!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ subroutine saxpar(sand,clay,orgmat,nsl,saxwp,saxfc,saxenp,saxpor, & & saxA,saxB,saxks) ! ! + + + PURPOSE + + + ! ! Estimate Saxton&Rawl equation parameters for a soil ! ! Called from: SR WINIT ! Author(s): Shuhui Dun, WSU ! Reference in User Guide: Saxton K.E. and Rawls W.J., 2006. ! Soil water characteristics estimates by texture and organic matter for hydraologic solution. ! Soil SCI. SOC. AM. J., 70, 1569--1578 ! ! Version: 2008. ! Date recoded: Febuary 19, 2008 ! Verified by: Joan Wu, WSU ! real, intent(in) :: sand(*),clay(*),orgmat(*) integer, intent(in) :: nsl real, intent(out) :: saxwp(*),saxfc(*),saxenp(*) real, intent(out) :: saxpor(*),saxA(*),saxB(*),saxks(*) ! Saxton K.E. and Rawls W.J., 2006. Soil water characteristics estimates ! by texture and organic matter for hydraologic solution. ! Soil SCI. SOC. AM. J., 70, 1569--1578 ! ! saxwp: 1500 kpa soil water content (wilting point) ! saxfc: 33 kpa soil water content (field capacity) ! saxpor: saturated water content ! saxenp: air entry pressure (kpa) ! saxA, saxB : moisture tension equition coefficients ! saxks: saturated hydraulic conductivity (m/s) ! ! ! + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + ! integer i real sw1500, sw33, sws33, s33, spaen ! ! + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + ! ! sw1500: first solution 1500 kpa soil moisture ! sw33: first solution 1500 kpa soil moisture ! sws33:first solution SAT-33 kpa soil moisture ! s33: moisture SAT-33 kpa, normal density ! spaen: first solution air entry tension, kpa ! ! + + + SAVES + + + ! ! + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + ! ! ! + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + ! ! + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + ! do 10 i = 1, nsl ! eqation 1 sw1500 = - 0.024*sand(i) & & + 0.487*clay(i) & & + 0.006*orgmat(i) & & + 0.005*sand(i)*orgmat(i) & & - 0.013*clay(i)*orgmat(i) & & + 0.068*sand(i)*clay(i) & & + 0.031 ! saxwp(i) = sw1500 + 0.14*sw1500 - 0.02 ! ! equation 2 sw33 = - 0.251*sand(i) & & + 0.195*clay(i) & & + 0.011*orgmat(i) & & + 0.006*sand(i)*orgmat(i) & & - 0.027*clay(i)*orgmat(i) & & + 0.452*sand(i)*clay(i) & & + 0.299 ! saxfc(i) = sw33 + 1.283*sw33**2 - 0.374*sw33 - 0.015 ! ! equation 3 sws33 = + 0.278*sand(i) & & + 0.034*clay(i) & & + 0.022*orgmat(i) & & - 0.018*sand(i)*orgmat(i) & & - 0.027*clay(i)*orgmat(i) & & - 0.584*sand(i)*clay(i) & & + 0.078 ! s33 = sws33 + 0.636*sws33 - 0.107 ! ! eqation 4 spaen = - 21.67*sand(i) & & - 27.93*clay(i) & & - 81.97*s33 & & + 71.12*sand(i)*s33 & & + 8.29*clay(i)*s33 & & + 14.05*sand(i)*clay(i) & & + 27.16 ! saxenp(i) = spaen + 0.02*spaen**2 - 0.113*spaen - 0.70 ! ! equation 5 saxpor(i) = saxfc(i) + s33 & & - 0.097*sand(i) + 0.043 ! ! eqation 14 and 15 saxB(i) = (log(1500.) - log(33.))/ & & (log(saxfc(i)) - log(saxwp(i))) saxA(i) = exp (log(33.) + & & saxB(i)*log(saxfc(i))) ! ! equation 16 ! The unit of the original saxton ans Rawls is mm/hr. ! The factor 1./3.6e+6 converts mm/hr to m/s saxks(i) = 1930.*(saxpor(i) - saxfc(i)) & & **(3. - 1./saxB(i))*1.0/3.6E+6 10 continue ! return end