crop growth temperature real, intent(in) :: bctmin ! minimum crop growth temperature double precision :: temps ! local variables double precision :: tgx ! difference between the soil surface temperature and the minimum temperature for plant growth double precision :: x1 ! difference between the optimum and minimum temperatures for plant growth double precision :: rto ! interim variable ! calculate temperature stress factor tgx=dst0-dble(bctmin) if (tgx .le. 0.0d0) tgx = 0.0d0 x1 = dble(bctopt) - dble(bctmin) rto = tgx / x1 temps = sin(1.5707d0*rto) if (rto .gt. 2.0d0) temps = 0.0d0 ! this reduces temperature stress around the optimum temps = temps**0.25d0 return end function temp_stress_soil ! To calculate the temperature stress factor ! This algorithms was taken from the EPIC subroutine cgrow. function temp_stress_temps( bwtdmx, bwtdmn, bctopt, bctmin ) result(temps) real, intent(in) :: bwtdmx ! daily maximum air temperature real, intent(in) :: bwtdmn ! daily minimum air temperature real, intent(in) :: bctopt ! optimum crop growth temperature real, intent(in) :: bctmin ! minimum crop growth temperature double precision :: temps ! local variables double precision :: dst0 ! estimated temperature from daily max and min temperatures ! call with today's temperatures dst0 = (dble(bwtdmx) + dble(bwtdmn)) / 2.0d0 temps = temp_stress(dst0, bctopt, bctmin ) return end function temp_stress_temps ! calculates the freeze hardening index for the day. The input value ! is modified to reflect the effect of temperature on either increasing ! or decreasing the index. Stage 1 hardening occurs when the plant ! experiences cool temperatures from -1 to 8 degrees C. Stage 2 hardening ! occurs only after stage 1 is complete and temperatures fall below ! freezing. ! method taken from: Ritchie, J.T. 1991. Wheat Phasic development in: ! Hanks, J. and Ritchie, J.T. eds. Modeling plant and soil systems. ! Agronomy Monograph 31, pages 40-42, 52 subroutine freezeharden_today( bcthardnx ) double precision, intent(inout) :: bcthardnx ! hardening index for winter annuals (range from 0 t0 2) ! note: input crown temperature rather than air temperature for best results ! call with today temperatures call freezeharden_temps( bcthardnx, dble(cli_today%tdmx), dble(cli_today%tdmn)) return end subroutine freezeharden_today ! calculates the freeze hardening index for the day. The input value ! is modified to reflect the effect of temperature on either increasing ! or decreasing the index. Stage 1 hardening occurs when the plant ! experiences cool temperatures from -1 to 8 degrees C. Stage 2 hardening ! occurs only after stage 1 is complete and temperatures fall below ! freezing. ! method taken from: Ritchie, J.T. 1991. Wheat Phasic development in: ! Hanks, J. and Ritchie, J.T. eds. Modeling plant and soil systems. ! Agronomy Monograph 31, pages 40-42, 52 subroutine freezeharden_temps( bcthardnx, day_max_temp, day_min_temp ) double precision, intent(inout) :: bcthardnx ! hardening index for winter annuals (range from 0 t0 2) double precision, intent(in) :: day_max_temp ! daily maximum temperature (deg.C) double precision, intent(in) :: day_min_temp ! daily minimum temperature (deg.C) ! note: input crown temperature rather than air temperature for best results ! local variables double precision :: tavg ! daily everage temperature (deg.C) double precision :: hinc ! daily hardening increment ! parameters double precision, parameter :: t1min = -1.0d0 ! minimum temperature in stage 1 index calculation(deg.C) double precision, parameter :: t1opt = 3.5d0 ! optimum temperature in stage 1 index calculation(deg.C) double precision, parameter :: t1max = 8.0d0 ! maximum temperature in stage 1 index calculation(deg.C) double precision, parameter :: t2max = 0.0d0 ! maximum temperature in stage 2 index calculation(deg.C) double precision, parameter :: tbase = 0.0d0 ! base temperature for hardening effects(deg.C) (like base growth temperature) double precision, parameter :: tdeh = 10.0d0 ! temperature above which dehardening can occur (deg.C) double precision, parameter :: hs1 = 1.0d0 ! index value at completion of stage 1 hardening double precision, parameter :: hs2 = 2.0d0 ! index value at completion of stage 2 