define(`TOHW_m_dom_namespaceFixup', `'` ! Clear all current namespace nodes: nsnodes => getNamespaceNodes(this) do i = 1, getLength(nsNodes) call destroyNode(nsNodes%nodes(i)%this) enddo deallocate(nsNodes%nodes) parent => getParentNode(this) do while (associated(parent)) ! Go up (through perhaps multiple entref nodes) if (getNodeType(parent)==ELEMENT_NODE) exit parent => getParentNode(parent) enddo ! Inherit from parent (or not ...) if (associated(parent)) then nsNodesParent => getNamespaceNodes(parent) allocate(nsNodes%nodes(getLength(nsNodesParent))) nsNodes%length = getLength(nsNodesParent) do i = 0, getLength(nsNodes) - 1 ! separate variable for intel nsp => item(nsNodesParent, i) nsNodes%nodes(i+1)%this => & createNamespaceNode(getOwnerDocument(this), & getPrefix(nsp), getNamespaceURI(nsp), & specified=.false.) enddo else allocate(nsNodes%nodes(0)) nsNodes%length = 0 endif ! Now check for broken NS declarations, and add namespace ! nodes for all non-broken declarations attrs => getAttributes(this) do i = 0, getLength(attrs)-1 attr => item(attrs, i) if ((getLocalName(attr)=="xmlns" & .or.getPrefix(attr)=="xmlns") & .and.getNamespaceURI(attr)/="") then ! This can only I think happen if we bugger about with setPrefix ... TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) endif if (getNamespaceURI(attr)=="") then if (getLocalName(attr)=="xmlns") then call appendNSNode(this, "", getValue(attr), specified=.true.) else call appendNSNode(this, getLocalName(attr), & getValue(attr), specified=.true.) endif endif enddo if (getNamespaceURI(this)/="") then ! Is the nsURI of this node bound to its prefix? ! This will automatically do any necessary replacements ... if (getPrefix(this)=="") then if (.not.isDefaultNamespace(this, getNamespaceURI(this))) then ! We are dealing with the default prefix call setAttributeNS(this, "", & "xmlns", getNamespaceURI(this)) call appendNSNode(this, "", getNamespaceURI(this), specified=.true.) endif elseif (lookupNamespaceURI(this, getPrefix(this))/=getNamespaceURI(this)) then call setAttributeNS(this, "", & "xmlns:"//getPrefix(this), getNamespaceURI(this)) call appendNSNode(this, getPrefix(this), getNamespaceURI(this), specified=.true.) endif else ! No (or empty) namespace URI ... if (getLocalName(this)=="") then ! DOM level 1 node ... report error TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) else ! We must declare the elements prefix to have an empty nsURI if (lookupNamespaceURI(this, getPrefix(this))/="") then if (getPrefix(this)=="") then call setAttributeNS(this, "", & "xmlns", "") else call setAttributeNS(this, "", & "xmlns:"//getPrefix(this), "") endif ! and add a namespace node for the empty nsURI call appendNSNode(this, getPrefix(this), "", specified=.true.) endif endif endif do i = 0, getLength(attrs)-1 ! This loops over the number of attrs present initially, so any we ! add within this loop will not get checked - but they will only ! be namespace declarations about which we dont care anyway. attr => item(attrs, i) if (getNamespaceURI(attr)=="") then cycle ! We already worried about it above. elseif (getNamespaceURI(attr)=="") then cycle ! We dont have to declare these elseif (getNamespaceURI(attr)/="") then ! This is a namespaced attribute if (getPrefix(attr)=="" & .or. lookupNamespaceURI(this, getPrefix(attr))/=getNamespaceURI(attr)) then ! It has an inappropriate prefix if (lookupPrefix(this, getNamespaceURI(attr))/="") then ! then an appropriate prefix exists, use it. call setPrefix(attr, lookupPrefix(this, getNamespaceURI(attr))) ! FIXME should be "most local" prefix. Make sure lookupPrefix does that. else ! No suitable prefix exists, declare one. if (getPrefix(attr)/="") then ! Then the current prefix is not in use, its just undeclared. call setAttributeNS(this, "", & "xmlns:"//getPrefix(attr), getNamespaceURI(attr)) call appendNSNode(this, getPrefix(attr), getNamespaceURI(attr), specified=.true.) else ! This node has no prefix, but needs one. Make it up. nsIndex = 1 do while (lookupNamespaceURI(this, "NS"//nsIndex)/="") ! FIXME this will exit if the namespace is undeclared *or* if it is declared to be empty. nsIndex = nsIndex+1 enddo call setAttributeNS(this, "", & "xmlns:NS"//nsIndex, getNamespaceURI(attr)) ! and create namespace node call appendNSNode(this, "NS"//nsIndex, getNamespaceURI(attr), specified=.true.) call setPrefix(attr, "NS"//nsIndex) endif endif endif else ! attribute has no namespace URI if (getLocalName(this)=="") then ! DOM level 1 node ... report error TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(NAMESPACE_ERR) endif ! otherwise no problem endif enddo ')`'dnl TOHW_m_dom_publics(` public :: normalizeDocument public :: getNamespaceNodes public :: namespaceFixup ')`'dnl dnl TOHW_m_dom_contents(` TOHW_m_dom_get(NodeList, namespaceNodes, np%elExtras%namespaceNodes, (ELEMENT_NODE)) TOHW_subroutine(appendNSNode, (np, prefix, namespaceURI, specified)) type(Node), pointer :: np character(len=*), intent(in) :: prefix character(len=*), intent(in) :: namespaceURI logical, intent(in) :: specified type(Node), pointer :: ns type(NodeList), pointer :: nsnodes integer :: i logical :: quickFix if (.not.associated(np)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (np%nodeType /= ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif ! We never put namespace nodes in the hanging nodes ! list since they can never be separated from their ! parent element node, so will always be destroyed alongside it. quickFix = getGCState(getOwnerDocument(np)) call setGCState(getOwnerDocument(np), .false.) nsnodes => getNamespaceNodes(np) ! If we already have this