!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ module read_write_xml_mod implicit none private integer, parameter :: MAX_NAME_LEN = 40 integer :: indent ! indent level of tag being written integer, parameter :: INDENT_SPACES = 2 interface read_param module procedure read_param_real_1 module procedure read_param_real_2 module procedure read_param_int_1 module procedure read_param_int_2 module procedure read_param_int_3 module procedure read_param_delim_int_3 end interface interface w_begin_tag module procedure w_begin_tag_a0 module procedure w_begin_tag_a1 module procedure w_begin_tag_a2 end interface interface w_whole_tag module procedure w_whole_tag_a0_real module procedure w_whole_tag_a0_integer module procedure w_whole_tag_a1 end interface public :: read_param public :: w_begin_tag public :: w_end_tag public :: w_whole_tag contains subroutine read_param_real_1(tag_name, param_string, val) character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag_name character(len=*), intent(in) :: param_string real, intent(out) :: val integer :: read_stat read(param_string,*,iostat=read_stat) val if (read_stat .gt. 0) then write(*,*) 'Error reading ', trim(tag_name), ' Value: ', param_string call exit(1) end if end subroutine read_param_real_1 subroutine read_param_real_2(tag_name, param_string, val_1, val_2) character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag_name character(len=*), intent(in) :: param_string real, intent(out) :: val_1 real, intent(out) :: val_2 integer :: read_stat read(param_string,*,iostat=read_stat) val_1, val_2 if (read_stat .gt. 0) then write(*,*) 'Error reading ', trim(tag_name), ' Value: ', param_string call exit(1) end if end subroutine read_param_real_2 subroutine read_param_int_1(tag_name, param_string, val) character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag_name character(len=*), intent(in) :: param_string integer, intent(out) :: val integer :: read_stat read(param_string,*,iostat=read_stat) val if (read_stat .gt. 0) then write(*,*) 'Error reading ', trim(tag_name), ' Value: ', param_string call exit(1) end if end subroutine read_param_int_1 subroutine read_param_int_2(tag_name, param_string, val_1, val_2) character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag_name character(len=*), intent(in) :: param_string integer, intent(out) :: val_1 integer, intent(out) :: val_2 integer :: read_stat read(param_string,*,iostat=read_stat) val_1, val_2 if (read_stat .gt. 0) then write(*,*) 'Error reading ', trim(tag_name), ' Value: ', param_string call exit(1) end if end subroutine read_param_int_2 subroutine read_param_int_3(tag_name, param_string, val_1, val_2, val_3) character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag_name character(len=*), intent(in) :: param_string integer, intent(out) :: val_1 integer, intent(out) :: val_2 integer, intent(out) :: val_3 integer :: read_stat read(param_string,*,iostat=read_stat) val_1, val_2, val_3 if (read_stat .gt. 0) then write(*,*) 'Error reading ', trim(tag_name), ' Value: ', param_string call exit(1) end if end subroutine read_param_int_3 subroutine read_param_delim_int_3(tag_name, param_string, sepchr, val_1, val_2, val_3) character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag_name character(len=*), intent(in) :: param_string character, intent(in) :: sepchr ! separation character integer, intent(out) :: val_1 integer, intent(out) :: val_2 integer, intent(out) :: val_3 integer :: delim1 ! location of first sepchr in date string integer :: delim2 ! location of second sepchr in date string integer :: sum_stat integer :: read_stat delim1 = index( param_string, sepchr ) delim2 = index( param_string(delim1+1:), sepchr ) + delim1 sum_stat = 0 read(param_string(:delim1-1),*,iostat=read_stat) val_1 sum_stat = sum_stat + read_stat read(param_string(delim1+1:delim2-1),*,iostat=read_stat) val_2 sum_stat = sum_stat + read_stat read(param_string(delim2+1:),*,iostat=read_stat) val_3 sum_stat = sum_stat + read_stat if (sum_stat .gt. 0) then write(*,*) 'Error reading ', trim(tag_name), ' Value: ', param_string call exit(1) end if end subroutine read_param_delim_int_3 subroutine w_spaces( luo_saeinp ) integer, intent(in) :: luo_saeinp ! output unit number integer :: idx do idx = 1, indent write(luo_saeinp,'(a1)',advance='no') ' ' end do end subroutine w_spaces ! write beginning tag with zero attributes subroutine w_begin_tag_a0( luo_saeinp, tag_name ) integer, intent(in) :: luo_saeinp ! output unit number character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag_name call w_spaces( luo_saeinp ) write(luo_saeinp,"(3a)") '<', trim(tag_name), '>' indent = indent + INDENT_SPACES end subroutine w_begin_tag_a0 ! write beginning tag with one attribute subroutine w_begin_tag_a1( luo_saeinp, tag_name, attrib1, attr1_value ) integer, intent(in) :: luo_saeinp ! output unit number character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag_name character(len=*), intent(in) :: attrib1 integer, intent(in) :: attr1_value character(len=MAX_NAME_LEN) :: attr1_str write(attr1_str, '(i0)') attr1_value call w_spaces( luo_saeinp ) write(luo_saeinp,"(7a)") '<', trim(tag_name), & ' ', trim(attrib1), '="', trim(adjustl(attr1_str)), '">' indent = indent + INDENT_SPACES end subroutine w_begin_tag_a1 ! write beginning tag with two attributes subroutine w_begin_tag_a2( luo_saeinp, tag_name, attrib1, attr1_value, attrib2, attr2_value ) integer, intent(in) :: luo_saeinp ! output unit number character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag_name character(len=*), intent(in) :: attrib1 integer, intent(in) :: attr1_value character(len=*), intent(in) :: attrib2 integer, intent(in) :: attr2_value character(len=MAX_NAME_LEN) :: attr1_str character(len=MAX_NAME_LEN) :: attr2_str write(attr1_str, '(i0)') attr1_value write(attr2_str, '(i0)') attr2_value call w_spaces( luo_saeinp ) write(luo_saeinp,"(12a)") '<', trim(tag_name), & ' ', trim(attrib1), '="', trim(adjustl(attr1_str)), '"', & ' ', trim(attrib2), '="', trim(adjustl(attr2_str)), '">' indent = indent + INDENT_SPACES end subroutine w_begin_tag_a2 ! write ending tag subroutine w_end_tag( luo_saeinp, tag_name ) integer, intent(in) :: luo_saeinp ! output unit number character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag_name indent = indent - INDENT_SPACES call w_spaces( luo_saeinp ) write(luo_saeinp,"(3a)") '' end subroutine w_end_tag ! write whole tag with zero attributes and real number value subroutine w_whole_tag_a0_real( luo_saeinp, tag_name, value ) integer, intent(in) :: luo_saeinp ! output unit number character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag_name real, intent(in) :: value character(len=MAX_NAME_LEN) :: real_str write(real_str, '(g39.15)') value call w_spaces( luo_saeinp ) write(luo_saeinp,"(7a)") '<', trim(tag_name), '>', & trim(adjustl(real_str)), & '' end subroutine w_whole_tag_a0_real ! write whole tag with zero attributes and integer number value subroutine w_whole_tag_a0_integer( luo_saeinp, tag_name, value ) integer, intent(in) :: luo_saeinp ! output unit number character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag_name integer, intent(in) :: value character(len=MAX_NAME_LEN) :: integer_str write(integer_str, '(i0)') value call w_spaces( luo_saeinp ) write(luo_saeinp,"(7a)") '<', trim(tag_name), '>', & trim(adjustl(integer_str)), & '' end subroutine w_whole_tag_a0_integer ! write whole tag with one attribute subroutine w_whole_tag_a1( luo_saeinp, tag_name, attrib1, attr1_value, value ) integer, intent(in) :: luo_saeinp ! output unit number character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag_name character(len=*), intent(in) :: attrib1 integer, intent(in) :: attr1_value real, intent(in) :: value character(len=MAX_NAME_LEN) :: attr1_str character(len=MAX_NAME_LEN) :: real_str write(attr1_str, '(i0)') attr1_value write(real_str, '(g39.15)') value call w_spaces( luo_saeinp ) write(luo_saeinp,"(11a)") '<', trim(tag_name), & ' ', trim(attrib1), '="', trim(adjustl(attr1_str)), '">', & trim(adjustl(real_str)), & '' end subroutine w_whole_tag_a1 end module read_write_xml_mod