hardening double precision, parameter :: deht = 0.02d0 ! index reduction multiplier for dehardening temperature excess double precision, parameter :: hardinc1 = 0.1d0 ! stage 1 hardening index increment double precision, parameter :: hardinc2 = 0.083d0 ! stage 2 hardening index increment ! find average temperature tavg = 0.5 * (day_max_temp + day_min_temp) if( bcthardnx .ge. hs1 ) then ! stage 1 complete, into stage 2 if( tavg .le. tbase + t2max ) then ! add stage 2 amount to index bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hardinc2 end if if( day_max_temp .ge. tbase + tdeh ) then ! stage 2 dehardening hinc = deht * (tbase + tdeh - day_max_temp) bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hinc if( bcthardnx .ge. hs1 ) then ! still in stage 2, take off some more bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hinc end if end if bcthardnx = max( bcthardnx, 0.0d0) bcthardnx = min( bcthardnx, hs2) else if( tavg .ge. tbase + t1min) then ! stage 1 hardening if( tavg .le. tbase + t1max ) then ! add stage 1 amount to index, minus deduction for being on either side of optimum bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hardinc1 & & - ((tavg - (tbase + t1opt))**2d0)/506.0d0 if( bcthardnx .ge. hs1 ) then ! stage 1 complete, into stage 2 if( tavg .le. tbase + t2max ) then ! add stage 2 amount to index bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hardinc2 end if end if end if if( day_max_temp .ge. tbase + tdeh ) then ! stage 1 dehardening hinc = deht * (tbase + tdeh - day_max_temp) bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hinc if( bcthardnx .ge. hs1 ) then ! really in stage 2, take off some more bcthardnx = bcthardnx + hinc end if end if bcthardnx = max( bcthardnx, 0.0d0) bcthardnx = min( bcthardnx, hs2) end if return end subroutine freezeharden_temps ! calculates the vernalization effectiveness of a day. For fully ! effective tmeperatures, a full day is returned. for temperatures ! that are less than fully effective, a partial day or zero is ! returned. If temperatures are above the upper temperature ! threshold and insufficient chill days are accumulated, devernalization ! occurs. ! method taken from: Ritchie, J.T. 1991. Wheat Phasic development in: ! Hanks, J. and Ritchie, J.T. eds. Modeling plant and soil systems. ! Agronomy Monograph 31, pages 34-36. subroutine chillunit_cum_today( bctchillucum ) double precision, intent(inout) :: bctchillucum ! accumulated chilling units (days) call chillunit_cum( bctchillucum, cli_today%tdmx, cli_today%tdmn ) return end subroutine chillunit_cum_today subroutine chillunit_cum_temps( bctchillucum, day_max_temp, day_min_temp ) double precision, intent(inout) :: bctchillucum ! accumulated chilling units (days) real, intent(in) :: day_max_temp ! daily maximum temperature (deg.C) real, intent(in) :: day_min_temp ! daily minimum temperature (deg.C) ! local variables double precision :: tavg ! daily everage temperature (deg.C) double precision :: relvern ! relative vernalization effectiveness double precision, parameter :: tmin = 0.0d0 ! minimum temperature in vernalization function (deg.C) double precision, parameter :: tmax = 18.0d0 ! maximum temperature in vernalization function (deg.C) double precision, parameter :: topt = 7.0d0 ! optimum temperature in vernalization function (deg.C) double precision, parameter :: tdev = 30.0d0 ! temperature above which devernalization can occur (deg.C) double precision, parameter :: daylim = 10.0d0 ! vernalization days beyond which no devernalization can occur (days) double precision, parameter :: daydev = -0.5d0 ! devernalization days subtracted for each degree C above tdev (days) ! find average temperature tavg = 0.5d0 * (dble(day_max_temp) + dble(day_min_temp)) if( (tavg .ge. tmin) .and. (tavg .le. tmax) ) then if( tavg .le. topt ) then ! full vernalization effectiveness relvern = 1.0d0 else ! reduced vernalization effectiveness relvern = (tmax-tavg)/(tmax-topt) end if else if((day_max_temp.gt.tdev).and.(bctchillucum.lt.daylim)) then ! devernalization relvern = daydev * (day_max_temp - tdev) else relvern = 0.0d0 end if bctchillucum = max( 0.0d0, bctchillucum + relvern ) return end subroutine chillunit_cum_temps end module crop_climate_mod