prefix registered in the list, then remove it do i = 0, getLength(nsNodes)-1 ns => item(nsNodes, i) ! Intel 8.1 & 9.1 insist on separate variable here and just below if (getPrefix(ns)==prefix) then call setNamespaceURI(ns, namespaceURI) exit endif enddo if (i==getLength(nsNodes)) then ns => createNamespaceNode(getOwnerDocument(np), & prefix, namespaceURI, specified) call append_nl(nsNodes, ns) endif call setGCState(getOwnerDocument(np), quickFix) end subroutine appendNSNode TOHW_subroutine(normalizeDocument, (doc)) type(Node), pointer :: doc type(Node), pointer :: this, treeroot, dummy, new, old, nsp type(DOMConfiguration), pointer :: dc logical :: doneAttributes, doneChildren integer :: i_tree, i_children type(Node), pointer :: parent, attr type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: attrs type(NodeList), pointer :: nsNodes, nsNodesParent integer :: i, nsIndex logical :: merged, ns if (.not.associated(doc)) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_NODE_IS_NULL) endif if (getNodeType(doc)/=DOCUMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_throw_error(FoX_INVALID_NODE) endif dc => getDomConfig(doc) ns = getParameter(dc, "namespaces") treeroot => doc call setGCstate(doc, .false.) ! switch off the memory management, we are going ! to destroy all nodes we remove from the tree ! immediately. ! exception object is *not* passed through in any ! of the DOM calls below. This is because all of ! these should succeed - if they dont then there ! is a problem so we need to terminate immediately TOHW_m_dom_treewalk(` if (.not.getReadonly(this)) then select case (getNodeType(this)) case (ELEMENT_NODE) if (ns) then TOHW_m_dom_namespaceFixup endif case (ATTRIBUTE_NODE) if (getParameter(dc, "entities")) then ! we dont care about any attribute children, ! we arent going to do anything doneChildren = .true. endif case (TEXT_NODE) ! we may need to reset "this" later on ... old => getPreviousSibling(this) if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this) merged = .false. if (getIsElementContentWhitespace(this) & .and..not.getParameter(dc, "element-content-whitespace")) then dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this) call destroy(dummy) this => old merged = .true. endif if (.not.merged) then ! We didnt just remove this node. ! Do we need to normalize? dummy => getPreviousSibling(this) if (associated(dummy)) then if (getNodeType(dummy)==TEXT_NODE) then call appendData(dummy, getData(this)) parent => getParentNode(this) dummy => removeChild(parent, this) call destroy(dummy) this => old endif endif endif case (CDATA_SECTION_NODE) if (.not.getParameter(dc, "cdata-sections")) then ! we may need to reset "this" later on ... old => getPreviousSibling(this) if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this) merged = .false. dummy => getPreviousSibling(this) if (associated(dummy)) then if (getNodeType(dummy)==TEXT_NODE) then ! append the data to the previous node & chuck away this node call appendData(dummy, getData(this)) dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this) call destroy(dummy) this => old merged =.true. endif endif if (.not.merged) then ! we didnt merge it so just convert this to a text node new => createTextNode(doc, getData(this)) dummy => replaceChild(getParentNode(this), new, this) call destroy(dummy) this => new endif elseif (.not.getParameter(dc, "split-cdata-sections")) then ! Actually, on re-reading DOM 3, this is a ridiculous ! option. Ignoring for now. endif case (ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) if (.not.getParameter(dc, "entities")) then if (associated(getFirstChild(this))) then !If this node is not representing an unexpanded entity ! we will need to reset "this" later on ... old => getPreviousSibling(this) if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this) ! take each child, and insert it immediately before the current node do i_children = 0, getLength(getChildNodes(this))-1 dummy => insertBefore(getParentNode(this), getFirstChild(this), this) enddo ! and finally remove the current node dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this) call destroy(dummy) ! and set the "this" pointer back so we go over these again this => old endif endif case (COMMENT_NODE) if (.not.getParameter(dc, "comments")) then old => getPreviousSibling(this) if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this) dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this) call destroy(dummy) this => old endif case (DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) if (getParameter(dc, "canonical-form")) then old => getPreviousSibling(this) if (.not.associated(old)) old => getParentNode(this) dummy => removeChild(getParentNode(this), this) call destroy(this) this => old endif end select endif ', `') end subroutine normalizeDocument recursive TOHW_subroutine(namespaceFixup, (this, deep)) type(Node), pointer :: this logical, intent(in) :: deep type(Node), pointer :: parent, child, attr, nsp type(NamedNodeMap), pointer :: attrs type(NodeList), pointer :: nsNodes, nsNodesParent integer :: i, nsIndex if (getNodeType(this) /= ELEMENT_NODE & .and. getNodeType(this) /= ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE & .and. getNodeType(this)/=DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) then return endif if (this%nodeType==ELEMENT_NODE) then TOHW_m_dom_namespaceFixup endif if (deep) then ! And now call this on all appropriate children ... child => getFirstChild(this) do while (associated(child)) call namespaceFixup(child, .true.) child => getNextSibling(child) enddo endif end subroutine namespaceFixup ')`'dnl