!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ subroutine sedout(sumfile,irdgdx,dslost,avsole, & & npart,frac, & & dia,spg,slplen,fwidth,avgslp, & & y,totlen,years) use wepp_interface_defs implicit none ! ! + + + purpose + + + ! controls the printing of output. ! places detachment and deposition output data in column form. ! ! called from subroutine contin ! author(s): d. flanagan and j. ascough ! ! version: this module modified from wepp v2004.7 code ! date last modified: 4-1-2005 ! ! + + + parameter declarations + + + ! integer mxpart parameter (mxpart = 10) ! ! + + + argument declarations + + + ! integer, intent(in) :: npart, sumfile, years real, intent(in) :: irdgdx, dslost(100), avsole, & & frac(mxpart), & & dia(mxpart), spg(mxpart), & & slplen, & & fwidth, avgslp real, intent(in) :: y(101), totlen ! ! + + + argument definitions + + + ! ! npart - number of particle size classes ! irdgdx - interrill contribution to dg/dx) in (kg/m^2) ! dslost - net soil loss/gain at each point on hillslope for ! a storm event (time*dg/dx) - (kg/m**2) ! avsole - storm sediment loss (kg/m) ! enrato - enrichment ratio of specific surface area of sediment ! frac - fraction of each particle class at point of detachment ! dia - diameter of particle class (m) ! spg - specific gravity of particle class ! frcly - fraction of clay in a particle class ! frslt - fraction of silt in a particle class ! frsnd - fraction of sand in a particle class ! frorg - fraction of organic matter in a particle class ! frcflw - fraction of each particle type in flow ! slplen - slope length of an ofe (m) ! fwidth - field width (m) ! ! ! + + + local variables + + + ! ! integer iyear, isum, ievt, ifofe, noout integer iyear, noout, k integer i, j, jend, nelem1, nelem2, nelem3, m integer ncol1(10), ncol2(10), ncol3(10), ncol4(10), ncol11 integer ncol22, ncol33, ncol44, nfelem(1000) real ss1, ss2, ss3, x1, x2, x3, marea real dstot(1000), ysdist(1000), stdist(1000) real avedet,maxdet,ptdet,avedep,maxdep,ptdep ! ! + + + local definitions + + + ! ! iyear - flag that indicates getting average annual summaries ! through sedout ( set in contin or wshdrv) ! isum - flag to indicate if the information sent to sedout is ! supposed to write to summary files ! (0 - means no, 1 - means yes ) ! ievt - flag to indicate if the information sent to sedout is ! supposed to write to event line output ! summary files (0 - means no, 1 - means yes ) ! ifofe - flag to indicate if the information sent to sedout is ! supposed element line output (0 - no; 1 - yes) ! noout - flag indicating type of output desired ! 0 - event by event - no summary files ! 1 - event by event - summary files ! 2 - all other output - with summary or graphics ! i - counter variable ! j - counter variable ! jend - value of cumulative last point on hillslope number ! nelem1 - ! nelem2 - ! nelem3 - ! m - ! ncol1 - ! ncol2 - ! ncol3 - ! ncol4 - ! ncol11 - ! ncol22 - ! ncol33 - ! ncol44 - ! nfelem - number of cumulative points through ofes "j" units long ! m - ! x1 - soil loss at point in column one to print out ! ss1 - distance at point in column one to print out ! x2 - soil loss at point in column two to print out ! ss2 - distance at point in column two to print out ! x3 - soil loss at point in column three to print out ! ss3 - distance at point in column three to print out ! totlen - total length of the hillslope profile (m) ! ! + + + end specifications + + + ! character*7 units(13) ! data ncol1 /10 * 1/ data ncol2 /35, 68, 101, 135, 168, 201, 235, 268, 301, 335/ data ncol3 /69, 135, 201, 269, 335, 401, 469, 535, 601, 669/ data ncol4 /33, 67, 101, 133, 167, 201, 233, 267, 301, 333/ data nfelem /100 * 1, 100 * 2, 100 * 3, 100 * 4, 100 * 5, 100 * 6,& & 100 * 7, 100 * 8, 100 * 9, 100 * 10/ data units /' mm', ' kg/m2', ' in.', ' t/a', ' ft.',& & ' lbs/ft', ' lbs', ' kg/m', ' m', ' kg', & & ' t/ha', ' ha', ' acres'/ ! ! totlen = 0.0 ! do 10 i = 1, nplane ! totlen = totlen + slplen(i) ! 