!$Author$ !$Date$ !$Revision$ !$HeadURL$ subroutine trcoeff(trcoef,shrsol,sand,dia,spg,tcf1,npart,frac) use wepp_interface_defs implicit none ! !************************************************************ ! * ! this function is called from sr param to compute the * ! sediment transport coefficient for rill flow. it calls * ! sr yalin. * ! * !************************************************************ ! * ! argument * ! shrsol : flow shear stress * ! * !************************************************************ ! ! + + + parameter declarations + + + ! include 'wepp_erosion.inc' ! real, intent(in) :: sand(mxnsl), dia(mxpart), spg(mxpart), & & frac(mxpart),shrsol integer, intent(in) :: npart real, intent(out) :: trcoef real, intent(inout):: tcf1(mxpart) real tottc ! call yalin(shrsol,tottc,sand,dia,spg,tcf1,npart,frac) trcoef = tottc / shrsol ** 1.5 if (trcoef.eq.0.0) trcoef = 0.000000001 ! return end