#VERSION=1.10 #------------ WEPS SIMULATION RUN FILE ------------ # Note: Lines beginning with '#' are comment lines. # Lines beginning with '# RFD' are comments used by the interface. # # --USER INFORMATION # RFD-UserName Excercise 5 # RFD-FarmId RFD-TractId RFD-FieldId RFD-runtypedisp RFD-RotationYears RFD-CycleCount | | | cycle | 1 | 1 # RFD-Site FIPS:US-WA-021 # # --SITE INFORMATION # Signed Latitude +46.53 # Signed Longitude -118.90 # RFD-Elevation(meters) 417.0 # RFD-ClimateFlag|RFD-cligen.station choice|cligen|+46.75;-118.617|45|3546|HATTON 10 E|417.0 # RFD-WindFlag|RFD-windgen.station choice|windgen|+46.267;-119.117|727845|US|WA|PASCO/TRI-CITIES # # --SIMULATION PERIOD # RFD-StartDate(day month year) 01 01 0001 # RFD-EndDate(day month year) 31 12 0140 # RFD-TimeSteps(per day) 24 # --RUN FILE FILENAMES (INPUT) # RFD-climate file ../cli_gen.cli # RFD-wind file ../win_gen.win # RFD-sub-daily file none # --WEPS OUTPUT OPTIONS # RFD-ErosionSubmodelOutput 0 # RFD-OutputFile # null (hasn't been used in years, so eliminate it now) # RFD-ReportForm # 0 0 0 0 0 0 (not used at all, so eliminate it now) # RFD-OutputPeriod #2(not used at all, so eliminate it now) # --SIMULATION REGION INFORMATION # RFD-RegionAngle(degrees clockwise from North) 0.0 # Origin coordinates of simulation region (meters) 0.0 0.0 # RFD-XLength(meters) RFD-YLength(meters) 366 366 # RFD-XGrid(integer) RFD-YGrid(integer) Grid resolution 0 0 # RFD-Scales(place holder line - needed for older versions of WEPS) 5.5 5.5 # # RFD-AccNo 4 # Accounting region coordinates (meters) # number of coordinates 4 # list of coordinates 0.0 0.0 183 0.0 183 183 0.0 183 # Accounting region coordinates (meters) # number of coordinates 4 # list of coordinates 0.0 183 183 183 183 366 0.0 366 # Accounting region coordinates (meters) # number of coordinates 4 # list of coordinates 183 0.0 366 0.0 366 183 183 183 # Accounting region coordinates (meters) # number of coordinates 4 # list of coordinates 183 183 366 183 366 366 183 366 # # number of subregions 4 # RFD-SubregionNo # 3 # RFD-SubmodelOutput 1 1 0 4 3 # RFD-DebugOutput 0 0 0 0 0 # # Subregion region coordinates (meters) # number of coordinates 4 # list of coordinates 0.0 0.0 183 0.0 183 183 0.0 183 # RFD-AverageSlope(ratio m/m) -1 # RFD-SoilRockFragments 0.0 # RFD-SoilFile ../Norfolk_NoA_90_LS.ifc # RFD-ManageFile ../Wheat,winter,after fallow,conv.,CMZ50.man # RFD-WaterErosionLoss 0.0000 # # RFD-SubregionNo # 4 # RFD-SubmodelOutput 1 1 0 4 3 # RFD-DebugOutput 0 0 0 0 0 # # Subregion region coordinates (meters) # number of coordinates 4 # list of coordinates 183 0.0 366 0.0 366 183 183 183 # RFD-AverageSlope(ratio m/m) -1 # RFD-SoilRockFragments 0.0 # RFD-SoilFile ../Anders_1_90_SIL.ifc # RFD-ManageFile ../Canola, fall; Fallow_ Wheat, winter; Fallow; mulch till, Z50.man # RFD-WaterErosionLoss 0.0000 # # RFD-SubregionNo # 1 # RFD-SubmodelOutput 1 1 0 4 3 # RFD-DebugOutput 0 0 0 0 0 # # Subregion polygon coordinates (meters) # number of coordinates 4 # list of coordinates 0.0 183 183 183 183 366 0.0 366 # RFD-AverageSlope(ratio m/m) -1 # RFD-SoilRockFragments 0.0 # RFD-SoilFile ../Anders_1_90_SIL.ifc # RFD-ManageFile ../WA-Potatoes-WntrWheat-Beans,dry-Alfalfa,4yrs-CMZ49.man # RFD-WaterErosionLoss 0.0000 # # RFD-SubregionNo # 2 # RFD-SubmodelOutput 1 1 0 4 3 # RFD-DebugOutput 0 0 0 0 0 # # Subregion polygon coordinates (meters) # number of coordinates 4 # list of coordinates 183 183 366 183 366 366 183 366 # RFD-AverageSlope(ratio m/m) -1 # RFD-SoilRockFragments 0.0 # RFD-SoilFile ../Anders_AKC_45_ST_SIL.ifc # RFD-ManageFile ../Alfalfa, fall seed, 3yr-Potato-WWheat, circle irr CMZ49.man # RFD-WaterErosionLoss 0.0000 # # RFD-BarrierNo 1 # RFD-BarrierS coordinates (meters) | height (meters) | width (meters) | porosity # Note: subregion mod included skipping reading barriers is there are 0. No placeholder necessary. # number of coordinates 2 # first coordinate pair and data 0 366 2 2 0.7 # second coordinate pair and data 366 366 2 2 0.7 # RFD-BarrierT type Shrubs 1row leafoff # # --CIRCULAR FIELD INFORMATION # Note: These fields are not used by the weps simulation. # The shape and radius values are used by the user # interface to approximate a rectangular field. They # are included here so the reports can display the # correct field shape. # # RFD-Shape circle # RFD-Radius 206.36 #---------- END OF SIMULATION RUN FILE ------------