10 continue ! ! ! metric hillslope area marea = totlen * fwidth ! ! data units ! 1=mm ! 2=kg/m2 ! 3=in. ! 4=t/a ! 5=ft. ! 6=lbs/ft ! 7=lbs ! 8=kg/m ! 9=m ! !******************************************************************** ! ! for now - set imodel = 2 for single storm simulation. ! set for no event line output (ievt=0). ! set for no summary output (isum=0) ! set for single storm output (ioutpt=1) ! set for event by event output with no summary files (noout=0) ! set for no average annual summary (iyear = 0) ! set for single storm output (ioutss = 0) ! d. flanagan 9-29-2004 ! ! ! imodel = 2 ! ievt = 0 ! isum = 0 ! ioutpt = 1 noout = 0 iyear = 0 ! ioutss = 0 ! ! jun = 31 ! if(imodel.eq.2)jun = 32 ! jun = 32 ! ncol11 = ncol1(1) ncol22 = ncol2(1) ncol33 = ncol3(1) ncol44 = ncol4(1) jend = 100 write(sumfile,*) 'WEPS/WEPP Common Model' write(sumfile,*) 'October 28, 2008' write(sumfile,*) 'Results for ', years , ' year simulation.' write(sumfile,*) 'ANNUAL AVERAGE SUMMARIES' write(sumfile,*) '------------------------' ! write(sumfile,*) 'I. RAINFALL AND RUNOFF SUMMARY' ! write(sumfile,*) ' ---------------------------' ! write(sumfile,*) ' total summary: years 1 - ',years ! ! call sedseg(dslost,sumfile,iyear,noout,avedet,maxdet,ptdep, ! 1 ptdet,avedep,maxdep,ptmax,ptmin,dstot,stdist,irdgdx) ! call sedseg(dslost,sumfile,iyear,noout,dstot,stdist,irdgdx,ysdist,& ! & avgslp,slplen,y,avedet,maxdet,ptdet,avedep,maxdep,ptdep) ! ! write (sumfile,1100) ! write (sumfile,1200) ! write (sumfile,1300) ! write (sumfile,1400) ! write (sumfile,1500) ! m = ncol22 - 1 ! do 30 i = 1, m ! j = 0 ! do 20 k = 1, jend ! j = j + 1 if (k.eq.ncol11) then x1 = dstot(k) ss1 = stdist(k) nelem1 = nfelem(j) else if (k.eq.ncol22) then x2 = dstot(k) ss2 = stdist(k) nelem2 = nfelem(j) else if (k.eq.ncol33) then x3 = dstot(k) ss3 = stdist(k) nelem3 = nfelem(j) end if ! 20 continue ! if (i.lt.ncol44) then ! write (sumfile,1000) ss1, x1, nelem1, ss2, x2, nelem2, ss3, & ! & x3, nelem3 else ! write (sumfile,1005) ss1, x1, nelem1, ss2, x2, nelem2 end if ncol11 = ncol11 + 1 ncol22 = ncol22 + 1 ncol33 = ncol33 + 1 ! 30 continue ! ! write (sumfile,1600) ! ! write (sumfile,1700) ! ! write to the output file the sediment leaving the profile ! in kg/m, in kg/m^2, and in tonnes/ha. ! ! write (sumfile,1800) avsole ! write (sumfile,1900) avsole * fwidth, units(10), fwidth, units(9) ! write (sumfile,2000) (avsole*fwidth*0.001) / (marea*0.0001), & ! & units(11), marea / 10000.0, units(12) ! ! write (sumfile,2100) ! call enrprt(sumfile,npart,frac,frcflw,dia,spg, & ! & frsnd,frslt, frcly,frorg,enrato) 1000 format (3(f7.2,1x,f9.3,1x,i3,5x)) 1005 format (2(f7.2,1x,f9.3,1x,i3,5x)) 1100 format (///2x,'c. soil loss/deposition along slope profile',//,10& & x,'profile distances are from top to bottom of hillslope'//) 1200 format (1x,'distance',1x,'soil',2x,'flow',4x,'distance',3x,'soil',& & 2x,'flow',4x,'distance',3x,'soil',2x,'flow') 1300 format (4x,'(m)',3x,'loss',2x,'elem',7x,'(m)',5x,'loss',2x,'elem',& & 7x,'(m)',5x,'loss',2x,'elem') 1400 format (9x,'(kg/m2)',18x,'(kg/m2)',18x,'(kg/m2)') 1500 format (72('-'),/) 1600 format (/'note: (+) soil loss - detachment (-) soil loss', & & ' - deposition') 1700 format (///'iii. off site effects off site effects', & & ' off site effects',/,5x,(3(16('-'),2x))/) 1800 format (5x,'a. sediment leaving profile ',//,9x,f9.3,' kg/m'/) 1900 format (9x,f12.3,a,' (based on profile width of ',f9.3,a,')') 2000 format (9x,f12.3,a,' (assuming contributions from ',f9.3,a,')') 2100 format (//5x,'b. sediment characteristics and enrichment') ! end